121 research outputs found


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     Peningkatan mutu Pembelajaran Agama Islam membuat guru memiliki peran yang sangat penting. Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran bermutu terletak pada strategi pembelajaran. SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo merupakan lembaga pendidikan negeri dengan dengan peserta didik yang memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa strategi pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) di SMPN 1 Sukorejo Pasuruan dan mutu pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) di SMPN 1 Sukorejo Pasuruan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, waka kurikulum, guru PAI, dan peserta didik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) standar mutu proses di SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo meliputi, standar mutu perencanaan, standar mutu pelaksanaan, standar mutu penilaian, dan standar mutu pengawasan PAI; 2) pencapaian standar mutu proses di SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo adalah penyusunan rencana pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan evaluasi pembelajaran secara berkala, penerapan model strategi PAKEM dalam proses pembelajaran, dan pelaksanaan peningkatan profesionalitas guru; 3) implikasi strategi guru PAI dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo. Kata kunci: implementasi, pembelajaran, PAI In an effort to improve the quality of Islamic religious learning, teachers have a very important role. Success in quality learning could not be separated from learning strategies. SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo is a state educational institution with excellent education with students meeting the requirements for academic and non-academic achievements. This study aims to analyze the learning strategy of Islamic religious education at SMPN 1 Sukorejo Pasuruan and the quality of learning Islamic religious education at SMPN 1 Sukorejo Pasuruan. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected by using interview techniques, participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Research informants were obtained from school principals, waka curriculum, PAI teachers, and students. The results showed that: 1) the quality standards of the process in SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo include, the quality standards of PAI learning planning, the quality standards of the implementation of PAI learning, the quality standards of PAI assessment, and the quality standards of PAI supervision, 2) the achievement of the quality standards of the process in SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo is the preparation of learning plans, implementation of learning, implementation of periodic learning evaluations, application of the PAKEM strategy model in the learning process, and implementation of teacher professionalism improvement, and 3) the implications of implementing PAI teacher strategies in improving the quality of PAI learning in SMP Negeri 1 Sukorejo. Keywords: implementation, learning, Islamic religion learning.

    Phytochemical compounds and the effect of ‘bangunbangun’ leaves (Coleus amboinicus, L.) water extract on phagocytosis activity of neutrophil cell rat (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Traditional medicine has been recognized and widely used in Indonesia for healthy care or alternative medication in certain diseases. However, without scientific evidence, traditional medicine of empirical evidence cannot be used for modern health medication. This research was designed to find out the mains compound despite of Bangun-bangun aqueous extract from Kaliurang district using phytochemistry analysis such as Thin Layer Chromatography method and determine the effect on neutrophil cell activities by observing their phagocytosis. The result showed that the main compounds of Bangun-bangun leaves from Kaliurang district are polyphenol, saponin, flavonol glycoside and essential oil. Administration of the extract with the doses of Bangun-bangun leaves treatment 19,0 g/kg bw/oral/day (group A) and 31,5 g/kg bw/oral/day (group B) increased neutrophil cell phagocytosis up to 50% and 60 %, respectively, compared to those of controls which is 10% during 30 days treatment. Neutrophil cell phagocytosis in group B and C capability increase up to 80% (

    DAYA ANTI QUORUM SENSING EKSTRAK DAUN KAYU MANIS (Cinnamomun burmannii Ness. Ex Bl.) TERHADAP Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Quorum sensing is a communication system among bacterial cells which correlates with biofilm formation. Biofilm can protect bacteria from environment including antibiotic of which can cause higher antibiotic concentration of 100 up to 1000 times. Inhibition of quorum sensing is expected to inhibit the biofilm formation. The cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmanii Ness. Ex Bl.) has been known to have antibacterial and antibiofilm activities. Leaves are available abundantly which urges a research to find out the activity as anti quorum sensing against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The succesive maceration of dried pulverized leaves produced hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts.  Antibacterial activity was observed by microdillution method with MTT assay. Afterwards, the active extract was examined for anti quorum sensing activity by diffusion method in cetrimide Agar. Quorum sensing activity was shown by dark zone (opaque) growth around sample application, observed under UV light of 366 nm. TLC bioautography method was done to observe the active spots by using silica gel F254 as the stationary phase, chloroform-methanol (6:1 v/v) as the mobile phase, loading sample used was 1.25 mg and 30 min of plate contact duration. The ethyl acetate extract inhibited growth of  P. aeruginosa with shown by MIC at 8 µg/µL Quorum sensing as well as growth inhibition activities were observed at loading samples 12,5 and 25 mg/wells, while at 6,25 mg the extract only exhibited quorum sensing inhibition. Presences of substances having phenolic, flavonoid, alkaloid and aldehyde/keton as functional groups were detected by TLC method of the extract but no active spot identified on bioautography.Quorum sensing adalah sistem komunikasi antar sel bakteri. Perkembangan biofilm diatur oleh quorum sensing. Biofilm dapat melindungi bakteri dari kerusakan akibat antibiotik sehingga konsentrasi antibiotik harus ditingkatkan 100 sampai 1000 kali lipat. Penghambatan quorum sensing diharapkan dapat mencegah pembentukan biofilm. Kulit kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii Ness. Ex Bl.) memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dan antibiofilm. Ketersediaan daun yang melimpah menyebabkan dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah daun kayu manis memiliki daya anti quorum sensing terhadap Pseudomona aeruginosa. Serbuk kering daun kayu manis dimaserasi bertingkat berturut-turut menggunakan n-heksana, etil asetat dan metanol. Setelah masing-masing ekstrak dievaporasi, daya antibakteri diamati dengan metode mikrodilusi menggunakan penambahan MTT. Ekstrak yang aktif diamati  daya anti quorum sensing nya dengan metode difusi pada cetrimide Agar.  Aktivitas antiquorum sensing ditunjukkan dengan daerah buram di bawah sinar UV 366 nm. KLT-bioautografi dilakukan untuk mengetahui senyawa yang aktif dalam fraksi tersebut dengan menggunakan fase diam silika gel F254, fase gerak kloroform-metanol  (6:1 v/v), loading sampel sebanyak 1,25 mg dan waktu kontak lempeng dengan medium selama 30 menit. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fraksi etil asetat memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap P. aeruginosa dengan nilai KHM 8 mg/mL. Aktivitas penghambatan quorum sensing dan pertumbuhan ditunjukkan pada loading samples 12,5 dan 25 mg/sumuran, sedangkan pada 6,25 mg ekstrak hanya menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan quorum sensing. Keberadaan senyawa yang memiliki gugus fungsi fenolik, flavonoid, alkaloid dan aldehid/keton terdeteksi dengan metode KLT tetapi tidak terdeteksi bercak aktif pada bioautografi

    Sitotoksisitas Minyak Mesoyi (Cryptocarya massoy) terhadap Sel Vero (Cytotoxicity of Mesoyi Oil (Cryptocarya massoy) on Vero Cell Lines)

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    Mesoyi oil distilled from the bark of Cryptocarya massoy have been used for traditional treatment of various ethnicities. However, its safety use has not been widely studied. This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxicity of mesoyi oil on vero cells in vitro. The Inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) of mesoyi oil is evaluated using MTT assay. The results indicated that the mesoyi oil exhibited cytotoxic effects on vero cells with IC50 value of 97.4 μg//mL. This call for further studies to evaluate the cytotoxic activity in vivo. Keywords: cytotoxicity, essential oil, cryptocarya massoy, vero cel

    Efficacy of Thymol and Eugenol Against Polymicrobial Biofilm

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    Biofilms associated with human infection have high levels of pathogenicity due to their resistance to antibiotics. The discovery of an active antibiofilm agent against polymicrobial biofilms is a necessary consequence for coping with biofilm-related infections. Thymol and Eugenol are essential oils that have potential as antibacterial and antifungal. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of thymol and eugenol inhibits C. albicans, P. Aeruginosa, E. coli S. aureus and polymicrobial biofilm. Biofilm formation inhibition assay and biofilm degradation assay of thymol and eugenol were determined using microtiter broth method.The antibiofilm efficacy of thymol and eugenol towards polymicrobial biofilms were analyzed by calculating minimum biofilm inhibitor concentration (MBIC50) and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC50) values. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) with 95% confidence level. Thymol and eugenol showed inhibitory activity against the formation of mono and polymicrobial biofilms of the microbial tested.The result also demonstrated an evidence of activity of thymol and eugenol in breaking down mono and polymicrobial biofilm. Therefore, thymol and eugenol serves as a potential source for new antibiofilm drugs towards polymicrobial biofilm