102 research outputs found

    Model reduction in computational homogenization for transient heat conduction

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    International audienceThis paper presents a computationally efficient homogenization method for transient heat conduction problems. The notion of relaxed separation of scales is introduced and the homogenization framework is derived. Under the assumptions of linearity and relaxed separation of scales, the microscopic solution is decomposed into a steady-state and a transient part. Static condensation is performed to obtain the global basis for the steady-state response and an eigenvalue problem is solved to obtain a global basis for the transient response. The macroscopic quantities are then extracted by averaging and expressed in terms of the coefficients of the reduced basis. Proof-of-principle simulations are conducted with materials exhibiting high contrast material properties. The proposed homogenization method is compared with the conventional steady-state homogenization and transient computational homogenization methods. Within its applicability limits, the proposed homogenization method is able to accurately capture the microscopic thermal inertial effects with significant computational efficiency

    Divergence in Climate Model Projections of Future Arctic Atlantification

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    The Arctic Ocean is strongly stratified by salinity in the uppermost layers. This stratification is a key attribute of the region as it acts as an effective barrier for the vertical exchanges of Atlantic Water heat, nutrients, and CO2 between intermediate depths and the surface of the Eurasian and Amerasian basins (EB and AB, respectively). Observations show that from 1970 to 2017, the stratification in the AB has strengthened, whereas, in parts of the EB, the stratification has weakened. The strengthening in the AB is linked to freshening and deepening of the halocline. In the EB, the weakened stratification is associated with salinification and shoaling of the halocline (Atlantification). Simulations from a suite of CMIP6 models project that, under a strong greenhouse gas forcing scenario (ssp585), the overall surface freshening and warming continue in both basins, but there is a divergence in hydrographic trends in certain regions. Within the AB, there is agreement among the models that the upper layers will become more stratified. However, within the EB, models diverge regarding future stratification. This is due to different balances between trends at the surface and trends at depth, related to Fram Strait fluxes. The divergence affects projections of the future state of Arctic sea ice, as models with the strongest Atlantification project the strongest decline in sea ice volume in the EB. From these simulations, one could conclude that Atlantification will not spread eastward into the AB; however, models must be improved to simulate changes in a more intricately stratified EB correctly.publishedVersio

    From Luttinger to Fermi liquids in organic conductors

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    This chapter reviews the effects of interactions in quasi-one dimensional systems, such as the Bechgaard and Fabre salts, and in particular the Luttinger liquid physics. It discusses in details how transport measurements both d.c. and a.c. allow to probe such a physics. It also examine the dimensional crossover and deconfinement transition occurring between the one dimensional case and the higher dimensional one resulting from the hopping of electrons between chains in the quasi-one dimensional structure.Comment: To be published In the book "The Physics of Organic Conductors and Superconductors", Springer, 2007, ed. A. Lebe

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Physical oceanography

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    Arctic Ocean properties and processes are highly relevant to the regional and global coupled climate system, yet still scarcely observed, especially in winter. Team OCEAN conducted a full year of physical oceanography observations as part of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), a drift with the Arctic sea ice from October 2019 to September 2020. An international team designed and implemented the program to characterize the Arctic Ocean system in unprecedented detail, from the seafloor to the air-sea ice-ocean interface, from sub-mesoscales to pan-Arctic. The oceanographic measurements were coordinated with the other teams to explore the ocean physics and linkages to the climate and ecosystem. This paper introduces the major components of the physical oceanography program and complements the other team overviews of the MOSAiC observational program. Team OCEAN’s sampling strategy was designed around hydrographic ship-, ice- and autonomous platform-based measurements to improve the understanding of regional circulation and mixing processes. Measurements were carried out both routinely, with a regular schedule, and in response to storms or opening leads. Here we present along-drift time series of hydrographic properties, allowing insights into the seasonal and regional evolution of the water column from winter in the Laptev Sea to early summer in Fram Strait: freshening of the surface, deepening of the mixed layer, increase in temperature and salinity of the Atlantic Water. We also highlight the presence of Canada Basin deep water intrusions and a surface meltwater layer in leads. MOSAiC most likely was the most comprehensive program ever conducted over the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. While data analysis and interpretation are ongoing, the acquired datasets will support a wide range of physical oceanography and multi-disciplinary research. They will provide a significant foundation for assessing and advancing modeling capabilities in the Arctic Ocean

    Beyond forcing scenarios: predicting climate change through response operators in a coupled general circulation model

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    Global Climate Models are key tools for predicting the future response of the climate system to a variety of natural and anthropogenic forcings. Here we show how to use statistical mechanics to construct operators able to flexibly predict climate change for a variety of climatic variables of interest. We perform our study on a fully coupled model - MPI-ESM v.1.2 - and for the first time we prove the effectiveness of response theory in predicting future climate response to CO2 increase on a vast range of temporal scales, from inter-annual to centennial, and for very diverse climatic quantities. We investigate within a unified perspective the transient climate response and the equilibrium climate sensitivity and assess the role of fast and slow processes. The prediction of the ocean heat uptake highlights the very slow relaxation to a newly established steady state. The change in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is accurately predicted. The AMOC strength is initially reduced and then undergoes a slow and only partial recovery. The ACC strength initially increases as a result of changes in the wind stress, then undergoes a slowdown, followed by a recovery leading to a overshoot with respect to the initial value. Finally, we are able to predict accurately the temperature change in the Northern Atlantic

    Diversified actin protrusions promote environmental exploration but are dispensable for locomotion of leukocytes

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    Most migrating cells extrude their front by the force of actin polymerization. Polymerization requires an initial nucleation step, which is mediated by factors establishing either parallel filaments in the case of filopodia or branched filaments that form the branched lamellipodial network. Branches are considered essential for regular cell motility and are initiated by the Arp2/3 complex, which in turn is activated by nucleation-promoting factors of the WASP and WAVE families. Here we employed rapid amoeboid crawling leukocytes and found that deletion of the WAVE complex eliminated actin branching and thus lamellipodia formation. The cells were left with parallel filaments at the leading edge, which translated, depending on the differentiation status of the cell, into a unipolar pointed cell shape or cells with multiple filopodia. Remarkably, unipolar cells migrated with increased speed and enormous directional persistence, while they were unable to turn towards chemotactic gradients. Cells with multiple filopodia retained chemotactic activity but their migration was progressively impaired with increasing geometrical complexity of the extracellular environment. These findings establish that diversified leading edge protrusions serve as explorative structures while they slow down actual locomotion

    Inhibition of Wnt/ÎČ-Catenin Signaling by a Soluble Collagen-Derived Frizzled Domain Interacting with Wnt3a and the Receptors Frizzled 1 and 8

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    The Wnt/ÎČ-catenin pathway controls cell proliferation, death and differentiation. Several families of extracellular proteins can antagonize Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling, including the decoy receptors known as secreted frizzled related proteins (SFRPs), which have a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) structurally similar to the extracellular Wnt-binding domain of the frizzled receptors. SFRPs inhibit Wnt signaling by sequestering Wnts through the CRD or by forming inactive complexes with the frizzled receptors. Other endogenous molecules carrying frizzled CRDs inhibit Wnt signaling, such as V3Nter, which is proteolytically derived from the cell surface component collagen XVIII and contains a biologically active frizzled domain (FZC18) inhibiting in vivo cell proliferation and tumor growth in mice. We recently showed that FZC18 expressing cells deliver short-range signals to neighboring cells, decreasing their proliferation in vitro and in vivo through the Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling pathway. Here, using low concentrations of soluble FZC18 and Wnt3a, we show that they physically interact in a cell-free system. In addition, soluble FZC18 binds the frizzled 1 and 8 receptors' CRDs, reducing cell sensitivity to Wnt3a. Conversely, inhibition of Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling was partially rescued by the expression of full-length frizzled 1 and 8 receptors, but enhanced by the expression of a chimeric cell-membrane-tethered frizzled 8 CRD. Moreover, soluble, partially purified recombinant FZC18_CRD inhibited Wnt3a-induced ÎČ-catenin activation. Taken together, the data indicate that collagen XVIII-derived frizzled CRD shifts Wnt sensitivity of normal cells to a lower pitch and controls their growth

    Structural basis of the filamin A actin-binding domain interaction with F-actin

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    Cryo-EM reconstructions were deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank with the following accession numbers: F20-F-actin-FLNaABD, EMD-7833; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-Q170P, EMD-7832; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-8918; Krios-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-7831. The corresponding FLNaABD-E254K filament model was deposited in the PDB with accession number 6D8C. Source data for F-actin-targeting analyses (Figs. 2c,d,g,h, 3b,c,e,f, 4d,e, 5c,d, and 6a,b) and co-sedimentation assays (Figs. 5g and 6d) are available with the paper online. Other data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. We thank Z. Razinia for generating numerous FLNa constructs, S. Wu for expertise in using the Krios microscope, J. Lees for advice on model refinement, and M. Lemmon for helpful comments in preparing the manuscript. We also thank the Yale Center for Research Computing for guidance and use of the Farnam Cluster, as well as the staff at the YMS Center for Molecular Imaging for the use of the EM Core Facility. This work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01-GM068600 (D.A.C.), R01-NS093704 (D.A.C.), R37-GM057247 (C.V.S.), R01-GM110530 (C.V.S.), T32-GM007324, T32-GM008283) and an award from American Heart Association (15PRE25700119 (D.V.I.)).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Like mother, like child : investigating perinatal and maternal health stress in post-medieval London.

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    Post-Medieval London (sixteenth-nineteenth centuries) was a stressful environment for the poor. Overcrowded and squalid housing, physically demanding and risky working conditions, air and water pollution, inadequate diet and exposure to infectious diseases created high levels of morbidity and low life expectancy. All of these factors pressed with particular severity on the lowest members of the social strata, with burgeoning disparities in health between the richest and poorest. Foetal, perinatal and infant skeletal remains provide the most sensitive source of bioarchaeological information regarding past population health and in particular maternal well-being. This chapter examined the evidence for chronic growth and health disruption in 136 foetal, perinatal and infant skeletons from four low-status cemetery samples in post-medieval London. The aim of this study was to consider the impact of poverty on the maternal-infant nexus, through an analysis of evidence of growth disruption and pathological lesions. The results highlight the dire consequences of poverty in London during this period from the very earliest moments of life
