180 research outputs found

    Many-body position operator in lattice fermionic systems with periodic boundary conditions

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    A total position operator XX in the position representation is derived for lattice fermionic systems with periodic boundary conditions. The operator is shown to be Hermitian, the generator of translations in momentum space, and its time derivative is shown to correspond to the total current operator in a periodic system. The operator is such that its moments can be calculated up to any order. To demonstrate its utility finite size scaling is applied to the Brinkman-Rice transition as well as metallic and insulating Gutzwiller wavefunctions.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (reference will be added later

    A gravimetric assessment of the Gotthard Base Tunnel geological model: insights from a novel gravity terrain-adaptation correction and rock physics data.

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    The Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is a 57 km long railway tunnel, constructed in the Central Alps in Switzerland and extending mainly North-South across numerous geological units. We acquired 80 new gravity data points at the surface along the GBT profile and used 77 gravity measurements in the tunnel to test and constrain the shallow crustal, km-scale geological model established during the tunnel construction. To this end, we developed a novel processing scheme, which computes a fully 3D, density-dependent gravity terrain-adaptation correction (TAC), to consistently compare the gravity observations with the 2D geological model structure; the latter converted into a density model. This approach allowed to explore and quantify candidate rock density distributions along the GBT modelled profile in a computationally-efficient manner, and to test whether a reasonable fit can be found without structural modification of the geological model. The tested density data for the various lithologies were compiled from the SAPHYR rock physical property database. The tested models were evaluated both in terms of misfit between observed and synthetic gravity data, and also in terms of correlation between misfit trend and topography of the target profile. The results indicate that the locally sampled densities provide a better fit to the data for the considered lithologies, rather than density data averaged over a wider set of Alpine rock samples for the same lithology. Furthermore, using one homogeneous and constant density value for all the topographic corrections does not provide an optimal fit to the data, which instead confirms density variations along the profile. Structurally, a satisfactory fit could be found without modifying the 2D geological model, which thus can be considered gravimetry-proof. From a more general perspective, the gravity data processing routines and the density-dependent corrections developed in this case study represent a remarkable potential for further high-resolution gravity investigations of geological structures. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s00015-022-00422-z

    Making seismology accessible to the public in Nepal: an earthquake location tutorial for education purposes

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    Earthquakes become a hot topic for discussion in Nepali communities when a big local event happens. Beyond the seismic monitoring and research, efforts to improve the population’s preparedness or to reduce earthquake related risks are limited, and there is a gap between scientific community and society. To establish the missing link between seismology and citizens we have initiated an educational approach called Seismology at School in Nepal and a total of 30 low-cost seismometers have been installed in schools. The program is engaging the public on earthquake related activities and found to be effective in raising the awareness levels of children, promoting broader earthquake learning in the community, thus improving the adaptive capacities and preparedness for future earthquakes. The aim of this work is to present a simple tutorial of earthquake location mainly for Nepali citizens and school teachers. We describe procedures for computing an earthquake epicenter using an open and user-friendly software, Seisgram2K. This tutorial helps the public to have first-order information on earthquakes, by allowing to locate epicenters, which will increase the frequency of earthquake discussion in the community. Open seismic data and the earthquake location tutorial helps to inspire the next generation to study Earth sciences, which is very important and required for earthquake prone countries, like Nepal

    Seismic velocities in Southern Tibet lower crust: a receiver function approach for eclogite detection

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    Beneath the Tibet plateau, the deficit of crustal thickening with respect to what is expected from the plate tectonic constraints is thought to be absorbed either by lateral extrusion or by vertical rock-mass transfer. To nourish the unsettled debate of the relative importance of these two processes, we propose a new approach, based on the S-to-P and the P-to-S wave conversions, enabling the precise determination of the seismic velocities. The weighted amplitudes of the direct conversion and of reverberations are stacked at their predicted arrival times for various values of layer thickness and v(P)/v(S) ratio separately for two sets of P- and S-receiver functions. For each set of receiver functions, coherent stack gives the v(P)/v(S) ratio and thickness for the considered layer (the grid search stacking method). The values of v(P)/v(S) ratio and layer thickness are functions of the velocity used for stacking the set of receiver functions, but using the P- and S-receiver functions allows us to solve this indetermination and to find the effective parameters of the layer: velocity v(S), v(P)/v(S) ratio and thickness. We use a bootstrap resampling of the receiver function data sets to estimate the parameters uncertainties. For the Southern Lhasa Block, the migrated sections of both P- and S-receiver functions (Hi-CLIMB experiment data) show a layer in the lower crust that may be related to the lower Indian crust underplated beneath Tibet. With the grid search stacking method, high shear wave velocities (v(S) similar to 4.73 km s(-1)) and low v(P)/v(S) ratios (similar to 1.69) are detected in this layer. Such values are typical for high-grade eclogites, and the low v(P)/v(S) ratio precludes the confusion with mafic granulites. There is no evidence for partial eclogitization near and south of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture, and the about 19 km thick eclogitic layer extends northwards only to about the middle of the Lhasa terrane

    The 2015 Gorkha earthquake: A large event illuminating the Main Himalayan Thrust fault

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    International audienceThe 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence provides an outstanding opportunity to better characterize the geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). To overcome limitations due to unaccounted lateral heterogeneities, we perform Centroid Moment Tensor inversions in a 3-D Earth model for the main shock and largest aftershocks. In parallel, we recompute S-toP and P-to-S receiver functions from the Hi-CLIMB data set. Inverted centroid locations fall within a low-velocity zone at 10–15 km depth and corresponding to the subhorizontal portion of the MHT that ruptured during the Gorkha earthquake. North of the main shock hypocenter, receiver functions indicate a north dipping feature that likely corresponds to the midcrustal ramp connecting the flat portion to the deep part of the MHT. Our analysis of the main shock indicates that long-period energy emanated updip of high-frequency radiation sources previously inferred. This frequency-dependent rupture process might be explained by different factors such as fault geometry and the presence of fluids

    Joint inversion of teleseismic and GOCE gravity data: application to the Himalayas

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    Our knowledge and understanding of the 3-D lithospheric structure of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau is still challenging although numerous geophysical studies have been performed in the region. The GOCE satellite mission has the ambitious goal of mapping Earth's gravity field with unprecedented precision (i.e. an accuracy of 1-2 mGal for a spatial resolution of 100 km) to observe the lithosphere and upper-mantle structure. Consequently, it gives new insights in the lithospheric structure beneath the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. Indeed, the GOCE gravity data now allow us to develop a new strategy for joint gravimetry-seismology inversion. Combined with teleseismic data over a large region in a joint inversion scheme, they will lead to lithospheric velocity-density models constrained in two complementary ways. We apply this joint inversion scheme to the Hi-CLIMB (Himalayan-Tibetan Continental Lithosphere during Mountain Building) seismological network which was deployed in South Tibet and the Himalayas for a 3-yr period. The large size of the network, the high quality of the seismological data and the new GOCE gravity data set allow us to image the entire lithosphere of this active area in an innovative way. We image 3-D low velocity and density structures in the middle crust that fit the location of discontinuous low S-velocity zones revealed by receiver functions in previous geophysical studies. In the deeper parts of our velocity model we image a positive anomaly interpreted to be the heterogenous Indian lithosphere vertically descending beneath the centre of the Tibetan Platea

    Report on the ICDP workshop DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea–Verbano zonE)

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    The Ivrea–Verbano Zone is the most complete, time-integrated crust–upper mantle archive in the world. It is a unique target for assembling data on the deep crust and the Moho transition zone and testing several hypotheses of formation, evolution, and modification of the continental crust through space and time across the Earth. The ICDP workshop Drilling the Ivrea–Verbano zonE (DIVE), held in Baveno, Italy, from 1 to 5 May 2017, focused on the scientific objectives and the technical aspects of drilling and sampling in the Ivrea–Verbano Zone at depth. A total of 47 participants from 9 countries with a wide variety of scientific and/or drilling expertise attended the meeting. Discussion on the proposed targets sharpened the main research lines and led to working groups and the necessary technical details to compile the full drilling proposal. The participants of the workshop concluded that four drilling operations in the Val Sesia and Val d'Ossola crustal sections represent the scientifically most promising solution to achieve the major goals within DIVE to unravel the physico-chemical properties and architecture of the lower continental crust towards the crust–mantle (Moho) transition zone

    Segmentation of the Himalayas as revealed by arc-parallel gravity anomalies

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    International audienceLateral variations along the Himalayan arc are suggested by an increasing number of studies and carry important information about the orogen’s segmentation. Here we compile the hitherto most complete land gravity dataset in the region which enables the currently highest resolution plausible analysis. To study lateral variations in collisional structure we compute arc-parallel gravity anomalies (APaGA) by subtracting the average arc-perpendicular profile from our dataset; we compute likewise for topography (APaTA). We find no direct correlation between APaGA, APaTA and background seismicity, as suggested in oceanic subduction context. In the Himalayas APaTA mainly reflect relief and erosional effects, whereas APaGA reflect the deep structure of the orogen with clear lateral boundaries. Four segments are outlined and have disparate flexural geometry: NE India, Bhutan, Nepal & India until Dehradun, and NW India. The segment boundaries in the India plate are related to inherited structures, and the boundaries of the Shillong block are highlighted by seismic activity. We find that large earthquakes of the past millennium do not propagate across the segment boundaries defined by APaGA, therefore these seem to set limits for potential rupture of megathrust earthquakes