14 research outputs found

    Adaptive traits to improve durum wheat yield in drought and crown rot environments

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    Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) production can experience significant yield losses due to crown rot (CR) disease. Losses are usually exacerbated when disease infection coincides with terminal drought. Durum wheat is very susceptible to CR, and resistant germplasm is not currently available in elite breeding pools. We hypothesize that deploying physiological traits for drought adaptation, such as optimal root system architecture to reduce water stress, might minimize losses due to CR infection. This study evaluated a subset of lines from a nested association mapping population for stay-green traits, CR incidence and yield in field experiments as well as root traits under controlled conditions. Weekly measurements of normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) in the field were used to model canopy senescence and to determine stay-green traits for each genotype. Genome-wide association studies using DArTseq molecular markers identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosome 6B (qCR-6B) associated with CR tolerance and stay-green. We explored the value of qCR-6B and a major QTL for root angle QTL qSRA-6A using yield datasets from six rainfed environments, including two environments with high CR disease pressure. In the absence of CR, the favorable allele for qSRA-6A provided an average yield advantage of 0.57 t·ha−1, whereas in the presence of CR, the combination of favorable alleles for both qSRA-6A and qCR-6B resulted in a yield advantage of 0.90 t·ha−1. Results of this study highlight the value of combining above- and belowground physiological traits to enhance yield potential. We anticipate that these insights will assist breeders to design improved durum varieties that mitigate production losses due to water deficit and CR.Samir Alahmad, Yichen Kang, Eric Dinglasan, Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Kai P. Voss-Fels, Jason A. Able, Jack Christopher, Filippo M. Bassi and Lee T. Hicke

    A major root architecture QTL responding to water limitation in durum wheat

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    The optimal root system architecture (RSA) of a crop is context dependent and critical for efficient resource capture in the soil. Narrow root growth angle promoting deeper root growth is often associated with improved access to water and nutrients in deep soils during terminal drought. RSA, therefore is a drought-adaptive trait that could minimize yield losses in regions with limited rainfall. Here, GWAS for seminal root angle (SRA) identified seven marker-trait associations clustered on chromosome 6A, representing a major quantitative trait locus (qSRA-6A) which also displayed high levels of pairwise LD (r 2 = 0.67). Subsequent haplotype analysis revealed significant differences between major groups. Candidate gene analysis revealed loci related to gravitropism, polar growth and hormonal signaling. No differences were observed for root biomass between lines carrying hap1 and hap2 for qSRA-6A, highlighting the opportunity to perform marker-assisted selection for the qSRA-6A locus and directly select for wide or narrow RSA, without influencing root biomass. Our study revealed that the genetic predisposition for deep rooting was best expressed under water-limitation, yet the root system displayed plasticity producing root growth in response to water availability in upper soil layers. We discuss the potential to deploy root architectural traits in cultivars to enhance yield stability in environments that experience limited rainfall.Samir Alahmad, Khaoula El Hassouni, Filippo M. Bassi, Eric Dinglasan, Chvan Youssef, Georgia Quarry, Alpaslan Aksoy, Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Angéla Juhåsz, Jason A. Able, Jack Christopher, Kai P. Voss-Fels and Lee T. Hicke

    A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes

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    Zero hunger and good health could be realized by 2030 through effective conservation, characterization and utilization of germplasm resources1. So far, few chickpea (Cicer arietinum) germplasm accessions have been characterized at the genome sequence level2. Here we present a detailed map of variation in 3,171 cultivated and 195 wild accessions to provide publicly available resources for chickpea genomics research and breeding. We constructed a chickpea pan-genome to describe genomic diversity across cultivated chickpea and its wild progenitor accessions. A divergence tree using genes present in around 80% of individuals in one species allowed us to estimate the divergence of Cicer over the last 21 million years. Our analysis found chromosomal segments and genes that show signatures of selection during domestication, migration and improvement. The chromosomal locations of deleterious mutations responsible for limited genetic diversity and decreased fitness were identified in elite germplasm. We identified superior haplotypes for improvement-related traits in landraces that can be introgressed into elite breeding lines through haplotype-based breeding, and found targets for purging deleterious alleles through genomics-assisted breeding and/or gene editing. Finally, we propose three crop breeding strategies based on genomic prediction to enhance crop productivity for 16 traits while avoiding the erosion of genetic diversity through optimal contribution selection (OCS)-based pre-breeding. The predicted performance for 100-seed weight, an important yield-related trait, increased by up to 23% and 12% with OCS- and haplotype-based genomic approaches, respectively

    Discovering a new part of the phenotypic spectrum of Coffin-Siris syndrome in a fetal cohort

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    PURPOSE: Genome-wide sequencing is increasingly being performed during pregnancy to identify the genetic cause of congenital anomalies. The interpretation of prenatally identified variants can be challenging and is hampered by our often limited knowledge of prenatal phenotypes. To better delineate the prenatal phenotype of Coffin-Siris syndrome (CSS), we collected clinical data from patients with a prenatal phenotype and a pathogenic variant in one of the CSS-associated genes. METHODS: Clinical data was collected through an extensive web-based survey. RESULTS: We included 44 patients with a variant in a CSS-associated gene and a prenatal phenotype; 9 of these patients have been reported before. Prenatal anomalies that were frequently observed in our cohort include hydrocephalus, agenesis of the corpus callosum, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, persistent left vena cava, diaphragmatic hernia, renal agenesis, and intrauterine growth restriction. Anal anomalies were frequently identified after birth in patients with ARID1A variants (6/14, 43%). Interestingly, pathogenic ARID1A variants were much more frequently identified in the current prenatal cohort (16/44, 36%) than in postnatal CSS cohorts (5%-9%). CONCLUSION: Our data shed new light on the prenatal phenotype of patients with pathogenic variants in CSS genes

    Discovering a new part of the phenotypic spectrum of Coffin-Siris syndrome in a fetal cohort

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    Purpose: Genome-wide sequencing is increasingly being performed during pregnancy to identify the genetic cause of congenital anomalies. The interpretation of prenatally identified variants can be challenging and is hampered by our often limited knowledge of prenatal phenotypes. To better delineate the prenatal phenotype of Coffin-Siris syndrome (CSS), we collected clinical data from patients with a prenatal phenotype and a pathogenic variant in one of the CSS-associated genes.Methods: Clinical data was collected through an extensive web-based survey.Results: We included 44 patients with a variant in a CSS-associated gene and a prenatal phenotype; 9 of these patients have been reported before. Prenatal anomalies that were frequently observed in our cohort include hydrocephalus, agenesis of the corpus callosum, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, persistent left vena cava, diaphragmatic hernia, renal agenesis, and intrauterine growth restriction. Anal anomalies were frequently identified after birth in patients with ARID1A variants (6/14, 43%). Interestingly, pathogenic ARID1A variants were much more frequently identified in the current prenatal cohort (16/44, 36%) than in postnatal CSS cohorts (5%-9%).Conclusion: Our data shed new light on the prenatal phenotype of patients with pathogenic variants in CSS genes. (C) 2022 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Genetics of disease, diagnosis and treatmen