323 research outputs found

    Characterization of Carbon Metabolism Genes in C. Neoformans

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    Undergraduate Experimental Applie

    La formació sobre les competències bàsiques a través dels Projectes d’Innovació Pedagògica

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    S'exposa l'experiència d'aplicació dels Projectes d'Innovació Pedagògica (PIP), desenvolupada des del Servei de Formació del Professorat. Els objectius d'aquesta experiència pretenen facilitar espais per a la reflexió i l'actualització dels equips docents mitjançant l'aplicació de les competències bàsiques als centres educatius. Es desenvolupa el procés de creació i planificació dels grups coordinador i base del projecte; així com també, el procés d'intervenció per part dels assessors. Seguidament, es comenta la informació que pot trobar-se al lloc web sobre competències bàsiques www.cbib.caib.es, creat des del Servei d'Ordenació Educativa. Es conclou que és essencial crear espais per a la reflexió conjunta en els que el docent pugui expressar-se i construir bases sòlides sobre les quals introduir elements innovadors

    Receipt from Herts Brothers to Estate of O. Goelet (February \u2798)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara yuridis mengenai wanprestasi dalam perikatan dan perjanjian serta ditinjau dari hukum perdata. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian yuridis normatif. Pendekatan Yuridis dimaksudkan sebagai usaha mendekatkan masalah yang diteliti dengan sifat hukum yang normatif. Pendekatan hukum doktrinal bersifat perspektif, yakni mempelajari tujuan hukum, nilai-nilai keadilan, validitas aturan hukum, konsep-konsep hukum dan norma-norma hukum. Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini menyangkut pengertian perjanjian dan pengertian perikatan serta bagaimana wanprestasi dalam hubungannya dengan hukum perdata. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa wanprestasi itu sendiri merupakan pelaksanaan kewajiban yang tidak dipenuhi atau ingkar janji yang dilakukan oleh debitur baik karena tidak melaksanakan apa yang telah diperjanjikan maupun malah melakukan sesuatu yang menurut perjanjian tidak boleh dilakukan. Apa yang menjadi saran dari penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya pendidikan hukum bagi masyarakat


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pelaksanaan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD ) Menurut UU NO 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa Di Pemerintahan Desa Lembean. Penelitian ini mefokuskan pada fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengawasan, pelaksana fungsi legislasi dan sebagai pelaksana fungsi penampung dan penyalur aspirasi masyarakat. Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengenai profil desa serta bagaimana pelaksanaan fungsi badan permusyawaratan desa. Kesimpulan diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa dalam melaksanakan fungsinya Badan Permusyawaratan Desa belum bisa dilakukan secara optimal sarana dalam menampung aspirasi masyarakat pun belum tersedia sehingga disarankan agar supaya berjalan dengan baik harus didukung oleh sarana-prasarana yang menunjang serta perlu kerjasama semua pihak


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    phy Purpose of Article. The article is to define the basic creative skills of the students specialization Choreography for the formation of their professional skills and knowledge for future choreographic work. Methodology. The research methodology is to apply analytical, function, art and systematic methods to research the performance features of professional choreographers, their skills in teaching, readiness for self-development. Scientific novelty. The novelty of the paper is to improve the provisions, relating to: the use of special techniques and methods in the educational process; the determination of objective criteria of originality in the performance of imaginative choreographic activities; phased theoretical and practical methods for teaching in higher education. Conclusions. The conclusions noted the following positions: first of all, the challenge of higher special education is training and education specialist who can think creatively apply knowledge in artistic, creative and stage activities; secondly, the urgent task of higher choreographic education is to prepare not only artists, but also independent artists comprehensively gifted personalities, creative individuals; thirdly, the task of the lecturer of contemporary choreography is to integrate the practical knowledge and skills of the future expert choreography of psycho-pedagogical training component choreographic disciplines.Целью статьи является определение основных творческих способностей у студентов хореографической специализации для формирования у них профессиональных умений и навыков для преподавания хореографии. Методология исследования заключается в применении аналитического, функционального, искусствоведческого и системного методов исследования показателей профессиональных функций хореографа, его мастерства в преподавательской деятельности, готовности к саморазвитию. Научная новизна статьи заключается в совершенствовании положений относительно: использования в учебном процессе специальных приемов и методов; определения объективных критериев показателей образной оригинальности в хореографической деятельности; поэтапных теоретико-практических методов на протяжении обучения в высшем учебном заведении. В выводах отмечено, что, во-первых, задачей высшего специального образования является подготовка и воспитание спе- циалиста, способного творчески мыслить, применять полученные знания и использовать их в художественно- творческой и сценической деятельности; во-вторых, актуальной задачей высшего хореографического образования является подготовка не только исполнителей, но и самостоятельных художников, всесторонне одаренных личностей, творческих индивидуальностей; в-третьих, перед преподавателями кафедры современной хореографии стоит задача интегрировать практические знания и навыки будущего специалиста с психолого-педагогической составляющей обучения хореографическим дисциплинам.Метою статті є визначення основних творчих здібностей у студентів хореографічної спеціалізації для формування у них професійних умінь та навичок для майбутнього викладання хореографії. Методологія дослі- дження полягає у застосуванні аналітичного, функціонального, мистецтвознавчого і системного методів дослі- дження показників професійних функцій хореографа, його майстерності у викладацькій діяльності, готовності до саморозвитку. Наукова новизна статті полягає в удосконаленні положень щодо: використання у навчальному процесі спеціальних прийомів і методів; визначення об’єктивних критеріїв показників образної оригінальності в хореографічній діяльності; поетапних теоретико-практичних методів протягом навчання у вищому навчальному закладі. У висновках відзначено, що, по-перше, завданням вищої спеціальної освіти є підготовка й виховання фахівця, здатного творчо мислити, застосовувати отримані знання та використовувати їх у художньо-творчій і сценічній діяльності; по-друге, актуальним завданням вищої хореографічної освіти є підготовка не лише виконавців, а й самостійних митців, всебічно обдарованих особистостей, творчих індивідуальностей; по-третє, перед виклада- чами кафедри сучасної хореографії стоїть завдання інтегрувати практичні знання і навички майбутнього спеціаліста з хореографічного мистецтва з психолого-педагогічною складовою навчання хореографічним дисциплінам

    Net gen or not gen? Student and Staff Evaluations of the use of Podcasts/Audio Files and an Electronic Voting System (EVS) in a Blended Learning Module

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    Abstract: At the authors" institution, blended learning is defined as "educational provision where high quality e-learning opportunities and excellent campus-based learning are combined or blended in coherent, reflective and innovative ways so that learning is enhanced and choice is increased. Students are at the centre of this vision". This paper outlines work undertaken to investigate the impact of integrating podcasts/audio file downloads and use of an electronic voting system (EVS) to transform module delivery from a traditional mode to a blended delivery. The purpose being to introduce a measure of flexibility in how, when and where students study; to increase interactivity and engagement in classroom sessions, and to enhance students' learning. The student cohort is diverse in respect of age -the majority or students are direct entry students of the so-called net generation, whilst a significant number of students (35%) are mature students. Would age be an influencing factor on the students" preference for the learning methods employed, or their willingness or ability to engage with the technologies? An interim student evaluation was undertaken at the midpoint of the taught module, to provide formative, illustrative data to the module leader and teaching team about student opinion of the teaching methods and learning technologies. Given the option of returning to the traditional delivery method, 77.5% of students either "agreed" or "strongly agreed" that the module should continue to run in its blended format. The final evaluation discovered no discernable differences in the behaviour of the direct entry students compared to the mature students. Both groups accessed the podcasts easily, generally at home, and spent longer than if blended learning technologies had not been used. It was discovered that 16% of the mature and 24% of the direct entry students would have preferred lectures to podcasts, although the students were positive about the flexibility offered. Both groups of students were virtually unanimous on the benefits of the EVS to support learning. The teaching team concluded that the blended learning technologies increased the students" engagement with their learning

    In vitro modeling of endothelial interaction with macrophages and pericytes demonstrates Notch signaling function in the vascular microenvironment.

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    Angiogenesis is regulated by complex interactions between endothelial cells and support cells of the vascular microenvironment, such as tissue myeloid cells and vascular mural cells. Multicellular interactions during angiogenesis are difficult to study in animals and challenging in a reductive setting. We incorporated stromal cells into an established bead-based capillary sprouting assay to develop assays that faithfully reproduce major steps of vessel sprouting and maturation. We observed that macrophages enhance angiogenesis, increasing the number and length of endothelial sprouts, a property we have dubbed "angiotrophism." We found that polarizing macrophages toward a pro-inflammatory profile further increased their angiotrophic stimulation of vessel sprouting, and this increase was dependent on macrophage Notch signaling. To study endothelial/pericyte interactions, we added vascular pericytes directly to the bead-bound endothelial monolayer. These pericytes formed close associations with the endothelial sprouts, causing increased sprout number and vessel caliber. We found that Jagged1 expression and Notch signaling are essential for the growth of both endothelial cells and pericytes and may function in their interaction. We observed that combining endothelial cells with both macrophages and pericytes in the same sprouting assay has multiplicative effects on sprouting. These results significantly improve bead-capillary sprouting assays and provide an enhanced method for modeling interactions between the endothelium and the vascular microenvironment. Achieving this in a reductive in vitro setting represents a significant step toward a better understanding of the cellular elements that contribute to the formation of mature vasculature.S

    Crescimento e alterações morfológicas no intestino de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis noloticus): diminuição da farinha de peixe em dietas com níveis de proteína bruta

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da diminuição de farinha de peixe em dietas com níveis de proteína bruta sobre o desempenho zootécnico, eficiência de retenção de nutrientes e histologia do intestino de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram utilizados 180 alevinos de tilápia com o peso inicial de 1,17 ± 0,05 g, distribuídos em 18 aquários por um período de 75 dias. Os resultados foram analisados por meio de um Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado - DIC, com seis tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3x2, correspondendo três níveis de proteína bruta das dietas (20%, 24% e 28%) e dois níveis de inclusão de farinha de peixe - FP (25% ou 50% do nível de proteína da dieta), com três repetições. Quando a análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas entre tratamentos, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey. Foram avaliados o desempenho de produção e a eficiência de retenção de nutrientes e as alterações na histologia e altura das vilosidades intestinais. O aumento de proteína na dieta proporcionou aumento no ganho em peso e na taxa de crescimento específico. As dietas com níveis de proteína de 28% promovem balanço de nutrientes ao ponto de diminuir a inclusão de farinha de peixe (25%), refletindo em melhores índices de desempenho produtivo e adaptações na morfologia do trato digestórios de tilápia do Nilo. As alterações histomorfométricas estão relacionadas à alimentação fornecida e representam uma resposta adaptativa ao metabolismo. Conclui-se que para juvenil de tilápia, as dietas com 28% de proteína bruta podem diminuir a inclusão de farinha de peixe (25%), refletindo em melhores índices de desempenho produtivo e adaptações na morfologia do trato digestórios