12 research outputs found

    The epidemiology of food allergy in Europe: protocol for a systematic review

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    BackgroundThe European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology is in the process of developing its Guideline for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis, and this protocol of a systematic review is one of seven inter-linked evidence syntheses that are being undertaken in order to provide a state-of-the-art synopsis of the current evidence base in relation to epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management and impact on quality of life, which will be used to inform the formulation of clinical recommendations.The aims of the systematic review will be to understand and describe the epidemiology of food allergy, i.e. frequency, risk factors and outcomes of patients suffering from food allergy, and to describe how these characteristics vary by person, place and time.MethodsA highly sensitive search strategy has been developed to retrieve articles that have investigated the various aspects of the epidemiology of food allergy. The search will be implemented by combining the concepts of food allergy and its epidemiology from electronic bibliographic databases.DiscussionThis systematic review will provide the most up to date estimates of the frequency of food allergy in Europe. We will attempt to break these down by age and geographical region in Europe. Our analysis will take into account the suitability of the study design and the respective study biases that could affect exposure and outcome. We will examine the different methods to diagnose food allergy and the associated measures of occurrence

    The epidemiology of anaphylaxis in Europe: protocol for a systematic review

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    Background The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology is in the process of developing its Guideline for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis, and this systematic review is one of seven inter-linked evidence syntheses that are being undertaken in order to provide a state-of-the-art synopsis of the current evidence base in relation to epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management and impact on quality of life, which will be used to inform clinical recommendations. The aims of this systematic review will be to understand and describe the epidemiology of anaphylaxis, i.e. frequency, risk factors and outcomes of anaphylaxis, and describe how these characteristics vary by person, place and time. Methods A highly sensitive search strategy has been designed to retrieve all articles combining the concepts of anaphylaxis and epidemiology from electronic bibliographic databases. Discussion This review will aim to provide some estimates of the incidence and prevalence of anaphylaxis in Europe. The occurrence of anaphylaxis can have a profound effect on the quality of life of the sufferer and their family. Estimates of disease frequency will help us to ascertain the burden of anaphylaxis and provide useful comparators for management strategies.BioMed Central open acces

    Inanspruchnahme von Akupunktur bei Knie- und RĂŒckenschmerzen als Leistung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung in Deutschland

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    Hintergrund Akupunktur wurde 2007 fĂŒr die Indikationen chronische Knie- und RĂŒckenschmerzen in den Leistungskatalog der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung aufgenommen. Die Studie untersucht, wer Akupunktur erhĂ€lt, wer Akupunktur anbietet und ob es zeitliche und regionale Unterschiede gibt. Methoden FĂŒr die retrospektive Beobachtungsstudie wurde eine knapp vier Millionen große Stichprobe anonymisierter GKV-Abrechnungsdaten verwendet. Diese ist fĂŒr das Jahr 2013 gemĂ€ĂŸ Alter und Geschlecht reprĂ€sentativ fĂŒr Deutschland. Ergebnisse RĂŒckenschmerzen war die am hĂ€ufigsten kodierte Indikation (86 %) fĂŒr die Abrechnung von Akupunktur. Überwiegend Frauen nahmen Akupunktur in Anspruch, das mittlere Alter lag bei 61,1 Jahren. Bei 63 % der Versicherten mit Akupunktur in 2014 wurde jene erstmals abgerechnet, 37 % nahmen bereits in 2012 oder 2013 Akupunktur in Anspruch. Der Anteil an Versicherten mit frĂŒhzeitiger Beendigung (< 6 Sitzungen) ihres ersten Akupunkturbehandlungszyklus in 2014 betrug bei Knieschmerzpatienten 14 % und bei RĂŒckenschmerzpatienten 21 %. Von 2008 bis 2015 ließ sich ein signifikant abnehmender Trend der Inanspruchnahme nachweisen. Es zeigten sich deutliche regionale Unterschiede zwischen den neuen und alten BundeslĂ€ndern sowie den Stadtstaaten. Knapp 11 % aller durchfĂŒhrenden Ärzte rechneten die HĂ€lfte aller erbrachten Sitzungen in 2014 ab. Diskussion Dass ĂŒberwiegend Frauen im höheren Alter Akupunktur in Anspruch nehmen entspricht der Epidemiologie von RĂŒcken- und Knieschmerzen sowie ihrer höheren PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr komplementĂ€re Behandlungsverfahren. Der hohe Anteil von Patienten, die Akupunktur wiederholt in Anspruch nehmen, deutet auf einen wahrgenommenen Nutzen in einer Teilgruppe hin. Dem gegenĂŒber stehen die geringe und kontinuierlich abnehmende Inanspruchnahme sowie der hohe Anteil an frĂŒhzeitigen Beendigungen

    Timely Referral to Outpatient Nephrology Care Slows Progression and Reduces Treatment Costs of Chronic Kidney Diseases

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    IntroductionWe present a new approach to evaluate the importance of ambulatory nephrology care in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).MethodsAn anonymized health claims database of German insurance companies was searched in a retrospective analysis for patients with CKD using the codes of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th German modification. A total of 105,219 patients with CKD were identified. Patients were assigned to the group “timely referral,” when nephrology care was present in the starting year 2009, or initiated during the following 3 years in CKD1–4. Using frequency matching for age and gender, 21,024 of the late referral group were matched with the equal number of patients in the timely referral group. Hospital admission rates, total treatment costs, and kidney function (change in CKD stages, start of dialysis, mortality) were documented each year during the 4-year follow-up.ResultsHospital admission rates (110%–186%) and total treatment costs (119%–160%) were significantly higher (P < 0.03) in late referral compared with timely referral. In the timely referral group, significantly more patients did not change their CKD stage (65%–72.9% vs. 52%–64.6%, P < 0.05) compared with late referral. Starting in CKD3 more patients tended to start dialysis in 1 year in timely referral (1.9 ± 0.6 vs. 1.0 ± 0.4, P = 0.1). In contrast, death rates were significantly higher in the late referral group (18.8 ± 1.8% vs. 6.7 ± 0.4%, P = 0.0001).DiscussionTimely referral to outpatient nephrology care is associated with slowed disease progression, less hospital admissions, reduced total treatment costs, and improved survival in patients with CKD

    Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation des telemedizinischen PrĂ€ventionsprogramms „proGERO“ fĂŒr Personen mit geriatrischen EinschrĂ€nkungen

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    Aufgrund einer stĂ€ndig Ă€lter werdenden Bevölkerung stellen geriatrische EinschrĂ€nkungen eine wachsende Herausforderung fĂŒr betroffene Individuen und den Sozialstaat in Deutschland und anderen westlichen Industrienationen dar (Lehnert et al., 2011; Ofori-Asenso et al., 2019). Geriatrische EinschrĂ€nkungen gehen mit vielfĂ€ltigen altersbedingten MobilitĂ€ts- und Funktionsverlusten einher wie Gebrechlichkeit (Klindtworth et al., 2017; Ofori-Asenso et al., 2019; Wick, 2011), chronischen Schmerzen (Henchoz et al., 2017; Liberman et al., 2018; Makris et al., 2014) und psychischen Belastungen (Ates Bulut et al., 2018; Kiosses et al., 2017) bis hin zu schwerwiegenderen medizinischen Ereignissen wie StĂŒrzen und BrĂŒchen (Rau et al., 2014) sowie MortalitĂ€t (Kojima et al., 2018). Weiterhin bestehen auch große Belastungen fĂŒr pflegende Angehörige, da die Versorgung von Personen mit geriatrischen EinschrĂ€nkungen mit einem hohen Zeit- und Ressourcenaufwand einhergeht (BrĂ©mault-Phillips et al., 2016; Riffin et al., 2016; Ringer et al., 2017; Serrano et al., 2019). Die Evidenz zu Effekten telemedizinischer Interventionsprogramme zur PrimĂ€rprĂ€vention fĂŒr geriatrische EinschrĂ€nkungen ist uneindeutig (Biese et al., 2014; Brignell et al., 2007; Narasimha et al., 2017; Takahashi et al., 2012) und wenig ist zu möglichen Einsparungspotenzialen durch Telemedizin bekannt (Gentry et al., 2019)

    Do We Need to Rethink the Epidemiology and Healthcare Utilization of Parkinson's Disease in Germany?

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    Epidemiological aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), co-occurring diseases and medical healthcare utilization of PD patients are still largely elusive. Based on claims data of 3.7 million statutory insurance members in Germany in 2015 the prevalence and incidence of PD was determined. PD cases had at least one main hospital discharge diagnosis of PD, or one physician diagnosis confirmed by a subsequent or independent diagnosis or by PD medication in 2015. Prevalence of (co-)occurring diseases, mortality, and healthcare measures in PD cases and matched controls were compared. In 2015, 21,714 prevalent PD cases (standardized prevalence: 511.4/100,000 persons) and 3,541 incident PD cases (standardized incidence: 84.1/100,000 persons) were identified. Prevalence of several (co-)occurring diseases/complications, e.g., dementia (PD/controls: 39/13%), depression (45/22%), bladder dysfunction (46/22%), and diabetes (35/31%), as well as mortality (10.7/5.8%) differed between PD cases and controls. The annual healthcare utilization was increased in PD cases compared to controls, e.g., regarding mean ± SD physician contacts (15.2 ± 7.6/12.2 ± 7.3), hospitalizations (1.3 ± 1.8/0.7 ± 1.4), drug prescriptions (overall: 37.7 ± 24.2/21.7 ± 19.6; anti-PD medication: 7.4 ± 7.4/0.1 ± 0.7), assistive/therapeutic devices (47/30%), and therapeutic remedies (57/16%). The standardized prevalence and incidence of PD in Germany as well as mortality in PD may be substantially higher than reported previously. While frequently diagnosed with co-occurring diseases/complications, such as dementia, depression, bladder dysfunction and diabetes, the degree of healthcare utilization shows large variability between PD patients. These findings encourage a rethinking of the epidemiology and healthcare utilization in PD, at least in Germany. Longitudinal studies of insurance claims data should further investigate the individual and epidemiological progression and healthcare demands in PD

    Prescribing practice of pregabalin/gabapentin in pain therapy : an evaluation of German claim data

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    Objectives: To analyse the prevalence and incidence of pregabalin and gabapentin (P/G) prescriptions, typical therapeutic uses of P/G with special attention to pain-related diagnoses and discontinuation rates. Design: Secondary data analysis. Setting: Primary and secondary care in Germany. Participants: Four million patients in the years 2009–2015 (anonymous health insurance data). Intervention: None. Primary and secondary outcome measures: P/G prescribing rates, P/G prescribing rates associated with pain therapy, analysis of pain-related diagnoses leading to new P/G prescriptions and the discontinuation rate of P/G. Results: In 2015, 1.6% of insured persons received P/G prescriptions. Among the patients with pain first treated with P/G, as few as 25.7% were diagnosed with a typical neuropathic pain disorder. The remaining 74.3% had either not received a diagnosis of neuropathic pain or showed a neuropathic component that was pathophysiologically conceivable but did not support the prescription of P/G. High discontinuation rates were observed (85%). Among the patients who had discontinued the drug, 61.1% did not receive follow-up prescriptions within 2 years. Conclusion: The results show that P/G is widely prescribed in cases of chronic pain irrespective of neuropathic pain diagnoses. The high discontinuation rate indicates a lack of therapeutic benefits and/or the occurrence of adverse effects

    Prevalence of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease, Germany, 2009–2014

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    We analyzed routine statutory health insurance claim data to determine prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease in Germany. Documented prevalence rates of this nonnotifiable disease increased from 2.3 to 3.3 cases/100,000 population from 2009 to 2014. Prevalence showed a strong association with advanced age and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease