93 research outputs found

    Bhikkhuni And Gender Equality In The Vihara Dharmakirti Palembang

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    Gender equality remains a focus point of discourse to continue to be studied and is always associated with religious teachings, including Buddhism. The Buddha taught that women can play an active role in religious rituals and social activities. However, speculations by both religious leaders and Buddhists themselves take second place to women, lower than men. Therefore, this article focuses on explaining how gender equality is in the perspective of⁹ Buddhism and how the existence of Bhikkhuni at Vihara Dharmakirti Palembang is. This field research uses interviews, observations and documentation to obtain the necessary data. The results of this study indicate that the concept of gender equality in Buddhism is not contained in a clear text but the universal teachings of love serve as guidelines. The teaching of love for all creatures, especially humans, emphasizes that both men and women are entitled to equal respect and opportunities. In practice, the teaching on gender equality can be seen in the role of women who can become nuns and lead worship services. Even in social life, women can play an active role and work even as leaders in an organization.Kesetaraan gender tetap menjadi topik diskursus hangat untuk terus dikaji dan selalu berkaitkan dengan ajaran agama, termasuk juga agama Buddha. Sang Buddha mengajarkan bahwa perempuan dapat berperan aktif dalam ritual keagamaan dan aktivitas sosial. Namun, spekulasi pemuka maupun umat Buddha sendiri meletakkan perempuan dalam urutan kedua dan lebih rendah dari laki-laki. Karena itu, artikel ini fokus untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif ajaran Buddha dan bagaimana eksistensi Bhikkhuni di Vihara Dharmakirti Palembang. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan interview, observasi dan dokumentasi untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep ajaran gender dalam ajaran Buddha tidak tertuang dalam bentuk teks yang jelas tetapi ajaran kasih yang universal menjadi pedoman. Ajaran tentang kasih kepada semua makhluk terutama manusia, mempertegas bahwa baik laki-laki maupun perempuan berhak mendapatkan penghormatan dan kesempatan yang sama. Dalam praktiknya ajaran tentang kesetaraan gender itu terlihat pada peran perempuan yang dapat menjadi Bhikkhuni dan memimpin kebaktian. Dalam kehidupan sosial pun, perempuan dapat berperan aktif dan berkarya bahkan sebagai pemimpin dalam sebuah organisasi

    Survey Perilaku Kesehatan Remaja Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Kota Jambi Tahun 2012

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    Background: Nowadays, there are several complex problems of adolescents, including sexuality problems (pregnancy before marriage and abortion), Sexual Transmitted Diseases, HIV and AIDS, as well as drug abuse. The objective of this survey were to perceive behavior, religious adherence, media information, peer group interactions, communication with parents, communication with teachers and community figures, and sexual behavior of adolescents on health behavior. Methods: This survey was an observational survey which used cross-sectional design, and it was equipped with quantitative method. The subjects of survey were between 15-18 years old, 320 students of Senior High School 5 City of Jambi, the samples were only 80 students, and the analysis of data was univariat analysis with research variable. Result: The results show that the most respondents were 16 years old 58 students (72.5%), girls 62 students (77.5%), Islam 72 students (90%) and about 64 students were not active in School Health Unit activities, 72 students (90%) were good at attitude of adolescent reproductive health, 71 students (88.75%) were good at religious activities, 74 students (92.5%) used media to derive piece of information regarding adolescent reproductive health, 58 students (72.5%) had interacted with their friends, about 64 students (80%) sometimes interacted with parents, 46 students (57.5%) occasionally interacted with teachers, 79 students (98.75%) had proper knowledge in terms of sexuality and adolescent reproductive health. Conclusion: In conclusion, almost 90% of respondents had good attitude, and they were good at behavior of adolescent reproductive health

    Association between Knowledge, Family Support, and Antenatal Care, in Pregnant Women at Panerokan Community Health Center, Batanghari District, Jambi

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    Background: Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth. Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. This care can begin even before pregnancy with a preconception care visit to a health care provider. Despite various efforts by the Government of Indonesia, utilization of antenatal care (ANC) services continues to be low among women from rural areas particularly those belonging in Jambi. This study aimed to investigate the association between knowledge, family support, and antenatal care, in pregnant women at Panerokan community health center, Batanghari District, Jambi. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Penerokan Community Health Center, Batanghari, Jambi, in 2017. A sample of 97 pregnant mothers was collected by accidental sampling. The dependent variable was ANC visit. The independent variables were knowledge about ANC and family support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by Spearman rho. Results: 45.4% pregnant mothers had good knowledge about ANC. 74.2% received strong family support. 67% attended antenatal care regularly. Antenatal care visit was positively associated with maternal knowledge (r= 0.39; p< 0.001) and family support (r= 0.24; p= 0.019). Conclusion: Antenatal care visit is positively associated with maternal knowledge and family support. Keywords: antenatal care, knowledge, family support, pregnant wome


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    The philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries gave birth to the idea of atheism. Modern atheist figures include Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud and Jean-Paul Sartre. The denial of God presented by each of the 19th and 20th century figures has his own arguments and context. According to Feurbach God is the creation of human delusion. Karl Marx, religion is the opium of the people. Nietzsche, God is dead. Sigmund Freud, religion according to his psychological nature is an illusion. Sartre, the existence of God is nothingness. The denial of God by modern scientists does not mean not to believe in the existence of God at all, but they just have put aside the existence of God. The scientists deny the existence of God with mean to awaken, awaken the religious human beings of the social conditio


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    So far, studies on Chinese Muslims has been carried out in Java, but on the contrary, has not been studied extensively outside Java. Having a Muslim and Chinese identity at the same time is not easy, it is due to the stereotype that Malay (read Islam) and Chinese are different, while Malay is Islam, whereas Chinese is not Islam. This study used documentations, in-depth interviews and observations. The documentations include literature studies concerning history of Chinese Muslims in Palembang. Meanwhile, interviews, observations are used to capture the phenomena that occur today. Finally, this study use the the notion that identity is a social construction. The construction of Chinese Muslim identity in Palembang was achieved through several factors, among others (1) related to the social structure behind it, (2) memories of the past (Halbwachs, 1980), (3) consumption culture (Storey, 1999), (4) adjustment to tradition (Hobsbawn, 1983) and (5) imagined through mass media (Anderson, (1991

    PEMIKIRAN FILSAFAT IBNU SINA (Filsafat Emanasi, Jiwa dan Al-Wujud)

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    Makalah ini mencoba membahas salah satu sosok filosof muslim terkemuka, Ibnu Sina. Menarik untuk dikaji, karena corak berfikir filosofisnya banyak diilhami oleh cara berfikir filsafat Plato daan Aritoteles. Namun demikian, ia tidak meninggalkan jati dirinya sebagai seorang filosof muslim. Ia telah berhasil menampilkan pemikiran filosofis dengan coraknya tersendiri yang belum pernah ada dalam wacana pemikiran para filosof Yunani sebelumnya

    Peran Tarekat Sammaniyah Terhadap Perubahan Pola Keberagamaan Masyarakat di Kampung Tanjung Sawah Kecamatan Muntok Bangka

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran tarekat Sammaniyah yang ada di Kampung Tanjung Sawah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dimana peneliti meneliti secara langsung dengan melakukan wawancara tentang bagaimana peran tarekat Sammaniyah terhadap pola keberagamaan masyarakat Kampung Tanjung Sawah Kec. Muntok Bangka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Menjelaskan peran sosial Tarekat Sammaniyah terhadap perubahan pola perilaku keberagamaan masyarakat di Kampung Tanjung Sawah Kec. Muntok Bangka. Sebelum adanya tarekat Sammaniyah kondisi masyarakat kampung Tanjung Sawah seperti layaknya pemeluk agama Islam yang lain. Di mana mereka cukup mengutamakan urusan agama dan selalu melakukan semua tradisi-tradisi yang ada sejak dulu. Tetapi, sejak datangnya tarekat Sammaniyah ke kampung Tanjung sawah ini yang dikenalkan oleh seorang mursyid Zamhari Zein maka muncullah sebuah peningkatan ibadah yang dilakukan oleh pengikut tarekat dan berdampak juga terhadap masyarakat kampung Tanjung Sawah dari segi keberagamaan. Oleh karena itu sangat terlihat bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari beberapa ajaran tarekat Sammaniyah di kampung Tanjung Sawah sehingga didalam penelitian ini akan membahas tentang masalah dari ajaran-ajaran tarekat Sammaniyah dan saja berubahan terhadap pola keberagamaan masyarakat kampung Tanjung Sawah. Kata Kunci: Peran, Pola, Ajaran, Keberagaman &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Abstract This study aims to describe the role of the tarekat Sammaniyah in Tanjung Sawah Village. This study used a field research method where the researcher examined directly by conducting interviews about how the role of the tarekat Sammaniyah on the religious patterns of the people of Tanjung Sawah Village, Kec. Muntok Bangka. The purpose of this study was to explain the social role of Tarekat Sammaniyah to change the pattern of religious behavior in the community in Tanjung Sawah Village, Kec. Muntok Bangka. Before the existence of the tarekat Sammaniyah, the conditions of the people of Tanjung Sawah village were like other followers of Islam. Where they just prioritize religious matters and always carry out all the traditions that have existed since long time ago. However, since the arrival of the tarekat Sammaniyah to the village of Tanjung sawah which was brought by a teacher Zamhari Zein, there has emerged an increase in worship carried out by tarekat followers and has also had an impact on the community of Tanjung Sawah village from a religious perspective. Thus, it is very clear that there is an influence from some of the teachings of the tarekat Sammaniyah in Tanjung Sawah village so that in this study we will discuss the problems of the tarekat Sammaniyah teachings and only changes to the religious pattern of the community of Tanjung Sawah village. Keywords: Role, Pattern, Doctrine, Diversit

    Pengarusutamaan Islam: Studi Atas Upaya Jamaah Jam’iyyatul Islamiyah Menangkal Isu Penyesatan dan Memperoleh Penerimaan Publik di Palembang

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    In its development, Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah was full of controversy. Despite its further development, the movement is often considered as having teachings that are not in accordance with Islamic views. Deviance of this movement can be seen from documents published by the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, West Sumatra MUI and Jambi MUI. There are three reasons why Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah can survive. First, the movement chose to cooperate with the Indonesian Religious Councel (MUI) by adhering to recommendations so that its teachings were revised. Second, the movement is inclusive, and finally the movement seeks to approach the elite in its various activities is characterized by the seminars it holds

    Survey Perilaku Kesehatan Remaja Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Kota Jambi Tahun 2012

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    ABSTRACT Background: Nowadays, there are several complex problems of adolescents, including sexuality problems (pregnancy before marriage and abortion), Sexual Transmitted Diseases, HIV and AIDS, as well as drug abuse. The objective of this survey were to perceive behavior, religious adherence,  media information, peer group interactions, communication with parents, communication with teachers and community figures, and sexual behavior of adolescents on health behavior. Methods: This survey was an observational survey which used cross-sectional design, and it was equipped with quantitative method. The subjects of survey were between 15-18 years old, 320 students of Senior High School 5 City of Jambi, the samples were only 80 students, and the analysis of data was univariat analysis with research variable. Result: The results show that the most respondents were 16 years old 58 students (72.5%), girls 62 students (77.5%), Islam 72 students (90%) and about 64 students were not active in School Health Unit activities, 72 students (90%) were good at attitude of adolescent reproductive health, 71 students (88.75%) were good at religious activities, 74 students (92.5%) used media to derive piece of information regarding adolescent reproductive health, 58 students (72.5%) had interacted with their friends, about 64 students (80%) sometimes interacted with parents, 46 students (57.5%) occasionally interacted with teachers, 79 students (98.75%) had proper knowledge in terms of sexuality and adolescent reproductive health. Conclusion: In conclusion, almost 90% of respondents had good attitude, and they were good at behavior of adolescent reproductive health.   Keywords : Attitude, Behavior, The Adolescent Health, The students of Senior High Schoo