66 research outputs found

    Peace and Violence in Islam: an Overview of Some Muslim Perspectives

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    The issue of violence has always been existent in world religions including Islam. The image of Islam as a violent religion has been described in various media espe-cially in the case of terrorism. This phenomenon leads to questions on how issues of violence are conveyed in Islamic teachings and how they have been understood differently by Muslims. This article aims to answer such questions by discussing the duty of Muslims, jihad, spirit of the Qur'an, and interpretation issues. The writing found that overgeneralization of a particular case in Qur'anic stories occurred; differences in interpretation are caused by the limitation of human beings in viewing their present reality and the reality of the past; issues of violence in the Qur'an are inevitable since the Qur'an was revealed at a time of extensive violence throughout human life, while the spirit of Islam is in creating peace among fellow human being; and a number of Muslims regard the prophet Muhammad's life time as the pinnacle of Islamic civilization. These findings lead to the conclusion that issues of violence in Islamic teachings are always interpreted differently in a variety of manners


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    Penelitian ini didasarkan oleh pada masalah terhadap keefektifan dalam pelayanan pembuatan SIM yakni adanya keluhan yang sering terdengar dari masyarakat yang biasanya menjadi sasaran adalah waktu dalam pelayanan pembuatan SIM, selain itu juga tentang sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif diskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini teknik penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seperti pengamatan, wawancara Mendalam, serta Dokumen. analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara kualitatif ini dapat memperoleh keteraturan dan sistematis yang ketiganya saling berkaitan yaitu meliputi: Reduksi Data,Penyajian Data Penarikan Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif menujukkan bahwa Terlihat efektif dari pelayanan sumber daya dilihat dari kemampuan petugas dalam berinteraksi dan memberikan informasi tentang pembuatan SIM, dan tarif pelayanan dapat dikatakan efektif karena tarif pelayanan dalam pembuatan SIM terjangkau oleh masyarakat, dalam sarana penunjang tidak efekif,karena sarana di ruang tunggu tidak ada pengeras suara dan juga tidak memiliki ruang tunggu untuk ujian praktek, sedangkan di ruang ujian teori jarak tempat duduk terlalu sempit dan layar pertanyaan tidak jelas.dalam batas waktu pelayanan pembuatan SIM tidak efektif karena terdapat beberapa keluhan dari masyarakat.jumlah dan mutu barang /jasa belum efektif karena efektif karena jumlah pendaftaran dalam 1 hari ada 100 tetapi yang keluar rata ā€“ rata 40 ā€“ 50 setiap harinya,. Karena pemohon SIM sering gagal dalam ujian praktek dan ujian teori, batas waktu sudah efektif krena dalam melayani masyarakat dalam pembuatan SIM batas waktu sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku,Tata cara belum efektif karena dari petugas pelayanan yang menunjukkan tahap-tahap tata cara pelayanan tidak dijalankan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku dalam pembuatan SIM. Kata kunci : efektivitas pelayanan dan prespektif pengguna layanan Hak Cipt


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    Penelitian ini berjudul ā€œPengaruh Pengajaran Ibing Pencak Silat Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosi Siswa Tunalaras di Kelas Inklusi SDN 179 Sarijadiā€. Pembelajaran seni tari pada umumnya dapat dipelajari oleh siapapun, termasuk oleh siswa yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus. Contohnya siswa tunalaras dalam mempelajari seni tari yang dapat mengembangkan berbagai kecerdasan mereka salah satunya kecerdasan emosi yang harus dimiliki setiap siswa agar kelak mereka menjadi individu yang berguna. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh penerapan ibing pencak silat terhadap kecerdasan emosi siswa tunalaras, dengan materi jurus tepak paleredan, pengajaran ini ditujukan untuk salah satu treatment dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan emosi siswa tunalaras. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) Bagaimana kondisi kecerdasan emosi anak tunalaras sebelum diterapkannya pengajaran ibing pencak silat di kelas inklusi, 2) Bagaimana proses pengajaran ibing pencak silat kepada anak tunalaras di kelas inklusi, 3) Bagaimana pengaruh yang akan terjadi pada kecerdasan emosi anak tunalaras setelah diterapkannya pengajaran ibing pencak di kelas inklusi. Penelitian dengan kuantitatif ini menggunakan metode penelitian Pre-Exsperimental Design dengan One-group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel yang digunakan 3 orang. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan kecerdasan emosi siswa tunalaras setelah diterapkannya pengajaran ibing pencak silat. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan perhitungan menggunakan uji t yaitu thitung > ttabel.Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pengajaran ibing pencak silat dapat berpengaruh terhadap kecerdasan emosi siswa tunalaras dalam peningkatan kecerdasan emosi.----------This study entitled ā€œ The Impact of learning of Ibing Pencak Silat towards the Emotional Quotient Students with Emotional Disorder in Inclusion Classroom at Sarijadi 179 Elementary School.ā€ Dance education basically can be learned by anyone including the students with special needed or disability. For example, the students with emotional disorder in learning dance education they can developing their various intellegencies, one of it, is emotional intelligence that every student must have, so later they can become a useful individuals. This study discusses about the impact of applying Ibing Pencak Silat to the emotional quotient of emotional disorder students with teaching material Jurus Tepak Paleredan, this teaching is intended for one of the treatment in developing emotional quotient of students with emotional disorder in inclusion classroom. So, these are the problem research of this study are 1) How is the condition of emotional quotient of students with disabilities before the application of ibing pencak silat in inclusion classroom, 2) How is the teaching process of ibing pencak silat to the students with emotional disorder ini inclusion classroom, 3) What impact has occurred on the emotional quotient students with disabilities after the application of learning of ibing pencak silat in inclusion classroom. This study done by quantitative approach and used Pre-Experimental Design with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design method. The sample used was 3 people. Based on the results of the study showed an increase in emotional quotient of students with emotional disorder after the implementation of the teaching of ibing pencak silat. This can be proven by using the t test, tcount > ttable. Then it can be concluded that the application of ibing pencak silat teaching can be impact to the emotional quotient of students with disabilities in increasing emotional intelligence


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    Gaya kognitif siswa merupakan salah satu yang harus diperhatikan guru. Gaya kognitif merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika. Fokus penelitian tentang analisis gaya kognitif siswa dalam menyelesaiakan masalah matematika penting untuk diteliti, karena akan mendapatkan karakteristik yang mungkin saja unik diantara para subjek yang diteliti. Ā Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu untuk mendapatkan karakteristrik dari masing-masing gaya kognitif field independent dan field dependent dalam memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah Polya. Subjek dipilih dengan cara diberi tes gaya kognitif terlebih dahulu, sehingga terpilih dua subjek, masing-masing bergaya kognitif field independent dan field dependent . Subjek terpilih diberi masalah matematika dan wawancara secara mendalam untuk mengkonfimasi jawaban. Selanjutnya dengan triangulasi waktu data yang sudah kredibel dianalisis secara mendalam. Subjek gaya kognitif field independent memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah polya dalam empat tahapan yakni bersifat analitis karena dalam menemukan informasi subjek membaca permasalahan dengan teliti dan perlahan-lahan, mengaitkan informasi yang penting dalam permasalahanĀ  yang diterima setelah membaca permasalahan yang diberikan dan cenderung mudah dalam menangkap informasi, teliti, dan lebih mandiri, cenderung menggunakan analisis dan penyusunan. Subjek penelitian dengan gaya kogntif field dependent dalam memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah polya dalam empat tahapan yakni membaca permasalan yang diberikan secara berulang-ulang, langsung terfokus pada solusi permasalahan dan tidak terlalu memperhatikan proses mencari jawaban namun langsung dengan cepat menuju jawaban yang diminta pada permasalahan yang diberikan, memilih cara yang benar dalam pengerjaannya dan menuliskan persamaan dan merencanakan apa yang harus dikerjakan selanjutnya dengan menduga-duga atau sedikit tidak yakin akan pengerjaanya, tergesa-gesa, terfokus pada jawaban, berfikir secara global dan terfokus pada jawaban dan solusi permasalahan tanpa teliti dalam melihat langkah-langkah

    Religion and Television in Indonesia

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    This monograph provides a critical overview and assessment of dakwahtainment or Islamic televangelism in post-reform Indonesia. Dakwah is an Indonesian word based on Arabic that means propagation of Islam ā€“ a religious duty for all Muslims. This monograph looks at what happens to Islamic propagation when, against the background of an increasingly materialist, consumerist, nihilistic and voyeuristic culture of celebrity that is engulfing Indonesia, it is turned into media entertainment

    Religious Violence in the Indonesian Democratic Era

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    The Indonesian democratic era has provided hope for the growth of mutual social practices established upon diversity of ethnicity, religions, race, and inter-group relations. Yet, in the last decade, various forms of violence were often carried out on behalf of religion instead. These acts of violence were not only physical but also psychological (cultural), in the forms of discrimination, abuse, expulsion, insult, and threat. The Ahmadiyya and Shia cases, for instance, provide an outlook regarding the prevalence of violence within social practices in the community in response to differences. Why does such violence remain to occur in Indonesia? Ā The work finds that, aside from a ā€˜failed understanding of religious textsā€™, excessive truth claim also triggers acts of religious violence in the current era of Indonesian democracy. It is of utmost importance that peopleā€™s understanding and interpretation of differences be set straight so that any response to differences can be considered as an embryo of national power that serves as an instrument employed for uniting the people of this nation instead of disuniting them. It is also strongly indicated by the work that religious violence may be avoided by changing the understanding of the meaning of differences


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    Conflict between Muslims and Christians in Moluccas (1999-2002) is one of the worst conflicts in Indonesia which brings great damage in all fields of human life. The significant result of reconciliation can be found in Central Governmentā€™s effort called as Malino Declaration II. This paper aims to find a positive contribution on formulating the key for facing the fact of religious plurality in Indonesia by revisiting the Malino Declaration II. By critically analyzing the discourse of the Malino Declaration contents, it concludes that Malino Declaration is shaky for several reason, (1). The role of Government is so dominant, thus Government is in the safe position. Therefore, it isunderstandable why many people view Government aims to ā€œcleanā€ its mistakes in the conflict. (2). Military as a tool was not only ineffective and bias, but also it caused mass killings under the banner of national stability. (3) Malino Declaration indicates obviously and strongly that the conflict is pure between Muslim and Christian communities in Moluccas, as the result the blame is theirs, (4) contain of declaration gives an impression that the participants who are representative of each community do not have enough room in expressing and waging in dialogue. In other words, Malino Declaration is still far from genuine dialogue.Konflik antara Muslim dan Kristiani di Maluku (1999-2002) adalah salah satu konflik terburuk di Indonesia yang menyebabkan kerusakan luar biasa di segala bidang kehidupan manusia. Hasil rekonsiliasi yang signifikan adalah usaha pemerintah pusat terkait perumusan Deklarasi Malino II. Dengan meninjau kembali Deklarasi Malino II, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kontribusi positif dalam merumuskan kunci dalam menghadapi fakta pluralitas agama di Indonesia. Dengan menganalisis secara kritis isi Deklarasi Malino, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Deklarasi Malino lemah dengan alasan: pertama, peran pemerintah sangat dominan sehingga pemerintah ada di posisi aman. Karenanya, dapat dipahami mengapa banyak orang melihat pemerintah bermaksud ā€œmembersihkanā€ kesalahannya dalam konflik tersebut; kedua, militer sebagai alat tidak efektif dan bias serta menyebabkan pembunuhan massa di bawah bendera kestabilan nasional; ketiga, deklarasi Malino mengindikasikan secara jelas dan tegas bahwa konflik tersebut antara komunitas Muslim dan Kristen di Maluku sehingga kesalahan adalah pada kedua kelompok ini; keempat, isi deklarasi memberikan kesan bahwa para partisipan yang mewakili masing-masing komunitas tidak mendapatkan ruang yang cukup dalam mengekspresikan dan melaksanakan dialog. Dengan kata lain, Deklarasi Malino masih jauh dari makna dialog yang sebenarnya.</p


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    Shihab from Indonesia, especially to describe and analyze the relationship of patience with the personality in tafsÄ«r al-Misbāh. Methodology: This research is library research using text study methods. In the study of interpretive texts, one of them is the method of interpretation of mauįøÅ«'i. The method of tafsÄ«rmauįøÅ«'i is a method of interpretation that discusses a particular theme, then seeks the view of the al-Qurā€™an on the matter by grouping verses, analyzing, discussing and understanding verse by verse, then gathering general verses into specific verses. In analyzing, text studies utilize library sources as a study material. The method used tafsÄ«rthematic, which means to collect verses of the Qur'an correlated to the theme and discusses and analyzes the contents of the verse. The verses in the Qur'an collecting by its relation to the topic of patience and in the end, we take the conclusion as the answer from the al-Qur'an. Main Findings: Patience in the al-Misbāh Exegesis brings a personality model to the thought that the value of life hangs on patience as religiousness, ethics, and meaningful life. The personality model grows an involvement of psychological well being on the foundation of ideal humanitarian ethics in the Quran, which is the highest outcome of the patients. Applications of this study: This study can be utilized by educators, in teaching and learning and psychologists. Novelty/Originality of this study: The personality model of patience in the-Misbāh Exegesisis positive. This personality model will minimize a person falling in the concept of terrorism, and increases to realizing psychological well-being, especially related to meaningfulness in life and self-mastery

    Hard Skill dan Soft Skill Siswa dalam Ekstrakurikuler Hizbul Wathan : (Studi Kasus di SMK Muhammadiyah Semin)

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    This research is aimed at (1) identifying the types of hard skills and soft skills incorporated in Hizbul Wathan extracurricular at SMK (Vocational School) Muhammadiyah Semin (2) identifying the reinforcement of hard skills and soft skills within Hizbul Wathan extracurricular (3) identifying the impact of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular on studentsā€™ hard skills and soft skills. The type of this research was mixed-method research. The subjects of this research were teachers and students of class X. Data were collected through the methods of observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaire. The data were then analyzed through the methodology of data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The research result shows that: (1) the hard skills output from the Hizbul Wathan extracurricular are products, handicrafts, and studentsā€™ score. Whereas, the soft skills are shown from studentsā€™ honesty, responsibility, just conduct, collaboration, adaptation skill, independence, communication skill, problem-solving skill, making decisions, critical thinking, tolerance, respect toward their peers, motivation, confidence, creativity, and discipline. (2) The hard skillsā€™ reinforcement is done through training, competition, daily life application. Whereas, the soft skillsā€™ reinforcement is done through group work training and problem-solving. (3) The impacts of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular on studentsā€™ hard skills and soft skills are shown through studentsā€™ ability to create a product, building independence, triggering socialization senses, and building collaboration. The conclusion to this research is that the attributions of soft skills have been implemented within the Hizbul Wathan extracurricular. Besides, Hizbul Wathan gives positive impacts on honing students' talent and developing their hard skills and soft skills
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