50 research outputs found

    Mikroszatellita lokuszok evolúciója a görögdinnyében (Citrullus lanatus) a középkor óta; (CT)3 deléció a (CT)26 nSSR-ban.

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    Görögdinnye (Citrullus lanatus) magleletekből (13. sz., Debrecen; 15. sz. Buda; 18. sz. Pannonhalma) DNS-izolálást, molekuláris (nSSR – nuclear simple sequence repeat; cpDNS – kloroplasztisz DNS) elemzést és fenotípusos fajtarekonstrukciót végeztünk 44 mai fajtával való összehasonlításban. Az elemzésben 47 primer-párt teszteltünk, ebből 26 primer-pár bizonyult hatékonynak a mai fajtákban, amelyek közül csak 16 volt aktív a középkori mintában. Az aktív primerek alkalmazásával szekvencia elemzést végeztünk a (CT)26-30 nSSR lokuszon, és a clp-12 cpDNS lokuszon. Megállapítottuk, hogy a középkori mintában még megtalálható (CT)3 szakasz a mai fajtában már delécióval kiesett az elmúlt 600 év során. Továbbá a cpDNS trnV (Jarret et al., 1997) lokuszán (tRNS-Valin; 299 bp) két szubsztitúciót azonosítottunk (102.196 és a 102.201 nt.-ben). A (CT)26-30 nSSR lokusz (196 bp) 122-130 bp szakaszán egy további (CT)4 inverziót is azonosítottunk, amely (CT)26-30 egyszerű mikroszatellita lokuszból kialakuló (CT)17-C-(TC)3-T-(CT)5 összetett mikroszatellita születését igazolja. Vizsgálataink során egy új retrotranszpozont (Cila-1) azonosítottunk. A középkori minta fajtarekonstrukciójához elkészítettük a 44 mai fajta morfológiai dendrogramját 25 fenotípusos bélyeg alapján. | The evolution of water melon (Citrullus lanatus) microsatellites from the 15th century (Debrecen); 13th (Buda); and 18th century, (Pannonhalma) were analyzed. Microsatellite (nSSR, nuclear simple sequence repeat) and cpDNA profiles of the aDNA (ancient DNA) of seed remains were compared to modern water melon cultivars and landraces. Sixteen primer pairs were applied. Sequence analysis at the (CT)26 and cpDNA trnV loci revealed a (CT)3 and Adenin deletions, respectively, form the current water melon cultivar compared to the medieval sample. Cila-1), a new LTR retrotansposon has been described. For morphological reconstruction, a dendrogram produced by SPSS11 based on the presence versus absence of 24 phenotypic characters were also analyzed

    Morfológiai diverzitás sárgadinnyében (Cucumis melo); egy középkori típus fajtarekonstrukciója

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    47 mai sárgadinnye tájfajta illetve fajta morfológiai diverzitás vizsgálatát végeztük el 23 fenotípusos bélyeg alapján, egy középkori lelet (15. sz. eleje) rekonstrukciójához, valamint az eltet 600 év során végbement mikroevolúciós folyamatok nyomonkövetésére. A vizsgálatok során felvételezett 47 mai sárgadinnye fajta kivétel nélkül besorolható volt az Európában elterjedt három fő terméstípusú csoportba: a cikkelyesen barázdás Kantalup (cantalupensis), a hálózatos-recés terméshéjú Retikulatusz (reticulatus), és a simahéjú Inodorusz (inodorus) csoportba. A párhuzamosan végzett molekuláris vizsgálatok, valamint az itt közölt morfológiai diagramm segítségével a középkori minta fajta-típusa meghatározható volt, amely egy inodorusz típusú, sima héjú, zöld húsú sárgadinnye lehetett, átmeneti formával a „Hógolyó” és a „Kősárga” tájfajta között. | Morphological diversity of melon (Cucumis melo); phenotype reconstruction of a medieval sample. Morphological diversity among 47 melon (Cucumis melo) cultivars and landraces from Hungarian germplasm collection (ABI, Tápiószele) were analyzed with an ultimate aim to characterize morphologically cv. Hógolyó, which showed the closest genetic similarity to a medieval melon recovered from the 15th century. Cultivars based on fruit morphology were grouped into the three main types of melon as reticulatus, cantalupensis and inodorus. Cluster analysis (by SPSS-11) based on 23 morphological (quantitative and qualitative) traits recorded revealed an extreme diversity among accessions, nevertheless cultivars were clustered into main melon clusters with only two exceptions of inodorus type cv. Zimovka J. and Afghanistan. Cultivars Sweet ananas and Ezüst ananász; and two Hungarian landraces Kisteleki and Nagycserkeszi showed close similarity. Cultivars Hógolyó and Túrkeve of inodorus type were also grouped in one cluster, which provide insight into the morphological reconstruction of the medieval melon recovered from the 15th century. These results also indicate that old Hungarian landraces could be re-introduced into breeding programs for broadening genetic base of melon

    SSR- and RAPD Analysis of a New Agropyron Repens Genotype

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    SSR-(single sequence repeat), and RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) primer generated DNA fingerprints were used to distinguish a new genotype of quackgrass from its original type of Agropyron repenes L. Beauv. (= Elytrigia repens). Products of polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were separated by agarose (AGE) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Although, both kinds of primers were found to be polymorphic, the microsatellite primer with sequence of 5í-AC(GACA)4-3í generated distinguishing fingerprints in the two types of quackgrasses. This result gives genetic evidence for the new genotype of quackgrass

    Microsatellite fingerprinting of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties of the Carpathian Basin

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    Altogether 101 Vitis vinifera L. genotypes were analysed at 6 microsatellite loci (Scu8vv, Scu10vv, VVMD21, VVMD36, ssrVRZAG64, ssrVRZAG79). Ninety-seven were autochthonous accessions of the Carpathian Basin and 4 were international cultivars. The allele composition and sizes obtained with the 6 microsatellite primer pairs were appropriate for discrimination of 95 cultivars. Berry colour-variants of cvs Gohér (Gohér fehér-white and Gohér piros-red), Lisztes (Lisztes fehér and Lisztes piros) as well as the cvs Bakator (Bakator piros and Bakator tüdőszín - light red) were exceptions.

    Identification of grapevine cultivars using microsatellite-based DNA barcodes

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    Microsatellite allele sizes were determined at twelve loci in 115 grape genotypes, including 88 ancient Vitis vinifera L. cultivars indigenous to the Carpathian Basin. Pairwise comparison of the microsatellite data led to the identification of ambiguous nomenclature and established differences between two grapevine cultivars, Leányka and Leányszőlő, previously thought of as identical. The data also disproved erroneous assumptions about the parentage of two additional cultivars, one of which was 'Csabagyöngye' ('Pearl of Csaba'), an economically important grapevine and a renowned genetic resource for grape breeding. The results also pointed to several possible parent-progeny relationships which will be subject to further pedigree studies. The DNA typing information was used to construct a barcode system which was incorporated into the Hungarian Vitis Microsatellite Database for efficient and unambiguous identification of grape genotypes, thereby increasing the precision with which genetic resources are managed in Hungary.

    Auxin and cytokinin bioassays

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    Ripening related processes in strawberry, a nonclimacteric fruit: a short overview

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    Fruits are essential part of the human diet: they provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants to the mankind. Physiologically they can be divided into two groups-climacteric and nonclimacteric - depending if they display any respiratory peak and dramatic increase in ethylene biosynthesis or do not. Ethylene is a gaseous hormone playing a very important role in several physiological processes in plants. While climacteric fruits, like apples, bananas, tomatoes, peaches, apricots show increased ethylene biosynthesis and dramatic respiratory peak during their ripening, nonclimacteric fruits, like strawberries, grapes, citrus do not. The most widely used fruits for studying nonclimacteric ripening are strawberries: several papers are focusing on the identification and characterization of ripening related genes from this plant. Therefore here we attempt to summarize the most important advances in strawberry fruit development, and ripening