454 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to find out whether or not there was a significant improvement in writing and speaking abilities in narrative stories of the students who were taught by using Storyboard and those who were not. This study applied a quasi experimental design. The population of the study was the tenth graders with the total number of 224, where sixty-four students were taken as the sample by using purposive sampling. The data were collected by using writing and speaking tests and analyzed statistically by using paired-sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Based on the result independent sample t-test for writing test and the value of t-obtained (6.042) was higher than critical value of t-test (2.000 and 1.994). In addition, the value of t-obtained of speaking (4.649) was higher than critical value of t-test (2.000 and 1.994). This means that there was significant improvement in the abilities to write and speak narrative stories between the students who were taught by using Storyboard and those who were not. Thus, the use of storyboard could improve the studentsā€˜ writing and speaking abilities in retelling narrative stories.Keywords: Improving, writing, speaking, abilities, and storyboar


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    ABSTRACT: The problem of this study was: ā€Is it effective to teach vocabulary by using STT to the seventh grade students of Karya Ibu Junior High School of Palembang?ā€.Therefore the objective of this study was to find out whether or not it was effective to teach vocabulary to the seventh grade students of Karya Ibu Junior High School of Palembang by using STT. The population of the study was all the seventh grade students of Karya Ibu Junior High School of Palembang in academic year of 2015/2016 with total member of 230. Its sample was taken from class VII. 5 which consisted of 37 students. The method was pre experimental design. In collecting the data, the researcher gave written test in the form 40 multiple choices, and in analyzing the data used match t-test. It was found that teaching English vocabulary by using snowball throwing was effective. It could be seen from the means difference between the result of the pre-test and the result of the post-test. The average of the studentsā€™ score in the pre-test was 7.5 and the average of the studentsā€™ score in the post-test was 9.25. There was a significantly different score between the result of the t-obtained and t-table. In this study, the result of the t-obtained was 2.154 and t-table was 1.697. It could be concluded that it was effective to teach English vocabulary by using STT to the seventh grade students of Karya Ibu Junior High School of Palembang.Key words: teaching, vocabulary, ST

    Mempertimbangkan Constitutional Complaint sebagai Kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    Constitutional court is a state institution was derived from reformation. The existence of Constitutional court is in the third of constitution alteration by means of article 24 C. In the article 24 C section (1), Constitutional court's authority limitatively was defined into four categories namely: review the act towards constitution, cut off the legal action of the state institution's authority in which it was originated from the constitution, cut off the dispersion of political parties and round out the legal action of general elections. The development of public institutions lately seems to push Constitutional court doing the expansion of authority on the Constitutional Complaint. It clearly seen from the violation of citizen's constitutional right doing by public institution. At this time, constitutional complaint is handled by the review of act toward the constitution because there is no legal remedy of this case

    Status Ekologi Hutan Mangrove Pada Berbagai Tingkat Ketebalan

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    This research was aimed to know the ecological condition of mangrove forest at various thickness levels and its influence on salinity of fresh water at surrounding area. This research was conducted by analysis of sea water, fresh water, plankton, substrate (soil), and makrobenthos at three location, those were: (1) mangrove with high thickness level (200-300 metre) in Tongke-Tongke Village, (2) mangrove with middle thickness level in Panaikang Village and (3) location without mangrove in Pasimarannu Village. The result of analysis showed that the rate of DO and BOD of seawater in Tongke-Tongke were 5,76 ppm and 1,68 ppm, Panaikang village were 6,48 ppm and 3,63 ppm and Pasimarannu village 6,72 pm and 3,36 ppm. Based on fresh water analysis, the ecosystem of mangrove has significant influence to reduce salinity level. The salinity of fresh water in location with highest thickness level is lowest (Tongke-Tongke is 2.2 ppt) compared to others (Panaikang 2.4 ppt and Pasimarannu 3.2 ppt). The result of substrat analysis showed similar result in which the highest organic substance rate is in Tongke-Tongke followed by Panaikang and Pasimarannu. Abundance of plankton and makrobentos in location with highest thickness level is highest (Tongke-Tongke 210 individu/ml and 849 individu/m2) compared to others (Panaikang is 202 individu/ml and 815 individu/m2 and Pasimarannu village 132 individu/ml and 320 individu/m2


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    Population growth in Indonesia has increasedeach year. According to the population sensus conducted by National Statistics Bureau in 2010, Indonesia's population reached 237,6 million. Therefore, to control the population growth rate, government hold Keluarga Berencana (KB) or family planning program for couples in the childbearing age. The aim of this thesis which analyze the classification of couples in the childbearing age who follow family planning program, is to reduce the birth rate. So that, population can be controlled. The data used in this study is a Semarang Regency updated family data in 2014 that conducted Nasional Population and Family Panning Bureau. From the data, a binary logistic regression model and binary probit regression will be obtained, also classification accuracy will be obtained from each of these models. The analysis showed that the Binary Logistic Regression method produces a classification accuracy of 69,0% with 31,0% classification error. While, Probit Binary Regression method produces a classification accuracy of 68,4% with 31,6% misclassification. Binary Logistic Regression and Binary Logistic Regression method have a differences classification accuracy was very small then both are relative similar for analyze the classification family planning in Semarang Regency. Keywords: Keluarga Berencana (KB), Binary Logistic Regression, Binary Probit Regression, Classification, Confusio

    LAPORAN KEGIATAN PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN Lokasi: SMP NEGERI 1 CANGKRINGAN Watuadeg, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 10 Agustus-12 September 2015

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kegiatan pelatihan kependidikan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Mata kuliah ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam pengalaman mengajar disekolah. Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Bab V Pasal 26 Ayat 4 menyatakan bahwa ā€œStandar kompetensi kelulusan pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik menjadi anggota masyarakat yang berakhlak mulia, memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan, kemandirian, dan sikap menemukan, mengembangkan, serta menerapkan ilmu, teknologi, dan seni, yang bermanfaat bagi kemanusiaanā€. Penyelenggaraan Mata Kuliah PPL juga mengacu pada Undang-undang Guru dan Dosen nomor 14 tahun 2005, berkenaan dengan empat kompetensi guru, yaitu: kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi sosial. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yaitu: memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang kependidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mempelajari permasalahan disekolah terkait dengan proses pembelajaran, meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam menerapkan ilmu yang telah dipelajari dalam kegiatan pembelajaran disekolah. Pelaksanaan program-program yang telah dijalankan diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat bagi pihak sekolah, dan mahasiswa untuk pengembangan kompetensinya. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya komitmen yang tinggi dari semua pihak yang terkait sesuai dengan tanggung jawab masing-masing. Adanya kerja sama, kerja keras, disiplin, akan sangat mendukung terlaksananya program-program PPL dengan baik. Dengan terselesaikannya kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat terciptanya tenaga pendidik yang profesional dan berkualitas

    LAPORAN KEGIATAN PPL DI SMK NEGERI 2 DEPOK SLEMAN Mrican Caturtunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan PPL/Magang III merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa SI sebagai salah satu syarat dalam menyelesaikan studi dan memperoleh gelar sebagai sarjana pendidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Kegiatan PPL/Magang III dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman dimulai pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai 15 September 2016. Kegiatan PPL dimulai dengan kegiatan persiapan meliputi: pengajaran mikro, pembekalan PPL, observasi kondisi sekolah, observasi pembelajaran di kelas dan peserta didik, koordinasi dengan guru pembimbing terkait pembuatan perangkat kerja guru kemudian dilanjutkan kegiatan pelaksanaan praktik mengajar. Pada kegiatan pelaksanaan praktik mengajar, mahasiswa praktikan mengampu mata pelajaran Jaringan Dasar di kelas X TKJ A dan X TKJ B dengan jadwal 8 jam/minggu. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 32 siswa. Materi yang telah diajarkan oleh mahasiswa praktikan yaitu KD 3.1 memahami konsep jaringan komputer, KD 4.1 menyajikan kebutuhan jaringan suatu organisasi, KD 3.2 memahami model OSI dalam jaringan komputer, KD. 4.2 menyajikan konsep dan fungsi setiap layer dalam lapisan OS, dan KD 3.3 memahami topologi jaringan. Kurikulum yang digunakan untu kelas X SMK N 2 Depok Sleman yaitu kurikulum 2013 dimana pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Scientific. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu Discovery Learning yang berbasis pada teori belajar kognitif dan teori belajar sosial. Sedangkan metode yang sering digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan. Hasil evaluasi KD 3.2 dan 4.2 untuk kelas X TKJ A yaitu sejumlah 62,5% siswa tuntas KKM dan 37,5% siswa belum mencapai KKM. Sedangkan hasil evaluasi KD 3.2 dan 4.2 untuk kelas X TKJ B sejumlah 53% siswa tuntas KKM dan 47% siswa belum mencapai KKM. Secara umum lebih dari 50% siswa masing-masing kelas telah tuntas KKM. Kendala yang dihadapi pada kegiatan belajar mengajar yaitu terbatasnya jumlah komputer pada pertemuan 1-3. Tiap kelas terdiri dari 32 siswa namun hanya tersedia 12 komputer. Kendala ini mampu teratasi pada pertemuan 4 dengan cara menginstalasi 16 komputer tambahan. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan PPL/Magang III yang berlangsung selama 2 bulan telah berjalan dengan baik. Mahasiswa praktikan telah mengajar selama 87 jam pelajaran. Mahasiswa praktikan memperoleh pengalaman yang belum pernah diperoleh di perkuliahan, terutama dalam pengalaman mengajar di kelas, baik itu kelas teori maupun kelas prakik


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    Abstract: The research has purpose to get information about the effect of water-boiled red yeast rice for raising the platelet levels so that it can be used as a supplement for patients of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The research was pure experimental with direct sampling design. The research used Wistar male rats, age 2-3 months, and weight + 150-250 grams. Rats randomly divided into five treatment groups. First group (negative control) given CMC Na 1% 0.72 g/KgBW for 7 days followed by 2.5 mL of distilled water for 5 days. Second group (positive control) given chloramphenicol 0.72 g/KgBW for 7 days followed by distilled water for 5 days. Fourth-fifth group (treatment) given chloramphenicol dose 0.72 g/KgBW for 7 days followed by water-boiled red yeast rice dose 2; 1; and 0.5 g/KgBW orally for 5 days. Blood sampling taken on day 0 and day 12, blood taken from the sinus orbitalis eyes for measuring levels of platelet count. Platelet concentration data that got were analyzed by Shapiro-Wilk test to see the distribution of data. If data are normally distributed then continue the analysis with paired-samples t test analysis, if data is not normal distributed then followed by Wilcoxon test analysis to know the difference levels of platelets experiment by treatment and duration of the test. The results of this research showed that water-boiled red yeast rice has effect to increase platelet levels in male rats induced by chloramphenicol at a dose of 2; 1; and 0.5 g/KgBW and gived platelet levels increasing effect at rate of 18.78, 14.02, and 5.45%. Keywords : red yeast rice, platelets, chloramphenico
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