761 research outputs found

    Satisfiability of cross product terms is complete for real nondeterministic polytime Blum-Shub-Smale machines

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    Nondeterministic polynomial-time Blum-Shub-Smale Machines over the reals give rise to a discrete complexity class between NP and PSPACE. Several problems, mostly from real algebraic geometry / polynomial systems, have been shown complete (under many-one reduction by polynomial-time Turing machines) for this class. We exhibit a new one based on questions about expressions built from cross products only.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    Parkour/Freerunning as a Pathway to Prosocial Change: A Theoretical Analysis

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    Parkour/freerunning is a training method for overcoming physical and mental obstacles, and has been proposed as a unique tool to engage youth in healthy leisure activities (e.g., Gilchrist & Wheaton, 2011). Although practitioners have started to utilise parkour/freerunning in programmes for youth at risk of antisocial behaviour, this claim is insufficiently grounded in theory and research to date. In fact, the common misrepresentation of the practice in the media has led to confusion and debate about the nature of parkour/freerunning. In a conceptual and historical analysis, I explore what parkour/freerunning is, and how it can impact on the practitioner. Results from the analysis reveal values, goals and assumptions that parkour/freerunning is built upon, as well as a set of physical, mental, socio-moral and cognitive-behavioural skills developed through the practice. As illustrated by its history, parkour/freerunning has emerged as a highly versatile tool for self-development and change. These insights are used to discuss how parkour/freerunning relates to contemporary frameworks of offender rehabilitation. A comparative analysis demonstrates that parkour/freerunning is largely capable of meeting the standards of rehabilitation practice guided by the Risk-Need-Responsivity model. Moreover, key goals, assumptions and general approach in parkour/freerunning are naturally in line with those in the Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitation. The major overlaps of parkour/freerunning with both frameworks suggest that the practice can increase the individual’s capacity to live a healthy and prosocial life, and reduce the risk of reoffending. Particularly when applied within the GLM, parkour/freerunning offers a pathway to identity formation and transformation. Although this claim is in need of further exploration, I propose that parkour/freerunning can be utilised to enhance the practice of offender rehabilitation as an engaging and easily accessible tool for prosocial change

    Ingenieurgeologische Untersuchungen zur HinterfĂŒllung von Geothermie-Bohrungen mit ErdwĂ€rmesonden

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    Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen an Baustoffen, die zur VerfĂŒllung von ErdwĂ€rmesonden-Bohrungen im Bereich der oberflĂ€chennahen Geothermie eingesetzt werden, durchgefĂŒhrt. Die LangzeitbestĂ€ndigkeit sowie der sichere Betrieb der ErdwĂ€rmesonden sind Voraussetzungen fĂŒr die Genehmigung und den Schutz der Ressourcen Boden und Grundwasser. Dazu muss eine gute QualitĂ€tskontrolle mit definierten Kennwerten zur Überwachung der eingesetzten HinterfĂŒllkonzepte in der Praxis eingesetzt werden

    Intensivierung und Differenzierung des Leguminosen-Anbaus unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Nematoden

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    Zusammenfassung Um Empfehlungen fĂŒr eine Erhöhung des Anteils der Leguminosen in Ökologischen Anbausystemen bei gleichzeitiger Erweiterung des Artenspektrums zu erarbeiten, wurden die Arten Trifolium subterraneum (Erdklee), Trifolium campestre (Feldklee), Medicago orbicularis (Schneckenklee), Medicago minima (Zwergschneckenklee) und Medicago truncatula (EinjĂ€hrige Luzerne) in Verfahren des Lebendmulches und der GrĂŒndĂŒngung untersucht. Besonders interessant fĂŒr Mischkulturen hat sich der Erdklee erwiesen, fĂŒr kurzzeitige GrĂŒndĂŒngung die EinjĂ€hrige Luzerne. Die enge Abfolge von Leguminosen birgt die Gefahr der UnvertrĂ€glichkeit durch Nematodenbefall speziell mit Meloidogyne und Paratylenchus. In einem GefĂ€ĂŸversuch zeigte sich, dass die Arten der Gattungen Pisum, Vicia und Trifolium eine höhere Vermehrungsrate fĂŒr Meloidogyne hapla hatten als Kopfsalat. Medicago und Melilotus waren dagegen weniger anfĂ€llig. Daraus ergibt sich, dass beim Fruchtfolgemanagement die unterschiedliche NematodenanfĂ€lligkeit durch die Wahl der Arten und die Anbauzeiten berĂŒcksichtigt werden sollte

    Long-term ley and manure managements have consistent effects on microbial functional profiles and organic C groups across soils from a latitudinal gradient

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) is important in maintaining soil fertility and other ecosystem functions. Yet, land management in intensive agriculture has caused SOM level to decrease, with knock-on effects for soil fertility and quality. Therefore, land management options that ensure that SOM is not depleted and that soil functions are better sustained are of increasing interest. However, there is limited knowledge on how different land managements affect the composition of SOM and associated microbial functional profiles. Twelve long-term field experiments, covering a wide range of climatic zones and soil types, were selected in Sweden. They focused on the role of combining ley in crop rotations with the manure application (livestock farm), as opposed to the management without ley and receiving only inorganic fertilizer (arable farm). In ten out of the 12 study sites, livestock farm management tended to have higher proportions of aliphatic and double bonded C groups, as estimated by mid-infrared spectroscopy. This was further confirmed by C-13 NMR analysis, which found greater proportions of O-alkyl and di-O-alkyl groups and less aromatic C in livestock farm than arable farm management in five of the eight sites analyzed. The changes in SOM composition were reflected in microbial functional profiles across many sites: soils from livestock farm management utilized more carbohydrates and amino acids, while polymer and aromatic compounds were associated with arable farm management. Overall, shifts in both microbial functional profiles and SOM composition showed great consistency across geographical and climatic zones. Livestock farm management maintained higher levels of microbial functional diversity and were associated with higher proportions of "reactive" C functional groups. Our investigation demonstrates that livestock farm management could maintain soil fertility over the long-term via the changes in SOM composition and the regulation of microbial functional profiles

    BerufstÀtigkeit und psychische KomorbiditÀt nach Organtransplantation

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    Die Wiederaufnahme einer produktiven BeschĂ€ftigung ist ein wesentliches Ziel der Rehabilitation nach Organtransplantation. In Deutschland ist jedoch die Mehrheit der organtransplantierten Patienten im erwerbsfĂ€higen Alter frĂŒhberentet. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, die BeschĂ€ftigungssituation Organtransplantierter und mögliche Einflussfaktoren am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum Leipzig zu untersuchen. Dabei interessiert insbesondere der Einfluss der psychischen KomorbiditĂ€t auf die berufliche Reintegration. Im Rahmen einer katamnestischen Querschnittsstudie wurden insgesamt 82 Patienten ein bis acht Jahre nach Leber-, Nieren- oder Pankreastransplantation befragt. Neben der BeschĂ€ftigungssituation und der psychischen KomorbiditĂ€t (SKID-I, HADS), wurden soziodemografische, medizinische und arbeitsbezogene Merkmale sowie die gesundheitsbezogene LebensqualitĂ€t (EORTC QLQ-C30) als potenzielle Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitswiederaufnahme und die psychische KomorbiditĂ€t erhoben. Die Auswertung der Daten zeigt, dass berufstĂ€tige Organtransplantierte eine signifikant bessere gesundheitsbezogene LebensqualitĂ€t haben und signifikant seltener unter psychischer KomorbiditĂ€t leiden als frĂŒhberentete Organtransplantierte. Dieser Zusammenhang sollte Beachtung finden bei der Rehabilitation und Nachsorge transplantierter Patienten. Ziel muss es sein, die berufliche Reintegration zu fördern und gleichzeitig psychische KomorbiditĂ€t auch im Langzeitverlauf nach Transplantation frĂŒhzeitig zu erkennen und adĂ€quat zu behandeln, um das Risiko fĂŒr FrĂŒhberentung zu senken und eine verbesserte LebensqualitĂ€t und damit auch den Gesamterfolg der Transplantation langfristig zu sichern

    Dementia care and the role of guideline adherence in primary care: cross-sectional findings from the DemTab study

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    Background: General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in the care of people with dementia (PwD). However, the role of the German Dementia Guideline in primary care remains unclear. The main objective of the present study was to examine the role of guideline-based dementia care in general practices. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of data obtained from the DemTab study was conducted. Descriptive analyses of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics for GPs (N = 28) and PwD (N = 91) were conducted. Adherence to the German Dementia Guideline of GPs was measured at the level of PwD. Linear Mixed Models were used to analyze the associations between adherence to the German Dementia Guideline and GP factors at individual (age, years of experience as a GP, frequency of utilization of guideline, perceived usefulness of guideline) and structural (type of practice, total number of patients seen by a participating GP, and total number of PwD seen by a participating GP) levels as well as between adherence to the German Dementia Guideline and PwD's quality of life. Results: Self-reported overall adherence of GPs was on average 71% (SD = 19.4, range: 25-100). Adherence to specific recommendations varied widely (from 19.2 to 95.3%) and the majority of GPs (79.1%) reported the guideline as only partially or somewhat helpful. Further, we found lower adherence to be significantly associated with higher numbers of patients (gamma 10 = - 5.58, CI = - 10.97, - 0.19, p = .04). No association between adherence to the guideline and PwD's quality of life was found (gamma 10 = -.86, CI = - 4.18, 2.47, p = .61). Conclusion: The present study examined the role of adherence to the German Dementia Guideline recommendations in primary care. Overall, GPs reported high levels of adherence. However, major differences across guideline recommendations were found. Findings highlight the importance of guidelines for the provision of care. Dementia guidelines for GPs need to be better tailored and addressed. Further, structural changes such as more time for PwD may contribute to a sustainable change of dementia care in primary care
