4,295 research outputs found

    Comparison of Two Bulk Energy Approaches for the Phasefield Modeling of Two-variant Martensitic Laminate Microstructure

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    The unusual thermomechanical properties of shape memory alloys are closely connected to the formation and evolution of their microstructure. At lower temperatures, shape memory alloys typically consists of martensitic laminates with coherent twin boundaries. We propose a large strain phasefield model for the formation and dissipative evolution of such two-variant martensitic twinned laminate microstructures. Our model accounts for the coherence-dependence of the interface energy density and contains a Ginzburg-Landau type evolution equation. We introduce two conceptually different modeling approaches for the regularized bulk energy, i.e. external and internal mixing. We construct a suitable gradient-extended incremental variational framework for the proposed formulation and discretize it by use of finte elements. Finally, we demonstrate the modeling capabilities of our formulation by means of two-dimensional finite element simulations of laminate formation in two-phasic martensitic CuAlNi and compare the energetic modeling properties of the two proposed bulk energy approaches

    The Venus Balloon Project

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    On June 11 and 15, 1985, two instrumental balloons were released from the Soviet VEGA 1 and VEGA 2 spacecraft and deployed in the atmosphere of Venus. The VEGA probes flew by the planet on their way to a rendezvous with comet Halley in March 1986. Drifting with the wind at altitudes of 54 km, the balloons traveled one-third of the way around the planet during their 46-hour lifetimes. Sensors on-board the gondolas made periodic measurements of pressure, temperature, vertical wind velocity, cloud particle density, ambient light level, and frequency of lightning. The data were transmitted to Earth and received at the Deep Space Network (DSN) 64-m stations and at several large antennas in the USSR. Approximately 95 percent of the telemetry data were successfully decoded at the DSN complexes and in the Soviet Union, and were provided to the international science team for analysis. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data were acquired by 20 radio observatories around the world for the purpose of monitoring the Venus winds. The DSN 64-m subnet was part of a 15-station VLBI network organized by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) of France. In addition, five antennas of the Soviet network participated. VLBI data from the CNES network are currently being processed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    Magnetic Fields and Infall Motions in NGC 1333 IRAS 4

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    We present single-dish 350 micron dust continuum polarimetry as well as HCN and HCO+ J=4-3 rotational emission spectra obtained on NGC 1333 IRAS 4. The polarimetry indicates a uniform field morphology over a 20" radius from the peak continuum flux of IRAS 4A, in agreement with models of magnetically supported cloud collapse. The field morphology around IRAS 4B appears to be quite distinct however, with indications of depolarization observed towards the peak flux of this source. Inverse P-Cygni profiles are observed in the HCN J=4-3 line spectra towards IRAS 4A, providing a clear indication of infall gas motions. Taken together, the evidence gathered here appears to support the scenario that IRAS 4A is a cloud core in a critical state of support against gravitational collapse.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Viking navigation

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    A comprehensive description of the navigation of the Viking spacecraft throughout their flight from Earth launch to Mars landing is given. The flight path design, actual inflight control, and postflight reconstruction are discussed in detail. The preflight analyses upon which the operational strategies and performance predictions were based are discussed. The inflight results are then discussed and compared with the preflight predictions and, finally, the results of any postflight analyses are presented

    A Millimeter-Wave Galactic Plane Survey With The BICEP Polarimeter

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    In addition to its potential to probe the Inflationary cosmological paradigm, millimeter-wave polarimetry is a powerful tool for studying the Milky Way galaxy's composition and magnetic field structure. Towards this end, presented here are Stokes I, Q, and U maps of the Galactic plane from the millimeter-wave polarimeter BICEP covering the Galactic longitude range 260 - 340 degrees in three atmospheric transmission windows centered on 100, 150, and 220 GHz. The maps sample an optical depth 1 < AV < 30, and are consistent with previous characterizations of the Galactic millimeter-wave frequency spectrum and the large-scale magnetic field structure permeating the interstellar medium. Polarized emission is detected over the entire region within two degrees of the Galactic plane and indicates that the large-scale magnetic field is oriented parallel to the plane of the Galaxy. An observed trend of decreasing polarization fraction with increasing total intensity rules out the simplest model of a constant Galactic magnetic field throughout the Galaxy. Including WMAP data in the analysis, the degree-scale frequency spectrum of Galactic polarization fraction is plotted between 23 and 220 GHz for the first time. A generally increasing trend of polarization fraction with electromagnetic frequency is found, which varies from 0.5%-1.5%at frequencies below 50 GHz to 2.5%-3.5%above 90 GHz. The BICEP and WMAP data are fit to a two-component (synchrotron and dust) model showing that the higher frequency BICEP data are necessary to tightly constrain the amplitude and spectral index of Galactic dust. Furthermore, the dust amplitude predicted by this two-component fit is consistent with model predictions of dust emission in the BICEP bands

    Elementary Quantum Mechanics in a Space-time Lattice

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    Studies of quantum fields and gravity suggest the existence of a minimal length, such as Planck length \cite{Floratos,Kempf}. It is natural to ask how the existence of a minimal length may modify the results in elementary quantum mechanics (QM) problems familiar to us \cite{Gasiorowicz}. In this paper we address a simple problem from elementary non-relativistic quantum mechanics, called "particle in a box", where the usual continuum (1+1)-space-time is supplanted by a space-time lattice. Our lattice consists of a grid of λ0×τ0\lambda_0 \times \tau_0 rectangles, where λ0\lambda_0, the lattice parameter, is a fundamental length (say Planck length) and, we take τ0\tau_0 to be equal to λ0/c\lambda_0/c. The corresponding Schrodinger equation becomes a difference equation, the solution of which yields the qq-eigenfunctions and qq-eigenvalues of the energy operator as a function of λ0\lambda_0 . The qq-eigenfunctions form an orthonormal set and both qq-eigenfunctions and qq-eigenvalues reduce to continuum solutions as λ0→0. \lambda_0 \rightarrow 0 . The corrections to eigenvalues because of the assumed lattice is shown to be O(λ02).O(\lambda_0^2). We then compute the uncertainties in position and momentum, Δx,Δp\Delta x, \Delta p for the box problem and study the consequent modification of Heisenberg uncertainty relation due to the assumption of space-time lattice, in contrast to modifications suggested by other investigations such as \cite{Floratos}

    Statistical Assessment of Shapes and Magnetic Field Orientations in Molecular Clouds through Polarization Observations

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    We present a novel statistical analysis aimed at deriving the intrinsic shapes and magnetic field orientations of molecular clouds using dust emission and polarization observations by the Hertz polarimeter. Our observables are the aspect ratio of the projected plane-of-the-sky cloud image, and the angle between the mean direction of the plane-of-the-sky component of the magnetic field and the short axis of the cloud image. To overcome projection effects due to the unknown orientation of the line-of-sight, we combine observations from 24 clouds, assuming that line-of-sight orientations are random and all are equally probable. Through a weighted least-squares analysis, we find that the best-fit intrinsic cloud shape describing our sample is an oblate disk with only small degrees of triaxiality. The best-fit intrinsic magnetic field orientation is close to the direction of the shortest cloud axis, with small (~24 deg) deviations toward the long/middle cloud axes. However, due to the small number of observed clouds, the power of our analysis to reject alternative configurations is limited.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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