728 research outputs found

    Alteration of Gene Expression Signatures of Cortical Differentiation and Wound Response in Lethal Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common malignancy of the adult kidney and displays heterogeneity in clinical outcomes. Through comprehensive gene expression profiling, we have identified previously a set of transcripts that predict survival following nephrectomy independent of tumor stage, grade, and performance status. These transcripts, designated as the SPC (supervised principal components) gene set, show no apparent biological or genetic features that provide insight into renal carcinogenesis or tumor progression. We explored the relationship of this gene list to a set of genes expressed in different anatomical segments of the normal kidney including the cortex (cortex gene set) and the glomerulus (glomerulus gene set), and a gene set expressed after serum stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts (the core serum response or CSR gene set). Interestingly, the normal cortex, glomerulus (part of the normal renal cortex), and CSR gene sets captured more than 1/5 of the genes in the highly prognostic SPC gene set. Based on gene expression patterns alone, the SPC gene set could be used to sort samples from normal adult kidneys by the anatomical regions from which they were dissected. Tumors whose gene expression profiles most resembled the normal renal cortex or glomerulus showed better survival than those that did not, and those with expression features more similar to CSR showed poorer survival. While the cortex, glomerulus, and CSR signatures predicted survival independent of traditional clinical parameters, they were not independent of the SPC gene list. Our findings suggest that critical biological features of lethal ccRCC include loss of normal cortical differentiation and activation of programs associated with wound healing

    Ethnic differences in the prevalence of inherited thrombophilic polymorphisms in an asymptomatic Australian prenatal population

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    Differences in the prevalence of thrombophilias in different ethnic populations have been demonstrated. Because the Australian population includes many different ethnic groups, we sought to assess the effect of ethnicity in our Australian prenatal population on the prevalence of thrombophilic polymorphisms. Asymptomatic, nulliparous women (n = 1,129) recruited for a large prospective study were included in this analysis. These women had no personal or family history of venous thromboembolism and were not known to be carrying an inherited or acquired thrombophilia. Ethnicity was determined at recruitment, and women were categorized as being of Northern European, Southern European, Middle Eastern, Asian, or Other ethnicity. These women underwent genotyping for the following polymorphisms: factor V Leiden G1691A, prothrombin gene A20210G mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C, and thrombomodulin C1418T. The factor V Leiden allele was seen significantly more frequently in patients of Middle Eastern background compared to those of Northern European and Asian ethnicity (p < 0.05). The prothrombin gene mutation was seen significantly more frequently in patients of Southern European ethnicity compared to those of Northern European or Asian ethnicity (p < 0.05). The MTHFR C677T allele (mutant) was significantly less common in those of Asian ethnicity compared to patients of Northern European and Southern European ethnicity (p < 0.0005). There were no significant differences seen with the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism. The mutant thrombomodulin allele was seen significantly more frequently in Asian women compared to Northern European, Southern European, or Middle Eastern women (p < 0.005). There are important ethnic differences in the prevalence of thrombophilic polymorphisms in the Australian prenatal population

    Assessing the impact of drinking water and sanitation on diarrhoeal disease in low- and middle-income settings: Systematic review and meta-regression

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    Objective: To assess the impact of inadequate water and sanitation on diarrhoeal disease in low- and middle-income settings. Methods: The search strategy used Cochrane Library, MEDLINE & PubMed, Global Health, Embase and BIOSIS supplemented by screening of reference lists from previously published systematic reviews, to identify studies reporting on interventions examining the effect of drinking water and sanitation improvements in low- and middle-income settings published between 1970 and May 2013. Studies including randomised controlled trials, quasi-randomised trials with control group, observational studies using matching techniques and observational studies with a control group where the intervention was well defined were eligible. Risk of bias was assessed using a modified Ottawa-Newcastle scale. Study results were combined using meta-analysis and meta-regression to derive overall and intervention-specific risk estimates. Results: Of 6819 records identified for drinking water, 61 studies met the inclusion criteria, and of 12 515 records identified for sanitation, 11 studies were included. Overall, improvements in drinking water and sanitation were associated with decreased risks of diarrhoea. Specific improvements, such as the use of water filters, provision of high-quality piped water and sewer connections, were associated with greater reductions in diarrhoea compared with other interventions. Conclusions: The results show that inadequate water and sanitation are associated with considerable risks of diarrhoeal disease and that there are notable differences in illness reduction according to the type of improved water and sanitation implemented

    A Perspective on Economic Impact

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    The institutions responsible for water resources management in the United States have originated as political responses to major social issues. Each agency institutionalized a procedure for structuring and comparing alternatives in the formulation of its total program. Each agency originally sought to promote effective resolution of its social issue (flood control, development of arid lands, soil erosion, etc.), but more recent efforts have sought better coordination among agency practices through a common procedure largely derived from economic theory. Any procedure, however, varies in application with the interpretation and judgment of individual planners. Today, public pressures have brought political directives requiring consideration of the local and nationwide impacts of projects that occur through direct, indirect, and secondary means in the spheres of economic, social and environmental effects. The body of the study reviews fourteen specific impact issues with the goals of providing planners a methodology for dealing with each one and of providing the theoretically inclined a basis for improving each methodology. The issues are reservoir effects on local property values, reservoir effects on the economy of the local county, changes in income and employment patterns around large reservoirs, patterns of land use change around reservoirs, reservoir effects on revenues and expenditures of local government, reservoir recreation benefits, application of marginal economic analysis to reservoir recreation planning, economic value of natural areas for recreational hunting, for stream fishing, the personal value of real property to its owner, reservoir project caused income redistribution, achievement of more flexible procedures for reservoir operation in order to match changes in demand for project output with time, estimation of flood damages by the time pattern in which they occur, and operation of reservoir systems for flood control. Each study ls presented in detail in a referenced report, and this report discusses the significance of the findings of the studies, individually and as a group

    Cellular normoxic biophysical markers of hydroxyurea treatment in sickle cell disease

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    Hydroxyurea (HU) has been used clinically to reduce the frequency of painful crisis and the need for blood transfusion in sickle cell disease (SCD) patients. However, the mechanisms underlying such beneficial effects of HU treatment are still not fully understood. Studies have indicated a weak correlation between clinical outcome and molecular markers, and the scientific quest to develop companion biophysical markers have mostly targeted studies of blood properties under hypoxia. Using a common-path interferometric technique, we measure biomechanical and morphological properties of individual red blood cells in SCD patients as a function of cell density, and investigate the correlation of these biophysical properties with drug intake as well as other clinically measured parameters. Our results show that patient-specific HU effects on the cellular biophysical properties are detectable at normoxia, and that these properties are strongly correlated with the clinically measured mean cellular volume rather than fetal hemoglobin level.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01HL121386-01A1)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 9P41EB015871-26A1)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01NS051320)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5U01HL114476)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 4R44EB012415)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CBET-0939511

    A Clinical and Biological Guide for Understanding Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia and its Prevention

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    Chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) is the most visibly distressing side effect of commonly administered chemotherapeutic agents. As psychological health has huge relevance on lifestyle, diet and self-esteem, it is important for clinicians to fully appreciate the psychological burden that CIA can place on patients. Here, for the first time, we provide a comprehensive review encompassing the molecular characteristics of the human hair follicle (HF), how different anticancer agents damage the HF to cause CIA, subsequent HF pathophysiology and we assess known and emerging prevention modalities that have aimed to reduce or prevent CIA. We argue that, at present, scalp cooling is the only safe and FDA-cleared modality available, and we highlight the extensive available clinical and experimental (biological) evidence for its efficacy. The likelihood of a patient that uses scalp cooling during chemotherapy maintaining enough hair to not require a wig is approximately 50%. This is despite different types of chemotherapy regimens, patient-specific differences and possible lack of staff experience in effectively delivering scalp cooling. The increased use of scalp cooling and an understanding of how to deliver it most effectively to patients has enormous potential to ease the psychological burden of CIA, until other, more efficacious, equally safe treatments become available

    Tree migration-rates : narrowing the gap between inferred post-glacial rates and projected rates

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    Faster-than-expected post-glacial migration rates of trees have puzzled ecologists for a long time. In Europe, post-glacial migration is assumed to have started from the three southern European peninsulas (southern refugia), where large areas remained free of permafrost and ice at the peak of the last glaciation. However, increasing palaeobotanical evidence for the presence of isolated tree populations in more northerly microrefugia has started to change this perception. Here we use the Northern Eurasian Plant Macrofossil Database and palaeoecological literature to show that post-glacial migration rates for trees may have been substantially lower (60–260 m yr–1) than those estimated by assuming migration from southern refugia only (115–550 m yr–1), and that early-successional trees migrated faster than mid- and late-successional trees. Post-glacial migration rates are in good agreement with those recently projected for the future with a population dynamical forest succession and dispersal model, mainly for early-successional trees and under optimal conditions. Although migration estimates presented here may be conservative because of our assumption of uniform dispersal, tree migration-rates clearly need reconsideration. We suggest that small outlier populations may be a key factor in understanding past migration rates and in predicting potential future range-shifts. The importance of outlier populations in the past may have an analogy in the future, as many tree species have been planted beyond their natural ranges, with a more beneficial microclimate than their regional surroundings. Therefore, climate-change-induced range-shifts in the future might well be influenced by such microrefugia