56 research outputs found

    The role of star performers in software design teams

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    Purpose – This study seeks to extend previous research on experts with mainly ad-hoc groups from laboratory research to a field setting. Specifically, this study aims to investigate experts’ relative importance in team performance. Expertise is differentiated into two categories (task functions and team functions) and the paper aims to investigate whether experts in task and team functions predict team performance over and above the team’s average expertise level. Design/methodology/approach – Longitudinal, multi-source data from 96 professional software design engineers were used by means of hierarchical regression analyses. Findings – The results show that both expert members in task functions (i.e. behavior that aids directly in the completion of work-related activities) and the experts in team functions (i.e. facilitation of interpersonal interaction necessary to work together as a team) positively predicted team performance 12 months later over and above the team’s average expertise level. Research limitations/implications – Samples from other industry types are needed to examine the generalizability of the study findings to other occupational groups. Practical implications – For staffing, the findings suggest that experts are particularly important for the prediction of team performance. Organizations should invest effort into finding “star performers” in task and team functions in order to create effective teams. Originality/value – This paper focuses on the relationship between experts (in task functions and team functions) and team performance. It extends prior research on team composition and complements expertise research: similar to cognitive ability and personality, it is important to take into account member expertise when examining how to manage the people mix within teams. Benefits of expertise are not restricted to laboratory research but are broadened to real-world team settings

    Practicing Emotionally Biased Retrieval Affects Mood and Establishes Biased Recall a Week Later

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    Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) can yield clinically relevant results. Only few studies have directly manipulated memory bias, which is prominent in depression. In a new approach to CBM, we sought to simulate or oppose ruminative processes by training the retrieval of negative or positive words. Participants studied positive and negative word pairs (Swahili cues with Dutch translations). In the positive and negative conditions, each of the three study trials was followed by a cued-recall test of training-congruent translations; a no-practice condition merely studied the pairs. Recall of the translations was tested after the training and after 1 week. Both recall tests revealed evidence of training-congruent bias and bias was associated with emotional autobiographical memory. Positive retrieval practice yielded stable positive mood, in contrast to the other conditions. The results indicate that memory bias can be established through retrieval practice and that the bias transfers to mood and autobiographical memory

    Adherence to a procalcitonin-guided antibiotic treatment protocol in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock

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    Background: In randomised controlled trials, procalcitonin (PCT)-guided antibiotic treatment has been proven to significantly reduce length of antibiotic therapy in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. However, concern was raised on low protocol adherence and high rates of overruling, and thus the value of PCT-guided treatment in real clinical life outside study conditions remains unclear. In this study, adherence to a PCT protocol to guide antibiotic treatment in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock was analysed. Methods: From 2012 to 2014, surgical ICU patients with severe sepsis or septic shock were retrospectively screened for PCT measurement series appropriate to make treatment decisions on antibiotic therapy. We compared (1) patients with appropriate PCT measurement series to patients without appropriate series; (2) patients who reached the antibiotic stopping advice threshold (PCT < 0.5 ng/mL and/or decrease to 10% of peak level) to patients who did not reach a stopping advice threshold; and (3) patients who were treated adherently to the PCT protocol to non-adherently treated patients. The groups were compared in terms of antibiotic treatment duration, PCT kinetics, and other clinical outcomes. Results: Of 81 patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, 14 were excluded due to treatment restriction or short course in the ICU. The final analysis was performed on 67 patients. Forty-two patients (62.7%) had appropriate PCT measurement series. In patients with appropriate PCT series, median initial PCT (p = 0.001) and peak PCT levels (p < 0.001) were significantly higher compared to those with non-appropriate series. In 26 patients with appropriate series, PCT levels reached an antibiotic stopping advice. In 8 of 26 patients with stopping advice, antibiotics were discontinued adherently to the PCT protocol (30.8%). Patients with adherently discontinued antibiotics had a shorter antibiotic treatment (7d [IQR 6–9] vs. 12d [IQR 9–16]; p = 0.002). No differences were seen in terms of other clinical outcomes. Conclusion: In patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, procalcitonin testing was irregular and adherence to a local PCT protocol was low in real clinical life. However, adherently treated patients had a shorter duration of antibiotic treatment without negative clinical outcomes. Procalcitonin peak values and kinetics had a clear impact on the regularity of PCT testing

    Effect of Cognitive Bias Modification-Memory on Depressive Symptoms and Autobiographical Memory Bias: Two Independent Studies in High-Ruminating and Dysphoric Samples

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    Memory bias is a risk factor for depression. In two independent studies, the efficacy of one CBM-Memory session on negative memory bias and depressive symptoms was tested in vulnerable samples. We compared positive to neutral (control) CBM-Memory trainings in highly-ruminating individuals (N = 101) and individuals with elevated depressive symptoms (N = 100). In both studies, participants studied positive, neutral, and negative Swahili words paired with their translations. In five study–test blocks, they were then prompted to retrieve either only the positive or neutral translations. Immediately following the training and one week later, we tested cued recall of all translations and autobiographical memory bias; and also measured mood, depressive symptoms, and rumination. Retrieval practice resulted in training-congruent recall both immediately after and one week after the training. Overall, there was no differential decrease in symptoms or difference in autobiographical memory bias between the training conditions. In the dysphoric but not in the high-ruminating sample, the positive training resulted in positive autobiographical bias only in dysphoric individuals with positive pre-existing bias. We conclude that one session of positive retrieval-based CBM-Memory may not be enough to yield symptom change and affect autobiographical memory bias in vulnerable individuals

    Erinnerte Macht. Antike HerrschergrÀber in transkultureller Perspektive

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    Zu den Leitformen der alten Reiche Ostasiens und der westlichen Antike gehören exponierte GrĂ€ber der fĂŒhrenden Persönlichkeiten. Die BeitrĂ€ge untersuchen, wie die Grabanlagen die Erinnerung an den Toten formten, zugleich die Wertvorstellungen ihrer Zeit spiegeln und zur Stabilisierung der geltenden Ordnung beitrugen. Dabei interessiert die Funktion der GrĂ€ber als Mittel der Selbstdarstellung und als Selbstbeschreibung des Herrschers. Aufschluss geben vor allem jene Monumente, die vom Regenten selber zu Lebzeiten geplant und errichtet worden sind. Ein zweiter Aspekt ist die Bedeutung des Grabs als Manifestation von Vorstellungen ĂŒber Herrschaft. So kann die Wahl der Bauform den Bezug auf frĂŒhere DenkmĂ€ler herstellen und damit den Verstorbenen in eine bestimmte Tradition stellen oder aber grundlegende neue Formen finden und so seine besondere Position betonen. Ebenso untersucht wird der Einfluss der GrĂ€ber auf das Bild der Nachwelt von der Person des Herrschers und ihre Instrumentalisierung durch die Nachfolger zur Stabilisierung der eigenen Macht
