64 research outputs found

    Nanomaterial-based label-free electrochemical aptasensors for the detection of thrombin

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    Thrombin plays a central role in hemostasis and its imbalances in coagulation can lead to various pathologies. It is of clinical significance to develop a fast and accurate method for the quantitative detection of thrombin. Electrochemical aptasensors have the capability of combining the specific selectivity from aptamers with the extraordinary sensitivity from electrochemical techniques and thus have attracted considerable attention for the trace-level detection of thrombin. Nanomaterials and nanostructures can further enhance the performance of thrombin aptasensors to achieve high sensitivity, selectivity, and antifouling functions. In highlighting these material merits and their impacts on sensor performance, this paper reviews the most recent advances in label-free electrochemical aptasensors for thrombin detection, with an emphasis on nanomaterials and nanostructures utilized in sensor design and fabrication. The performance, advantages, and limitations of those aptasensors are summarized and compared according to their material structures and compositions


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    The problem in this research is a decrease in the amount of third party funds (savings) are decreased and the high number of closing the savings account of Islamic banking. This research aims to test the power of perceived service quality and perceived value to religious satisfaction to improve consumer resaving interest in an Islamic Banking in semarang (study in BNI Syariah). This study using three independent variable is perceived service quality and perceived value , variable resaving intention consumer as a dependent variable and variable religious satisfaction as intervening. A method of this research technique using probability sample that is random sampling and clusters of sampling to sample as many as 100 of respondents in the middle class and over who had bought an apartment in semarang .A method of data analyst using a technique double regression analysis , the analysis includes: test the validity of , a test of reliability , test the assumption of the classics , linear regression test doublet test , test f , test the coefficients determined and test sobel. The results show significant and positive effect perceived service quality to religious satisfaction and resaving intention, significant and positive effect perceived value to religious satisfaction and repurchase intention, and then significant and positive effect religious satisfaction to repurchase intention

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Perceived Value Terhadap Kepuasan Religius Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Menabung Ulang (Studi Pada Bni Syariah Semarang)

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    The problem in this research is a decrease in the amount of third party funds (savings)are decreased and the high number of closing the savings account of Islamic banking.This research aims to test the power of perceived service quality and perceived value toreligious satisfaction to improve consumer resaving interest in an Islamic Banking insemarang (study in BNI Syariah). This study using three independent variable isperceived service quality and perceived value , variable resaving intention consumer as adependent variable and variable religious satisfaction as intervening.A method of this research technique using probability sample that is random samplingand clusters of sampling to sample as many as 100 of respondents in the middle class andover who had bought an apartment in semarang .A method of data analyst using atechnique double regression analysis , the analysis includes: test the validity of , a test ofreliability , test the assumption of the classics , linear regression test doublet test , test f ,test the coefficients determined and test sobel.The results show significant and positive effect perceived service quality to religioussatisfaction and resaving intention, significant and positive effect perceived value toreligious satisfaction and repurchase intention, and then significant and positive effectreligious satisfaction to repurchase intention

    Exercise Prescriptions for Co-Morbid Conditions

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    Chronic diseases have a high prevalence with increased life expectancy and the only way we can improve the Quality of life with chronic diseases is exercise. Exercise has been recommended as an advice since long time but adherence of clients to such advices have been found variable and not beneficial. Therefore, exercise prescriptions in such situations becvome must and should be issued lifestyle medicine physicians, Exercise physiologists and health coaches. Since exercise has been quantified in such prescriptions it would certainly help to alleviate co morbid conditions

    Heme Oxygenase Induction Suppresses Hepatic Hepcidin and Rescues Ferroportin and Ferritin Expression in Obese Mice

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    Hepcidin, a phase II reactant secreted by hepatocytes, regulates cellular iron levels by increasing internalization of ferroportin-a transmembrane protein facilitating egress of cellular iron. Chronic low-grade inflammatory states, such as obesity, have been shown to increase oxidative stress and enhance hepcidin secretion from hepatocytes and macrophages. Heme-heme oxygenase (HO) is a stress response system which reduces oxidative stress. We investigated the effects of HO-1 induction on hepatic hepcidin levels and on iron homeostasis in hepatic tissues from lean and obese mice. Obese mice exhibited hyperglycemia (p < 0.05); increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines (MCP-1, IL-6, p < 0.05); oxidative stress (p < 0.05); and increased hepatic hepcidin levels (p < 0.05). Enhancement of hepcidin was reflected in the reduced expression of ferroportin in obese mice (p < 0.05). However, this effect is accompanied by a significant decline in ferritin expression. Additionally, there are reduced insulin receptor phosphorylation and attenuation of metabolic regulators pAMPK, pAKT, and pLKB1. Cobalt protoporphyrin- (CoPP-) induced HO-1 upregulation in obese mice reversed these alterations (p < 0.05), while attenuating hepatic hepcidin levels. These effects of CoPP were prevented in obese mice concurrently exposed to an inhibitor of HO (SnMP) (p < 0.05). Our results highlight a modulatory effect of HO on iron homeostasis mediated through the suppression of hepatic hepcidin


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    Objective: The present study was conducted with the objective of analyzing the efficacy of triple-drug combination therapy (formoterol, ciclesonide, tiotropium) by comparing it with double drug combination therapy (formoterol, budesonide).Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted. Sixty patients were enrolled, and divided into two groups of thirty each; one group was treated with the double-drug and the other with a triple drug combination. FEV1 and FVC pre-and post-treatment in either group were assessed spirometrically. Score ranges of 0-10, 11-20 and 21-30 were allotted to mild, moderate and severe categories and results were analyzed statistically.Results: Of the 60 patients recruited, 61-70 y olds constituted the majority (35%) of the population. Males (63.3%) were more in number compared to females (36.6%). Twenty-three of thirty-eight men smoked (60.5%); there were no female smokers. Common symptoms included cough (93.3%), dyspnoea (85%), fever (45%) and haemoptysis (15%). Hypertension accounted for 70% of patient comorbidities, followed by diabetes (60%) and cardiovascular diseases (40%). Three months after treatment with triple therapy, a significant increase in the differences of means of both FEV1 (14.27) and FVC (14.90) values was observed. Further analysis based on score ranges demonstrated that triple therapy administration markedly reduced the number of patients suffering from severe COPD.Conclusion: Our comparative analysis indicated that triple therapy was more effective in improving lung function, enhancing patients' quality of life (evidenced from score ranges) thereby reducing mortality. While much is known about the greater effectiveness of triple over dual therapy, researchers to formulate the most effective triple therapy are in progress

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Antioxidants in Ameliorating Obesity Phenotype and Associated Comorbidities

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    Obesity has been a worldwide epidemic for decades. Despite the abundant increase in knowledge regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of obesity, the prevalence continues to rise with estimates predicting considerably higher numbers by the year 2030. Obesity is characterized by an abnormal lipid accumulation, however, the physiological consequences of obesity are far more concerning. The development of the obesity phenotype constitutes dramatic alterations in adipocytes, along with several other cellular mechanisms which causes substantial increase in systemic oxidative stress mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). These alterations promote a chronic state of inflammation in the body caused by the redox imbalance. Together, the systemic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation plays a vital role in maintaining the obese state and exacerbating onset of cardiovascular complications, Type II diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and other conditions where obesity has been linked as a significant risk factor. Because of the apparent role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of obesity, there has been a growing interest in attenuating the pro-oxidant state in obesity. Hence, this review aims to highlight the therapeutic role of antioxidants, agents that negate pro-oxidant state of cells, in ameliorating obesity and associated comorbidities. More specifically, this review will explore how various antioxidants target unique and diverse pathways to exhibit an antioxidant defense mechanism

    Impact of COVID-19 on primary percutaneous coronary intervention centres in the UK: a survey

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    During the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the British Cardiovascular Society/British Cardiovascular Intervention Society and the British Heart Rhythm Society recommended to postpone non-urgent elective work and that primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) should remain the treatment of choice for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We sought to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the primary PCI service within the United Kingdom (UK). A survey of 43 UK primary PCI centres was performed and a significant reduction in the number of cath labs open was found (pre-COVID 3.6±1.8 vs. post-COVID 2.1±0.8; p<0.001) with only 64% of cath labs remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary PCI remained first-line treatment for STEMI in all centres surveyed

    Clinical utilisation of implantable loop recorders in adults with Fabry disease-a multi-centre snapshot study

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    Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked deficiency of alpha-galactosidase-A, leading to lysosomal storage of sphingolipids in multiple organs. Myocardial accumulation contributes to arrhythmia and sudden death, the most common cause of FD mortality. Therefore, there is a need for risk stratification and prediction to target device therapy. Implantable loop recorders (ILRs) allow for continual rhythm monitoring for up to 3 years. Here, we performed a retrospective study to evaluate current ILR utilisation in FD and quantify the burden of arrhythmia that was detected, which resulted in a modification of therapy. This was a snapshot assessment of 915 patients with FD across three specialist centres in England during the period between 1 January 2000 and 1 September 2022. In total, 22 (2.4%) patients underwent clinically indicated ILR implantation. The mean implantation age was 50 years and 13 (59%) patients were female. Following implantation, nine (41%) patients underwent arrhythmia detection, requiring intervention (six on ILR and three post-ILR battery depletion). Three patients experienced sustained atrial high-rate episodes and were started on anticoagulation. Three had non-sustained tachyarrhythmia and were started on beta blockers. Post-ILR battery depletion, one suffered complete heart block and two had sustained ventricular tachycardia, all requiring device therapy. Those with arrhythmia had a shorter PR interval on electrocardiography. This study demonstrates that ILR implantation in FD uncovers a high burden of arrhythmia. ILRs are likely to be underutilised in this pro-arrhythmic cohort, perhaps restricted to those with advanced FD cardiomyopathy. Following battery depletion in three patients as mentioned above, greater vigilance and arrhythmia surveillance are advised for those experiencing major arrhythmic events post-ILR monitoring. Further work is required to establish who would benefit most from implantation.</p

    Inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the progression of type II diabetes mellitus with coexisting hypertension

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    IntroductionType II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disorder that poses a serious health concern worldwide due to its rising prevalence. Hypertension (HT) is a frequent comorbidity of T2DM, with the co-occurrence of both conditions increasing the risk of diabetes-associated complications. Inflammation and oxidative stress (OS) have been identified as leading factors in the development and progression of both T2DM and HT. However, OS and inflammation processes associated with these two comorbidities are not fully understood. This study aimed to explore changes in the levels of plasma and urinary inflammatory and OS biomarkers, along with mitochondrial OS biomarkers connected to mitochondrial dysfunction (MitD). These markers may provide a more comprehensive perspective associated with disease progression from no diabetes, and prediabetes, to T2DM coexisting with HT in a cohort of patients attending a diabetes health clinic in Australia.MethodsThree-hundred and eighty-four participants were divided into four groups according to disease status: 210 healthy controls, 55 prediabetic patients, 32 T2DM, and 87 patients with T2DM and HT (T2DM+HT). Kruskal-Wallis and χ2 tests were conducted between the four groups to detect significant differences for numerical and categorical variables, respectively.Results and discussionFor the transition from prediabetes to T2DM, interleukin-10 (IL-10), C-reactive protein (CRP), 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), humanin (HN), and p66Shc were the most discriminatory biomarkers, generally displaying elevated levels of inflammation and OS in T2DM, in addition to disrupted mitochondrial function as revealed by p66Shc and HN. Disease progression from T2DM to T2DM+HT indicated lower levels of inflammation and OS as revealed through IL-10, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), 8-OHdG and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels, most likely due to antihypertensive medication use in the T2DM +HT patient group. The results also indicated better mitochondrial function in this group as shown through higher HN and lower p66Shc levels, which can also be attributed to medication use. However, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels appeared to be independent of medication, providing an effective biomarker even in the presence of medication use. The results of this study suggest that a more comprehensive review of inflammation and OS biomarkers is more effective in discriminating between the stages of T2DM progression in the presence or absence of HT. Our results further indicate the usefulness of medication use, especially with respect to the known involvement of inflammation and OS in disease progression, highlighting specific biomarkers during disease progression and therefore allowing a more targeted individualized treatment plan
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