16 research outputs found


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    This article aims to explain how market fundamentalism and religious fundamentalism have a position opposite to the ideology of Pancasila. Today, two types of fundamentalism in the dominant ideology has become a challenge for the values of Pancasila. In the context of the nation of Indonesia, Pancasila ideology which has been the glue fundamental diversity of race, religion, race, culture, or group, has been degraded implementation intrinsic value, instrumental and praxis that seemed to be a utopian ideology against both types of fundamentalism in above. In practice the ideology of Pancasila is limited to less normative philosophy formulated well in the practice of national life

    Pemetaan Potensi Tanah Putih Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)

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    Potensi tanah putih pada suatu wilayah dapat diBerdasarkan kondisi geologi, sebagian besar wilayah Kota Kupang memiliki struktur geologi batuan gamping sehingga berpotensi sebagai sumber tanah putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan lokasi-lokasi potensi tanah putih di Kota Kupang dalam sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 lokasi yang sumber tanah putih di kota Kupang yaitu lokasi milik perusahaan (PTS) di Kecamatan Maulafa, lokasi milik masyarakat (BN) di Kecamatan Kelapa Lima, lokasi milik PT. Anugerah (PTA) di Kecamatan Alak dan lokasi milik PT.Semen Kupang (PTSK) di Kecamatan Alak. Tanah putih yang berasal lokasi Kecamatan Maulafa memiliki kandungan mineral kalsium oksida sebesar (CaO) 55.81%, sedangkan tanah putih milik BN, Kecamatan Kelapa Lima mengandung mineral kalsium oksida sebesar 49.51%. Kandungan CaO yang hampir sama juga dimiliki oleh tanah putih dari PT.Anugerah di Kecamatan Alak (55,39%) dan tanah putih PT.Semen di Kecamatan Alak (53.49%). Berdasarkan RDRTK Kota Kupang Tahun 2011-2031, 3 lokasi yang layak dikembangkan sebagai sumber tanah putih adalah 1 lokasi di kecamatan Maulafa, 2 lokasi di Kecamatan Ala

    Base Shear Struktur Beton Bertulang Yang Menggunakan Base Isolator Akibat Beban Gempa Dengan Menggunakan Etabs

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    The sudden release of energy within earth creates seismic waves on earth’s surface that is earthquake. This research was carried out using a base isolator type of HDR with  Certification Number MVBR-0516 (XO.3R) to reduce base shear, displacement and internal forces acting on the structure. This study uses time history analysis method with some earthquake loads in the form of acceleration acceleration. The objectives of the study were to determine the base shear of a reinforced concrete structure building using a base isolator and without using a base insulator. The results of this study indicate the use of base insulators reduces base shear by about 20% -67% and 14% -70.5% for earthquakes in the x direction to the east and west. Meanwhile, in the y direction earthquake, it was around 43% -70% and 43% -62% to the south and nort

    Hjorth Descriptor Measurement on Multidistance Signal Level Difference for Lung Sound Classification

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    Biological signals have a multiscale nature; hence, many multiscale methods for biological signal analysis have been developed. One of the most popular multiscale methods is the coarse-grained procedure. The coarse-grained procedure has some drawbacks, such as a decreased variance of the signal, since the coarse-grained procedure eliminates the fast temporal scale. As such, other multiscale methods were developed to overcome the limitation of the coarse-grained procedure. In this study, we proposed a new multiscale method that preserves variance of the signal. In our proposed method, we split the signal into a new sequencing signal by using the multi-distance signal level difference (MSLD) method. In MSLD, a set of new signals emerged from the absolute value of two data samples' difference at a defined distance. To evaluate the MSLD performance, we used Hjorth descriptor as the feature extraction method in the output signal. The results were classified using multilayer perceptron (MLP). The proposed method was tested on five classes of lung sound data. The results showed that the proposed method achieved the maximum accuracy of 98.76% for the 81 data. The resulting accuracy was higher than the multiscale Hjorth descriptor using the coarse-grained procedure in our previous research. The MSLD could be combined with feature extraction methods other than Hjorth descriptor for future studie

    Implementasi Blue Economy di Indonesia Melalui Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, And Food Security (Cti - Cff)

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    Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara maritim terbesar di dunia dengan kurang lebih 17.000 pulau, memiliki jutaan terumbu karang, ikan, dan biota laut lainnya. Dengan keanekaragaman lautnya, Indonesia mampu memanfaatkan alamnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi. Sayangnya, pemanfaatan sumber daya laut kerap kali dilakukan dengan tidak memperhatikan kelestarian keragaman hayati. Sehingga, hal tersebut dapat ditangani melalui Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI - CFF) yang merupakan inisiatif multilateral dari Indonesia pada tahun 2006. Oleh karena itu tulisan ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan bagaimana Indonesia mengimplementasikan Blue Economy dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya terbarukan biota laut melalui CTI-CFF. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan pendekatan konsep Blue Economy yang diperkuat dengan model ekonomi berkelanjutan dengan energi terbarukan, ecotourism, dan sustainable fisheries. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif digunakan pada tulisan ini. Dengan demikian, CTI - CFF menjadi strategi bagi Indonesia untuk melaksanakan Blue Economy yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam kelautan tanpa menyampingkan kelestarian alam. Sesuai dengan komitmen CTI - CFF pada Blue Economy dan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang dimulai pada tahun 2012 di sela Konferensi PBB dalam agenda pembangunan berkelanjutan (Rio+20), serta CTI - CFF pun mampu menjadi sarana yang mengimplementasikan Blue Economy di bidang ekonomi dan lingkungan.Kata Kunci: CTI-CFF, Blue Economy, Model Ekonomi Berkelanjutan-Energi Terbarukan, Ecotourism, Sustainable Fisherie

    Digital Healthcare Development for Global Citizenship: Equality of Access to Health Facilities and Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia requires government efforts to provide health service technology in addition to maximizing health protocols. Digital Healthcare is used to provide digital data and facilitate access to health services for patients and health workers. The government has formed a policy regarding digital technology for health services that seeks to improve digital technology. However, there are still issues related to manual data entry, the lack of equal distribution of internet access, and user trust issues that affect the equality of access to healthcare facilities. Based on these problems, the paper assesses how the development of digital healthcare has affected the equality of access to health facilities and services during the COVID-19 pandemic by using the conceptual approach of Digital Healthcare and Global Citizenship. Qualitative research methods are used in a descriptive-analytical manner with analyzed literature sources. The results of this study found that the Indonesia Health Service (IHS) system, New All Record, was already available in Indonesia along with Digital Healthcare such as Citizen Health App, Peduli Lindungi, and Halodoc. However, there is a need for government collaboration in developing digital systems and monitoring health services for the community, outreach to the public, and maximizing online data entry via the web and existing applications for the challenges of manual data entry and digital healthcare equality in Indonesia. Keywords: digital healthcare, global citizenship, equality of health facilities, equality of health services, the COVID-19 pandemi

    Suplementasi Daun Torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus Lour) Untuk Menurunkan Keluhan Sindrom Pramenstruasi Pada Remaja Putri (Supplementation of Torbangun Leaves [Coleus Amboinicus Lour] in Reducing the Complainst of Pre-menstrual Syndrome [Pms] Among Teenage G

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    Background: Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus Lour) is one of type of species from Labiatae family which contains a lot of micronutrient and active element which have been examined as beneficial for human health and quality of life. The plants containing iridoid and flavonoid as well as phytochemical which deal with reproduction hormone is applicable to traditional medication toward PMS cases. Methods: The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of CAL leaves in the management of PMS. An experimental clinical trial was conducted in 35 teenagers with PMS. Three intervention groups were defined: CAL leaves; commercial preparation; and placebo. Participants were followed-up individually for 1 month. Result: The results showed average menarche occurred around age 13 years, with menstruation lasting 5 days. During each successive treatment cycle, participants experienced a lower pain intensity score. Chi Square test, after adjusting each cycle for baseline pain, treatment compliance and other variables, showed that the group receiving CAL extract had significantly reduced pain intensity (p<0.05) compared with commercial preparation and placebo. Conclusion: The torbangun leaves supplement can be used as treatment to relief symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2):180-194

    Exploring the interplay of chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature, and sea surface salinity in aceh waters during january and july 2022

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    This study investigates the relationship among chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS) in Aceh Waters, Indonesia using data from January and July 2022. Chl-a, SST, and SSS data were retrieved from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) database. Pearson correlation analysis was employed to assess the connections among Chl-a, SST, and SSS within the Aceh Waters region. The findings reveal that all three parameters - Chl-a, SST, and SSS - conform to the seasonal monsoon patterns observed in January and July 2022. The correlation analysis conducted for January revealed the following relationships: a negative correlation between Chl-a and SST (-0.649), an inverse correlation between Chl-a and SSS (-0.215), and a positive correlation between SST and SSS (0.493). Conversely, correlations for July reveal a negative correlation between Chl-a and SST (-0.503), a positive correlation between Chl-a and SSS (0.039), and a negative correlation between SST and SSS (-0.478). Overall, this study elucidates the complex relationship among Chl-a, SST, and SSS in Aceh Waters, which is influenced by seasonal monsoon variations. Understanding this relationship is essential for assessing marine environmental dynamics and their potential impacts on ecosystems and human activities in the region

    Analysis of sea currents, sea temperature, and sea salinity variations in the malacca strait during january and july 2022 using vertical sections

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    This study analyzes the sea currents, temperature, and salinity in the Malacca Strait during the northeast (NE) and southwest (SW) monsoons of 2022, represented by monthly average data from the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) data portal for January and July, respectively. Vertical sections are created to visualize the layer structure and variations of sea parameters within the water column. The findings reveal differences in sea currents, temperature, and salinity between the NE and SW monsoons. July (SW monsoon) records consistently warmer temperatures than January (NE monsoon), both at the sea surface and seabed. Surface salinity is higher in July than in January, while seabed salinity is greater in January than in July. In January, the salinity-influenced mixed layer depth (MLD) appears to be thicker than the temperature-influenced MLD. There are no significant differences in the thickness of the temperature- and salinity-influenced MLDs during July. These variations in sea currents, temperature, and salinity at different depths provide a comprehensive understanding of the marine environmental structure and dynamics of the Malacca Strait

    Operasi Pemeliharaan Perdamaian dalam Pendekatan Keamanan Aberystwyth/wales School

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami operasi pemeliharaan perdamaian melalui pendekatan keamanan kritis (Critical Security Study) dalam kajian studi keamanan Aberystwyth/Wales School. Pendekatan keamanan dalam pemikiran Aberystwyth/Wales School merupakan hasil dari pergeseran fokus keamanan yang menghadirkan manusia sebagai obyek referen keamanan pasca perang dingin.Hal ini kemudian melahirkan konsep emansipasi sebagai konsep keamanan yang meletakkan kehadiran keamanan manusia yang pada hakikatnya membebaskan manusia dari segala jenis ancaman, baik militer maupun nonmiliter. Emansipasi adalah bentuk keamanan itu sendiri yang membebaskan manusia dari dampak perang baru berupa perang-perang sipil dalam bentuk berbagai macam tekanan, penyiksaan dan penindasan yang men-dehumanisasi manusia dari eksistensi kehidupannya sehari-hari. Melalui relevansi tujuan dan prinsip operasi pemeliharaan perdamaian dengan konsep emansipasi Aberystwyth/Wales School, maka pada intinya operasi pemeliharaan perdamaian merupakan fondasi utama penegakan keamanan manusia dalam menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban bagi perdamaian dunia. Esensi konsep emansipasi bagi penegakan keamanan manusia yang dimaksud dalam hal ini adalah membawa manusia kembali kepada hakekat penemuan kemanusiaannya, yaitu mampu menjalani kehidupan kemanusiaannya dalam lingkungan keamanan dan perdamaian yang menjamin kebebasannya dari setiap ancaman yang berusaha membatasi eksistensi kehidupan kemanusiannya secara individu dan sosial