19 research outputs found

    Prevalensi Kejadian Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM)

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    This study aims to determine the characteristics of Posbindu participants and the incidence of non-communicable diseases. The research method used in this research is descriptive observational. The results showed that most (58%) found high blood pressure/hypertension, the majority (97.3%) found no high or regular blood sugar, on examination of uric acid, some (57.3%) found no high or normal uric acid as much Of the 63 people for cholesterol examination, the majority (85.5%) found normal cholesterol levels as many as 94 people. In conclusion, there is no significant relationship between gender and the incidence of hypertension, diabetes, gout, and high cholesterol. However, the analysis results show that women are more at risk for developing non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, gout, and high cholesterol.   Keywords: Early Detection, Climacterium, Elderly, Non-Communicable Disease


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    The number of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmited Infectious Diseases (PIMS) incidence in Indonesia, especially in Central Java are growing every year. Provincial government set a regulation in controlling disease that refers to the HIV/ AIDS Control Program and PIMS in the First Level of Health Facilities by the Ministry of Health in 2016. It is hoped that this program can break the chain of HIV/AIDS and PIMS cases while at the same time making a generation that healthy and productive quality. The aim of this study was to determine the implementation of programs to control HIV/AIDS and PIMS in Banyumas regency. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative through in-depth interviews. The main informants were ten HIV Counseling and Testing (KTHIV) of Public Health Center, triangulation informants were People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) patients, Clinical Doctors, Head of Department of Health Services P2P. The data were collected by in-depth interview technique. In addition to the interview, a survey was also conducted with PLWHA. Processing and analysis of data were using taxonomic analysis. The implementation of HIV/AIDS control program policies has not been optimal in its implementation. The lack of optimal implementation of HIV/AIDS and PIMS prevention policies is due to several aspects, i.e. policy accuracy, implementation accuracy, target accuracy, environmental accuracy, and process accuracy. Increasing monitoring and evaluation related to a program's policies is needed. Morover,  it is important to improve the quality of human resources and careful planning related to the control program


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi penyakit tidak menular pada ibu hamil. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif observasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit tidak menular tertinggi pada ibu hamil pre eclampsia yaitu 4.547 (48.96%), terjadi pada ibu hamil rentang usia 25-34 tahun yakni 4.094 (44.07%), dengan pekerjaan IRT 4.591 (49.42%), berpendidikan SMA sederajat 3.270 (35.20%) dan memiliki IMT 25 sebanyak 6.236 (67.14%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penyakit tidak menular pada ibu hamil masih di dominasi pre eclampsia pada usia reproduksi sehat.

    Mobile application for early detection of non-communicable diseases

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    Background: The number of deaths and illnesses caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing. One of the leading causes of NCDs is the behavior or patterns of people's daily habits. In the absence of a system that is used to detect NCDs with a behavioral approach, it is essential to research and create an application system for the early detection of NCDs.Purpose: This study aims to produce a system for the early detection of NCDs in pregnant women and provide recommendations based on an expert system.Method: This study employed Research & Development consisting of 4 stages, namely Literature Study, Development Stage, Validity Expert, and Trial.Results: This application has features that the public can use to detect NCDs independently. Users can perform early detection independently as needed; all user detection history data will be recorded in the detection history menu. In addition, users get health information through the health article menu. The results of trials conducted on pregnant women found that this application system was more effective than the manual. A mobile application can also increase the speed of diagnosis to 42%.Conclusion: This application is helpful for health workers and the public in conducting early detection of NCDs and providing education. This early detection application will make it easier for users to know their condition based on their behavior and make it easier for health workers to detect early and control the user's condition even from a distance


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    Faktor pola asuh yang tidak baik dalam keluarga merupakan salah satu penyebab timbulnya permasalahan gizi. Pola asuh meliputi kemampuan kelaurga untuk menyediakan waktu, perhatian dan dukungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan fisik, mental dan social dari anak yang sedang tumbuh dalam keluarga. Pola asuh terhadap anak dimanifestasikan dalam beberapa hal berupa pemberian ASI dan makanan pendamping, rangsangan psikososial, praktek kebersihan / hygiene dan sanitasi lingkungan, perawatan anak dalam keadaan sakit berupa praktek kesehatan dirumah dan pola pencarian pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian stunting serta adakah hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kejadian stunting. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variable penelitian ini adalah pola asuh orang tua dan kejadian stunting. Populasi penelitian ini adalah balita di wilayah PKM, didapatkan sampel 70 balita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh yang diterapkan pada subjek penelitian mayoritas pola asuh demokratis dimana pada kondisi tertentu diterapkan pula pola asuh otoriter dan permisif. Status gizi balita ditemukan 48.6% mengalami gizi stunting. Berdasarkana analisis tidak ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kejadian stunting pada balita dengan nilai p-value 0,345 0, 05. Diharapkan pada penelitian selanjutnya agar dapat melakukan penelitian dengan faktor lain untuk mengetahui lebih jelas faktor penyebab stunting


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    Abstrak: Posbindu PTM merupakan salah satu upaya kesehatan berbasis masyarakat yang bersifat promotif dan preventif dalam rangka deteksi dini dan pemantauan faktor risiko PTM Utama yang dilaksanakan secara terpadu, rutin, dan periodik. Masyarakat diberi fasilitas dan bimbingan dalam mengembangkan wadah untuk berperan, dibekali pengetahuan . Bentuk pengabdian berupa pelatihan pada kader baru posbindu yang ditargetkan 15 orang di Kelurahan Gedawang. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan faktor risiko PTM. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat mengacu pada pedoman penyelenggaraan posbindu PTM. Tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi perencanaan kegiatan, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Telah terbentuk Posbindu di Kelurahan Gedawang. Kegiatan pelatihan hanya diikuti oleh 10 orang kader. Hasil pre dan posttest menunjukan peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari 34 menjadi 81 dan proporsi nilai 8 keatas meningkat. Kegiatan pelatihan pada kader diharapkan dapat dilakukan secara berkala oleh Dinkes dan pihak Puskesmas dapat memberikan tindak lanjut pada masyarakat yang terjaring memiliki faktor risiko PTM. Untuk posbindu PTM, jumlah partisipan yang dating berjumlah 20 orang. Didapatkan berdasarkan ahsil pemerikasaan IMT melebihi nilai normal, 67% tekanan darah tinggi, 87% kolesterol tinggi. Kurang dari 50% partisipan punya kebiasaan olahraga, konsumsi makanan asin, berlemak dan manis. Kegiatan pelatihan pada akder diharapkan dapat dilakukan secara berkala oleh Dinkes dan pihak Puskesmas dapat memberikan tindak lanjut pada masyarakat yang terjaring memiliki faktor risiko PTM.Abstract: Posbindu NCD is one of the community-based health efforts that are promotive and preventive in the context of early detection and monitoring of the main NCD risk factors which are carried out in an integrated, routine and periodic manner. Communities are given facilities and guidance in developing platforms to play a role, equipped with knowledge. The form of service is in the form of training for new posbindu cadres targeted at 15 people in the Gedawang Village. Then an examination of NCD risk factors is carried out. The implementation of community service refers to the guidelines for the implementation of Posbindu NCD. The activity implementation phase includes activity planning, activity implementation and activity evaluation. Posbindu has been formed in Gedawang Village. Only 10 cadres participated in the training activities. The results of the pre and posttest showed an increase in the average score from 34 to 81 and the proportion of scores above 8 increased. Training activities for cadres are expected to be carried out periodically by the Health Office and the Puskesmas to provide follow-up to people who are caught having NCD risk factors. For Posbindu NCD, the number of participants who came was 20 people. Obtained based on BMI examination results exceeding normal values, 67% high blood pressure, 87% high cholesterol. Less than 50% of participants have a habit of exercising, consuming salty, fatty and sweet foods. It is hoped that the training activities for akder can be carried out periodically by the Health Office and the Puskesmas to provide follow-up to people who are caught having NCD risk factors


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    Patient satisfaction is the most important thing that needs to be prioritizied by the Hospital. To achieve the quality of service according to patient expectations, the hospital always prioritizes patient satisfaction through continous improvement in the quality of service by implementing correct practives, increasing human resource competence (HR) and applying adequate technology. Research this is a type of quantitative research with approach cross sectional. The population in this, study were all maternity patients for a period of 1 month. The number of samples that met the inclusion criteria from September 11 to October 11, 2017 wa 77 people. Univariate analysis with the Importnace-method Performance Analysis. The IPA method is done by calculating the level of conformity and a Cartesian diagram of expectations and reality. To determine the different test, the researcher first conducted a normality test on variabels; tangible; reliability, responsivess, assurance, and empathy using Kolmogorof-Smirnof (because the sample 50) with a significant value0.05 (Dahlan, 2014). It was concluded that the data was not normally distrtributed. So researchers use the Wilcoxon test (because the data are not normally distributed) to determine the different test (Dahlan, 2014). On the dimensions of the study carried out still requires changes to improve patient satisfaction


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    The Effectiveness Of Combination Of Ginger And Pyroxoxine Extract To Reduce Pregnant Women Moment Nausea vomiting is one of the most common complaints experienced by pregnant women in the first 3 months, the condition can be a serious condition that is hyperemesis gravidarum which results in disrupting the welfare of the mother and fetus, the essential content of ginger to overcome nausea and vomiting. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a combination of ginger extract and pyridoxine in reducing complaints of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women under 3 months. A quasi- experimental,          prospective     randomized     controlled            study   method            involving pregnant women with a gestational age of ≤11 weeks in the working area of Puskesmas 1 2 Baturraden. The treatment group received a combination of 200 mg of ginger extract given 3 times daily + pyridoxine 15 mg once daily for 7 days while the control group received pyridoxine 1 x 25 mg per day for 7 days. Complaints of nausea and vomiting were measured using the Rhodes Index. After 7 days of data processing, the significance value of the chi-square test p- value was 0,000 and the chi-square value of 41,060 3,841. Because the significance value of 0.000 (0.05) or the calculated chi square value of 41.060 3.841 means that there is a relationship between the treatment of ginger extract and pyridoxine turns out to be significantly more significant in reducing complaints of nausea and vomiting of pregnant women compared to pyridoxine alone


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    Tren pernikahan dini di Banyumas cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Hal itu disebabkanbeberapa faktor seperti tingkat pendidikan yang rendah serta kondisi budaya setempat. Pasanganyang terpaksa menikah dini, biasanya disebabkan karena pihak perempuan telah hamil sebelummenjadi suami istri. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah terbentuk Pusat Informasidan Konseling di Panti Asuhan Darmo Yuwono Purwokerto dan meningkatkan pengetahuantentang pernikahan dini sehingga penghuni panti terhindar dari melakukan pernikahan dini.Metode kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi, pembentukan, pelantikan pengurus, Pre tes dan Post tes.Pendampingan kegiatan dengan pemberian materi khususnya tentang Triad KesehatanReproduksi Remaja yaitu seksualitas, HIV dan AIDS serta Napza dan pernikahan dini denganceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab terhadap materi yang diberikan. Respon yang bagus diberikanoleh pimpinan dan penghuni Panti Asuhan Darmo Yuwono Purwokerto dan pihak terkait.Mereka terlibat secara aktif dalam kegiatan dengan menjadi narasumber dan mendampingi dalamkegiatan. Kegiatan pendampingan hendaknya tidak terputus dan pengabdian masyarakat dapatterus dilanjutkan sehingga program kerja diharapkan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan terpanta

    Hubungan antara persalinan lama dengan kejadian pendarahan Pospartum di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto tahun 2010

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