69 research outputs found

    A Unifying Framework for Finite Wordlength Realizations.

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    A general framework for the analysis of the finite wordlength (FWL) effects of linear time-invariant digital filter implementations is proposed. By means of a special implicit system description, all realization forms can be described. An algebraic characterization of the equivalent classes is provided, which enables a search for realizations that minimize the FWL effects to be made. Two suitable FWL coefficient sensitivity measures are proposed for use within the framework, these being a transfer function sensitivity measure and a pole sensitivity measure. An illustrative example is presented

    Dr Geo II: Adding Interactivity Planes in Interactive Dynamic Geometry

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    International audienceInteractive geometry environments support the creation and exploitation of interactive geometric sketches. However, such environments are often driven in a rigid manner, following a well specified construction path. This rigidity is not always compatible with: i. the internal cognitive representation of the learner about the geometric domain and ii. the way a geometric sketch is used in a paper-pen environment. This rigidity is therefore a source of internal tension for the learner and it can reduce the pedagogical added value of the interactive geometry environments. We think additional interactive planes to manipulate a geometric sketch differently can help the learner. We have developed DR. GEO II, an interactive geometry framework that is able to receive additional interactive planes such as a free sketching and a command-based one. We have experimented it in a junior high school class and we report here our first results

    Low Parametric Sensitivity Realizations with relaxed L2-dynamic-range-scaling constraints

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    This paper presents a new dynamic-range scaling for the implementation of filters/controllers in state-space form. Relaxing the classical L2-scaling constraints by specific fixed-point considerations allows for a higher degree of freedom for the optimal L2-parametric sensitivity problem. However, overflows in the implementation are still prevented. The underlying constrained problem is converted into an unconstrained problem for which a solution can be provided. This leads to realizations which are still scaled but less sensitive

    Finite Wordlength Controller Realizations using the Specialized Implicit Form

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    Une forme d'état implicite spécialisée est présentée pour étudier les effets de l'implantation en précision finie des régulateurs. Cette forme permet une description macroscopique des algorithmes à implanter. Elle constitue un canevas unificateur permettant de décrire les différentes structures utilisées pour l'implantation, telles que les réalisations avec l'opérateur delta, la forme directe II en rho, la forme d'état-observateur et bien d'autres formes qui sont d'habitude traitées séparément dans la littérature. Différentes mesures quantifiant les effets de l'implantation sur le comportement en boucle fermée sont définis dans ce contexte. Elles concernent aussi bien la stabilité que la performance. L'écart entre la réalisation à précision infinie et la réalisation à précision finie est évaluée selon la mesure de sensibilité des coefficients et la mesure du bruit de quantification. Le problÚme consistant à trouver une réalisation dont l'implantation amÚne un minimum de dégradation peut alors est résolut numériquement. Cette approche est illustrée avec deux exemples

    Guidage macroscopique de l'apprentissage

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    National audienceLes EIAH sont souvent spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans un domaine bien prĂ©cis. Cela leur permet d'of- frir des modĂ©lisations fines du domaine et de l'apprenant. L'analyse alors produite Ă  partir des traces est didactiquement trĂšs fine et spĂ©cifique au domaine en question. Elle permet de guider l'apprenant en cas de difficultĂ© et de lui proposer des activitĂ©s de soutien. Cependant cette ana- lyse est Ă©troitement liĂ©e aux domaines didactiques, et diffĂ©rente d'un domaine Ă  un autre. Face Ă  la diversitĂ© des domaines enseignĂ©s, comment proposer un modĂšle tenant compte de cette multitude et permettant une analyse de l'activitĂ© de l'Ă©lĂšve et son guidage ? Nous proposons une analyse de l'activitĂ© de l'Ă©lĂšve hors du champ didactique pour un guidage que nous nommons macroscopique, par opposition Ă  une analyse didactique fine. Le guidage proposĂ© est gĂ©nĂ©rique mais paramĂ©trĂ© par un rĂ©seau notionnel afin d'ĂȘtre transposable Ă  diffĂ©- rents domaines d'enseignement. Notre approche s'appuie sur les rĂ©seaux notionnels, les Ă©tayages pĂ©dagogiques, les traces d'ob- jets et l'infĂ©rence sur celles-ci. Leur utilisation conjointe permet la description du domaine, la modĂ©lisation de l'apprenant et son pilotage par l'EIAH. Nous prĂ©sentons cette approche dans iSTOA.net

    De l'importance des plans d'interaction dans la géométrie interactive

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    International audienceInteractive geometry environments support creation and exploitation of geometric sketches. However, such environments are often driven in a rigid manner, following a well specified construction path. This rigidity is not always compatible with the internal cognitive representation of the learner about the geometric domain. This rigidity is therefore a source of internal tension for the learner and it can reduce the pedagogical added value of these environments. We think addi- tional interactive planes to manipulate a geometric sketch differently can help the learner. We have developed an interactive geometry framework that is able to receive additional interactive planes such as a free sketching and a command-based one. We have experimented it in a junior high school class and we report here our results.Les environnements de gĂ©omĂ©trie interactive permettent crĂ©ations et explorations de figures gĂ©omĂ©triques. Ceux-ci imposent cependant Ă  l'apprenant un formalisme fort lors de la construction d'une figure. Cette rigiditĂ© n'est pas toujours compatible avec la reprĂ©sentation cognitive de l'ap- prenant du domaine d'apprentissage. Elle est donc source de tensions internes chez celui-ci et peut rĂ©duire la portĂ©e pĂ©dagogique de ces environnements. Nous pensons que des plans d'interaction supplĂ©mentaires pour manipuler diffĂ©remment une mĂȘme figure gĂ©omĂ©trique peuvent aider l'appre- nant. Nous avons ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ© un framework de gĂ©omĂ©trie interactive permettant l'ajout de tels plans puis nous avons expĂ©rimentĂ© son utilisation dans une classe de 3e

    iSTOA: Artefacts for mathematical interactive learning exercises

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    International audienceIn primary schools, mathematics teachers use support tools to introduce new concepts. The objective of these tools is to reinforce a mental representation of the newly introduced concept. Tools can be physical objects or paper-pen based. We call these tools artefacts. In computer assisted environments, such artefacts are not always clearly present, those environments focus on the nature of the exercises (drills, quiz). To realise environments in closer relation to classroom teaching, we propose to analyse and categorise such artefacts: we used pedagogical literature and we extracted artefacts used in teaching multiplication. We present our infrastructure and a list of artefacts in the multiplication realm

    On the compact formulation of the derivation of a transfer matrix with respect to another matrix

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    A new operator is considered, allowing compact formulae and proofs in the context of the derivation of a transfer matrix with respect to another matrix. The problem of the parametric sensitivity matrix calculation is chosen for illustration. It consists in deriving a Multiple Input Multiple Output transfer function with respect to a parametric matrix and is central in robust control theory. Efficient algorithms may be straightforwardly got from the compact analytic formulae using the operator introduced

    On the compact formulation of the derivation of a transfer matrix with respect to another matrix

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    A new operator is considered, allowing compact formulae and proofs in the context of the derivation of a transfer matrix with respect to another matrix. The problem of the parametric sensitivity matrix calculation is chosen for illustration. It consists in deriving a Multiple Input Multiple Output transfer function with respect to a parametric matrix and is central in robust control theory. Efficient algorithms may be straightforwardly got from the compact analytic formulae using the operator introduced

    Dr Geo II: Adding Interactivity Planes in Interactive Dynamic Geometry

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    International audienceInteractive geometry environments support the creation and exploitation of interactive geometric sketches. However, such environments are often driven in a rigid manner, following a well specified construction path. This rigidity is not always compatible with: i. the internal cognitive representation of the learner about the geometric domain and ii. the way a geometric sketch is used in a paper-pen environment. This rigidity is therefore a source of internal tension for the learner and it can reduce the pedagogical added value of the interactive geometry environments. We think additional interactive planes to manipulate a geometric sketch differently can help the learner. We have developed DR. GEO II, an interactive geometry framework that is able to receive additional interactive planes such as a free sketching and a command-based one. We have experimented it in a junior high school class and we report here our first results
