29 research outputs found

    The Diversity of Plankton in Sangihe – Sangir Talaud Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The research of Oceanographical Expedition was conducted on May 2009. Research Vessel of Baruna Jaya VIII was used to accommodate the research team, which is a part of the EWIN ( Widya Nusantara Expedition) project with a topic of discovering the ultimate frontier of Indonesia and strengthening our national resilience, such as survival, energy, and natural resources, food, disaster, and health. This paper shows  plankton research with environment studies, such as temperature and salinity.  Plankton was sampled using Kitahara Net with mesh size of 80 µm for phytoplankton and Norpac Plankton Net with mesh size of 300 µm for zooplankton. The sample was poured into a bottle with formalin of 4% as preservative from 13 stations. The results showed that the phytoplanktons consist of 22 diatom genera and 10 dinoflagellates. The phytoplankton abundance was due the flourishing of Chaetoceros sp., Rhizosolenia sp., Nitzschia sp., and Thalassiothrix sp.   Ceratium sp. and Protoperidinium sp., Pyrocystis sp., and Cyanobacteria Trichodesmium sp. were common among the dinoflagellates. The zooplanktons consist of 30 taxa, the group of which are mostly composed of Copepoda, Calanoida, Cyclopoida, Oikopleura, and Chaetognata. Environmental  studies were also discussed.   

    Marine Phytoplankton in Port and Ship’s Ballast Water at Tanjung Priok Harbour, North Jakarta, Indonesia

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    This research aimed to study the phytoplankton community in ships’ ballast water in comparison with the natural assemblages in the waters of Tanjung Priok Harbour in Jakarta, Indonesia. Phytoplankton samples were collected between November 2011 to October 2012 from four ports of Tanjung Priok Harbour and from discharged ballast water of randomly selected ships in the port. Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, and Chaetoceros were three predominant phytoplankton genera in all samples. Ceratium and Protoperidinium were also commonly found in high densities in most samples. An unusual phytoplankton bloom (> 109 cells m-3) was observed in the ballast water sample taken in March 2012. It was unknown whether this bloom was formed inside the tank or was already present at the source. Ballast water samples of BWD11, BWM12, and BWA12 had significantly different phytoplankton community from the natural assemblages in the harbour, which increase the risk of non-indigenous phytoplankton introduction to Tanjung Priok Harbour

    Phytoplankton Community in The Lembeh Strait, Bitung and Wori Beach, Manado, North of Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to understand phytoplankton community in the Lembeh Strait at Bitung and Wori Beach at Manado in October 2015. The phytoplankton samples were collected with vertical towing using Kitahara plankton net (mesh size 80 µm). Identification and enumeration were done using Sedgwick Rafter Counting Chamber (SRCC) under 100-400X magnification. Phytoplankton abundance in Wori, Manado were lower than Lembeh Strait. There were 24 genera of diatom group and nine genera of dinoflagellate group found in Wori and Lembeh Island waters. Total phytoplankton abundance in Wori ranged from 16,293.28 – 464,358.45 cells m-3 (station 6 and station 5, respectively). Whilst, In Lembeh Strait, Bitung, the highest abundance of phytoplankton was 2,300,407.33 cells m-3 and the lowest was 16,089.61 cells m-3. The composition of diatoms and dinoflagellates in Wori and Lembeh Strait was dominated by diatom which ranged from 80.70 % to 100.0%. Based on the mean contribution at each station among the two locations, there were 11 dominance genera of diatom and dinoflagellate groups which the mean contribution value above five percent. Those were including six genera of diatom group (Chaetoceros, Bacteriastrum, Nitzchia, Rhizosoleria, Thalassiothrix, and Thalassiosira) and five genera of dinoflagellate group (Ceratium, Prorocentrum, Protoperidinium, Pyrodinium, and Scriepsiella, Chaetoceros (diatom) and Protoperidinium (dinoflagellate) exhibit the highest genera representation in all diatom and dinoflagellate group among the two locations, with a 38 % and 36 % (respectively) mean contribution. Three genera which commonly known to cause harmful algal blooms (HABs) were observed in those two locations. Nitzschia from diatom group, Prorocentrum, and Pyrodinium from dinoflagellate group. Nitzschia was the most frequently found, almost recorded at all station in Wori, Manado and Lembeh strait, Bitung. The less frequent found of HABs causative organisms in those two locations was Pyrodinium

    Study on The Potentially Harmful Benthic Dinoflagellates in Pari Island, Indonesia

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    Information on benthic dinoflagellates in Indonesia is rare since it often neglected in many microalgae researches. Thus, not much information is available about the ecology of benthic dinoflagellates in Indonesia, especially for three important genus, Gambierdiscus, Prorocentrum and Ostreopsis. Sampling were carried three times: in August, October, and December 2013. The sampling was conducted around Pari Island. Bethic Harmful Algal Blooms (B-HABs) were collected in each sampling site using a modified PVC rig with 15x10 cm screen (artificial substrate) which placed at the bottom of the water for 24 hours. Another form of a screen with leaf blade form, 30x5 cm was also deployed in each sampling site and left for 24 hours. In general, the different density of Prorocentrum, Gambierdiscus, and Ostreopsis were observed in various substrates in this research. Temporal variation of those three target genera was also found in this research, from the results so far, Prorocentrum was suggested as the most common benthic dinoflagellates in Pari Island. This genus was found in all substrates during two sampling periods in this study, except in sandy bottom substrate in October 2013. The highest density of Prorocentrum which observed in the screen placed in coral reefs area in October 2013, was 288 cells/100 cm2. The lowest of Prorocentrum density was observed in coral reefs area in October 2013, was 0.53 cells/g of wet weight


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    Banggai Islands waters are mixing area between Banda Sea and Makassar Sea, thus resulting in the existence of many unique marine ecosystems. This conditon might also lead to the occurrence of unique and specific plankton community in the oceanic ecosystem of Banggai Islands. This research was conducted in 26 June to 8 July using Baruna VIII research vessel. Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples were collected in 14 stations using Kitahara and NORPAC plankton net. The plankton data in this research was analyzed with Bray-Curtis Clustering Analysis (Single Link), linear regression and Pearson correlation matrix. The results showed that zooplankton abundance was highest at the strait between Liang and Labobo Island, while phytoplankton was found abundant at eastern Tinangkung Island. On the other hand, Mesamat Bay was found having very low abundance of zooplankton and phytoplankton, which probably related to low nutrient availability in the water column. Calanoids, cyclopoids, and oikopleurans were dominant taxa with widest spatial distribution and highest importance value in zooplankton community of Banggai Islands. Meanwhile Chaetoceros, Rhizosolenia and Thalassiothrix were the dominant genus with widest spatial distribution and highest importance value in phytoplankton community. The result of clustering analysis showed that there were three stations with unique plankton community, and was found very different from the planktonic community in other stations. It was interesting to note that bottom-up control by nutrient availabilty, and top-down control by predator-prey interaction, probably not the main factor responsible for the unique pattern of plankton community structure of Banggai Islands. Keywords: plankton community, Banggai islands waters, Bray-Curtis clustering analysis, biological indices

    Resting Cyst Distribution and Molecular Identification of the Harmful Dinoflagellate Margalefidinium polykrikoides (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in Lampung Bay, Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Margalefidinium polykrikoides, an unarmored dinoflagellate, was suspected to be the causative agent of the harmful algal blooms – associated with massive fish mortalities – that have occurred continually in Lampung Bay, Indonesia, since the first bloom event in October 2012. In this study, after examination of the morphology of putative M. polykrikoides-like cysts sampled in bottom sediments, cyst bed distribution of this harmful species was explored in the inner bay. Sediment samples showed that resting cysts, including several morphotypes previously reported as M. polykrikoides, were most abundant on the northern coast of Lampung Bay, ranging from 20.6 to 645.6 cysts g-1 dry sediment. Molecular phylogeny inferred from LSU rDNA revealed that the so-called Mediterranean ribotype was detected in the sediment while M. polykrikoides motile cells, four-cell chain forming in bloom conditions, belonged to the American-Malaysian ribotype. Moreover, hyaline cysts, exclusively in the form of four-cell chains, were also recorded. Overall, these results unequivocally show that the species M. polykrikoides is abundantly present, in the form of vegetative cells, hyaline and resting cysts in an Indonesian area

    An inter-site study of biofouling recruitment on static immersion panels in major ports of South East Asia and India

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    Limited knowledge of native marine biodiversity hinders effective biodiversity management to safeguard South and Southeast Asia’s marine coastal environment against the threat of invasive species transfer through shipping. In particular, sessile marine biofouling organisms in South East Asian ports are poorly known. Through the support of the ASEAN-India Cooperation Project on the Extent of Transfer of Alien Invasive Organisms in South/South East Asia Region by Shipping, a coordinated effort to examine diversity of biofouling organisms in major port areas in Southeast Asia and India was made using polyvinylchloride (PVC) panels as recruitment surfaces in a static immersion study for a period of 12 months. Not surprisingly, the study revealed that fouling patterns differed between ports possibly as a result of dissimilar hydrographic conditions. However, there were also underlying similarities that reflected a regional uniformity in the composition of fouling communities. At the same time, the alien Caribbean bivalve Mytilopsis sallei was detected in Manila Bay (Philippines), Songkhla Port (Thailand) and Singapore. This is a first simultaneous biofouling survey involving scientists and government stakeholders from India and ASEAN nations of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam

    Hubungan Kandungan Klorofil-A dan Kelimpahan Fitoplankton di Perairan Berau Kalimantan Timur

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    Phytoplankton is the most important primary producers in all marine invironments. Primary production, a term interchangeable with photosynthesis, is the biological process of creating high-energy organic material from CO2, H2O, and other nutrients using solar energy. The aim of the research was to know the relationship of   abundance of phytoplankton and chlorophyl-a in Berau waters, East Kalimantan. The result of physical-chemical water measurement are generally inaccordance for phytoplankton living purposes. The number of phytoplankton genera found during research was 28 genera which consist of 24 kinds Bacillariophyceae and 4 kinds Dinophyceae. Community structure was dominated by the group of diatoms such as Chaetoceros, Dytilum, Thalassiothrix. Abundance of phytoplankton influences of content klorofil-a, although not too big.   Keywords: chlorophyl-a, abundance, phytoplankton, Berau waters ABSTRAK   Fitoplankton merupakan produsen primer terpenting di lingkungan laut,  karena fitoplankton mampu berfotosintesis. Fotosintesis adalah suatu proses yang kompleks, dimana sinar matahari diserap oleh sel-sel fitoplankton dan diubah menjadi energi biologi kemudian disimpan dalam bentuk senyawa organik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara kandungan klorofil-a dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan pesisir Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2005. Sampel air laut diambil dengan botol Nansen lalu dimasukkan dalam botol sampel untuk selanjutnya disimpan dalam kotak pendingin  untuk dianalisis kandungan klorofil-a, fosfat, dan nitrat. Pada saat pengambilan sampel juga dilakukan pengukuran parameter oseanografi seperti suhu, salinitas, arah dan kecepatan arus. Sampel fitoplankton diambil dengan menggunakan jaring kitahara yang berbentuk kerucut dengan diameter 31 cm dan mata jaring 80 μm. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kandungan klorofil-a dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton digunakan analisis regresi korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fitoplankton yang ditemukan terdiri dari 28 genera yang termasuk dalam dua klas, yaitu Bacillariophyceae (24 genera) dan Dynophyceae (4 genera). Bacillariophyceae mempunyai    jumlah  terbesar, baik dari segi jumlah generanya maupun jumlah individu tiap generanya. Genera fitoplankton yang dijumpai dalam jumlah melimpah (>10%) adalah Chaetoceros, Dytilum, dan Thalassiothrix. Kelimpahan fitoplankton mempengaruhi besarnya kandungan klorofil-a, walaupun tidak terlalu besar.   Kata kunci: klorofil-a, kelimpahan, fitoplankton, perairan Bera


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    Dinoflagellates are the important primary producers in aquatic environments. In oceans, they play interesting role in ecological functions such as red tide forming organisms, symbiont of coral reef or sea anemone and DSP (Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning) or PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) producing organisms. Morphology and molecular analysis of dinoflagellates were conducted on November 2002 to March 2003. The phylogenetic studies based on 18S rDNA analyses, sequence have begun to appear more frequently in the literature, as attention has turned to relationships within the major eukaryotic lineages, particular importance for the taxonomy of the armored and unarmored genera of dinoflagellates (Gyrodinium sp., Cachonina sp., Gymnodinium sp., Amphidinium sp.), because many of the genera cause extensive plankton blooms, fish kills and other harmful events, were studied used to amplify 18S rDNA, present in the total DNA extracted from algal pellet. The amplify approximately 1400 bp of the nuclear-encoded LSU rDNA gene using terminal primeirs DIR, products were cheked by 1.0 % agarose gel electrophoresis, then cloning with TA cloning KIT. Sequencing were analyzed by the GENETIX Mac Software, Homology search by Blast and Phylogenetic analysis. Results of hylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA are: Strain no. 10893 (un identified) from the genera, it is belonging Gymnodinium or Polarella. Strain no. 10795 is closely related other species Cachonina hallii. We tentatively named strain no 11151 and 11160 similar to Gyrodinium or Gymnodinium based on morphology, but these strain indepently position in this tree and is not a real of Gymnodinium sensu stricto. It is possible, we can establish the new genera for strain no. 11151; 11160 because this not cluster any other unarmored species. Keywords: Morphology, molecular analysis, dinoflagellate