13 research outputs found

    Profiles in patient safety: When an error occurs

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    Medical error is now clearly established as one of the most significant problems facing the American health care system. Anecdotal evidence, studies of human cognition, and analysis of high-reliability organizations all predict that despite excellent training, human error is unavoidable. When an error occurs and is recognized, providers have a duty to disclose the error. Yet disclosure of error to patients, families, and hospital colleagues is a difficult and/or threatening process for most physicians. A more thorough understanding of the ethical and social contract between physicians and their patients as well as the professional milieu surrounding an error may improve the likelihood of its disclosure. Key among these is the identification of institutional factors that support disclosure and recognize error as an unavoidable part of the practice of medicine. Using a case-based format, this article focuses on the communication of error with patients, families, and colleagues and grounds error disclosure in the cultural milieu of medial ethics

    Síndrome de Brugada en una mujer con presíncopes recurrentes. Reporte de caso.

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    El Síndrome de Brugada es un síndrome clínico-electrocardiográfico, se caracteriza por episodios sincopales a repetición o de muerte súbita recuperada secundaria a  fibrilación ventricular o taquicardia ventricular polimórfica, en pacientes sin cardiopatía  estructural. Presentamos el caso de una mujer joven atendida por episodios presincopales recurrentes, con electrocardiogramas iniciales normales, patrón de Brugada Tipo I oculto o intermitente, test de procainamida positivo y estudio electrofisiológico negativo, a la cual se le implantó un cardioversor desfibrilador automático implantable

    Buenas prácticas : Apertura de Centros a la Comunidad

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    Recopilación de 'Buenas Prácticas' presentadas en el Seminario Regional de Apertura de Centros celebrado en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria Carreño Miranda de Avilés en septiembre de 2006. A través de las propuestas de quince centros educativos asturianos, la publicación permite aproximarnos a diversas concepciones en el diseño y desarrollo del programa de Apertura de Centros a la Comunidad. La presentación de estos proyectos se realiza en torno a cuatro áreas: Participación, Promoción de la salud, Compensación de desigualdades, y Familia-Escuela.AsturiasUniversidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación; Calle Aniceto Sela s. n.; 33005 Oviedo; +34985103215; +34985103214;ES

    Conditional cash transfer programmes: the recent experience in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Includes BibliographySpanish version available at the LibraryForeword Alicia BárcenaThis document summarizes experience with conditional cash transfer or "co-responsibility" (CCT) programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean, over a period lasting more than 15 years. During this time, CCTs have consolidated and spread through the region's various countries as a tool of choice for poverty-reduction policy. This document, which it is hoped will serve as a basis and input for discussion and progress in building social-protection systems premised on inclusion and universal rights, provides detailed information on the different components of CCTs. It also reviews their main characteristics in terms of the definition and registration of programme users, the targeting mechanisms used, the various types of benefits provided, and the conditionalities attached to them. It then analyses the historical trend of the indicators of CCT investment and coverage, and the information available 8 ECLAC on their effects in different domains. Lastly, it makes an assessment of the experience and the main challenges that these programmes pose in terms of their sustainability, legal framework, accountability, participation, institutionality and inter-sectoral characteristics