41 research outputs found

    The Confusion Of Sexual Orientation Reflected In Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha Of Suburbia (1990): A Sexual Orientation Theory

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    The aim of this research is to analyze how the confusion of sexual orientation expressed in the novel, to analyze the cause of the confusion expressed in the novel and to analyze the confusion of sexual orientation by using a sexual orientation theory. This research is a qualitative research. Technique of analyzing data is descriptive analysis. The method of collecting data are (1) reading the novel repeatedly and understanding the content. (2) Giving marks to particular parts both primary and secondary data sources. (3) Taking notes for important parts both primary and secondary data sources. (5) Classifying the data into categories and developing them into a good unity. (6) Drawing conclusion and formulate its pedagogical implication. Based on the sexual orientation theory analysis, it can be concluded that the major character often find the confusion in determining his sexual orientation whether homo, hetero or bisexual. There are some expressions of the confusion sexual orientation seen from homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual perspective. The confusion caused by environment, divorce, religion and spiritualit

    Child Rights Reflected In Helen Hooven Santmyer’s The Fierce Dispute Novel (1929): A Sociological Perscpective

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    This study is about Child Rights. The problem of this study is on how child rights is expressed in The Fierce Dispute novel. The objectives of this study are to identify the characteristic of child rights in The Fierce Dispute novel, to describe child rights in The Fierce Dispute novel, and to reveal the necessity for Helen Hooven Santmyer to address child rights. The object of the study is The Fierce Dispute novel by Helen Hooven Santmyer. The study uses sociological perspective. This study belongs to qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data sources, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel and the secondary data is other material related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows the following conclusions. First, based on the structural analysis it is clear that in The Fierce Dispute novel, Helen Hooven Santmyer delivers message that every child has the rights for social and life. Second, based on the sociological analysis, it is apparent that there is a strong relation between this novel and the social reality in American in early twentieth century

    Protest against child exploitation reflected In charles dickens’ oliver twist (1838) : A sociological approach

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    This study is about protest against child exploitation. The problem of this study is how protest against child exploitation is reflected in Charles Dickens‘ Oliver Twist. The object of the study is Oliver Twist novel by Charles Dickens. It used sociological approach. This study belongs to qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is Oliver Twist novel and the secondary data source is other material related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows the following conclusion. Based on the analysis it is clear that there is a close relation between structural analysis of this novel and social reality in England in early nineteenth century. Charles Dickens wants to show the protest against child exploitation in England in the early nineteenth century through Oliver Twist novel

    Between Destiny And Selfishness: An Existential Study On Bella’s Search For Meaning Of Life In Meyer’s Breaking Dawn Novel (2008)

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    This research paper elaborates about destiny and selfishness of Bella in Meyer’s Breaking Dawn novel, which is analyzed through existentialist psychoanalytic perspective. The objectives of the researc h are to analyze the novel based on its structural elements and to analyze the novel especially the main character based on the existentialist psychoanalytic perspective. The researcher employs the descriptive qualitative research as a type of the research. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is Breaking Dawn novel by Stephenie Meyer and the secondary data source is collected from other documents discussing about existentialist psychoanalytic, literary books, criticism, and articles related to the novel.The technique of analyzing data is descriptive analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, based on the structural analysis it is apparent that in this novel, the author conveys a moral message that love and selfishness is sometimes indistinguishable. Second, based on the existentialist psychoanalytic analysis, the author illustrates a psychological phenomenon in which an individual is torn between two different qualities, whether she wants to make her life meaningful by becoming as she is, or to fulfill her wishes by becoming somebody other than herself

    Social Criticism Of Bob Dylan’s Song Lyrics: A Sociological Study Of Literature

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    This research paper aimed to show visible image of Bob Dylan’s song lyrics which analyzed by using sociology of literature. The objective of the research are to analyzing the sonnet based on the structural element and to analyzed the lyrics based on sociology of literature by indentifying from relationship between social historical background of United States in The Middle of Twentieth Century. This research paper belongs to qualitative research. Data of the research is the text from and it has taken based on the theme, thereabout consisting 15 song’s a thematically. The primary data of the research is the Bob Dylan’s song lyrics from the website with address www.azlyrics.com and secondary data of the research are biography of the author that written by Jeremy Robert entitled “Bob Voice of a Generation”, websites, and other source about the lyrics, the social background of American society that support the analysis. The method to analyze of this data is descriptive analysis. The researcher comes to the conclusion as follows. Firstly, based on the structural analysis, it shows that social criticism of Bob Dylan theme on his lyrics. Correlating by theme, Dylan describes the social criticism actually. Secondly, based on the sociology analysis the author wants to show a social criticism toward social condition of American society which showed from the characterization on the lyrics

    Social Mobility In Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722): A Marxist Approach

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    This study is about social mobility in Moll Flanders (1722) by Daniel Defoe. It is analyzed by using Marxist approach which is proposed by Karl Marx. The objectives of this study are to find out the indicators of individual’s social mobility in society, the depictions of the process of social mobility in society, and the author concern towards the existence of social mobility. This research is categorized into qualitative research. The primary data of this study is Moll Flanders (1722) by Daniel Defoe and the biography of the author. The secondary data of this study is taken from, literary books, websites and the other sources that related to the issue of social mobility. There are three conclusions which can be drawn from this study. Firstly, there are three indicators that indicate social mobility; education attainment, the parts of income, and wealth. Secondly, the process of social mobility is depicted into four steps; being a servant, marriage misuse, being a thief, and being the plantation owner. Thirdly, Daniel Defoe concern toward social mobility issue is that he wants to reveal the existence of achievement of bourgeoisie woman in capitalist society. Keywords: social mobility, Moll Flanders, Bourgeoisie, Proletariat, Marxis

    Conflict Between The Muslims And Sikhs In Partition Movie Directed By Vic Sarin (2007): A Sociological Approach

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    This study is about conflict between Muslims and Sikhs in Partition movie. The major problem in this research paper is to describe how conflict between Muslim and Sikh in Partition movie. The objectives of the study are to analyze Sarin’s Partition movie based on the structural elements of the movie. To describe conflict between Muslim and Sikh in Partition movie based on sociological approach. The object of study is Partition movie by Vic Sarin. It used sociological approach. The writer uses qualitative methodology of research and sociological approach in analyzing this study. The Primary data source of this research is the movie Partition movie that movie by Vic Sarin and synopsis of Partition movie. The secondary data sources are the author’s biography, essay, comment, homepage, and website about the movie and other relevant sources. The result of the study shows the following conclusions. First, based on structural analysis the director delivers a message that different religions may cause horizontal conflicts. Second, based on the sociological analysis the movie reflects the social reality of the Indian society at the end of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The dominant aspect of the social reality is the diverse ethnic and religious groups. The director of the movie also criticizes that people should recognize others in order to build peace

    Pessimistic View Of The Future Of Genetic Engineering In Veronica Roth’s Divergent Trilogy Novel (2011-2013): A Sociological Approach

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    This study is about Pessimistic View of the Future of Genetic Engineering in Veronica Roth’s Divergent Trilogy Novel (2011-2013), which is analyzed by using Sociological approach. The objectives of the study are to identify the characteristics of Pessimistic View of the Future of Genetic Engineering, to depict how Pessimistic View of the Future of Genetic Engineering, to reveal why Veronica Roth give concern in futuristic issues. This research belongs to qualitative research. The primary data of this research is Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth, while the secondary data of this research is other sources related to the study, such as: virtual sources and other printed materials that support this research. The researcher draws three conclusions in this research. First, the Pessimistic View of the Future of Genetic Engineering is characterized by such qualities as negative perception, anxiety, sadness, despair, doubtfulness, and low self-esteem. Second, the Pessimistic View of the Future of Genetic Engineering is depicted mainly through the plot illustrating that society cannot develop naturally, society wants equal treatment between genetic damage and genetic pure, society commit revenge to the bureau, and genetic damage is always accused of war, rebellion, or the kind of bad action. Third, the underlying reason of the author to give concern in futuristic issues is that the author wants to raise the awareness of the need for wise usage of science and technology, especially genetic engineering


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    Latar Belakang: Anak usia dini merupakan masa yang penting atau sering disebut usia emas karena masa ini hanya datang satu kali dan tidak dapat diulang. Telapak kaki yang datar atau dikenal dengan flat foot adalah suatu kondisi yang paling umum yang ditemui oleh fisioterapis pediatri, yang dialami oleh anak sekitar 20% sampai 30% dari populasi di Dunia. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas arch support terhadap anak dengan gangguan flat foot. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian narrative review dengan framework PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome). Pencarian literature menggunakan database yang relevan seperti PubMed dan Google Scholar diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu 2010-2020 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil: Terdapat empat jurnal menyatakan tidak signifikan dan enam jurnam menyatakan signifikan didapatkan hasil bahwasanya ada pengaruh arch support terhadap anak dengan gangguan flat foot. Kesimpulan: Beberapa jurnal pemberian arch support terhadap anak dengan gangguan flat foot mendapatkan hasil yang efektif


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    Zinc is a crucial element not only in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolisms, but also in synthesis for nucleate acid and cell degradation (Prasad, 1985). Zinc also involves in injured recovery, fertility, cell reproduction, growth velocity and prevents from free radicals (Cousins, 1986). A recent study found an association between Zinc deficiency with visual disorder such as night blindness. There has been a high number of children with Zinc deficiency in Indonesia. Satoto (2001) argue that 26,8% of 500 children under two years in Grobogan Central Java experienced Zinc deficiency (Satoto, 2001). Another study by Endang-Purwaningsih (2001) found 47,9% of infant (4-7 months) with Zinc deficiency in lndramayu, West Java. Zinc and Vitamin A supplementation contribute a positive result in dark adaptory ability on children (Udomkesmalee Ed al., 1992). The study also recommends an adequate intake of Zinc and Vitamin A at once for nutrition improvement in the community. The study objective is to identify the relationship between Zinc serum with dark adaptory ability on primary school children. To achieve the objective, there are some explanation as a project framework including the assessment of Zinc serum, dark adaptory ability and analysis of the two variables. The study utilised Observational study design. 51primary school children (years 5) involved in the study. Those were from SD 1 and SD 2 Deras, Kedungjati municipality, Grobogan district. Several kinds of data such as sample characteristics, blood sampling, and demography of Deras village are also obtained. Data collection was undertaken by professional workers based on their qualification (general practitioner, Ophthalmologist, nutritionists, laboratory person). Training was also provided to the workers to eliminate bias. Data analysis used SPSS program under Windows to transfer data into information needed. A linier regression was used to test the study hypothesis. Confident level was set by 5%. There is a significant association between Zinc serum level with dark adaptory ability on primary school children (p-value=0,001, and multiple-r =0,182). Result of this study showed that 60,8% of the children has lower Zinc serum, where is normally 85 pg/dl for men and 90 pg/dl for women (Gibson, 1990). Zinc adalah komponen penting lebih dad sekitar 200 metalloÂŹenzim yang yang berperan pada metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein, sintesa asam nucleat dan degradasi sel (Prasad, 1985). Zinc juga terlibat dalam memperbaiki / menyembuhkan luka, menjaga kesuburan, menolong sel-sel untuk berproduksi, reproduksi, tumbuh kembang dan mencegah serta melawan radikal-radikal bebas terhadap fungsi-fungsi yang lain (Cousins, 1986). Dari fungsi Zinc tersebut, ternyata ditemukan juga adanya kaftan antara defisiensi Zinc dengan gangguan penglihatan mata seperti buta senja (night blindness). Angka defisiensi Zinc pada anak-anak di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi berdasarkan hasil penelitian beberapa ahli. Satoto (2001) menemukan bahwa 26,8% clari 500 anak usia 0-2 tahun yang diteliti di Grobogan Jawa Tengah mengalami defisiensi Zinc (Satoto, 2001). Penelitian lain dilakukan oleh Endang-Purwaningsih (2001) mendapatkan 47,9% anak usia 4-7 bulan di Indramayu menderifa defisiensi zinc. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkan pada penelitian di Thailand ternyata suplementasi Zinc don Vitamin A memberikan hash positif terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata anak. Penelitian tersebut juga merekomendasikan perbaikan Zinc dan vitamin A dipopulasi dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan suplementasi kedua zat gizinutrient tersebut kurang dari duo kali angka kecukupan Zn dan Vitamin A yang dianjurkan (Udomkesmalee et al., 1992). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kaitan kadar Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada anak sekolah dasar. Penjabaran tujuan tersebut meliputi pengukuran kadar serum Zinc, pengukuran kemampuan adaptasi gelap serta menganalisis hubungan antara kadar serum Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap. Penelifian ini menggunakan observational study design melalui pendekatan waktu secara crossectional. Sampel menggunakan 51 anak sekolah kelas V pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 dan 2 desa Deras, kecamatan Kedungjati, kabupaten Grobogan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakieristik sampel, contoh darah serta demografi desa Deras. Seluruh proses pengambilan data dilakukan oleh tenaga terlatih sesuai dengan kualifikasi seperti dokter spesialis mata, dokter umum, GNI gizi dan tenaga laborat. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan program SPSS under Windows yang dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analitik. up regresi linier digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian dengan tingkat kemaknaan 5%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variable kadar serum Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap dengan p-value=0,001 dengan keeratan hubungan mencapai= 0,182. Hasil yang diperoleh dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa masih 60,8% sampel yang mempunyai kadar Zinc serum di bawah batas ambang normal yaitu 85 pg/dl untuk anak laki-laki dan 90 pg/dl untuk anak perempuan (Gibson, 1990