901 research outputs found


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    International audienceTaking into account the variations of the environment is a means of improving performances of roll stabilisation systems. The ship behaviour is modelled as a MIMO LPV system. A methodology is presented which leads to a gain-scheduled control law. The synthesis is based on multi objective optimisation, and on the representation of the standard system as a polytopical system, which depends on ship speed and on a stabilisation quality factor. Simulation results are given

    Estimation of the Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth: The Case of Cote d’Ivoire in Line with SVAR Methodology

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    This paper examines and foresees the impacts of monetary policy on economic growth by studying the case of Cote d’Ivoire through th

    Le trauma et l'émotion : apports de la théorie janetienne et perspectives nouvelles

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    International audienceThe current designs of trauma associate a symptomatology with specific characteristics of an event. Symptomatology is characterized by a syndrome of repetition regarded as pathognomonic. It consists of a reviviscence of the traumatic experiment in the form of flashback, nightmares, lived “as if” in an intrusive way in psychism of the subject. Current research showed that there exist a dissociative experience made up of depersonalization or derealisation whose, presence at the time of the experience, could predict the gravity of the trauma. This peri-traumatic dissociation is brought closer to dissociation such as defined Janet and which consists of a psychic is integration. This one comprises a reduction of the field of the conscience and a difficulty of synthesis due to an emotional upheaval. Currently, work of Frijda (1985) around the function of the emotions and their consideration in terms of motivation can help us to give to dissociation a specific direction. This one would not be then related any more to disintegration, but would approach a radical sychic avoidance.This avoidance would be the characteristic of a specifice motion,the fright,whose tendency would be a dissociative motivation. This hypothes is rests on the distinction of the psychic trauma of ria and that Janet considered without distinction. The trauma would result then in to fix the images and the feelings associated with experience. The repetition would appear by the reappearance of this fixing when the state of consciousness of the individual changes. We see how the concept of dissociation at Janet enables us, by his complexity, to consider in a new light the question of the traumaanditsdemonstrations.Itimpliesthatthepsychopathologicaldemonstrationsarestudiedinanyrigor beyond the a priori which too often lead us to create an ad hoc mechanism to explain a phenomenon. The reference to work of Janet within the framework of current research opens new prospects of research around adefinitionofthetrauma,placeofperi-traumaticdissociationandpost-traumaticdissociation,emotionsand repetition.Les conceptions actuelles du trauma associent une symptomatologie au vécu d'un événement possédant des caractéristiques précises. La symptomatologie se caractérise par un syndrome de répétition considéré comme pathognomonique. Il consiste en une reviviscence de l'expérience traumatique sous la forme de flashbacks , cauchemars, vécus « as if » se manifestant de manière intrusive dans le psychisme du sujet. Les recherches actuelles ont montré qu'il existait dans l'expérience du sujet un vécu dissociatif constitué d'une dépersonnalisation ou d'une déréalisation dont la présence au moment du trauma pouvait être prédictive de la gravité du trauma. Cette dissociation péri-traumatique est rapprochée de la dissociation telle que l'a définie Janet et qui consiste en une désagrégation psychique. Celle-ci comporte une réduction du champ de la conscience et une difficulté de synthèse due à un bouleversement émotionnel. Actuellement, les travaux de Frijda (1985) [1] autour de la fonction des émotions et de leur considération en termes de motivation peuvent nous aider à donner à la dissociation un sens spécifique. Celle-ci ne serait alors plus liée à une désagrégation, mais se rapprocherait d'un évitement psychique radical. Cet évitement serait le propre d'une émotion spécifique, l'effroi, dont la tendance serait une motivation dissociative. Cette hypothèse repose sur la distinction du trauma psychique d'un autre trauma tel qu'il apparaîtrait dans l'hystérie et que Janet considérait sans distinction. Le trauma aurait alors pour conséquence de fixer les images et les sensations associées au vécu. La répétition se manifesterait par la réapparition de cette fixation lorsque l'état de conscienc

    Le Kourgane 11 de Berel' (Kazakhstan Oriental) : campagne 1998

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    Une première intervention faite au cours de l'été 1998 sur le Kourgan 11 de Berel' (Kazakhstan) a permis de vérifier qu'il était un monument propice à l'exhumation de restes organiques encore gelés. Après avoir pu rapidement atteindre l'emplacement de la chambre funéraire (grâce à l'utilisation d'un engin mécanique) la fouille à pu mettre en évidence le pillage, en des temps reculés, de la tombe. Cependant quelques découvertes remarquables ont été faites, qui laissaient augurer des campagnes de fouille à venir potentiellement très riches

    Controlled atmosphere bench-scale calorimetry revisited

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    International audienceThe standard Cone Calorimeter has been designed with an "open configuration", allowing for testing of specimens through use of freely driven room air for combustion. For testing specimens in oxygen depleted atmospheres or in fuel rich combustion a modified apparatus working under controlled atmosphere can be used. To our Knowledge there is very few publications describing the use of such modified cone calorimeters and providing data regarding the effect of ventilation on the fire properties. In the open literature it was reported end of the 1990's that substantial burning can occurred outside the test chamber when such a device is used, the amount of oxygen available to combustion exceeding the amount that was fed to the combustion chamber. In such a case (leading to post-buming outside the test chamber), it has been proposed to correct the experimental data by replacing the oxygen mass feeding rate by the actual rate of oxygen consumption. This paper analyses the proposed correction, and suggests that this might not be fully satisfactory by comparison to data obtained in another bench scale calorimeter with controlled atmosphere. The capacity of a Cone Calorimeter fitted with a controlled atmosphere device will be more in depth investigated in a new research project starting in 2007

    Towards a Standards-Based Cloud Service Manager

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    Migrating services to the cloud brings all the benefits of elasticity, scalability and cost-cutting. However, migrating services among different cloud infrastructures or outside of the cloud is not an obvious task. In addition, distributing services among multiple cloud providers, or on a hybrid installation requires a custom implementation effort that must be repeated at each infrastructure change. This situation raises the lock-in problem and discourages cloud adoption. Cloud computing open standards were designed to face this situation and to bring interoperability and portability to cloud environments. However, they target isolated resources, and do not take into account the notion of complete services. In this paper, we introduce an extension to OCCI, a cloud computing open standard, in order to support complete service definition and management automation. We support this proposal with an open-source framework for service management through compliant cloud infrastructures.Peer reviewe

    Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies

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    In the human male, testosterone is the major circulating androgen. The clinical effects of androgen are numerous, and testosterone deficiency is associated with a number of clinical abnormalities. At present, a variety of preparations containing testosterone is available for the treatment of androgen deficiency. Ideally, those treatments have to produce and maintain physiologic serum concentrations of the hormone. This article reviews the current existing testosterone dosage forms on the market with their advantages and drawbacks and examines new and emerging technology developments concerning this therapy. In particular, the latest innovations in transdermal delivery are explore

    Effective flow surface of porous materials with two populations of voids under internal pressure: II. full-field simulations

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    International audienceThis study is devoted to the effective plastic flow surface of a bi-porous material saturated by a fluid. Highly irradiated uranium dioxide is a typical example of such a material. In part I of this study, a GTN-type approximation of the effective plastic flow surface has been derived. In this second part, the predictions of this new model are compared with full-field numerical simulations performed with a numerical method based on Fast Fourier Transforms. This method is successfully applied to voided materials with a Gurson matrix where the voids are subjected to internal pressure. Different microstructures containing a large number of spherical or ellipsoidal voids are investigated. The deviation from isotropy of their mechanical response is measured by a new criterion

    Clark Spencer Larsen, Bioarchaelology. Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton

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    La bioarchéologie : ce terme qui, depuis peu, a fait irruption dans la littérature spécialisée, ne doit pas être pris ici dans son acception générique, l’auteur se limitant à l’étude des vestiges humains. On aimerait lui rappeler qu’il existe déjà un vocable pour désigner le champ d’étude qu’il aborde : l’anthropologie biologique (biological anthropology). Mais, au-delà de cette querelle terminologique en apparence anodine, se cachent des différences plus profondes qui tiennent à l’organisati..

    Anthropologie biologique et archéologie : regards croisés ?

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    Les disciplines scientifiques ont de tout temps puisé dans les appareils conceptuels et méthodologiques, ainsi que dans les fondements heuristiques de leurs voisines. En conséquence, elles s’enrichissent mutuellement à travers ce qu’il est communément nommé la pluridisciplinarité ou la transversalité. Il apparaît nécessaire, pour bien mesurer les liens entre anthropologie et archéologie, d’opérer un bref retour sur l’histoire de la discipline. Historiographie disciplinaire L’anthropologie bio..
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