28 research outputs found

    Development and Evolution of the Spider Silk Producing System

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    The spider silk producing system comprises a complex set of different gland types ending in specialized appendages called spinnerets. Using these organs, all spiders produce different types of silk that they employ for a wide range of tasks, which is a unique trait in the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, the evolutionary origin of the silk producing system is currently poorly understood. Available hypotheses proposed that the different components of the system are homologous to particular other spider organs. If this is true, then it is likely that conserved features, such as parts of the genetic program that regulates their development, are shared between different elements of the silk producing system and their postulated homologs. Examining the morphological and molecular basis of silk gland and spinneret development could therefore provide evidence for their evolutionary origin. The goals of this thesis thus were to describe the embryonic and post-embryonic development of the silk glands and spinnerets in our model species Cupiennius salei, to localize the position of the primordia of the silk glands and to investigate the genetic patterning of the developing spinneret limb buds. In order to facilitate these goals, the late embryonic and early post-embryonic staging system of C. salei was reassessed and modified. The silk glands of the first free foraging stage were described in detail and were found to be already remarkably similar to the adult glands, including a system that allows for the production of silk during molting. It was confirmed that the silk glands first appear inside the spinnerets, supporting their supposed epidermal origin. Detailed investigation of the epidermis of the spinneret limb buds showed invaginations that possibly are the earliest morphological indications of the primordia of the silk glands, and provide a lead to investigating which molecular factors are involved in their early developmental origin. Finally, the study of expression patterns of leg patterning genes in the spinneret limb buds provided a way of comparing these structures with other spider appendages. Taken together, this thesis provides a solid basis for further research to shed more light on the evolution of the spider silk producing system

    The embryonic development of the central American wandering spider <it>Cupiennius salei</it>

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The spider <it>Cupiennius salei </it>(Keyserling 1877) has become an important study organism in evolutionary and developmental biology. However, the available staging system for its embryonic development is difficult to apply to modern studies, with strong bias towards the earliest developmental stages. Furthermore, important embryonic events are poorly understood. We address these problems, providing a new description of the embryonic development of <it>C. salei</it>. The paper also discusses various observations that will improve our understanding of spider development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Conspicuous developmental events were used to define numbered stages 1 to 21. Stages 1 to 9 follow the existing staging system for the spider <it>Achaearanea tepidariorum</it>, and stages 10 to 21 provide a high-resolution description of later development. Live-embryo imaging shows cell movements during the earliest formation of embryonic tissue in <it>C. salei</it>. The imaging procedure also elucidates the encircling border between the cell-dense embryo hemisphere and the hemisphere with much lower cell density (a structure termed 'equator' in earlier studies). This border results from subsurface migration of primordial mesendodermal cells from their invagination site at the blastopore. Furthermore, our detailed successive sequence shows: 1) early differentiation of the precheliceral neuroectoderm; 2) the morphogenetic process of inversion and 3) initial invaginations of the opisthosomal epithelium for the respiratory system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our improved staging system of development in <it>C. salei </it>development should be of considerable value to future comparative studies of animal development. A dense germ disc is not evident during development in <it>C. salei</it>, but we show that the gastrulation process is similar to that in spider species that do have a dense germ disc. In the opisthosoma, the order of appearance of precursor epithelial invaginations provides evidence for the non-homology of the tracheal and book lung respiratory systems.</p

    Evolution of epithelial morphogenesis : phenotypic integration across multiple levels of biological organization

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    Morphogenesis involves the dynamic reorganization of cell and tissue shapes to create the three-dimensional body. Intriguingly, different species have evolved different morphogenetic processes to achieve the same general outcomes during embryonic development. How are meaningful comparisons between species made, and where do the differences lie? In this Perspective, we argue that examining the evolution of embryonic morphogenesis requires the simultaneous consideration of different levels of biological organization: (1) genes, (2) cells, (3) tissues, and (4) the entire egg, or other gestational context. To illustrate the importance of integrating these levels, we use the extraembryonic epithelia of insects—a lineage-specific innovation and evolutionary hotspot—as an exemplary case study. We discuss how recent functional data, primarily from RNAi experiments targeting the Hox3/Zen and U-shaped group transcription factors, provide insights into developmental processes at all four levels. Comparisons of these data from several species both challenge and inform our understanding of homology, in assessing how the process of epithelial morphogenesis has itself evolved

    Pervasive microRNA Duplication in Chelicerates:Insights from the Embryonic microRNA Repertoire of the Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

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    MicroRNAs are small (~22 nucleotide) noncoding RNAs that repress translation and therefore regulate the production of proteins from specific target mRNAs. microRNAs have been found to function in diverse aspects of gene regulation within animal development and many other processes. Among invertebrates, both conserved and novel, lineage specific, microRNAs have been extensively studied predominantly in holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster. However little is known about microRNA repertoires in other arthropod lineages such as the chelicerates. To understand the evolution of microRNAs in this poorly sampled subphylum, we characterized the microRNA repertoire expressed during embryogenesis of the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. We identified a total of 148 microRNAs in P. tepidariorum representing 66 families. Approximately half of these microRNA families are conserved in other metazoans, while the remainder are specific to this spider. Of the 35 conserved microRNAs families 15 had at least two copies in the P. tepidariorum genome. A BLAST based approach revealed a similar pattern of duplication in other spiders and a scorpion, but not among other chelicerates and arthropods, with the exception of a horseshoe crab. Among the duplicated microRNAs we found examples of lineage specific tandem duplications, and the duplication of entire microRNA clusters in three spiders, a scorpion, and in a horseshoe crab. Furthermore, we found that paralogs of many P. tepidariorum microRNA families exhibit arm switching, which suggests that duplication was often followed by sub- or neofunctionalization. Our work shows that understanding the evolution of microRNAs in the chelicerates has great potential to provide insights into the process of microRNA duplication and divergence and the evolution of animal development

    The Wnt and Delta-Notch signalling pathways interact to direct pair-rule gene expression via caudal during segment addition in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

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    In short-germ arthropods, posterior segments are added sequentially from a segment addition zone (SAZ) during embryogenesis. Studies in spiders such as Parasteatoda tepidariorum have provided insights into the gene regulatory network (GRN) underlying segment addition, and revealed that Wnt8 is required for dynamic Delta (Dl) expression associated with the formation of new segments. However, it remains unclear how these pathways interact during SAZ formation and segment addition. Here, we show that Delta-Notch signalling is required for Wnt8 expression in posterior SAZ cells, but represses the expression of this Wnt gene in anterior SAZ cells. We also found that these two signalling pathways are required for the expression of the spider orthologues of even-skipped (eve) and runt-1 (run-1), at least in part via caudal (cad). Moreover, it appears that dynamic expression of eve in this spider does not require a feedback loop with run-1, as is found in the pair-rule circuit of the beetle Tribolium. Taken together, our results suggest that the development of posterior segments in Parasteatoda is directed by dynamic interactions between Wnt8 and Delta-Notch signalling that are read out by cad, which is necessary but probably not sufficient to regulate the expression of eve and run-1. Our study therefore provides new insights towards better understanding the evolution and developmental regulation of segmentation in other arthropods, including insects

    Data from: Evolution of eye morphology and rhodopsin expression in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup

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    A striking diversity of compound eye size and shape has evolved among insects. The number of ommatidia and their size are major determinants of the visual sensitivity and acuity of the compound eye. Each ommatidium is composed of eight photoreceptor cells that facilitate the discrimination of different colours via the expression of various light sensitive Rhodopsin proteins. It follows that variation in eye size, shape, and opsin composition is likely to directly influence vision. We analyzed variation in these three traits in D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. mauritiana. We show that D. mauritiana generally has larger eyes than its sibling species, which is due to a combination of larger ommatidia and more ommatidia. In addition, intra- and inter-specific differences in eye size among D. simulans and D. melanogaster strains are mainly caused by variation in ommatidia number. By applying a geometric morphometrics approach to assess whether the formation of larger eyes influences other parts of the head capsule, we found that an increase in eye size is associated with a reduction in the adjacent face cuticle. Our shape analysis also demonstrates that D. mauritiana eyes are specifically enlarged in the dorsal region. Intriguingly, this dorsal enlargement is associated with enhanced expression of rhodopsin 3 in D. mauritiana. In summary, our data suggests that the morphology and functional properties of the compound eyes vary considerably within and among these closely related Drosophila species and may be part of coordinated morphological changes affecting the head capsule