13,952 research outputs found

    Model of mobile agents for sexual interactions networks

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    We present a novel model to simulate real social networks of complex interactions, based in a granular system of colliding particles (agents). The network is build by keeping track of the collisions and evolves in time with correlations which emerge due to the mobility of the agents. Therefore, statistical features are a consequence only of local collisions among its individual agents. Agent dynamics is realized by an event-driven algorithm of collisions where energy is gained as opposed to granular systems which have dissipation. The model reproduces empirical data from networks of sexual interactions, not previously obtained with other approaches.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Broad Histogram Monte Carlo

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    We propose a new Monte Carlo technique in which the degeneracy of energy states is obtained with a Markovian process analogous to that of Metropolis used currently in canonical simulations. The obtained histograms are much broader than those of the canonical histogram technique studied by Ferrenberg and Swendsen. Thus we can reliably reconstruct thermodynamic functions over a much larger temperature scale also away from the critical point. We show for the two-dimensional Ising model how our new method reproduces exact results more accurately and using less computer time than the conventional histogram method. We also show data in three dimensions for the Ising ferromagnet and the Edwards Anderson spin glass.Comment: 6 pages of a TeX file with 4 PS figures. Related papers at http://www.if.uff.br/~tjp

    Stochastic resonance for nonequilibrium systems

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a prominent phenomenon in many natural and engineered noisy systems, whereby the response to a periodic forcing is greatly amplified when the intensity of the noise is tuned to within a specific range of values. We propose here a general mathematical framework based on large deviation theory and, specifically, on the theory of quasipotentials, for describing SR in noisy N -dimensional nonequilibrium systems possessing two metastable states and undergoing a periodically modulated forcing. The drift and the volatility fields of the equations of motion can be fairly general, and the competing attractors of the deterministic dynamics and the edge state living on the basin boundary can, in principle, feature chaotic dynamics. Similarly, the perturbation field of the forcing can be fairly general. Our approach is able to recover as special cases the classical results previously presented in the literature for systems obeying detailed balance and allows for expressing the parameters describing SR and the statistics of residence times in the two-state approximation in terms of the unperturbed drift field, the volatility field, and the perturbation field. We clarify which specific properties of the forcing are relevant for amplifying or suppressing SR in a system and classify forcings according to classes of equivalence. Our results indicate a route for a detailed understanding of SR in rather general systems

    Broad Histogram Method for Continuous Systems: the XY-Model

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    We propose a way of implementing the Broad Histogram Monte Carlo method to systems with continuous degrees of freedom, and we apply these ideas to investigate the three-dimensional XY-model with periodic boundary conditions. We have found an excellent agreement between our method and traditional Metropolis results for the energy, the magnetization, the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility on a very large temperature range. For the calculation of these quantities in the temperature range 0.7<T<4.7 our method took less CPU time than the Metropolis simulations for 16 temperature points in that temperature range. Furthermore, it calculates the whole temperature range 1.2<T<4.7 using only 2.2 times more computer effort than the Histogram Monte Carlo method for the range 2.1<T<2.2. Our way of treatment is general, it can also be applied to other systems with continuous degrees of freedom.Comment: 23 pages, 10 Postscript figures, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Discrete Fracture Model with Anisotropic Load Sharing

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    A two-dimensional fracture model where the interaction among elements is modeled by an anisotropic stress-transfer function is presented. The influence of anisotropy on the macroscopic properties of the samples is clarified, by interpolating between several limiting cases of load sharing. Furthermore, the critical stress and the distribution of failure avalanches are obtained numerically for different values of the anisotropy parameter α\alpha and as a function of the interaction exponent γ\gamma. From numerical results, one can certainly conclude that the anisotropy does not change the crossover point γc=2\gamma_c=2 in 2D. Hence, in the limit of infinite system size, the crossover value γc=2\gamma_c=2 between local and global load sharing is the same as the one obtained in the isotropic case. In the case of finite systems, however, for γ2\gamma\le2, the global load sharing behavior is approached very slowly

    Coherence in scale-free networks of chaotic maps

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    We study fully synchronized states in scale-free networks of chaotic logistic maps as a function of both dynamical and topological parameters. Three different network topologies are considered: (i) random scale-free topology, (ii) deterministic pseudo-fractal scale-free network, and (iii) Apollonian network. For the random scale-free topology we find a coupling strength threshold beyond which full synchronization is attained. This threshold scales as kμk^{-\mu}, where kk is the outgoing connectivity and μ\mu depends on the local nonlinearity. For deterministic scale-free networks coherence is observed only when the coupling strength is proportional to the neighbor connectivity. We show that the transition to coherence is of first-order and study the role of the most connected nodes in the collective dynamics of oscillators in scale-free networks.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The influence of statistical properties of Fourier coefficients on random surfaces

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    Many examples of natural systems can be described by random Gaussian surfaces. Much can be learned by analyzing the Fourier expansion of the surfaces, from which it is possible to determine the corresponding Hurst exponent and consequently establish the presence of scale invariance. We show that this symmetry is not affected by the distribution of the modulus of the Fourier coefficients. Furthermore, we investigate the role of the Fourier phases of random surfaces. In particular, we show how the surface is affected by a non-uniform distribution of phases

    Lattice Simulation of Nuclear Multifragmentation

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    Motivated by the decade-long debate over the issue of criticality supposedly observed in nuclear multifragmentation, we propose a dynamical lattice model to simulate the phenomenon. Its Ising Hamiltonian mimics a short range attractive interaction which competes with a thermal-like dissipative process. The results here presented, generated through an event-by-event analysis, are in agreement with both experiment and those produced by a percolative (non-dynamical) model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure