166 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and Local Emergency Management Operations

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, local (county and municipal) emergency management departments in the United States were thrust to the forefront in addressing the needs of its citizenry. Doing so likely involved the use of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) principles and planning efforts to address the pandemic. This paper outlines how respondents to a May/June 2020 survey of lead local emergency management department professionals nationwide used a variety of tools to address the evolving demands of the pandemic. The results suggest that a majority of local departments report having preparation and response means designed to address a pandemic in place prior to the outbreak of COVID- 19, but the use of specific efforts to confront the virus varied from place to place, as do attitudes regarding the impact of the pandemic on the daily operations of the local emergency management agency

    Underwater radiated noise levels of a research icebreaker in the central Arctic Ocean

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    U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy\u27s underwater radiated noise signature was characterized in the central Arctic Ocean during different types of ice-breaking operations. Propulsion modes included transit in variable ice cover, breaking heavy ice with backing-and-ramming maneuvers, and dynamic positioning with the bow thruster in operation. Compared to open-water transit, Healy\u27s noise signature increased approximately 10 dB between 20 Hz and 2 kHz when breaking ice. The highest noise levels resulted while the ship was engaged in backing-and-ramming maneuvers, owing to cavitation when operating the propellers astern or in opposing directions. In frequency bands centered near 10, 50, and 100 Hz, source levels reached 190–200 dB re: 1 μPa at 1 m (full octave band) during ice-breaking operations

    Acoustic behavior of melon-headed whales varies on a diel cycle.

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    Many terrestrial and marine species have a diel activity pattern, and their acoustic signaling follows their current behavioral state. Whistles and echolocation clicks on long-term recordings produced by melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) at Palmyra Atoll indicated that these signals were used selectively during different phases of the day, strengthening the idea of nighttime foraging and daytime resting with afternoon socializing for this species. Spectral features of their echolocation clicks changed from day to night, shifting the median center frequency up. Additionally, click received levels increased with increasing ambient noise during both day and night. Ambient noise over a wide frequency band was on average higher at night. The diel adjustment of click features might be a reaction to acoustic masking caused by these nighttime sounds. Similar adaptations have been documented for numerous taxa in response to noise. Or it could be, unrelated, an increase in biosonar source levels and with it a shift in center frequency to enhance detection distances during foraging at night. Call modifications in intensity, directionality, frequency, and duration according to echolocation task are well established for bats. This finding indicates that melon-headed whales have flexibility in their acoustic behavior, and they collectively and repeatedly adapt their signals from day- to nighttime circumstances

    Long-term acoustic monitoring at North Sea well site 22/4b

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    Highlights • First study using long-term passive acoustic monitoring of methane seeps at well blowout site 22/4b. • Seep acoustic temporal variations correlated with ocean tides. • Major acoustic transient event recorded on 8 December 2011 with high temporal resolution. Abstract Marine seeps produce underwater sounds as a result of bubble formation and fragmentation upon emission from the seabed. The frequency content and sound levels of these emissions are related to bubble size distribution and emission flux, providing important information on methane release from the seafloor. Long-term passive acoustic monitoring was used to continuously record seep sounds over a 7-month period within the blowout crater at the abandoned well site, 22/4b, in the central North Sea. Also recorded were water column fluid velocities and near-seafloor water conductivity, temperature, and pressure. Acoustic signatures were primarily from ∼1 to 10 kHz. Key features were relatively broad spectral peaks at about 1.0, 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 3.6 and 5.1 kHz. Temporal variations in spectral levels were apparently associated with tides. The recordings also documented a series of major episodic events including a large and persistent increase (∼10 dB) in overall sound levels and spectral broadening on 8 December 2011. The acoustic temporal pattern of this event was consistent with other recorded large transient events in the literature, and the major event was correlated with dramatic changes in other measurements, including increased water column fluid velocities, increased pressure and decreased salinity, indicating real changes in emission flux. Observed seabed morphology changes reported elsewhere in this special issue, also likely were related to this event. These data demonstrate the dynamic nature of marine seepage systems, show the value of monitoring systems, and provide direct supporting evidence for a violent formation mechanism of many widespread seep-associated seabed features like pockmarks

    Spatio-temporal patterns of beaked whale echolocation signals in the North Pacific.

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    At least ten species of beaked whales inhabit the North Pacific, but little is known about their abundance, ecology, and behavior, as they are elusive and difficult to distinguish visually at sea. Six of these species produce known species-specific frequency modulated (FM) echolocation pulses: Baird's, Blainville's, Cuvier's, Deraniyagala's, Longman's, and Stejneger's beaked whales. Additionally, one described FM pulse (BWC) from Cross Seamount, Hawai'i, and three unknown FM pulse types (BW40, BW43, BW70) have been identified from almost 11 cumulative years of autonomous recordings at 24 sites throughout the North Pacific. Most sites had a dominant FM pulse type with other types being either absent or limited. There was not a strong seasonal influence on the occurrence of these signals at any site, but longer time series may reveal smaller, consistent fluctuations. Only the species producing BWC signals, detected throughout the Pacific Islands region, consistently showed a diel cycle with nocturnal foraging. By comparing stranding and sighting information with acoustic findings, we hypothesize that BWC signals are produced by ginkgo-toothed beaked whales. BW43 signal encounters were restricted to Southern California and may be produced by Perrin's beaked whale, known only from Californian waters. BW70 signals were detected in the southern Gulf of California, which is prime habitat for Pygmy beaked whales. Hubb's beaked whale may have produced the BW40 signals encountered off central and southern California; however, these signals were also recorded off Pearl and Hermes Reef and Wake Atoll, which are well south of their known range

    The Masses of the Orion Proplyds from Submillimeter Dust Emission

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    We have imaged the 880 micron continuum emission from the "proplyds" in the center of the Trapezium Cluster in Orion using the Submillimeter Array with a beam size 1.5'' FWHM and an rms of 2.7 mJy. Five sources are detected with fluxes in the range 18 to 38 mJy, which includes dust emission from four proplyds and ionized gas from theta1 Ori G. The total masses of the detected proplyds derived from their dust emission range from 0.013 to 0.024 Msun assuming a dust temperature of 20 K and mass opacity of 0.03 cm^2/g. The eighteen other proplyds within the field-of-view were not formally detected individually, but by combining the fluxes measured at their locations, an average flux of 1.1mJy was determined for them on a statistical basis, corresponding to a mass of 8e-4 Msun. The four detected proplyds have sufficient disk mass bound to their central stars to form planetary systems on the scale of our Solar System.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Blue Whales Respond to Anthropogenic Noise

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    Anthropogenic noise may significantly impact exposed marine mammals. This work studied the vocalization response of endangered blue whales to anthropogenic noise sources in the mid-frequency range using passive acoustic monitoring in the Southern California Bight. Blue whales were less likely to produce calls when mid-frequency active sonar was present. This reduction was more pronounced when the sonar source was closer to the animal, at higher sound levels. The animals were equally likely to stop calling at any time of day, showing no diel pattern in their sensitivity to sonar. Conversely, the likelihood of whales emitting calls increased when ship sounds were nearby. Whales did not show a differential response to ship noise as a function of the time of the day either. These results demonstrate that anthropogenic noise, even at frequencies well above the blue whales' sound production range, has a strong probability of eliciting changes in vocal behavior. The long-term implications of disruption in call production to blue whale foraging and other behaviors are currently not well understood

    The Length Distribution of Class I-Restricted T Cell Epitopes Is Determined by Both Peptide Supply and MHC Allele-Specific Binding Preference

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    HLA class I-binding predictions are widely used to identify candidate peptide targets of human CD8+ T cell responses. Many such approaches focus exclusively on a limited range of peptide lengths, typically 9 aa and sometimes 9-10 aa, despite multiple examples of dominant epitopes of other lengths. In this study, we examined whether epitope predictions can be improved by incorporating the natural length distribution of HLA class I ligands. We found that, although different HLA alleles have diverse length-binding preferences, the length profiles of ligands that are naturally presented by these alleles are much more homogeneous. We hypothesized that this is due to a defined length profile of peptides available for HLA binding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Based on this, we created a model of HLA allele-specific ligand length profiles and demonstrate how this model, in combination with HLA-binding predictions, greatly improves comprehensive identification of CD8+ T cell epitopes.Fil: Trolle, Thomas. Technical University of Denmark; DinamarcaFil: McMurtrey, Curtis. Oklahoma State University; Estados UnidosFil: Sidney, John. La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Estados UnidosFil: Bardet, Wilfried. Oklahoma State University; Estados UnidosFil: Osborn, Sean C.. Oklahoma State University; Estados UnidosFil: Kaever, Thomas. La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Estados UnidosFil: Sette, Alessandro. La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Estados UnidosFil: Hildebrand, Willliam H.. Oklahoma State University; Estados UnidosFil: Nielsen, Morten. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas ; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Peters, Bjoern. La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Estados Unido

    Management of acoustic metadata for bioacoustics

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    Recent expansion in the capabilities of passive acoustic monitoring of sound-producing animals is providing expansive data sets in many locations. These long-termdata sets will allowthe investigation of questions related to the ecology of sound-producing animals on time scales ranging fromdiel and seasonal to inter-annual and decadal. Analyses of these data often span multiple analysts from various research groups over several years of effort and, as a consequence, have begun to generate large amounts of scattered acoustic metadata. It has therefore become imperative to standardize the types of metadata being generated. A critical aspect of being able to learn from such large and varied acoustic data sets is providing consistent and transparent access that can enable the integration of various analysis efforts. This is juxtaposed with the need to include new information for specific research questions that evolve over time. Hence, a method is proposed for organizing acoustic metadata that addresses many of the problems associated with the retention of metadata from large passive acoustic data sets. A structure was developed for organizing acoustic metadata in a consistent manner, specifying required and optional terms to describe acoustic information derived from a recording. A client-server database was created to implement this data representation as a networked data service that can be accessed from several programming languages. Support for data import froma wide variety of sources such as spreadsheets and databases is provided. The implementation was extended to access Internet-available data products, permitting access to a variety of environmental information types (e.g. sea surface temperature, sunrise/sunset, etc.) fromawide range of sources as if they were part of the data service. This metadata service is in use at several institutions and has been used to track and analyze millions of acoustic detections from marine mammals, fish, elephants, and anthropogenic sound sources.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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