229 research outputs found

    The status of teachers in during the Franco Gipuzkoa

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    El escaso prestigio que tuvo la profesión del Magisterio en la provincia de Gipuzkoa entre los años 1936-1975 es una realidad que queremos dar a conocer a través de este trabajo. Antes de llegar a la etapa elegida, los años en los que el General Franco estuvo en el poder, nos situaremos en los orígenes del sistema educativo del Estado español, a comienzos del siglo XIX y haremos un breve recorrido hasta llegar a la fecha señalada, para que alcanzado el año 1936 nos centremos en la provincia de Gipuzkoa y abordemos su situación general basándonos en tres aspectos, el demográfico, el económico y el cultural, analizando también lo ocurrido con las construcciones escolares y el euskera o lengua vasca. A continuación nos referiremos al Magisterio guipuzcoano, el cual, además de presentar una radiografía similar a la de otras provincias, en el caso de este territorio la dificultad era mayor ya que el alumnado y el profesorado desconocían respectivamente la lengua originaria del otro. En este análisis del Magisterio guipuzcoano también tendremos la oportunidad de observar el proceso de feminización que se produce tras la guerra civil, así como las condiciones laborales de sus integrantes.The Civil War had consequences not only on the political, economical and social fields in the province of Gipuzkoa, but also in culture, and concretely, in the teaching world. Although it is true that the entire Spanish educational system was affected by the irruption of the new regime and its new teaching patterns, the National Catholitism, it is also true that, in the province of Gipuzkoa, there existed particular conditions. These conditions made Teaching in this province to be different from the one developed in other territories in Spain. Among these conditions there was the problem derived by the use of the Basque language, a different language from the one spoken by teachers. This was due to the fact that there was an immigration process of teachers from neighbouring provinces surrounding the Basque Country. In addition, there was also a trend in which teaching became a feminine profession. Furthermore, the economical working conditions due to the particular characteristics of the province, made it difficult for teachers to live with dignity

    El magisterio guipuzcoano durante el franquismo

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    [Resumen] La profesión del Magisterio en la provincia de Gipuzkoa en la etapa franquista, esto es, desde el año 1936 hasta 1975, viene caracterizada por numerosos problemas de todo tipo, desde aspectos meramente económicos hasta otros de más difícil solución. En este artículo pretendemos hacer un breve repaso a esas difíciles situaciones por las que le tocó atravesar al Magisterio de nuestra provincia en la etapa ya citada, incidiendo en algunos aspectos como por ejemplo los salarios de los maestros, el problema de la vivienda, lo ele- vado de la edad de la mayoría de quienes ejercían esta profesión en las aulas de la Enseñanza Primaria Oficial, el alto número de años que llevaban desempeñando la misma, así como los orígenes y sexo de los integrantes de las diferentes categorías del profesorado que existieron entonces, sin olvidar uno de los principales problemas con los que se encon- traron los maestros y maestras procedentes de otras latitudes del Estado: el idioma.[Abstract] It is considered that in Franco´s dictatorship teaching profession was mainly integra- ted by women from outside of the Basque Country. They were not born from Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Nafarroa. After studying and analysing the characteristics of the teaching profes- sion in that period, we have reached the conclussion that, in fact, the vast majority of teachers in the Primary Public School werw women. It is also true that there was a huge arrival of foreingn teachers.They could not understand or speak Basque and for that reason they werw called “make- to”. Having said that, we would also like to underline that in Gipuzkoa there were many teachers from the Basque Country, mainly fron Nafarroa. However, few of them kenw the Basque langua- ge. On the contrary many students werw not able to understand or speak others languages apart from Basque. Consequently, there was a huge confrontation between teachers and students

    El caso del colegio "San Martín" de Donostia

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    Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horasEl alumnado deberá realizar un informe sobre la incorporación de la mujer al sistema educativo español desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días. En el informe deberán recogerse los momentos históricos más significativos, así como la legislación que permitió, o denegó, la presencia de la mujer en el mundo de la enseñanza y las condiciones en las que lo hizo. Una vez elaborado el informe, el grupo de trabajo deberá defender públicamente su posición a favor de la coeducación, la educación mixta o la educación segregada

    El proyecto de las escuelas de barriada y su desarrollo (1919-1938). Una epopeya en la historia de la educación de Bizkaia

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    Review of the book Maite Paliza Munduate, El proyecto de las escuelas de barriada y su desarrollo (1919-1938). Una epopeya en la historia de la educación de Bizkaia.Reseña del libro de Maite Paliza Munduate, El proyecto de las escuelas de barriada y su desarrollo (1919-1938). Una epopeya en la historia de la educación de Bizkaia

    Irakasleen egoera Gipuzkoan Francoren garaian

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    I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ecología Reproductiva, Reclutamiento y Pesquerías

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    12 páginas, 1 tabla, 1 figuraPeer reviewe

    An analytical assessment of NAFO roughhead grenadier Subareas 2 and 3 stock.

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    Catch and research survey data from 1992-2005 on the roughhead grenadier stock in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 are fitted to the eXtended Survivors Analysis (XSA) model. The model results indicated that the stock biomass has been increasing from 1996 to 2005. The biomass estimated for the beginning of 2005 was around 70.000 tonnes, the highest in the time series. Fishing mortality has declined since 1999 and showed the lowest value in the time series in 2005. Over the last few years, there have been two years with very good recruitment at age 3, which may increase the exploitable biomass in the future. The assessment results showed that the current roughhead grenadier Subarea 2 and 3 stock status is healthy. While the analysis indicated that there was a clear retrospective pattern in the model estimates (i.e., fishing mortality being underestimated and total biomass overestimated), the sensitivity analysis showed that the results were robust to the model set up. Although the short time series available, in addition to the wide age composition of this species, the low fishing mortality level estimate by XSA and the lack of convergence in the retrospective analyses, the results showed that the XSA model adequately fitted the data and that the XSA estimated trends are similar to those observed by research surveys. Therefore, it could be concluded that this assessment model may be an appropriate tool to be used in the quantitative assessment of the roughhead grenadier stock in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3

    Sancho el Sabio.

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    Assessment of Roughhead Grenadier, Macrourus berglax, in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3

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    According the autumn Canadian survey (2J+3K) and the Spanish 3NO survey, the roughhead grenadier total biomass indices would indicate a general increasing trend from 1995 onwards. The catch / biomass (C/B) indexes obtained using the Canadian autumn survey and the Spanish 3NO biomass index in the period 1995-2004 show a clear decrease trend from 1995 to 2004, due to an increasing trend in the survey biomass and a decreased of catches. The Z estimate from the catch curve based upon commercial catch at age data (1992-2004) was 0.355 for ages 8 to 20, the value estimate from the catch curve of the UE Flemish Cap survey (1994-2004) was 0.511 for the same ages and 0.394 for the catch curve of the Spanish 3NO survey data (1997-2004). The Separable VPA (Pope and Shepherd, 1982) stock assessment model was fitted to the stock data, years 1993 to 2004 and ages 3 to 20, for the roughhead grenadier Subarea 2 and 3. The model seems to fit adequately the data. The results of the Separable VPA were used to start a traditional VPA. The mean fishing mortality for ages 8 to 20 in the period 1993-2004 was 0.259 and is similar than those calculated by the catch curves with the catch matrix data (0.255) and with the Spanish 3NO survey data (0.294) for the same ages. Moreover the trend of F bar (8-14) of the VPA is similar to the catch/survey biomass ratio for the Canadian Autumn survey (2J3K) and the Spanish 3NO survey. However the VPA biomass trend is total different from the biomass trend of the Canadian Autumn (2J3K) and Spanish 3NO surveys, in the last years the biomass of the surveys show a great increase and the VPA biomass is stable at the lowest levels of the series. Recruits at age 3 have the same problem, survey show in 2004 the biggest recruitment of the series while VPA show for 2004 a normal recruitment

    A Review on Roughhead Grenadier (Macrourus berglax) Biology and Population Structure on Flemish Cap (NAFO Division 3M) 1991-2005 Based Upon EU Flemish Cap Bottom Survey Data

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    The European Union has conducted since 1988 an annual bottom trawl survey in Flemish Cap (NAFO Division 3M) in the 200-720 m depth range. The information on roughhead grenadier population structure recorded during the last 14 EU surveys (1991-2005) in Flemish Cap is presented. Depth distribution of captures, length/age distribution of captures, growth rates, sex-ratios, catch curves, and abundance/biomass estimated by the swept area method are present ed. In general, the biomass index increased from low levels to a peak of about 3 000 tons in 1993, then decreased in 1994 and remained around 1 500 and 2 000 tons till 2002. It increased again in 2003 to reach the peak of 3 575 tons in 2004. The biomass index in 2005 was 2 387 tons. Age and length composition of the catches showed clear differences between the two sexes. The importance of males in the capture declines in larger fish, disappearing from the capture in largest length classes. Results show that roughhead grenadier has a prolonged li fe cycle and multiaged population structure with differences in growth and mortality between males and females