610 research outputs found

    Space flight research relevant to health, physical education, and recreation: With particular reference to Skylab's life science experiments

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    Data collected in the Skylab program relating to physiological stresses is presented. Included are routine blood measures used in clinical medicine as research type endocrine analyses to investigate the metabolic/endocrine responses to weightlessness. The daily routine of physical exercise, coupled with appropriate dietary intake, sleep, work, and recreation periods were considered essential in maintaining the crew's health and well being


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    This thesis explores the convergence and divergence between the mind and multimedia environment as perceptions are formed. The digitally constructed representation of the space investigated in the thesis work illustrates an abstract impression of the modern environment, somewhere between the real and the imaginary, the actual and the representational. The installation of the thesis images, off the gallery walls and at varying levels throughout the space, encourages the viewers to question realities and perception. I discuss the creation of the thesis work through a variety of different processes and media, both digital and traditional, and how this mimics environmental reality. Chiasm explores how the multiplicity of space presented in the images and through installation questions how environment is perceived and reflected upon in the mind as a memory

    Understanding the Search Behaviour of Greedy Best-First Search

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    A classical result in optimal search shows that A* with an admissible and consistent heuristic expands every state whose f-value is below the optimal solution cost and no state whose f-value is above the optimal solution cost. For satisficing search algorithms, a similarly clear understanding is currently lacking. We examine the search behaviour of greedy best-first search (gbfs) in order to make progress towards such an understanding. We introduce the concept of high-water mark benches, which separate the search space into areas that are searched by a gbfs algorithm in sequence. High-water mark benches allow us to exactly determine the set of states that are not expanded under any gbfs tie-breaking strategy. For the remaining states, we show that some are expanded by all gbfs searches, while others are expanded only if certain conditions are met

    Defining and Closing the Hydraulic Fracturing Governance Gap

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    As recent examples in Texas and Colorado have shown, if local governments ban fracking, they risk pushback from state governments. This pushback, in turn, can result in preemption making an outright local ban on fracking self-defeating because it could ultimately result in less local control over the impacts of hydraulic fracturing. Given this potentially self-defeating nature of local fracking bans, local governments should address the impacts of fracking through more traditional local governance mechanisms that do not pose as great a risk to local authority. On this premise, this Article seeks to make the case for the importance of, and authority for, local leadership of fracking governance. We present an overview of the federal and state laws that address fracking and describe the traditional scope of local land use authority. We next present a list of the most salient local impacts of hydraulic fracturing, including a description of the methods we employed to catalogue these local impacts. Finally, this Article concludes with a series of case studies that demonstrate different local governance mechanisms. Because of significant gaps in the state and federal regulatory apparatus, opportunity exists for local governments to craft regulatory and non-regulatory structures that meet their communities’ needs. We believe that with more comprehensive information about the impacts of fracking, as well as regulatory and non-regulatory tools that local governments can employ, municipalities will be better able to enact policies that withstand legal scrutiny and reflect local interests

    Search behavior of greedy best-first search

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    Greedy best-first search (GBFS) is a sibling of A* in the family of best-first state-space search algorithms. While A* is guaranteed to find optimal solutions of search problems, GBFS does not provide any guarantees but typically finds satisficing solutions more quickly than A*. A classical result of optimal best-first search shows that A* with an admissible and consistent heuristic expands every state whose f-value is below the optimal solution cost and no state whose f-value is above the optimal solution cost. Theoretical results of this kind are useful for the analysis of heuristics in different search domains and for the improvement of algorithms. For satisficing algorithms, a similarly clear understanding is currently lacking. We examine the search behavior of GBFS in order to make progress towards such an understanding. We introduce the concept of high-water mark benches, which separate the search space into areas that are searched by GBFS in sequence. High-water mark benches allow us to exactly determine the set of states that GBFS expands under at least one tie-breaking strategy. We show that benches contain craters. Once GBFS enters a crater, it has to expand every state in the crater before being able to escape. Benches and craters allow us to characterize the best-case and worst-case behavior of GBFS in given search instances. We show that computing the best-case or worst-case behavior of GBFS is NP-complete in general but can be computed in polynomial time for undirected state spaces. We present algorithms for extracting the set of states that GBFS potentially expands and for computing the best-case and worst-case behavior. We use the algorithms to analyze GBFS on benchmark tasks from planning competitions under a state-of-the-art heuristic. Experimental results reveal interesting characteristics of the heuristic on the given tasks and demonstrate the importance of tie-breaking in GBFS

    Die Rolle postoperativer Immobilisation nach elektrothermischem Shrinkage kollagenhaltigen Kapselbandgewebes:eine tierexperimentelle, biomechanische Studie

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    Es wurden rechte Patellarsehnen von 66 Kaninchen mittels Radiofrequenzenergie geschrumpft. Die Sehnen wurden unterschiedlich lang postoperativ nachbehandelt und -beobachtet. Sie wurden bis zu 6 Wochen ruhiggestellt und bis zu 9 Wochen nachbeobachtet. Die postoperative Längenentwicklung wurde dokumentiert. Post mortem wurden behandelte und unbehandelte Sehnen biomechanisch getestet. Postoperativ zeigten mobile und zuvor immobilisierte Sehnen eine Verlängerung über die präoperative Länge. Im biomechanischen Vergleich behandelter und unbehandelter Sehnen zeigten die unbehandelten Patellarsehnen signifikant bessere Ergebnisse. Die Ergebnisse sprechen gegen eine Anwendung der Methode in der Klinik. Weitere Studien, bei denen die Methode mit anderen Nachbehandlungsschemata kombiniert wird, sind nötig, um eventuell einen klinischen Einsatz zu verantworten

    Best-Case and Worst-Case Behavior of Greedy Best-First Search

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    We study the impact of tie-breaking on the behavior of greedy best-first search with a fixed state space and fixed heuristic. We prove that it is NP-complete to determine the number of states that need to be expanded by greedy best-first search in the best case or in the worst case. However, the best- and worst-case behavior can be computed in polynomial time for undirected state spaces. We perform computational experiments on benchmark tasks from the International Planning Competitions that compare the best and worst cases of greedy best-first search to FIFO, LIFO and random tie-breaking. The experiments demonstrate the importance of tie-breaking in greedy best-first search

    Search Progress and Potentially Expanded States in Greedy Best-First Search

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    A classical result in optimal search shows that A* with an admissible and consistent heuristic expands every state whose f-value is below the optimal solution cost and no state whose f-value is above the optimal solution cost. For satisficing search algorithms, a similarly clear understanding is currently lacking. We examine the search behavior of greedy best-first search (GBFS) in order to make progress towards such an understanding. We introduce the concept of high-water mark benches, which separate the search space into areas that are searched by a GBFS algorithm in sequence. High-water mark benches allow us to exactly determine the set of states that are expanded by at least one GBFS tie-breaking strategy and give us a clearer understanding of search progress

    The Effects of Game Based Nutrition Intervention on 5th Graders School Lunch Choices

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    Introduction: Evidence shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables has health benefits, yet children across the country consume less than levels recommended by the USDA. Breifel et. al. showed that children aged 5-18 consume up to half of their daily nourishment in the school setting. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) aims to ensure access to nutritious food for school aged children. The Burlington School Food Project aims to provide nutritious and appealing meals to all students which meet the NSLP guidelines. Observations demonstrate that although the food is available children do not always take advantage of the healthy options provided. Studies have shown that where food is eaten as well as how food is marketed impacts the choices children make on what they consume.[iv],[v] A recent study showed that intervention coupled with food-based education was successful in improving eating habits. Our goal was to improve the food choices made by 5th graders eating lunch at school through a game-based intervention. We hypothesized that by presenting fruits and vegetable in a fun and dynamic manner, in conjunction with education and role-modeling, we could increase the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables consumed by students at lunch.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1072/thumbnail.jp
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