13 research outputs found

    Hydrogeochemical and statistical approach to characterize groundwater salinity in the Ghiss-Nekkor coastal aquifers in the Al Hoceima province, Morocco

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    Seawater intrusion is one of the most severe problems confronting coastal aquifers. These aquifers are often considered significant freshwater sources, particularly in arid regions. The water resources mobilized at the Al Hoceima (Northeastern Morocco) come from the Ghiss-Nekkor aquifer and the Abdelkarim El Khattabi dam. The degradation of groundwater quality of the aquifer and the probability of marine intrusion has become a severe concern for the communities. The current study provides multidisciplinary research using hydrogeochemical and statistical approaches to evaluate groundwater quality and determine the origin of salinity in this aquifer. Depending on the direction of the water flow, he results indicate that most wells have a total salinity exceeding 2 g/L. The dominant chemical facies encountered are Na-Cl-Na-SO4 resulting from rock-water interaction

    The effect of Tecamin Brix-V2 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit under salt stress

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    The goal of the present experiment was to evaluate the effect of some biostimulants applications (Tecamin Brix version 2) on the organoleptic quality and production yield parameters of tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. grown under salt stress in the Nador region, Morocco. Climate change is becoming increasingly constraining for plant growth and development, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. These ecosystems are characterized by highly irregular rainfall associated with significant evaporation, which favours the accumulation of salts in the soil. Salt stress is considered in the semi-arid region as a limiting factor affecting crop production and quality. Biostimulants are substances that have the ability to modify plant physiological processes in such a way as to provide potential benefits to growth, development, or stress response. For this purpose, foliar fertilization with Tecamin Brix Version 2 ®, compensates for nutrient deficiency in the roots due to salt stress. The water-soluble fertilizer or a Tecamin brix® Version 2 substance was applied to the foliage to determine the effects on yield and fruit quality parameters of tomato, especially in the Mediterranean region with a high range of salinity

    Biomonitoring study of trace metals (Al, As, Li) in mussels from Al Hoceima coastline of Moroccan Mediterranean Sea

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    Mytilus galloprovincialis are commonly used as heavy metal biomonitors across the world. In the present work, the contents of three elements (Al, As, Li) were analyzed in Mytilus galloprovincialis using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES 720-ES). Samples of soft tissues are collected monthly in 2020, from three sites of the mussel farming facilities installed in the Al Hoceima Sea. The decreasing order of the mean element contents in mussel tissues was Al > As > Li. The lowest values of metallic elements were found in summer and the highest contents were indicated in winter. Positive correlations were indicated between these elements and chlorophyll a indicating the importance of diet for the bioaccumulation of metals in mussels. In addition, our results show that the temperature and the salinity increase with the decreasing of metals bioavailability suggesting the influence of chemical properties and physical kinetics changes in the solution. On the other hand, the strong correlations observed for metal contents in mussel tissues can be elucidated by their common sources. The results of this study may be useful in the use of M. galloprovincialis, in the environmental biomonitoring studies

    Application of eutrophication indices for assessment of the ecological quality of the Moroccan eastern Mediterranean coast: Ras Kabdana-Saïdia

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    Eutrophication of littoral seawater is estimated to be one of the main threats to marine biota. Therefore, continuous monitoring is necessary to define areas of potential risk. Our work is an essay to explore the possibility of applying the trophic state index (TRIX) to assess the state of eutrophication along the eastern coast of the Moroccan Mediterranean (Ras Kabdana-Saïdia) in concert with a number of hydro chemical parameters and nutrients descriptors aimed at selection of relevant indicators of marine coastal area ecological quality. Seawater samples were studied monthly during 2018. The following environmental parameters have been considered: temperature, salinity, pH, suspended matter, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, saturation levels, nitrite, nitrate, and orthophosphate. Principal Component Analysis was applied in order to figure out and score the most relevant combination of parameters to discriminate between sites and select representative descriptors (pressure/state) of eutrophication. The following variables are defined as relevant descriptors for classification of the sites: nutrients (N, P) and their molar ratios (N/P), the capacity of the system to produce and sustain organic matter (chlorophyll a), and the trophic state index (TRIX). The results show TRIX values below 4, the eutrophication range indicated that there is no ecological risk. The Ras Kabdana-Saïdia is located in an oligotrophic state

    Morphology and distribution of some marine diatoms of the genus

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    This work aims to study the distribution and quantification of the genus Rhizosolenia known for its abundance and diversity among planktonic diatoms at 9 sampling stations in the Nador lagoon and during 2 seasons (spring and summer 2018). The diatoms collected in the 9 sampling stations were identified morphologically using an inverted optical microscope. A total of 10 species of the genus Rhizosolenia have been listed including: Rhizosolenia bushsolei, R alata forma alata, R bergonii, R cochlea, R hyalina, R imbricata, R setigera, R bushsolei, Rhizosolenia sp and R styliformis. The quantitative analysis of the species collected shows that the maximum cell density was recorded respectively at stations 9 and 7 located in the center of the Nador lagoon, with values of 21680 Cell/l and 15710 Cell/l. However, the minimum cell density was recorded at station 5 corresponding to Oued Bou Areg located at the edge of the lagoon with a value of 5120 Cell/l

    Study of groundwater pollution of irrigated Ain Zohra commune (North-eastern Morocco) by nitrates using GIS. Understanding the Climate–Water–Energy–Food Nexus and the Transition Towards a Circular Economy: The Case of Morocco

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    The contamination of Morocco’s water resources comes from three sources as like agriculture, industry, and urbanization. Within this project’s scope, we investigated groundwater contamination in the suburban community of Ain Zohra (located in the Mediterranean zone, Driouch province, eastern part of Morocco). The Zohra area is limited in east part by the rural municipality of Ain Zohra, in the north part by Driouch city and in the southern and western parts is bounded by the Boubker rural municipality. In July 2021, 21 samples were taken from the field (20 wells and 1 spring). In general, the results of this study showed that some water wells are highly mineralized as the conductivity is far above the drinking water standard. Every well’s pH is basic. Nitrate contamination in two places shows that the permeability of city soil affects the groundwater. The nitrate content might be higher than groundwater, which has 200 mg/l. In certain wells, groundwater contamination has raised organic matter levels above drinking water regulations. The water quality maps of some parameters were obtained based on application of Geographic Information System (GIS) for the study area

    Bioaccumulation and health risk assessment of trace elements in

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    The monthly variations in metal concentration of Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn) and Chromium (Cr) were determined in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis and seawater obtained from the mussel farm installed along the Al Hoceima coasts, during the sampling period of 2018. The heavy metals encountered in the bivalves were higher than those observed in their environment with a decreasing order of Zn > Cr > Cd. The results also showed a decreasing trend for the metals studied during the summer sampling campaign. The maximum values were obtained during the wet periods. The monthly variations in trace metals observed in the mussel tissues were due to environmental parameters and the physiological state of the bivalves. Our results revealed that the average concentrations of pollutants found in M. galloprovincialis were below the limits allowed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) which are 2.0, 1000 and 1.0 mg/kg, for Cd, Zn and Cr, respectively in molluscan shellfish for human consumption. Therefore, the trace elements present in the tissues of Al Hoceima shore mussels do not represent a risk to human health associated with their consumption, even during the period of their maximum bioaccumulation. Our work highlights the potential use of Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Biomonitoring of metallic pollutants in this region of the northern Moroccan coasts

    Biomonitoring heavy metals (Cu, Li and Mn) in the Marchica Lagoon of Morocco using

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    Concentration of Copper, Lithium and Manganese were determined in the whole soft tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis, collected from the two sites (Bni Ansar and Kariat Arekmane) of the Marchica lagoon of Morocco. The mussels were sampled on December and July of 2019. The ability of mussels to accumulate metals was arranged in the following order: Li < Cu < Mn. The levels of heavy metals in M. galloprovincialis were higher (P<0.05) in December (7.38, 2.63 and 11.10 mg/kg d.w., for Cu, Li and Mn, respectively) than July (5.56, 1.85 and 7.24 mg/kg d.w., for Cu, Li and Mn, respectively) because of the environmental parameters of the seawater and the physiological status of the animal. The trends of accumulations of investigated metals in mussel were higher (P < 0.05) in samples from Bni Ansar than from Kariat Arekmane sites, because of the urban and industrial discharge that submitted the zone of lagoon near to the Bni Ansar city. The Mn concentration in the mussel exceeded the acceptable guidelines limits indicated by international organization, which suggests that consumption of bivalves represents a threat to human health. The studied mussel is suitable biomonitors to investigate heavy metals contamination in the coastal area of the Moroccan Mediterranean coasts

    Assessment of potential contamination of groundwater in abandoned mining region of Ben Taieb, Northeastern Morocco using statistical studies

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    The objective of the study is to raise awareness of the effect of anthropogenic activity on groundwater in the urban area, water samples were collected from 12 wells in the area in April and September 2019.&nbsp; From these samples, pH and conductivity were determined using a pH meter/conductivity meter. From these samples, pH and conductivity were determined using a pH meter/conductivity meter, while heavy metal concentrations (Mn, Fe, Pb, Cu and AL) were determined by atomic analysis and ICP-MS. The study showed that groundwater in the study area is (0.01mg/l&lt;Mn2+&lt;0.06 mg/l) and contains (0.14mg/l&lt;Cu2+&lt;0.03 mg/l), (0.02mg/l&lt;Fe2+&lt;0.4 mg/l), (0.02mg/l&lt;Zn2+&lt;1.8mg/l) and (0.01mg/l&lt;AL3+&lt;0.05mg/l). These concentrations are above the permissible limits recommended by the World Health Organization (0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 5 and 0.2 mg/l, respectively; p &gt; 0.05). Bacteriological analyses show that the vast majority of the wells studied in the Ben Taib area harbour high densities of Faeceal coliform (0 to more than 420 CFU/100ml) and Fecal Streptococci (0 to over 25 CFU/100ml). The presence of these high quantities of pathogens, which are indicators of pollution and bacteriological contamination by wastewater, could be due to anthropic activities

    Pollution Vulnerability of the Ghiss Nekkor Alluvial Aquifer in Al-Hoceima (Morocco), Using GIS-Based DRASTIC Model

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    Groundwater resources of the alluvial aquifer Ghiss Nekkor, which covers an area of 100 km2, are the main source of domestic and agricultural freshwater supply in the region of Al Hoceima in Morocco. Due to human activities (overexploitation, increase in agricultural activity), this alluvial aquifer has become very sensitive to chemical pollution. The principal objective of this current study is to develop and implement a calibration method to assess, map, and estimate the vulnerability of the Ghiss Nekkor alluvial aquifer to pollution risk. In this work, the GIS-based DRASTIC model was used to estimate the inherent vulnerability to contamination of the Ghiss Nekkor alluvial aquifer with seven standard hydrogeological parameters. Nitrate (NO3) and electrical conductivity (EC) data were used to validate the DRASTIC map. The results of the vulnerability map analysis show that the vulnerability to contaminants varies from non-existent in the southwestern part of the plain (7.3% of the total area), to very high (14.5%). The vulnerability is moderate in the central and northeastern areas (26.9%), while it is high in the other areas (17.5%). Furthermore, the most sensitive areas are mainly concentrated near the coastal strip and the central plain on both sides of the Nekkor River. In these areas, the NO3 and EC values are above the maximum allowable limit of the World Health Organization. The results suggest that the DRASTIC model can be an effective tool for decision-makers concerned about managing groundwater sustainability