25 research outputs found

    Planar Finger-Shaped Antenna used in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Systems

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    Recently, extensive requirements have developed for ultra-wideband (UWB) technology that provides high activity and small size for use in small communication systems, remote sensing, and radar applications. Thus, we concentrated with high-resolution radar UWB antenna to cover Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) standard UWB range (3.1-10.6 GHz). The proposed ideal-size and low-cost finger-shaped patch antenna of 24 mm x 19 mm printed on 40 mm x 35 mm rectangular Taconic TLY-5 material was designed and established through experiments and simulations. Results show that the two cut notches of 1.5 mm x 2 mm at the bottom corners of the patch can increase the bandwidth. To increase the radiation area and achieve more resonance frequencies, two cut slots at the top edge of the patch were designed in depth of 10 mm. Four parameters were considered in the analysis of the proposed antenna design, namely the feeder width, number of slots, number of notches, and feed gap space. The simulated and measured results of the main antenna parameters make the design suitable in applications of UWB wireless systems

    Multi-Channel Configuration for improving received signal strength in non-line-of-sight environments of indoor visible light communication localization

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    In modern engineering technologies, energy conservation is a factor of primary concern. A feature of Light-emitting diode (LED) light sources is the ability to transmit information in addition to illumination at no additional cost. VLC (Visible Light Communication) is gaining an upper hand over the traditional RF data communication model, as it utilizes a technology by which light can be used to transmit data. It is commonly seen that dealing with non-line of sight (NLOS) is a major challenge for VLC systems as the light intensity is reflected in a variety of directions. To overcome this drawback, a new technique based on multichannel configuration is utilized to enhance the overall system performance. An indoor VLC model is designed and simulated on the basis of the eye-diagram, bit error rate, and received power of the proposed model. We also investigated the model under the influence of ambient light noise. The corresponding results are compared with the conventional NLOS system and an inference made shows the significant improvement for the next-generation optical communication system


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    The intent of this paper is to study the performance of spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) systems using Vector Combinatorial (VC) code under various optical parameters. This code can be constructed by an algebraic way based on Euclidian vectors for any positive integer number. One of the important properties of this code is that the maximum cross-correlation is always one which means that multi-user interference (MUI) and phase induced intensity noise are reduced. Transmitter and receiver structures based on unchirped fiber Bragg grating (FBGs) using VC code and taking into account effects of the intensity, shot and thermal noise sources is demonstrated. The impact of the fiber distance effects on bit error rate (BER) is reported using a commercial optical systems simulator, virtual photonic instrument, VPITM. The VC code is compared mathematically with reported codes which use similar techniques. We analyzed and characterized the fiber link, received power, BER and channel spacing. The performance and optimization of VC code in SAC-OCDMA system is reported. By comparing the theoretical and simulation results taken from VPITM, we have demonstrated that, for a high number of users, even if data rate is higher, the effective power source is adequate when the VC is used. Also it is found that as the channel spacing width goes from very narrow to wider, the BER decreases, best performance occurs at a spacing bandwidth between 0.8 and 1 nm. We have shown that the SAC system utilizing VC code significantly improves the performance compared with the reported codes

    Selective mode excitation in SCM-OCDMA

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    A six-channel 2.4GHz subcarrier multiplexing - optical code division multiple access (SCM-OCDMA) system in conjunction with the selective excitation of LP01 and LP02 modes is presented for a multimode fiber Local Area Network. Simulation results demonstrate that mode selectivity increases the bandwidth-distance product and improves the BER performance of the channel

    Enhanced probability density function using APD in SAC-OCDMA systems based SPD technique

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    This paper examines the avalanche photodiode (APD) gain impact on spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access (SAC-OCDMA) systems based single photodiode detection (SPD) technique. Numerical results are used for inspecting the APD gain influence upon the probability density function (PDF) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance. The usage of APD over positive-intrinsic-negative (PIN) photodiode accommodates more users with improved PDF and higher SNR

    Triple-play services using different detection techniques for SAC-OCDMA systems

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    The development of many high bit-rate multimedia applications has emphasized the demand for service differentiation or prioritization techniques to ensure end-user quality-of-service (QoS) necessities. This paper focuses on utilizing different detection schemes in spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access (SAC-OCDMA) systems to support 'triple-play' services (voice, video, and data) with diverse QoS requirements. The used subtraction detection techniques are complementary, AND, as well as modified-AND.Modified double-weight (MDW) codes are used as the signature codes for SAC-OCDMA systems.The simulation results show that modified-AND subtraction detection demonstrates better performance over other detection approaches


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    Pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Garuntungan, Kabupaten Bulukumba, yang fokus pada sosialisasi pemasaran dan pengemasan produk porang, memiliki peran yang sangat relevan dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan potensi ekonomi porang di komunitas tersebut. Porang adalah komoditas pertanian yang memiliki potensi ekonomi tinggi, namun kurang dimanfaatkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan akses pasar. Hasil observasi dan umpan balik dari peserta pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa mereka mengapresiasi kontribusi dari para pakar dalam bidang tersebut yang memberikan wawasan mendalam, menciptakan pelatihan yang sangat informatif dan relevan bagi mereka. Selama pelatihan, peserta mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang proses pengemasan porang dan strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Sebelumnya, kurangnya pengetahuan dan praktik yang higienis dalam pengemasan produk porang menjadi kendala dalam meningkatkan kualitas produk. Namun, melalui pelatihan ini, peserta semakin termotivasi untuk mencapai tahap produksi tepung porang yang berkualitas. Dengan demikian, inisiatif ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman dan motivasi peserta terkait industri porang. Dalam diskusi yang dilakukan selama pelatihan, strategi pemasaran dan target pasar yang diincar dibahas secara rinci. Hal ini membantu peserta mengidentifikasi peluang pasar baru untuk porang dan merencanakan rantai pasokan yang lebih efisien. Selain itu, pemahaman akan pentingnya faktor kemasan juga ditekankan, karena pengemasan adalah kunci dalam penentuan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk porang


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    Porang merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat tumbuh dengan baik di bawah naungan tanaman kayu atau pepohonan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa budidaya porang sangat cocok menggunakan sistem agroforestri. Namun, di Desa Garuntungan, budidaya porang yang diterapkan masih menggunakan Teknik konvensional sehingga dapat menyebabkan efek yang merugikan, seperti erosi tanah, degradasi tanah, degradasi lahan, kerentanan yang lebih tinggi terhadap hama atau penyakit tertentu, dan bahkan efek yang merugikan seperti risiko tinggi kehilangan hasil panen karena faktor-faktor seperti cuaca buruk. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sosialisasi dan pelatihan untuk memperkenalkan budidaya porang berbasis agroforestri. Sosialisasi dan pelatihan ini juga dilaksanakan sebagai langkah awal untuk mewujudkan pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan teknik budidaya porang berbasis agroforestri bisa dikatakan berhasil. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari pemaparan materi dari para narasumber yang sangat menarik dan mudah dipahami. Selain itu, keberhasilan dari kegiatan ini terlihat dari antusiasme yang tinggi dari warga Desa Garuntungan dalam menanggapi materi yang dipaparkan oleh narasumber

    Pulse Sign Separation Technique for the Received Bits in Wireless Ultra-Wideband Combination Approach

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    When receiving high data rate in ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, many users have experienced multiple-user interference and intersymbol interference in the multipath reception technique. Structures have been proposed for implementing rake receivers to enhance their capabilities by reducing the bit error probability (Pe), thereby providing better performances by indoor and outdoor multipath receivers. As a result, several rake structures have been proposed in the past to reduce the number of resolvable paths that must be estimated and combined. To achieve this aim, we suggest two maximal ratio combiners based on the pulse sign separation technique, such as the pulse sign separation selective combiner (PSS-SC) and the pulse sign separation partial combiner (PSS-PC) to reduce complexity with fewer fingers and to improve the system performance. In the combiners, a comparator was added to compare the positive quantity of positive pulses and negative quantities of negative pulses to decide whether the transmitted bit was 1 or 0. The Pe was driven by simulation for multipath environments for impulse radio time-hopping binary phase shift keying (TH-BPSK) modulation, and the results were compared with those of conventional selective combiners (C-SCs) and conventional partial combiners (C-PCs)