29 research outputs found

    Communication Therapy in Stroke Patients with Aphasia: A Narrative Review

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    Aims: Stroke is the number one cause of death in Indonesia. The stroke had some effects. One of the common complications is aphasia. Aphasia is a disorder of speaking, understanding what others said, and even the ability to read and write too. This can lead to communication problems in a stroke patient. Communication therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat aphasia. Objective: The aim of this article is to find out the types of communication therapy for stroke patients who suffered with aphasia. Methods: We conducted a review and collected the articles by searching several databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and CINAHL. We also used search engines such as Google Scholar. After the articles are obtained, the articles will be sorted by keywords. The keywords used were stroke patient OR post-stroke AND communication therapy OR language therapy OR speech therapy AND aphasia OR aphasic. Then, the articles are sorted by inclusion and exclusion criteria. After obtaining appropriate articles, the articles were analyzed by using thematic analysis. Results: The search resulted in 708 articles. After several selection steps, 23 articles were analyzed, and seven types of communication interventions were found that can be applied to stroke patients who suffered aphasia.  Conclusion: The results of a review of all articles show that there are various types of communication therapy that can be given to stroke patients who experience aphasia. The therapy is grouped into 7 types of therapy, which include Constraint Induced Aphasia Therapy, Electronic-based therapy, Melodic Intonation Therapy, Intensive Therapy, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Cognitive Therapy, and AIUEO. Suggestion: Furthermore, researchers can conduct a systematic review related to which communication therapy is the most effective for treating aphasia, especially in stroke patients.

    Description of Self-Stigma Among Children in Conflict with the Law

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    The community's stigma of perpetrators of crime, leading prisoners to have a self-sigma that is believed to be his identity, including children in conflict with the law at Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA). Self-stigma makes a person feel worthless, dangerous, and having difficulty reintegrating into society. The purpose of this study was to find a description of self-stigma of children in conflict with the law in LPKA. This type of research was quantitative descriptive, with a population of 113 children in conflict with the lawren, using consecutive sampling techniques to 88 people. The instrument used was Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records (SSICR), with validity values between 0.320-0.914 and realibility values for perceived stigma 0.86, stereotype agreement 0.71, and internalized stigma 0.85. Data was analyzed by univariat analysis. The result showed that median value of internalized stigma which was the last process of self-stigma was lower than the two previous domains, so the level of self-stigma of children in conflict with the law at LPKA was said to be low. Based on the results, self-stigma of children in conflict with the law at LPKA were low, it needs attention from the LPKA to improve education development, so that children in conflict with the law form a self-stigma, that they have good intelligence


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    Kebutuhan terhadap manajemen depresi pada pasien PJK dinilai tinggi, mengingat dampak buruk depresi terhadap peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien PJK. Salah satu terapi yang digunakan adalah Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Selain depresi terdapat outcomes lain perlu diidentifikasi, sehingga potensi terapi terhadap dampak PJK yang luas dapat diidentifikasi. Review ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dampak intervensi CBT pada pasien PJK yang mengalami depresi. Review ini menggunakan metode berdasarkan scoping review frameworks Arksey dan O'Malley. Pencarian literatur yang komprehensif dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi studi. Kriteria yang tepat digunakan untuk menyeleksi artikel yang relevan dengan tujuan review. Pencarian dilakukan di beberapa database: PubMed, CINAHL, dan Academic search complete. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis oleh tiga reviewer independen, data kemudian disintesis dan disajikan dalam tabel dan format naratif. Sebanyak 10600 artikel teridentifikasi pada tahap pencarian, dan setelah proses seleksi menggunakan duplikasi, judul, abstrak dan kriteria inklusi eklusi didapatkan 6 artikel yang masuk dalam analisis. Tiga penelitian dilakukan di Swedia, serta masing-masing satu study di Amerika Serikat, Kroasia dan Italia. Empat artikel menggunakan RCT, sedangkan dua lainnya dengan study prospektif tanpa kelompok control. CBT secara umum terbukti memperbaiki depresi, kecemasan somatic, biomarkers, kualitas hidup, dan cardiovascular events yang tidak diharapkan. Namun demikian untuk mendapatkan hasil yang signifikan dibutuhkan beberapa pertimbangan dalam pemberian terapinya, seperti keahlian therapist, kepatuhan pasien dan lain-lain.Kata Kunci: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Depresi, PJ

    The Application of Levine’s Conservation Model on Nursing Care of Children with Cancer Experiencing Chemotherapy-Induced Mucositis in Indonesia

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    Background: Mucositis is a common side effect in children with cancer experienced chemotherapy. Levine’s Conservation Theory views children as open individuals who always respond to the environment. Children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy are seen as individuals who adapt to threats from the internal-external environment. The threat from the internal environment is the presence of cancer cells that threaten normal cells, while the external environment is the side effects of chemotherapy and environmental exposure. The nurse is responsible for carrying out a series of nursing processes to prevent the occurrence of mucositis due to chemotherapy. Objectives: Thisstudyaimedtoexplorethenursingprocessthatwasgiventochildrenexperiencing chemotherapy-induced mucositis using Levine’s Conservation Theory. Methods: This study was conducted with a case study. Ten children with cancer who experienced chemotherapy due to mucositis was participated in this study. Nursing process was applying by Levine Conservation Theory for one month at National Referal Hospital in Jakarta. Case studies are carried out by applying the nursing process according to Levine’s Conservation Theory, which consists of trophicognosis, hypothesis, nursing intervention and evaluation. Data analysis within cases and across cases is conducted by content analysis related to Levine’s evaluation model. Results: The results of the case study show that eight clients experienced energy conservation imbalances, ten clients experienced structural integrity disorders and eight clients experienced impaired social integrity. The results of the application of the Levine Conservation Theory for one month showed only two clients who could not achieved energy conservation and structural integrity. Conclusion/Importance: This case study shows that the Levine conservation model can be used in the nursing process in children with mucositis to maintain energy conservation and structural integrity. Nurses are expected to understand the application of Levine’s conservation theory to clients who are prone to conservation problems

    Psychological Distress among Parents due to Their Children Having Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    As a result of their children's cancer, parents are at risk of experiencing psychological distress. Parental stress will affect their roles in providing emotional support for their children. This systematic review aimed to identify the psychological distress of parents having children with cancer. EBSCO, PubMed, Science Direct, and Research Gate were applied to conduct electronic searches. The terms "parents," "children," "cancer," and "psychological distress" were combined using the Boolean expressions "OR" and "AND." The inclusion criteria were non-experimental studies published in English within the last 10 years (2010-2020). Risk of bias assessment was conducted for each included study using the Joanna Bridge Institute critical appraisal tools to build transparency of findings. A total of 12 articles were included in the study to determine the prevalence of psychological distress among parents and the symptoms and factors that influence it. The high category of parental distress reached 17.6%, while the very high category reached 5.8%. Thus, it needed more concern. Suicidal ideation, insomnia, and poor health were all connected to psychological distress, with the age of children and parents, the number of children, occupation, education level, depressive history, and time of diagnosis all being predictive factors


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    ABSTRACTBackground: Caring for a child with autism in the family is a long-term challenge for the parents that impact physical and psychological health. Negative psychological problems that occur continuously will result in depression to the parents.Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of depression in parents who have children with autism at four schools of special needs children (SLB Risantya, SLB Autis Prananda, SLB Jatis Hurip, and SLB D YPAC at Great Bandung Region.Methods: This study used a quantitative descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling method used was total sampling, and 39 respondents were obtained. The instrument used was Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) standard instrument in the Indonesian version.Result: This study showed that 76,9% of parents who have children with autism had minimal depression/normal, 12,8%  of mild depression,  7,7% of moderate depression, and 2,6% of severe depression.Conclusion: The Conclusions of this study indicate that many parents who have children with autism were at minimal/normal depression. However, there were still 2.6% of respondents in severe depression. Nurses needed to provide nursing care that focuses on families, such as counselling and sustainably doing depression screening to parents who have children with autism

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Depresi pada Narapidana

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    Depresi pada narapidana menjadi suatu permasalahan di sebuah lembaga permasyarakatan. Depresi merupakan penyakit urutan ke-4 di dunia yang dapat menyebabkan penderita meninggal dunia. Depresi dapat disebabkan  karena kejadian traumatik, kehidupan penuh ketegangan dan kehilangan seseorang yang dicintai. Tujuan melihat faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi depresi pada narapidana di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, pencarian artikel melalui Google Scholar dan PubMed, dengan kata kunci dalam Bahasa Inggris factors, affecting, convicted, criminals, depression dan Bahasa Indonesia faktor-faktor depresi, narapidana, lapas. Kriteria pada artikel penelitian yaitu artikel 5 tahun terakhir (2015-2020). Hasil studi literatur didapatkan 5 artikel yang di analisa. Depresi dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, diantaranya status perkawinan, suku, jenis kelamin dan umur, tidak memiliki sikap yang baik terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, adanya kekerasan dan diskriminasi, privasi yang kurang, pengalaman baru di pusat pemasyarakatan, kesehatan yang buruk, lama dipenjara, tanggung jawab terhadap anak, riwayat alkohol dan merokok, dukungan keluarga dan program kegiatan dilapas. Kelima artikel menunjukkan depresi pada narapidana dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosiodemografi, psikososial, biologis, lingkungan dan status residivis