12 research outputs found

    Allelopathic potential of ethanolic extract and its fractions from leaves of Geonoma schottiana Mart.

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    Geonoma schottiana Martius (Arecaceae) is an understory palm species widely distributed in Brazil. The objective of this work was to determine the allelopathic potential of Geonoma schottiana leaf extract and its fractions of different polarities and evaluate in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities. The germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa and Panicum maximum was tested using ethanolic leaf extract and its hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and butanol fractions. In vitro antioxidant tests were performed through the DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, and molybdenum tests, whereas the SOD, CAT, and POX enzymatic tests were used to evaluate in vivo antioxidant activity. Chemical analyses were performed through phytochemical screening of the main groups of secondary metabolites by thin-layer chromatography and quantification of the total contents of phenolics, tannins, and flavonoids. The hexane and butanol fractions had allelopathic effects on P. maximum and low activity on L. sativa. The ethyl acetate fraction presented higher antioxidant activity in the DPPH test, whereas butanol presented higher antioxidant activity in the ABTS test. The most active fractions in terms of allelopathic effect interfered with the increases in the production of SOD and POX enzymes. The most polar fractions had higher contents of phenolic compounds. All analyzed chemical groups were found in the phytochemical screening, except the anthracene group.Geonoma schottiana Martius (Arecaceae) is an understory palm species widely distributed in Brazil. The objective of this work was to determine the allelopathic potential of Geonoma schottiana leaf extract and its fractions of different polarities and evaluate in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities. The germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa and Panicum maximum was tested using ethanolic leaf extract and its hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and butanol fractions. In vitro antioxidant tests were performed through the DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, and molybdenum tests, whereas the SOD, CAT, and POX enzymatic tests were used to evaluate in vivo antioxidant activity. Chemical analyses were performed through phytochemical screening of the main groups of secondary metabolites by thin-layer chromatography and quantification of the total contents of phenolics, tannins, and flavonoids. The hexane and butanol fractions had allelopathic effects on P. maximum and low activity on L. sativa. The ethyl acetate fraction presented higher antioxidant activity in the DPPH test, whereas butanol presented higher antioxidant activity in the ABTS test. The most active fractions in terms of allelopathic effect interfered with the increases in the production of SOD and POX enzymes. The most polar fractions had higher contents of phenolic compounds. All analyzed chemical groups were found in the phytochemical screening, except the anthracene group

    A nanoemulsion of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil with allelopathic effect against Lactuca sativa L. seeds / Uma nanoemulsão a partir do óleo essencial de Rosmarinus officinalis L com efeito alelopático em sementes de Lactuca sativa L

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    Plant's essential oils have a wide range of allelopathic effects with potential uses as bioherbicides. In addition, the application of oils through nanoemulsions represents a promising alternative for agriculture, as it offers better performance and lowers toxic waste generation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the chemical constitution of Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) essential oil, as well as its effects on germination, initial growth, Catalase (CAT), Peroxidase (POX), and Superoxide-Dismutase (SOD) enzymes activity of Lactuca sativa seeds. Nanoemulsions were produced at 5% concentration and then diluted with distilled water to 5.0, 7.0, and 10.0 mg/mL. We compared data obtained using variance (ANOVA) analysis, followed by Tukey's test at 5% probability. Rosemary oil showed a wide variety of terpenoid compounds, mainly the 1,8-cineol monoterpene, which accounted for 46% of the sample. The oil showed a dose-dependent negative allelopathic influence on all variables analyzed, causing a drop in germination percentage (%G), germination speed index (GVI), mean germination time (MTG), and leaf and root length. There was no change in CAT and SOD activity. The POX activity showed a reduction starting at the concentration of 7.0 mg/mL. The results showed allelopathic effects of rosemary oil, with potential use as a natural bioherbicide

    Piper nigrum allelopathy on the germination and initial growth of Lactuca sativa and Panicum maximum

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    The increased demand for food promotes greater use of agricultural inputs and pesticides used in pest control. Many of these products have negative environmental and public health impacts. Thus, there is a need for alternative products, with allelopathic capacity that reduce such impacts. The objective of this work was to verify the allelopathic potential of Piper nigrum L. extracts on the germination and initial growth of Panicum maximum Jacq. and Lactuca sativa seeds. The experimental design used was completely randomized, using two plant organs (leaf and seed), three extractors (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) and five concentrations (0 mg/L, 200 mg/L, 400 mg/L, 600 mg/L and 800 mg/L). It was verified the influence of these extracts on germination speed index (IVG), germination percentage (G), mean germination time (TMG), allelopathy index (IA), shoot growth (CPA) and in the root growth (CR) of seeds and seedlings. The leaf and seed extracts, at all concentrations and extractors tested, did not show phytotoxicity or had a very small inhibitory effect on germination and initial growth of Lactuca sativa. For Panicum maximum, ethyl acetate and methanol seed extracts, at the highest concentrations tested, had the most significant negative effects on the weed. Thus, it was possible to infer that extracts from Piper nigrum seeds have potential use in the control of the weed Panicum maximum.The increased demand for food promotes greater use of agricultural inputs and pesticides used in pest control. Many of these products have negative environmental and public health impacts. Thus, there is a need for alternative products, with allelopathic capacity that reduce such impacts. The objective of this work was to verify the allelopathic potential of Piper nigrum L. extracts on the germination and initial growth of Panicum maximum Jacq. and Lactuca sativa seeds. The experimental design used was completely randomized, using two plant organs (leaf and seed), three extractors (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) and five concentrations (0 mg/L, 200 mg/L, 400 mg/L, 600 mg/L and 800 mg/L). It was verified the influence of these extracts on germination speed index (IVG), germination percentage (G), mean germination time (TMG), allelopathy index (IA), shoot growth (CPA) and in the root growth (CR) of seeds and seedlings. The leaf and seed extracts, at all concentrations and extractors tested, did not show phytotoxicity or had a very small inhibitory effect on germination and initial growth of Lactuca sativa. For Panicum maximum, ethyl acetate and methanol seed extracts, at the highest concentrations tested, had the most significant negative effects on the weed. Thus, it was possible to infer that extracts from Piper nigrum seeds have potential use in the control of the weed Panicum maximum

    O uso do orçamento como instrumento de gestão à formulação de estratégia e controle: Um estudo de caso em empresa do setor agroindustrial da paraíba

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    Assim como em qualquer outro ramo de negócio empresarial, as organizações do agronegócio precisam buscar mecanismos de controle gerencial para atender a complexidade de suas demandas. Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a influência do instrumento orçamentário no processo gerencial de formulação de estratégias e controle das atividades em empresas do setor do agronegócio brasileiro. A pesquisa se aplica através de um estudo de caso em empresa de médio porte do agronegócio do Estado da Paraíba. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de questionário estruturado aplicado a profissionais especializados da empresa estudada, atuantes na área de elaboração e execução do orçamento. Os dados foram tratados a partir da estatística descritiva e os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que o orçamento constitui-se um instrumento de auxílio na formulação da estratégia empresarial do negócio, mas possui limitações em relação ao controle organizacional, demonstrando que os gestores se mostram descrentes quanto sua eficácia.Palavras-chave: Orçamento. Ferramenta Estratégica. Controle

    Venous drainage from the tail of the pancreas to the lienal vein and its relationship with the distal splenorenal shunt selectivity Drenagem venosa da cauda do pâncreas para a veia lienal e sua relação com a seletividade da anastomose esplenorrenal

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    PURPOSE: To identify the veins draining from the pancreatic tail to the lienal vein and its possible relationship with the loss of the distal splenorenal shunt selectivity. METHODS: Thirty eight human blocks including stomach, duodenum, spleen, colon and pancreas, removed from fresh corpses, were studied with the replenish and corrosion technique, using vinilic resin and posterior corrosion of the organic tissue with commercial hydrochloric acid, in order to study the lienal vein and its tributaries. RESULTS: The number of veins flowing directly to the splenic vein varied from seven to twenty two (14.52 ± 3.53). Pancreatic branches of the pancreatic tail flowing to the segmentary veins of the spleen were found in 25 of the anatomical pieces studied (65.79%). These branches varied from one to four, predominating one branch (60%) and two branches (24%). CONCLUSIONS: In 65.79% of the anatomical pieces studied, the veins of the pancreatic tail flowed in segmentary branches of the splenic vein. These branches could be responsible for the loss of distal splenorenal shunt selectivity. The complete disconnection of the pancreatic tail could increase the selectivity in this procedure.<br>OBJETIVO: Identificar as veias da cauda do pâncreas afluentes da veia lienal e a possível relação destes ramos com a perda de seletividade da derivação esplenorrenal distal. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 38 peças humanas, retiradas de cadáveres, contendo estômago, duodeno, baço, cólon e pâncreas, utilizando-se a técnica de repleção vascular com resina vinílica e posterior corrosão do tecido orgânico com o objetivo de se estudar o molde vascular da veia lienal e seus afluentes. RESULTADOS: O número de veias afluindo diretamente para a veia esplênica variou de sete a vinte dois (MA 14.52±3.53). Ramos pancreáticos da cauda do pâncreas afluindo para as veias segmentares do baço estavam presentes em 25 das peças estudadas (65,79%). Estes ramos variaram de um a quatro, predominando um ramo (60%) e dois ramos (24%). CONCLUSÕES: Em 65,79% das peças veias da cauda do pâncreas desembocavam em ramos segmentares da veia esplênica. Estes ramos poderiam ser responsáveis pela perda de seletividade da derivação esplenorrenal distal e a esqueletização completa da cauda do pâncreas poderia aumentar a seletividade neste procedimento

    In Vitro Antiophidian Mechanisms of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy Standardized Extract: Quercetin-Dependent Neuroprotection

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    The neuroprotection induced by Hypericum brasiliense Choisy extract (HBE) and its main active polyphenol compound quercetin, against Crotalus durissus terrificus (Cdt) venom and crotoxin and crotamine, was enquired at both central and peripheral mammal nervous system. Cdt venom (10 μg/mL) or crotoxin (1 μg/mL) incubated at mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation (PND) induced an irreversible and complete neuromuscular blockade, respectively. Crotamine (1 μg/mL) only induced an increase of muscle strength at PND preparations. At mouse brain slices, Cdt venom (1, 5, and 10 μg/mL) decreased cell viability. HBE (100 μg/mL) inhibited significantly the facilitatory action of crotamine (1 μg/mL) and was partially active against the neuromuscular blockade of crotoxin (1 μg/mL) (data not shown). Quercetin (10 μg/mL) mimicked the neuromuscular protection of HBE (100 μg/mL), by inhibiting almost completely the neurotoxic effect induced by crotoxin (1 μg/mL) and crotamine (1 μg/mL). HBE (100 μg/mL) and quercetin (10 μg/mL) also increased cell viability in mice brain slices. Quercetin (10 μg/mL) was more effective than HBE (100 μg/mL) in counteracting the cell lysis induced by Cdt venom (1 and 10 μg/mL, resp.). These results and a further phytochemical and toxicological investigations could open new perspectives towards therapeutic use of Hypericum brasiliense standardized extract and quercetin, especially to counteract the neurotoxic effect induced by snake neurotoxic venoms

    Preservative spleen surgery and hyperbaric oxygen therapy Cirurgia conservadora do baço e oxigenoterapia hiperbárica

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    PURPOSE: To assess functional and morphological aspects of spleen auto-implants and of the splenic inferior pole of rats, post-operatively treated or not with hyperbaric oxygen, as well as the survival of these animals, were studied. METHODS: Seventy-eight male Wistar rats, weighing between 192 and 283 g ( 238,3 &plusmn; 9,6g), were randomly distributed into three groups: Group1-(n=20), spleen manipulation; group 2-(n=36), spleen auto-implantation; group3-(n= 22), subtotal splenectomy preserving the inferior pole. Each group was subdivided as follows: subgroup a, not submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy: 1a(n=10), 2a(n=21), 3a(n= 13); subgroup b, submitted to the therapy: 1b(n=10), 2b(n=15), 3b(n=9). Blood was collected pre-operatively and 11 days after surgery, for the estimation of lipids and immunoglobulins and the counting of platelets and Howell-Jolly corpuscles. The spleen and remains were taken for histological study. RESULTS: The number of surviving animals was significantly higher in groups 1(p<0,01) and 3(p<0,05) relative to those of subgroup 2a. Total cholesterol and the LDL fraction increased significantly in subgroup 2a (p<0,01) and 3a (p<0,05), and remained unaltered in subgroups 2b e 3b. IgM decreased more significantly in subgroup 2 than in subgroup 3 (p<0,001 vs p<0,01). The increase of platelet numbers and the appearance of Howell Jolly corpuscles was smaller in subgroup 2b compared to subgroup 2a , and in group 3 compared to group aqui-> 2. The macro and microscopic appearance in subgroup 2b were more viable than in subgroup 2a, and that of group 3 more viable than in group 2. The survival of the animals carrying their whole spleen or its inferior pole was more frequent than that of the auto-implanted animals. CONCLUSION: Functionality and viability of the whole spleen or of its inferior pole, were better than in the auto-implanted animals. Hyperbaric oxygentherapy contributed to increased survival frequency of auto -implanted animals, and to improve the functionality and viability of the auto-implants and the function of the inferior splenic pole, and did not interfere in animals carrying their whole spleen.<br>OBJETIVO: Estudar aspectos funcionais e morfológicos dos auto-implantes esplênicos e do pólo inferior do baço de ratos, tratados ou não com oxigênio hiperbárico no pós-operatório, e a sobrevida desses animais. MÉTODOS: Foram operados 78 ratos, machos, Wistar, pesando entre 192 g e 283 g ( M.A 238,3 &plusmn; 9,6) , distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos : 1-(n=20) , manipulação do baço; 2-(n=36), auto-implante esplênico; 3(n= 22), esplenectomia subtotal com preservação do pólo inferior. Cada grupo foi dividido em dois subgrupos: a- não submetido à oxigenoterapia hiperbárica: 1a(n=10), 2a(n=21), 3a(n= 13); b- submetido: 1b(n=10), 2b(n=15), 3b(n=9). O sangue foi colhido para dosagem dos lípides e imunoglobulinas e contagem das plaquetas e dos corpúsculos de Howell-Jolly no pré-operatório e 11 dias após a cirurgia. O baço e os remanescentes foram retirados para estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: O número de animais sobreviventes foi significantemente maior nos grupos 1(p<0,01) e 3(p<0,05) em relação ao subgrupo 2a. O colesterol total e a fração LDL aumentaram significantemente nos subgrupos 2a (p<0,01) e 3a(p<0,05), e não alteraram nos subgrupos 2b e 3b. A IgM caiu mais significantemente no grupo 2 que no 3. O aumento do número de plaquetas e o aparecimento dos corpúsculos de Howell Jolly foi menor no subgrupo 2b que no 2a, no grupo 3 que no grupo 2. O aspecto macro e microscópico no subgrupo 2b foi mais viável que no subgrupo 2a, e o do grupo 3 mais viável que no grupo 2. A sobrevida dos animais com todo o baço ou com o pólo inferior foi mais freqüente que a dos animais com auto-implantes. CONCLUSÕES: A função e a viabilidade de todo o baço ou do pólo inferior foram melhores que a dos auto-implantes. A oxigenoterapia hiperbárica contribuiu para aumentar a freqüência de sobrevida dos animais com auto-implantes, para melhorar a função e a viabilidade dos auto-implantes e a função do pólo inferior, e não interferiu nos animais com baço íntegro

    <i>Cereus jamacaru</i> D.C. Hydroalcoholic Extract Promotes Anti-Cytotoxic and Antitumor Activity

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    Cereus jamacaru D.C. (mandacaru) is a cactus used as food and in the traditional medicine. In the present study, hydroalcoholic extract of C. jamacaru was evaluated for its chemical composition, antioxidant activity, cytotoxic and anti-cytotoxic effects in human lymphocytes and sarcoma 180 cells in vitro by MTT assay and antitumoral, mutagenic and cytotoxic effects on mice sarcoma-induced in vivo. Phytochemical characterization showed positive reactions for coumarin, flavanol and tyramine and total flavonoid content of 0.51 &#181;g/mL. C. jamacaru showed antioxidant activity following DPPH (EC50 = 427.74 &#181;g/mL), ABTS (EC50 = 270.57 &#181;g/mL) and Fe2+ chelating ions assays (EC50 = 41.18 &#181;g/mL). C. jamacaru induced significant decrease of sarcoma 180 viability at 24 h and 48 h of treatment, did not induce cytotoxicity in human lymphocytes and inhibits the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in vitro. Following in vivo assays, C. jamacaru promoted tumor reduction (86.07% of tumor inhibition), without inducing mutagenic or cytotoxic damage on mice blood cells. We propose that phenolic and alkaloid compounds in the extract are related to antioxidant activity, increasing its ability in metal chelating activity and promoting anti-cytotoxic activity against cisplatin, as well as these compounds may act on the cell cycle of the tumor cells in vitro and in vivo, leading to anticancer effects and tumor reduction

    Simultaneous extraction and obtention of a novel nano-dispersion from Mikania glomerata Spreng: Monitoring coumarin content and increasing the biological and industrial potential of a classical cultivated herb

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    Guaco is a traditional medicinal plant that was not previously object of studies within this area, despite its great commercial importance and crop production. To our knowledge, few efforts were carried out for a method that simultaneously extract plant material and generate nano-dispersions. Extraction of leaves with surfactant aqueous solutions allowed obtention of nano-dispersions with mean droplet size and polydispersity index below 300 nm and 0.3, respectively. Zeta potential was around – 30 mV. Chemical analysis indicated that guaco chemical marker (coumarin) was extracted. Guaco nano-dispersion was considered effective against cytotoxic effects induced by cyclophosphamide and significantly reduced micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes frequency. Moreover, it presented improved bioactivity, when compared to guaco ethanolic extract obtained by classical method. Considering the several advantages of simultaneous extraction/nanoformulation methodology, including reducing costs and quickness of nano-dispersion preparation, the present study successfully used a simple, low-energy method and ecofriendly approach. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.Authors would like to thank CNPQ (Rede Amazônica de Pesquisa em Biofármacos – 407768/2013-0) and FAPEAP (Prodetec Araguari – process nº 250.203.035/2013) for the financial support, INCAPER (Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural) for the plant material and FAPES (Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Espírito Santo) for the pos-graduate grant of the mastering student (first author).Peer reviewe