10 research outputs found
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan permainan element adventure berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran kimia unsur berdasarkan kevalidan media permainan tersebut. Model pengembangan penelitian ini diadaptasi dari penelitian model Borg dan Gall yang terdiri dari 10 tahap. Namun, pada penelitian ini dilakukan sampai tahap 4 meliputi tahap studi pendahuluan, tahap merencanakan penelitian, tahap pengembangan desain dan tahap uji coba awal. Kevalidan permainan berbasis android element adventure ditinjau dari aspek validitas isi dan validitas konstruk. Validitas isi dan validitas konstruk didapatkan dari penilaian validator yang dilakukan oleh 2 orang dosen kimia UNESA dan 1 guru kimia SMA Negeri 1 Porong Sidoarjo. Validitas isi didapatkan dari penilaian 2 aspek yaitu kebenaran konsep kimia yang memperoleh nilai sebesar 93,33% dengan kategori sangat valid dan mempunyai tujuan didalam permainan yang memperoleh nilai sebesar 86,67% dengan kategori sangat valid. Sehingga dari data tersebut, didapatkan rata-rata validitas isi sebesar 90,00% dengan kategori sangat valid. Sedangkan validitas konstruk didapatkan dari 11 aspek yang dinilai dan memperoleh nilai 87,98% dengan kategori sangat valid. Sehingga hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan element adventure yang dikembangkan valid sebagai media pembelajaran dibuktikan dengan presentase validitas isi sebesar 90,00% dengan kategori sangat valid dan validitas konstruk sebesar 88,57% dengan kategori sangat valid.
Kata kunci: permainan element adventure, pengembangan media pembelajaran, kimia unsur.
The purpose of this research is to develop an android-based element adventure game as an element of learning chemistry based on eligibility the game media. The development model of the research was adapted from the research of the Borg and Gall models consisting of 10 stages. However, the research was conducted until stage 4 covering preliminary study stage, research planning phase, design development stage and early trial stage. Kevalidan game based on the Android element Adventure is reviewed from the content validity and validity aspects of the construct. The validity and validity of the construct was obtained from the validator assessment conducted by 2 Unesa chemical lecturers and 1 Porong Sidoarjo High school chemistry teacher. The validity of the contents obtained from the assessment of 2 aspects is the truth of the chemical concept that obtained a value of 93.33% with a category is very valid and has a purpose in the game that obtained a value of 86.67% with a category is very valid Thus, from the data, the average validity of the content of 90.00% is obtained with a very valid category. While the validity of the construct was obtained from 11 aspects assessed and obtained a value of 87.98% with a very valid category. So that the research, results show that the game element adventure is developed valid as a learning medium evidenced by the validity percentage of content of 90.00% with a very valid category and a construct validity of 88.57% with a very valid category. Keywords: Element Adventure game, Development media learning, chemical elements
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa dengan Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning
The ability to understand mathematical concepts is the central part that leads to mastery of other mathematical concepts. There are still many students who cannot use concepts because they think mathematics is very difficult. This is why understanding concepts is prioritized over memorizing formulas. Students succeed in understanding mathematical concepts due to various things, one of which is caused by teachers who contribute and influence learning activities regarding students' understanding of mathematical concepts. The Discovery learning model is a learning theory which is defined as a learning process that occurs when students are not presented with lessons in their final form, but are expected to organize them themselves. Based on the results of individual assessment tests during the learning process, there was an increase from diagnostic tests, namely 50% to 69.23% in cycle I, and increased to 88.46% in cycle II. This proves that indirectly the use of the Discovery learning learning model in the material on systems of linear equations in two variables (SPLDV) has increased quite significantly
Pengaruh kompensasi dan stress serta etos kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kompensasi dan stress serta etos kerja terhadap kinerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bank Tabungan Negara Cabang Samarinda. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 75 orang. Penentuan sampel dengan menggunakan metode sensus yaitu mengambil seluruh populasi sebanyak 75 responden. Data dari penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yaitu kuesioner. Alat Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Regresi Liniear Berganda menggunakan SPSS versi 21 dan Uji hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji t (Parsial). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan Bank Tabungan Negara Cabang Samarinda. 2) Stress berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap karyawan Bank Tabungan Negara Cabang Samarinda. 3) Etos Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan Bank Tabungan Negara Cabang Samarinda
Low results from studying mathematics at the Farel Education Center and the Prima Quantum tutoring can indicate a poor understanding of mathematical concepts among students. This community service activity aims to provide additional insights to teachers as participants in media and mathematics learning aids using the GeoGebra application. Teachers' ability to understand mathematical concepts can be improved to help students understand mathematics more effectively. Participants in this community service activity were the Farel Education Center for Teachers and the Prima Quantum tutoring in Jakarta. There are three phases of action: the preparation, implementation, and evaluation to implement this Community service activity. Observation, documentation, and demonstration are the method of execution of this community service activity. The result of this community service activity was that teachers at Farel Education Center and Prima Quantum tutoring who initially did not know the GeoGebra application and its benefits can now take advantage of GeoGebra in their learning. It can increase motivation, interest in education, student creativity, and understanding of mathematics
Pemanfaatan Taman Edukasi Sebagai Area Eduwisata Desa Padamara
Kekayaan alam yang terpampang nyata berupa kesuburan tanah yang tinggi di Desa Padamara merupakan salah satu aset berharga sekaligus kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk memaksimalkan pengembangan potensi di Desa. Salah satunya dengan melakukan Diversifikasi pertanian sebagai usaha penganekaragaman jenis usaha atau tanaman pertanian untuk menghindari ketergantungan pada salah satu pertanian. Hal demikian sudah direalisasikan oleh masyarakat Desa Padamara. Salah satu buktinya adalah dengan adanya taman edukasi sebagai bentuk upaya salah seorang masyarakat desa padamara dalam memanfaatkan lahan yang kosong. Selain dari keunggulan di bagian kuantitas kayunya pohon jati juga dikenal sebagai pohon yang dapat mengatur suhu, sehingga memungkinkan untuk tetap sejuk di musim panas dan tetap hangat di musim dingin. Sehingga sangat berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai area eduwisata yang dapat digunakan untuk berwisata dengan nuansa alam sekaligus dapat sebagai tempat edukasi atau tempat berlangsungnya pembelajaran. Taman edukasi ini dirancang dengan menambahkan ornamen-ornamen yang tentunya dapat meningkatkan kreativitas anak, sehingga anak-anak dapat belajar sambil bermain dan tercipta suasana belajar yang menyenangkan
Characterisation of porous hydroxyapatite beads prepared from fish scale for potential bone filler applications
The aim of this study is to prepare the different sizes of porous HA beads from fish scales hydroxyapatite (FsHA) using sieve technique. Different composition of porous agents (0 to 20 wt%) were used to prepare different porosity of FsHA beads. The FsHA beads was sintered at 1200 °C in open air for four hours at heating rate of 3 °C min-1. The FsHA beads were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The physical properties of FsHA beads such as density and porosity were determined using pycnometer method. The linear shrinkage was carried out by calculating the shrinkage percentage as sintered. The sintered FsHA beads was confirmed to be crystalline hydroxyapatite since the FTIR spectra shows the sharps absorption peaks at 550 and 600 cm-1 and 1100-1200 cm-1 which are corresponding to the phosphate groups. The XRD analysis has confirmed the pattern of hydroxyapatite with sharp peaks was observed at (211), (112) and (300), characteristics to the high crystallinity of hydroxyapatite. The results showed that as the amount of porous agent (tapioca starch) increase from 0 to 20 wt% , the porosity was increased from 33 to 61 %, meanwhile the density was decreased from 3.0 to 1.64 g cm-3. SEM analysis shows the mesoporous structure of FsHA beads at different composition of porous agent. The percent of shrinkage of different composition of porous agent are slightly similar to each other which about 10 to 12 %. The high porosity with low density of hydroxyapatite bead has potential to be used as bone filler
Training of Teachers at Farel Education Centre and Prima Quantum Tutoring in Using Geogebra
Low results from studying mathematics at the Farel Education Center and the Prima Quantum tutoring can indicate a poor understanding of mathematical concepts among students. This community service activity aims to provide additional insights to teachers as participants in media and mathematics learning aids using the GeoGebra application. Teachers' ability to understand mathematical concepts can be improved to help students understand mathematics more effectively. Participants in this community service activity were the Farel Education Center for Teachers and the Prima Quantum tutoring in Jakarta. There are three phases of action: the preparation, implementation, and evaluation to implement this Community service activity. Observation, documentation, and demonstration are the method of execution of this community service activity. The result of this community service activity was that teachers at Farel Education Center and Prima Quantum tutoring who initially did not know the GeoGebra application and its benefits can now take advantage of GeoGebra in their learning. It can increase motivation, interest in education, student creativity, and understanding of mathematics
Needlestick and sharps injuries in an Indonesian tertiary teaching hospital from 2014 to 2017: a cohort study
Objective Needlestick and sharps injuries among healthcare workers (HCWs) pose significant occupational health problems. We aim to provide incidence and other epidemiological aspects of needlestick and sharp injuries (NSSIs) among HCWs in a tertiary teaching hospital in Indonesia, to inform the evaluation of NSSIs prevention programme.Methods A cohort study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. We analysed data of the sharps injury programme at the hospital between January 2014 and December 2017. Incidence of NSSIs was calculated per 1000 person-years (1000-PY).Results Over the 4-year period, a total of 286 NSSIs were reported. The mean NSSIs incidence rate for 4 years was 13.3/1000-PY, peaking in 2015 (15.5/1000-PY) then decreasing afterward. Most NSSIs were experienced by nurses (42.7%), but the highest incidence was among midwives (18.9/1000-PY), followed by nurses, medical students and medical doctors (15.2/1000-PY, 12.6/1000-PY and 11.8/1000-PY, respectively). The devices causing the highest proportion of NSSIs were hollow-bore needles (66.8%), followed by suture needles (14.3%) and solid needles (10.8%). 9.4% of NSSIs were related to insulin pen injection. Of all the incidents, 31.3% occurred during surgical procedures, 25.9% during blood collections, 14.3% during administering injection of drugs and 13.3% during waste cleaning.Conclusion In conclusion, this study showed varied incidences of NSSI among different occupations, with the highest among midwives and nurses. Many unsafe work practices still continue, which is of utmost concern. We suggest opportunities for prevention including training and cultivating safer workplace practices
Institutional and family support impact on health‐related quality of life of children with autism spectrum disorders during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Problems: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have a notably
poorer quality of life than the general population, especially during the COVID‐19
pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the association between institutional support
and family support on the health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) of children with ASD
during the COVID‐19 pandemic.
Methods: A cross‐sectional study was conducted in October 2022 in a School for
Special Needs in Malang City, East Java Province, Indonesia. The pediatric quality of
life inventory (PedsQL) and Institutional and Family Support questionnaire were
used to measure the HRQoL and support perceived by parents of children with ASD.
We analyzed each component of the PedsQL and the Institutional and Family
Support questionnaire. The independent T‐test was performed to analyze the
association between HRQoL and perceived support by parents of children with ASD.
Findings: The results showed that most participants (72.7%) were women aged 40.
As many as 69.39% of participants had more than one child, and 16.33% declared
they had other children who experienced the same problem (special needs children).
This study indicated that the average health‐related quality of life score in children
with ASD was 57.41 (9.418). The finding of this study showed a significant mean
difference in HRQoL scores in children with ASD who received high institutional and
family support compared to those who had low (p = 0.028, 95% confidence interval
[CI] = −11.071 to 0.664).
Conclusion: Institutional support positively impacts children with ASD's quality of
life. Therefore, it is essential to improve the adequacy of support felt by families
while caring for children with AS
Identification of parenting stress level in managing special needs children during Pandemic Covid-19: A cross-national study
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for families worldwide, particularly those with special needs children. Parents of special needs children often face unique stressors in providing care and support for their children, and the pandemic has exacerbated these challenges. This study aims to identify and compare the general health and parental stress levels experienced by parents of special needs children in Malaysia and Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The descriptive cross-sectional quantitative design was used. Data was collected from October 2022 until December 2022. A total of 231 parents
with special needs children from Malaysia and Indonesia were recruited in this study. A quantitative survey using self-completion questionnaires: General health condition (GQH – 12) and parental stress (PSI – SF) were employed. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were used to analyse the data. The findings indicated Indonesian parents are younger than Malaysian parents (age 31-40 years vs 41- 50 years), parents' general health score and parental stress score were higher for Indonesian parents compared to Malaysian parents (29.54 ±4.90 vs. 23.69 ±4.77) and (122.55±12.48 vs. 87.64±23.46), respectively. Determinants
of socio-demographics with general health conditions and parental stress between countries showed that types of disability, parental educational status and race remained significantly associated with p-0.001, p-0.049 and p-<0.001, respectively. The current study showed that educational status, types of disability and race were significantly associated with general health conditions and parental stress levels in managing special needs children during the COVID-19 pandemic