551 research outputs found

    On the sound of snapping shrimp

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    Snapping shrimp produce a snapping sound by an extremely rapid closure of their snapper claw. Source levels reported for Alpheus heterochaelis are as high as 220 dB (peak-to-peak) re. 1 µPa at 1 m distance. The loud snap has been attributed to the mechanical contact made when the snapper claw contracts. The recent ultra-high-speed imaging of the snapper claw closure at 40500 frames per second has revealed that the sound is, in fact, generated by the collapse of a cavitation bubble formed in a fast flowing water jet forced out from between the claws during claw closure. A temporal analysis of the sound recordings and the high-speed images shows that no sound is associated with the claw closure, while a very prominent signal is observed during the collapse of the cavitation bubble. Gallery of Fluid Motion\ud Award-winning entry 200

    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition induced by delayed feedback and bistability

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    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition, the shift from 41 kyr to 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycles that occurred roughly 1 Myr ago, is often considered as a change in internal climate dynamics. Here we revisit the model of Quaternary climate dynamics that was proposed by Saltzman and Maasch (1988). We show that it is quantitatively similar to a scalar equation for the ice dynamics only when combining the remaining components into a single delayed feedback term. The delay is the sum of the internal times scales of ocean transport and ice sheet dynamics, which is on the order of 10 kyr. We find that, in the absence of astronomical forcing, the delayed feedback leads to bistable behaviour, where stable large-amplitude oscillations of ice volume and an equilibrium coexist over a large range of values for the delay. We then apply astronomical forcing. We perform a systematic study to show how the system response depends on the forcing amplitude. We find that over a wide range of forcing amplitudes the forcing leads to a switch from small-scale oscillations of 41 kyr to large-amplitude oscillations of roughly 100 kyr without any change of other parameters. The transition in the forced model consistently occurs near the time of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition as observed in data records. This provides evidence that the MPT could have been primarily a forcing-induced switch between attractors of the internal dynamics. Small additional random disturbances make the forcing-induced transition near 800 kyr BP even more robust. We also find that the forced system forgets its initial history during the small-scale oscillations, in particular, nearby initial conditions converge prior to transitioning. In contrast to this, in the regime of large-amplitude oscillations, the oscillation phase is very sensitive to random perturbations, which has a strong effect on the timing of the deglaciation events

    Laser welding of tailored blanks made of Al-Si-coated 22MnB5 steel using a filler wire and a variable energy distribution laser optics

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    Laser welding of Al-Si-coated steels for hot stamping in automotive applications is problematic due to the mixing of the coating layers inside the molten pool that weakens the resulting weld seam. In this case, the most common welding procedure to overcome this issue consists in removing the Al-Si layer through laser ablation prior to the joining. This method continues to be the most widely used by major producers of tailor welded blanks, although in situ ablation of the Al-Si coating can be costly and time consuming. In this work, a novel approach consisting in joining as-received (i.e., not decoated) materials using a filler wire and an innovative variable energy distribution laser optics is introduced and tested on tailor welded blanks made of 22MnB5. Tensile tests of specimens obtained from a 3(3) full factorial design of experiment have shown an average value of ultimate tensile strength of 1523 MPa, which is much higher than the one usually observed in as-received welded then hot-stamped conditions and aligned with hot-stamped base material values. Hardness test results (494-543 HV0.5) were in the typical hot-stamped base material range of values as well, while SEM-EDS analyses detected no ferrite inclusions inside the fusion zone. Variations of the main process parameters have been considered on an iso-thickness and iso-material configuration, empirically demonstrating the stability and reliability of the proposed methodology as well as its suitability for production purposes

    Shift of microbial communities and reduced enzymatic activity in soil under plastic mulching system in strawberry cultivation

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    The use of plastic mulching (PM) in agriculture has strongly increased in the last years. Improved water saving and higher soil temperature are some advantages of this management. Yet, an intensive use of PM has been recently linked to negative effects on soil quality. The aim of this study is thus to assess the effects of long-term plastic mulching (PM) on soil microbial indicators. PM was compared with the use of wheat straw mulching (SM), an also widely used mulch material. Samples were collected at two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm) from strawberry fields, after 4-year management. Cultivation in PM and SM was done in a ridge-furrow system with subsurface irrigation. Soil characterization comprised soil texture and aggregate stability, soil organic carbon, pH and water content. Soil microbial analysis included: Soil microbial biomass (Cmic), a fraction of soil cultivable fungi (CFU values), soil bacteria (16S rRNA), denitrifying community (nirK, nirS, narG, napA genes), soil enzyme activity (C-Chitinase, P-Phosphatase and N Leucine-aminopeptidase), deoxynivalenol (DON) content and Cmic:Corg ratio. Positive effects on soil physicochemical properties were observed under PM as compared to SM, reflected by a higher soil carbon content and better aggregate stability (p>0.05). Yet, soil microbial analysis revealed some differences between managements. Cmic values were comparable in both systems, showing no differences in soil microbial biomass. In the same way, the analysis of functional genes of the N cycle and the activity of the enzymes P-Phosphatase and N Leucine-aminopeptidase was not affected by the mulching treatment. But, the abundance of bacteria (18%) and a fraction of soil cultivable fungi were reduced by respectively 18 and 62% under PM. Since the Cmic values remained similar between treatments, this accounts for a shift of microbial communities under PM. Additionally, C-Chitinase activity declined under PM. Interestingly, this enzyme correlated positively with CFU values (r=0.781, p=0.001), suggesting that a reduction of the activity is a consequence of the reduction of the fungal biomass. Additionally, a higher deoxynivalenol concentration (2.2 ± 2.4 µg kg-1) and a reduced Cmic:Corg ratio (1.3±0.3%) were observed under PM, indicative of less appropriate soil conditions after long-term PM management

    Cascading transitions in the climate system

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    We introduce a framework of cascading tipping, i.e. a sequence of abrupt transitions occurring because a transition in one subsystem changes the background conditions for another subsystem. A mathematical framework of elementary deterministic cascading tipping points in autonomous dynamical systems is presented containing the double-fold, fold–Hopf, Hopf–fold and double-Hopf as the most generic cases. Statistical indicators which can be used as early warning indicators of cascading tipping events in stochastic, non-stationary systems are suggested. The concept of cascading tipping is illustrated through a conceptual model of the coupled North Atlantic Ocean – El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system, demonstrating the possibility of such cascading events in the climate system.</p

    Light Ions Response of Silicon Carbide Detectors

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    Silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes 21 mum thick with small surfaces and high N-dopant concentration have been used to detect alpha particles and low energy light ions. In particular 12C and 16O beams at incident energies between 5 and 18 MeV were used. The diode active-region depletion-thickness, the linearity of the response, energy resolution and signal rise-time were measured for different values of the applied reverse bias. Moreover the radiation damage on SiC diodes irradiated with 53 MeV 16O beam has been explored. The data show that SiC material is radiation harder than silicon but at least one order of magnitude less hard than epitaxial silicon diodes. An inversion in the signal was found at a fluence of 10^15 ions/cm^2.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, submitted for publication to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
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