48 research outputs found

    The context of HIV risk behaviours among HIV-positive injection drug users in Viet Nam: Moving toward effective harm reduction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Injection drug users represent the largest proportion of all HIV reported cases in Viet Nam. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of risk and risk behaviours among HIV-positive injection drug users, and their experiences related to safe injection and safe sex practices.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study used multiple qualitative methods in data collection including in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation with HIV-positive injection drug users.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The informants described a change in the sharing practices among injection drug users towards more precautions and what was considered 'low risk sharing', like sharing among seroconcordant partners and borrowing rather than lending. However risky practices like re-use of injection equipment and 'syringe pulling' i.e. the use of left-over drugs in particular, were frequently described and observed. Needle and syringe distribution programmes were in place but carrying needles and syringes and particularly drugs could result in being arrested and fined. Fear of rejection and of loss of intimacy made disclosure difficult and was perceived as a major obstacle for condom use among recently diagnosed HIV infected individuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HIV-positive injection drug users continue to practice HIV risk behaviours. The anti-drug law and the police crack-down policy appeared as critical factors hampering ongoing prevention efforts with needle and syringe distribution programmes in Viet Nam. Drastic policy measures are needed to reduce the very high HIV prevalence among injection drug users.</p

    A hidden HIV epidemic among women in Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV epidemic in Vietnam is still concentrated among high risk populations, including IDU and FSW. The response of the government has focused on the recognized high risk populations, mainly young male drug users. This concentration on one high risk population may leave other populations under-protected or unprepared for the risk and the consequences of HIV infection. In particular, attention to women's risks of exposure and needs for care may not receive sufficient attention as long as the perception persists that the epidemic is predominantly among young males. Without more knowledge of the epidemic among women, policy makers and planners cannot ensure that programs will also serve women's needs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>More than 300 documents appearing in the period 1990 to 2005 were gathered and reviewed to build an understanding of HIV infection and related risk behaviors among women and of the changes over time that may suggest needed policy changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It appears that the risk of HIV transmission among women in Vietnam has been underestimated; the reported data may represent as little as 16% of the real number. Although modeling predicted that there would be 98,500 cases of HIV-infected women in 2005, only 15,633 were accounted for in reports from the health system. That could mean that in 2005, up to 83,000 women infected with HIV have not been detected by the health care system, for a number of possible reasons. For both detection and prevention, these women can be divided into sub-groups with different risk characteristics. They can be infected by sharing needles and syringes with IDU partners, or by having unsafe sex with clients, husbands or lovers. However, most new infections among women can be traced to sexual relations with young male injecting drug users engaged in extramarital sex. Each of these groups may need different interventions to increase the detection rate and thus ensure that the women receive the care they need.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women in Vietnam are increasingly at risk of HIV transmission but that risk is under-reported and under-recognized. The reasons are that women are not getting tested, are not aware of risks, do not protect themselves and are not being protected by men. Based on this information, policy-makers and planners can develop better prevention and care programs that not only address women's needs but also reduce further spread of the infection among the general population.</p

    Characterisation of the opposing effects of G6PD deficiency on cerebral malaria and severe malarial anaemia.

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    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is believed to confer protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but the precise nature of the protective effecthas proved difficult to define as G6PD deficiency has multiple allelic variants with different effects in males and females, and it has heterogeneous effects on the clinical outcome of P. falciparum infection. Here we report an analysis of multiple allelic forms of G6PD deficiency in a large multi-centre case-control study of severe malaria, using the WHO classification of G6PD mutations to estimate each individual's level of enzyme activity from their genotype. Aggregated across all genotypes, we find that increasing levels of G6PD deficiency are associated with decreasing risk of cerebral malaria, but with increased risk of severe malarial anaemia. Models of balancing selection based on these findings indicate that an evolutionary trade-off between different clinical outcomes of P. falciparum infection could have been a major cause of the high levels of G6PD polymorphism seen in human populations

    The effects of dietary lipid sources and lecithin on the production of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam

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    The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is cultured widely in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam but it is often difficult or expensive for hatchery operators to purchase commercial diets used as a feeding supplement to Artemia nauplii. Therefore, in the present study, the effects of lipid sources and lecithin on the growth and survival rate of M. rosenbergii larvae were examined in order to develop suitable hand-prepared larval diets for seed production of M. rosenbergii in this area. Six egg custard diets consisting of various ratios of lipid (originating from soybean oil and squid oil) and lecithin were used for rearing Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Treatments in which larvae were fed diets containing squid oil exhibited the highest body length and survival rates (7.14-7.43 mm and 51.1-68.1%, respectively), and differed significantly from other treatments (P &lt; 0.05). Use of dietary soybean oil yielded the lowest body length and survival rates (6.29-6.75 mm and 22.0-48.7%, respectively). The supplementation of dietary lecithin did not increase final body weight but did improve larval survival rates. The n-3 HUFA content of prawns fed dietary squid oil was higher than those of animals provided with other diets. These results indicated that the most appropriate diet for rearing M. rosenbergii larvae is the diet containing 3% squid oil and 1.5% lecithin

    Current status of freshwater prawn culture in Vietnam and the development and transfer of seed production technology

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    In Vietnam, the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is becoming an increasingly important targeted species, as its culture, especially in rice fields, is considered to have the potential to raise income among impoverished farmers. The production of M. rosenbergii based on aquaculture reached over 10 000 tons per year in 2002, having increased from about 2500 tons since the 1990s. Until recently, lack of a stable supply of seed had been an important obstacle to the further expansion and development of M. rosenbergii culture, but cumulative research on larval rearing, especially in the 1990s, has led to the development of new seed production technology based on the 'modified stagnant green water system'. Following its dissemination by the efforts of provincial authorities, hatchery operators, and farmers, the freshwater prawn seed production industry developed rapidly in the Mekong Delta with over 90 hatcheries producing 76.5 million postlarvae in 2003. This is considered to have affected the expansion of rice-prawn farming in the Mekong Delta, leading to increased aquacultural production in the region. This paper reviews the current status of freshwater prawn culture in Vietnam and background history, and presents a socioeconomic evaluation of seed production technology implementation