1,526 research outputs found

    The use of anthracyclines in the treatment of endemic Burkitt lymphoma

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    Burkitt lymphoma is the most common malignancy in children in Malawi, the world's poorest country, where there is a long history of treating this disease using a 28-day cyclophosphamide-based protocol. Stage III/IV disease has had poor outcomes. In an attempt to improve the outcome for higher stage disease, anthracyclines were added to the existing protocol. The disease-free (DFS) and overall survival (OS) of 58 children with cytologically confirmed Burkitt lymphoma admitted during 2012–2014 and treated using this protocol were calculated. Six (10%) children had stage I disease, ten (17%) stage II and 42 stage III or IV (73%). Overall 12-month DFS (OS) was 68·5% (72·9%); for stage I disease 100% (100%), stage II 56·2% (60%), stage III/IV 66·3% (72·2%). The DFS was significantly improved from the previous protocol (P = 8 × 10−4). The addition of doxorubicin to stage III and IV disease resulted in a markedly improved DFS. Anthracyclines are deliverable in resource-poor settings and possibly improve the survival of children with Burkitt lymphoma

    Active restraint systems : feedback control of occupant motion

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    Pediatric tuberculosis: clinical and epidemiological reflections from a highly endemic setting

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    Pediatric TB provides unique opportunities to study TB disease epidemiology. Improved diagnostics are of key importance in order to address many of the challenges posed by TB in children. In the Western Cape Province in South Africa, the TB notification rate was more than 600 out of 100,000 for children aged 0-14 years in 2007; the maternal HIV prevalence was 15%, with a good vertical preventative program. The HIV transmission rate was 4-5%; 99% of neonates routinely receive BCG vaccination at birth. Isoniazid prophylaxis, shown to be effective in the prevention of TB in young children, is seldom initiated and many missed opportunities for preventive therapy exist. In children admitted to hospital, mycobacterial culture is routinely done for TB in children less than five years of age through gastric aspiration of stomach contents in this setting; the culture yield is 30-40% in children with clinically suspected TB.Peer Reviewe

    Some ideas on bag and belt control

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    Linezolid-containing regimens for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in South African children.

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    BACKGROUND: Treatment options for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) are limited. Linezolid has been successfully used to treat DR-TB in adults, but there are few case reports of its use in children for TB. The reported rate of adverse events in adults is high. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of children with DR-TB treated with linezolid-containing regimens from February 2007 to March 2012 at two South African hospitals. RESULTS: Seven children (three human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infected) received a linezolid-containing regimen. All had culture-confirmed DR-TB; five had previously failed second-line anti-tuberculosis treatment. Four children were cured and three were still receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment, but had culture converted. None of the non-HIV-infected children experienced adverse events while receiving linezolid. Three HIV-infected children had adverse events, one of which was life-threatening; linezolid was permanently discontinued in this case. Adverse events included lactic acidosis (n = 1), pancreatitis (n = 2), peripheral neuropathy (n = 1) and asymptomatic bone marrow hypoplasia (n = 1). CONCLUSION: Linezolid-containing regimens can be effective in treating children with DR-TB even after failing second-line treatment. Adverse events should be monitored, especially in combination with medications that have similar adverse effects. Linezolid remains costly, and a reduced dosage and duration may result in fewer adverse events and lower cost

    Regional labour market dynamics and the gender employment gap

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    De loopbaan van mannen wordt beperkt als ze kiezen voor een werkweek van 4 keer 9 uur, maar vrouwen profiteren juist van zo’n indeling. Dat is een conclusie van het arbeidsmarktonderzoek van economisch geograaf Inge Noback. Uit het onderzoek blijkt verder dat het aantal gewerkte uren per week voor beide seksen nog altijd daalt. Noback: ‘Als de overheid zich zorgen maakt over vergrijzing moet ze niet alleen de pensioenleeftijd verhogen, maar ook meer uren werken op de agenda zetten.’ Noback promoveert op 27 oktober 2011 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Voor haar onderzoek naar de verschillen in loopbaanontwikkeling tussen mannen en vrouwen dook Noback in de administratie van een groot Nederlands bedrijf. Door met een loep te kijken hoe de carriĂšre van mannen en vrouwen zich ontwikkelde, gerelateerd aan het aantal uren dat zij werkten, vond zij uit dat de seksen naar verschillende maatstaven worden beoordeeld: ‘Omdat het om Ă©Ă©n bedrijf gaat kun je niet generaliseren, maar je ziet wel hoe processen werken. Het blijkt dat vier dagen van negen uur voor mannen niet werkt. Zij worden geacht altijd beschikbaar te zijn. Als ze er Ă©Ă©n dag van de week niet zijn, worden ze daarop afgerekend. Voor vrouwen ligt dat anders, omdat men er toch al van uitgaat dat ze parttime werken. Zij kwamen dus sneller vooruit.’ Regionale verschillen Het onderzoek naar de verschillen in carriĂšre is maar Ă©Ă©n onderdeel in het arbeidsmarktonderzoek. Noback keek bijvoorbeeld ook naar de regionale verschillen in arbeidsparticipatie. Vrouwen in een stedelijke omgeving blijken vaker en langer te werken dan hun seksegenoten op het platteland. Mannen werken in steden juist minder. Een andere opvallende conclusie is dat vrouwen van werk weerhouden worden niet alleen door zorg voor kinderen, maar ook die voor ouderen in de omgeving. Kinderen In Nederland hebben weliswaar relatief veel vrouwen een baan, maar gemiddeld werken ze veel minder uren dan vrouwen in de meeste andere Europese landen. Ook mannen werken steeds minder uren, zeker na de geboorte van het eerste kind, stelde Noback vast. Dat kan niet lang zo doorgaan, verwacht ze: ‘De overheid moet zorgen voor langere werkweken, want met alleen het verhogen van de pensioenleeftijd redden we het niet. Er is dus meer kinderopvang nodig. Nu zijn kinderen nog allesbepalend voor de loopbaan van vrouwen en eigenlijk is dat helemaal niet vanzelfsprekend. Natuurlijk heb je vrouwen met jonge kinderen die daarvoor een periode willen thuisblijven. Dat moeten ze vooral doen, maar dat hoeft niet de hele loopbaan te bepalen.’ Vingerafdruk Er zijn veel geaggregeerde gegevens beschikbaar over de arbeidsmarkt en ook over arbeidsparticipatie van mannen en vrouwen. Het CBS, de UWV en andere instanties publiceren ze met grote regelmaat. Dat veel vrouwen in Nederland een parttimebaan hebben, maar per saldo minder uren werken dan seksegenoten in veel andere landen is bekend, evenals de trend dat zowel mannen als vrouwen steeds minder werken. Maar Noback kreeg voor haar onderzoek unieke gegevens tot haar beschikking: ‘Ik mocht rondsnuffelen in de microdata van het CBS. Dat betekent geanonimiseerde informatie over tien miljoen individuele banen, en heel specifieke informatie over de dynamiek in bijvoorbeeld het aantal gewerkte uren. In tegenstelling tot de survey data is dat echt nieuw. Je mag ze alleen bekijken, je krijgt toegang vanaf je laptop met een vingerafdruk, dankzij een programma dat ze bij je thuis komen installeren. Echt heel bijzonder.’ Arbeidspotentieel Uit dit Sociaal Statistisch Banen Bestand maakte Noback een selectie van werknemers die tussen 2003 en 2005 dezelfde baan hebben gehouden, maar van wie wel het aantal werkuren kon zijn veranderd. Het blijkt dat de werkuren van vrouwen vaker veranderen dan die van mannen, helemaal als ze eerst een baan hadden van minder dan drie dagen per week. Noback: ‘Dat toont aan dat er nog behoorlijk wat arbeidspotentieel over is.’ Men’s careers are limited if they choose a working week of 4 times 9 hours, but women profit from this division. This is one of the conclusions from labour market research performed by economic geographer Inge Noback. The research also reveals that the number of hours worked per week is still falling for both sexes. Noback: ‘If the government is worried about ageing, it shouldn’t just increase the retirement age but put working more hours back on the agenda.’ Noback will be awarded a PhD by the University of Groningen on 27 October 2011. For her research on the differences in career development between men and women, Noback investigated the administration files of a large Dutch company. By microscopically examining how the careers of men and women had developed, related to the number of hours they worked, she discovered that the sexes are judged with different measures: ‘Because the research concerned only a single company you can’t generalize, but you can see how the processes work. It turns out that four days of nine hours is not good for men. They have to be always available. If they are not there for one day a week, they are taken to task. Things are different for women, because people usually assume that they are part-timers. They were able to advance faster.’ Regional differences The research on career differences is only one part of the labour market research. For example, Noback also examined the regional differences in labour participation. Women in an urban environment turned out to work more often and for longer than women in the country. Men in the cities turned out to work less. Another remarkable conclusion is that women are prevented from working not only through caring for children but also for the elderly in their environment. Children Although a relatively high proportion of women in the Netherlands have a job, on average they work far fewer hours than women in most other European countries. Men, too, are working fewer and fewer hours, particularly after the birth of their first child, Noback discovered. That won’t be able to continue for long, she expects: ‘The government will have to arrange longer working weeks, because simply increasing the retirement age won’t solve the problem. That means that more childcare will be needed. Currently children have a major effect on a woman’s career, and in fact that should not be automatic. Of course there are women with young children who want to stay at home for a while. They should certainly do so, but it shouldn’t have to affect their entire career.’ Fingerprint There is a lot of aggregated data available about the labour market and about the labour participation of men and women. Statistics Netherlands, the Employee Insurance Agency and other institutions publish them as regularly as clockwork. It’s well known that many women in the Netherlands have a part-time job, but work fewer hours than women in many other countries, as is the trend that both men and women are working less and less. However, Noback was able to base her research on unique data: ‘I was allowed to nose around in the Statistics Netherlands microdata. That means anonymous data on ten million individual jobs, and very specific information about the dynamics in the number of hours worked, for example. Unlike the survey data, this is really new stuff. You’re given access from your laptop with a fingerprint, thanks to a program that they come and install at your home. That was really special.’ Labour potential Noback made a selection from this Social Statistical Job Database of employees who kept the same job between 2003 and 2005, but whose number of hours worked could have changed. It turns out that women’s preferences change more often than men’s, certainly if they originally had a job for less than three days a week. Noback: ‘That shows that there’s still an enormous labour potential waiting to be tapped.’

    Incidence and frequency rates of childhood cancer in Namibia

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    De onwillige public partner: public-private partnership in Mali

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Toilet Paper Terror

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