181 research outputs found

    PEMBATALAN AKTA JUAL BELI TANAH KARENA MELANGGAR β€œ ASAS NEMO PLUS IURIS β€œ ( Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor : 50/PDt.G/1994/PN.Bi )

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    Pembatalan akta jual beli tanah yang karena tanah tersebut masih dalam keadaan sengketa, bagi pihak yang merasa dirugikan haknya dapat melakukan upaya-upaya baik secara non litigasi ( mediasi ) yang difasilitasi oleh Kepala Kantor Pertanahan di mana dalam hal ini para pihak yang bersengketa oleh kantor pertanahan difasilitasi untuk mengadakan musyawarah mufakat, apabila dalam musyawarah mufakat tersebut menemui titik temu maka persengketaan tersebut selesai akan tetapi kalau dalam musyawarah tersebut tidak menemukan titik temu maka pihak yang merasa dirugikan haknya dipersilakan untuk menempuh jalur hukum ( litigasi ) yaitu dengan cara malakukan gugatan di pengadilan. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut tujuan penelitian adalah : mengetahui proses penyelesaian jual beli tanah apabila penjual melanggar asas nemo plus juris, akibat hukum dari putusan pengadilan yang berkekuatan tetap yang digunakan sebagai dasar pembatalan akta jual beli tanah, dan perlindungan hukum terhadap pembeli sebagai pemegang hak atas tanah apabila akta jual beli dibatalkan oleh putusan tersebut. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis empiris dan spesifikasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat penelitian deskriptif analistis. Penelitian penyelesaian jual beli tanah apabila penjualnya melanggar asas nemo plus juris, maka jual beli tersebut tidak dapat dilaksanakan karena penjual tidak berwenang penuh atas obyek tanah yang dijual, akan tetapi kalau ternyata jual beli tersebut telah terlanjur terjadi, maka pihak pembeli dapat melakukan upaya melalui jalur hukum yaitu dengan melakukan gugatan di Pengadilan untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas biaya yang telah dikeluarkan. Akibat hukum terhadap akta jual beli yang telah di batalkan oleh putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, pengadilan hanya berwenang menyatakan akta tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat demikian pula peralihan haknya tidak sah dan sedangkan sertipikat tanahnya dinyatakan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang mengikat. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pembeli yang beritikad baik sebagai pemegang hak atas tanah adalah pihak pembeli dapat mengajukan gugatan ke pengadilan, menuntut dan menggugat pihak penjual, pembeli tidak berhak untuk menuntut atau menggugat pemilik tanah


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    In Social Studies lessons in the fourth grade of SDN 1 Kalangsari during the academic year 2022/2023, there was an issue regarding the students' cooperative attitudes. Throughout the group learning sessions, the students did not demonstrate good teamwork. Therefore, a Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted to address this issue. The aim of this research was to enhance the students' cooperative attitudes through the implementation of the Project Based Learning (PBL) model in Social Studies lessons. An improvement in cooperative attitudes was observed, with an increase from 53.31% in Cycle I to 68.62% in Cycle II. This improvement has reached the predetermined success indicator. It proves that the utilization of the Project Based Learning model can enhance students' cooperative attitudes


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    In Social Studies lessons in the fourth grade of SDN 1 Kalangsari during the academic year 2022/2023, there was an issue regarding the students' cooperative attitudes. Throughout the group learning sessions, the students did not demonstrate good teamwork. Therefore, a Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted to address this issue. The aim of this research was to enhance the students' cooperative attitudes through the implementation of the Project Based Learning (PBL) model in Social Studies lessons. An improvement in cooperative attitudes was observed, with an increase from 53.31% in Cycle I to 68.62% in Cycle II. This improvement has reached the predetermined success indicator. It proves that the utilization of the Project Based Learning model can enhance students' cooperative attitudes

    Effectiveness Of Recruitment and Position Mutations on Employee Achievement In Interior Contractor

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    Research using multiple linear analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, calculating the coefficient of determination, as well as testing the hypothesis by looking for the value of t count, then comparing t count with t table, and testing the hypothesis by looking for the calculated f value, then compares f count with f table. The results of the analysis obtained with the following details:From the results of multiple linear analysis, the equation Y = 1.392 + 0.349 X1 + 0.616 X2, and from the results of the correlation coefficient, job mutations have a positive and very strong correlation to the level of employee performance, which is 0.790, job mutations and recruitment have a positive and very positive correlation. strong on the level of employee performance that is equal to 0.850.Based on the results of the hypothesis test, the t-count for recruitment is 4.078, the t-count for work motivation is 9.241, with a t-table of 1.67722 obtained from the t-table distribution for df = 50 – 2 and the level of significance is 0.05. In other words, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, because t count > t table. Based on the hypothesis test for model 1, the f arithmetic result is 79.587, for model 2 the f arithmetic result is 61.067, with f table 1.45 with a significant level of 0.000, the number 0.000 < 0.05, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, because f count > f tabl

    Tanaman Indikator Dan Teknik Rapd-pcr Untuk Penentuan Biotipe Bemisia Tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

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    Indicator Plant and PCR-RAPD for Biotype Determination of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).B. tabaci has been known world wide as a major pest and virus vector of horticulture. In Indonesia the presence of B.tabaci was reported since 1980 and its role as virus vector in tomato and chilli pepper has becoming more importantrecently. Genetic diversity of B. tabaci has been well recognized, but very little information available for diversity of B.tabaci in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Bogor, West Java from May 2004 to June 2005. The aim of thisresearch was to initiate basic information regarding genetic diversity of B. tabaci in Indonesia, particularly in Java Island.Whiteflies population collected from different crops, i.e. tomato, broccoli, chill pepper, eggplant, cucumber, soybean, andedamame, was evaluated using silverleaf-induction test, and RAPD-PCR. It was evidenced that only B. tabaci populationfrom broccoli was able to induce silverleaf. Two genetic types of B. tabaci, i.e. biotype B and non B, were identified basedon polymorphism character of DNA. Population from broccoli was belong to biotype B, whereas other populations fromtomato, chill pepper, eggplant, cucumber, soybean, and edamame were belong to biotype non B

    Aktivitas Residu Protein Cry1Ac Pada Lahan Yang Ditanami Kapas Transgenik-Bt Di Bajeng Dan Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Soil samples were collected from each plot at the two field sites at 0, 1, 3, and 5 months after planting, and at one-month intervals after harvest for three months. Soil suspension from each sample was mixed with agar based diet (1 g soil/20 ml soil-diet mixture) then was presented to neonate larvae of H. armigera. Two reference standards were used, i.e. pure Cry1Ac protein (0.165 x 104 to 1.436 x 105 ng per ml of the proteindiet mixture) and non-Bt-soil spiked with Cry1Ac protein (0.11 x 104 to 9.573 x 104 ng per ml of the soil-diet-mixture). Larval mortality was recorded at 7 days of treatment. In both reference standards, mortality of H. armigera larvae occurred in a concentrationdependent fashion, i.e. larval mortality increased with the increase in Cry1Ac protein concentration, with LC50 of 0.95 x 104 and 1.65 x 104 ng/ml, respectively, for the pure protein and spiked non-Bt-soil standards. Result of the bioassay of soil samples from the field sites showed the residues from both transgenic cotton soils did not cause any mortality (0%) in the test insects. This indicates that the concentrations of Cry1Ac residue in soil at the study sites were very low (in the second standard, Cry1Ac at a concentration of 0.33 x 104 ng/ml caused about 10% larval mortality)

    Whitefly Infestation and Economic Comparison of Two Different Pest Control Methods on Soybean Production

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    Insecticide application is a common practice done by farmers to control the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. While the use of insecticide can suppress the whitefly population, the cost of soybean production is also increased. The objective of this research was to compare the whitefly infestation and economic of two whitefly control methods on soybean production.Two sets of experiments were done, one set with insecticide application and another one without insecticide application. Ten soybean cultivars were used in each set of experiment with completely randomized design and three replications.The whitefly infestation was observed weekly on sample plants on each plot. The benefit and R/C ratio were calculated based on revenue and total costs of soybean production. The average whitefly (egg and nymphs) population on the plots with insecticide application was 4.95 for egg and 5.72 for nymph per leaf, which was lower than those without insecticide application 11.76 for egg and 10.86 for nymph per leaf. The average benefit and R/C ratio for the plots with insecticide application were IDR 9,654,507/ha and 1.51 respectively, while the average benefit and R/C ratio for the plots without insecticide application were IDR 8,706,299/ha and 1.55 respectively. The study can be concluded thatgrowing soybean without insecticide treatmentwas more efficient than growing soybean with insecticide application
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