350 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un modelo simplificado de detección del riesgo empresarial: estudio empírico aplicado al sector de construcción (PYMES)

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    Ante la importancia de la actividad constructora en la economía española, tanto por su notable contribución a la formación del Producto Nacional Bruto como al elevado porcentaje de población activa que participa en su proceso productivo, y dada la escasa investigación del sector en España, el objetivo de esta investigación es doble: por una parte, identificar las variables o ratios más significativos de solvencia empresarial en las empresas constructoras, mediante el análisis de una muestra de pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector en España, unas sin problemas de continuidad en su actividad y otras en situación de quiebra o suspensión de pagos. En segundo lugar, una vez detectadas las variables de solvencia construimos, utilizando el análisis gráfico y el análisis multivariante, un sistema de alerta temprana que permita detectar una situación de riesgo empresarial.Before the importance of the construction activity in the Spanish economy, so much for his notable contribution to the training of the National Gross Product as to the high percentage of active population who takes part in his productive process, and given the scanty research of the sector in Spain, the aim of this research is double: on one hand, to identify the variables or the most significant ratios of managerial solvency in the building firms, by means of the analysis of a sample of small and medium companies of the sector in Spain, some without problems of continuity in his activity and others in situation of bankruptcy or suspension of payments. Secondly, once detected the variables of solvency we construct, using the graphical analysis and the analysis multivariant, a system of early alert that allows to detect a situation of managerial risk

    Pobreza laboral y desempleo en España 2009-2019

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    Uno de los objetivos recogidos en la Estrategia de Europa 2020 era reducir, en el período 2009-2019, 20 millones de per- sonas de las registradas en riesgo de pobreza y de exclusión social. El compromiso de España fue rebajar en el mismo período, entre 1.400.000 y 1.500.000 personas. Asimismo, la pobreza tradicionalmente se ha relacionado con el desempleo o situacio- nes de inactividad y aunque sin duda siguen siendo factores de riesgo de pobreza, en la actualidad, tener un trabajo no es óbice para evitar caer en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social. Este trabajo, a través de una revisión de la literatura, tiene como objetivo contextualizar la situación de la pobreza y exclusión social en España y profundizar en el análisis de la pobreza laboral. Las conclusiones sugieren, que España no sólo no ha cumplido su compromiso en cuanto a reducir personas en riesgo de pobreza y exclusión, sino que además está por encima del punto de partida y de la media europea. El desempleo tiene un fuerte impacto sobre la pobreza en cuanto a los hogares en los que todos sus miembros están desempleados. El número de trabajadores pobres es mayor que el de los desempleados pobres. Por último, los trabajadores por cuenta propia tienen un mayor riesgo de pobreza laboral que los trabajadores por cuenta ajenaOne of the objectives set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy was to reduce, in the period 2009-2019, 20 million of those registered as being at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Spain’s commitment was to reduce between 1,400,000 and 1,500,000 people in the same period. Furthermore, poverty has traditionally been related to unemployment or situations of inactivity and although they undoubtedly continue to be risk factors for poverty, at present, having a job does not prevent one from falling into the risk of poverty or social exclusion. This paper, through a review of the literature, aims to contextualize the situation of poverty and social exclusion in Spain and to deepen the analysis of working poverty. The conclusions suggest that Spain has not only failed to meet its commitment to reduce people at risk of poverty and exclusion, but is also above the starting point and the European average. Unemployment has a strong impact on poverty in terms of households where all members are unemployed. The number of working poor is higher than the number of unemployed poor. Finally, the self-employed have a higher risk of in-work poverty than employed peopl

    Factores que condicionan la cooperación interempresarial en los Sistemas Productivos Locales

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    Las principales conclusiones que resultan de la investigación evidencian que existe un nivel casi nulo de cooperación entre empresas que son competencia, y que factores como el bajo nivel de capital social, un bajo sentimiento de pertenencia al Sistema Productivo Local, determinados factores socioculturales que afectan negativamente a la confianza y aspectos intrínsecos a las organizaciones empresariales, dificultan la cooperación interempresarial en el Sistema Productivo Local del sector del mueble de Lucena.El objetivo de esta investigación a través de un estudio de caso es analizar el Sistema Productivo Local del sector del mueble de Lucena y conocer qué factores pueden estar condicionando la cooperación interempresarial entre empresas que son competencia. Este trabajo está articulado en seis capítulos. En el primero se establece un marco teórico que soporta los hallazgos encontrados a lo largo de la investigación, las líneas teóricas son las relacionadas con los Distritos Industriales, Sistemas Productivos Locales y aquellas que han explicado la tendencia de la industria a aglomerarse en regiones geográficas concretas, la cultura organizacional y el capital social. El segundo y tercero están dedicados a contextualizar la investigación, recapitulando aquellos trabajos empíricos que han precedido a la presente tesis y que han servido de referencia al evidenciar las carencias en proyectos e interés por la cooperación, y por otra parte a conocer de una forma más concreta el entorno socioeconómico de Lucena. En el cuarto capítulo se desarrollada la metodología empleada y la justificación de las técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas utilizadas, tales como la encuesta o los grupos de discusión compuestos por empresarios e instituciones insertas en el Sistema Productivo Local. Por último, los capítulos quinto y sexto, están dedicados a la exposición de los resultados provenientes de la investigación y a la exposición de conclusiones, asimismo se detallan las limitaciones y las posibles líneas de investigación a seguir y propuestas para mejorar la cooperación interempresarial

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management: Towards Sustainable Business Organizations.

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    Today’s organizations are immersed in a global market, where any detail can provide a competitive advantage over rival companies and condition their sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management have become very powerful tools within companies. However, the potential, development, and measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resource Management (HRM) have not been sufficiently explored. The literature has developed multiple case studies on CSR and HRM and has studied the combination of both factors and their link to economic, environmental, and social sustainability, but has not yet found a solid basis from which to address the new functionality of CSR, HRM, and sustainable business management. This work aims to investigate trends in scientific production related to Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management. Bibliometric techniques and SciMAT software have been used for this purpose. A total of 314 articles from Web of Science (WOS) indexed journals were analyzed. The results obtained confirm that the interest in the study of these concepts has grown exponentially in the last decade. It should be noted that the definitions of CSR and HRM, and even the relationship between the two, continue to be subject to multiple interpretations. The contribution of this work lies in the fact that, through the longitudinal analysis carried out, light is shed on the groups of issues that emerge with special projection, such as green-management, stakeholders, commitment, competitive-advantage, satisfaction, performance, sustainability, or research-methods-analysis, and which must continue to be explored in order to respond to the demands that business organizations have in this respect, and to help the total integration of the different approaches related to CSR and HRM.Universidad de Málag

    Research Trends in Open Innovation and the Role of the University.

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    Innovation is a key aspect for the sustainability and competitiveness of organisations, and of the economy in general. In recent years, Open Innovation (OI) has burst onto the scene as a more open approach, in which the sources and exchange of knowledge are extended beyond organisational borders. One of the main actors and providers of knowledge is the University. The literature related to OI and the University is very prolific, but at the same time dispersed. This paper aims to expand on the trend in research on OI and University. To do this, bibliometric techniques have been used to analyse a sample of 349 articles from journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) between 2005 and 2020. The results suggest that there is a high level of interest in research on this subject and that it is in full swing. The focus of the research is on topics such as collaboration, business–industry, R&D, networks, performance or knowledge-transfer. Emerging themes such as knowledge-spillover or absorptive-capacity appear, which are related to the research sensitivity on the true use of the knowledge generated. In recent years, there has been a trend towards research into entrepreneurship, key aspects of R&D such as strategy and cooperation, or education management. With regard to research related to University–Enterprise cooperation, the focus has been on SMEs, Helix models, entrepreneurship, or commercialisation. Finally, there are areas of research that require greater development related to family businesses and SMEs. This work sheds light on the state of the literature related to OI and University and is very useful for the orientation of future work in the field of research

    Towards Sustainable Mobility through a Change in Values. Evidence in 12 European Countries.

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    The research carried out, as well as the measures taken to promote the use of sustainable transport in our cities, do not fully achieve their purpose. TheWertraitionalirat concept introduced by Max Weber in 1922 stated: “The use of public transport arises more from a system of values with which the person identifies than from the quality of the transport o ered”. This assertion made at the beginning of the 20th century is still valid, where the means, infrastructure and advances achieved do not obtain a proportional response from citizens. The aim of this work is, through this approach, to find variables that complement research on urban mobility habits. For this purpose, data from the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and the European Social Survey (ESS) are used to analyse postmodern values and citizens’ environmental awareness, linking these to sustainable mobility habits in 12 European countries. The results suggest that a higher index of postmodern values implies greater environmental awareness, which would lead to a greater use of sustainable transport, although there are variables related to environmental knowledge and risk which indicate that greater environmental education and awareness is needed.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Family Firms and Sustainability. A Longitudinal Analysis.

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    Two-thirds of the world’s private companies are family owned. It is an organizational model that, despite the arrival of large corporations, remains and is still totally in place. The survival of these organizations is not easy, and is conditioned by multiple factors. The research that addresses the sustainability of family businesses is numerous and has been conducted from multiple disciplines. This document investigates the trends in scientific production related to family businesses and their sustainability, using bibliometric techniques and SciMAT software. Atotal of 286 articles were analysed between 2003 and 2019 from the journals indexed in theWeb of Science (WoS). The results suggest that, although there is a growing interest in the study of the sustainability of family businesses, there is instability in the centrality of the topics, which denotes the existence of a wide margin of development. The most influential and trend-setting themes emerge mainly concentrated in three lines: those that analyse factors that drive sustainability, such as socio-emotional wealth and stakeholders; those interested in knowing about methods or practices that favour sustainability, such as CSR, performance, management or innovation; and those that investigate factors that endanger survival, mainly intergenerational succession processes. The contribution of this work is that, through bibliometric techniques, it sheds light on the groups of topics that condition the sustainability of family businesses, which will help the scientific community in the orientation of future work in this field of researchUniversidad de Málag

    The Organizational Commitment in the Company and Its Relationship With the Psychological Contract

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    Business organizations in their work environment, aspire to create a high level of performance and low levels of absenteeism and turnover. Organizational commitment is considered a key factor in achieving this objective, however, it can be conditioned by several factors, among which is the psychological contract. The literature has related the organizational commitment with the fulfillment of the psychological contract framing it as one of the explanatory variables. This work aims to investigate research trends on psychological contract and organizational commitment. For this purpose, bibliometric techniques and the software SciMAT have been used. 220 journal articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS) were analyzed. The findings indicate that the theme chosen for this review is valid. Based on the relationship between the two concepts, as the most recurrent themes, issues such as the sense of justice and the consequences of the violation of the psychological contract, normative commitment, HR management or job insecurity are addressed. However, in the last period analyzed (2015–2018), publications related to more sensitive topics to the present time emerge, such as the employability or the impact of these two concepts in the new generations (millennial and generation-Y) or the retention of talent. On the other hand, shortcomings are detected in the research on the ideologically charged psychological contract, the analysis of the organizational context or cultural and demographic factors in relation to both theoretical constructs. The contribution of this work lies in giving visibility to scientific results, which will serve business organizations as instruments for decision making in their labor management and, for the scientific community, as knowledge of the research spaces to exploreUniversidad de Málag

    Valoración económica de los años de vida perdidos por muerte prematura por enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en Panamá. Año 2022

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    The objective of this research is to estimate the economic valuation of the years lost due to premature death in chronic non-communicable diseases. Materials and methods: The sources of information are data from the National Health Survey of the Ministry of Health of 2019 and mortality statistics from the National Institute of Statistics and Census. The study variables are: age at death, life expectancy at birth, age, sex and per capita income. Results: Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have been a major economic burden in Panama. The relative risk (odds ratio) of death due to Chronic Obesity, as a base risk factor, is 1.2588 times higher for Cancer, 4.0290 for Arterial Hypertension, 3.1627 times higher for Chronic Kidney Disease and 2.4259 and 2.8645 times higher for Type I and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Discussion: NCDs express a challenge of great importance for the health system, threatening the financial sustainability of the public health sector and the social security system. Conclusions: It is important to orient health policies to combat risk factors such as obesity and to strengthen the first-level care system, in which prevention is given as the most plausible measure but which will have long-term effects, given the demographic and epidemiological transition of NCDs. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estimar la valoración económica de los años perdidos por muerte prematura en enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Materiales y métodos: Las fuentes de información son los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del Ministerio de Salud del año 2019 y las estadísticas de mortalidad del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo. Las variables de estudio son: Edad de muerte, esperanza de vida al nacer, la edad, el sexo y la renta por habitante. Resultados: Las enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles (ECNT) han resultado una carga económica importante en Panamá. El riesgo relativo (Odds ratio) de muerte al tener Obesidad Crónica, como factor de riesgo de base, es de 1.2588 veces más por Cáncer, 4.0290 por Hipertensión Arterial, 3.1627 en Enfermedad Renal Crónica y de 2.4259 y 2.8645 veces más, en Diabetes Mellitus Tipo I y Tipo II. Discusión: Las ECNT expresan un reto de gran importancia para el sistema sanitario, que amenazan la sostenibilidad financiera del sector público sanitario y el sistema de seguridad social. Conclusiones: Es importante orientar las políticas de salud al combate de los factores de riesgo tales como la obesidad y fortalecer el sistema de atención del primer nivel, en el que se da la prevención, como la medida más plausible pero que tendrá efectos a largo plazo, dada la transición demográfica y epidemiológica de las ECNT.&nbsp

    Análisis de la demanda de tabaco en Panamá y el control del efecto asequibilidad con medidas fiscales y control del contrabando : implicaciones para Política Fiscal, 2000-2011

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    El estudio de la demanda de tabaco y el control del contrabando es un área poco investigada en Panamá, por lo que el presente trabajo se constituye en un resultado importante en materia de investigación de política fiscal anti tabáquica. Se utilizó como marco metodológico el Tool Kit N° 3 del Banco Mundial, para la estimación de las elasticidades precio e ingreso de demanda, en adición a la realización de las encuestas de marcas y de percepción de las medidas de control en locales de atención al público, en cinco distritos, con las cuales se validaron los resultados de las medidas de control y fiscales, en especial estas últimas con base en el incremento impositivo a los productos del tabaco, en 100% a partir de 2009, al pasar la recaudación fiscal de USD 11.6 Millones a USD 22.8 Millones en 2011. De igual manera se midió el grado de contrabando de cigarrillos en un 28% de marcas ilegales, y ser la problemática más importante a tratar en materia de política aduanera. Finalmente el alto desconocimiento de la ley en un 54% de los entrevistados y una prevalencia parcial en zonas urbanas del 14.8%, hace reforzar los programas educativos