18 research outputs found

    An image dataset of cleared, x-rayed, and fossil leaves vetted to plant family for human and machine learning

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    Leaves are the most abundant and visible plant organ, both in the modern world and the fossil record. Identifying foliage to the correct plant family based on leaf architecture is a fundamental botanical skill that is also critical for isolated fossil leaves, which often, especially in the Cenozoic, represent extinct genera and species from extant families. Resources focused on leaf identification are remarkably scarce; however, the situation has improved due to the recent proliferation of digitized herbarium material, live-plant identification applications, and online collections of cleared and fossil leaf images. Nevertheless, the need remains for a specialized image dataset for comparative leaf architecture. We address this gap by assembling an open-access database of 30,252 images of vouchered leaf specimens vetted to family level, primarily of angiosperms, including 26,176 images of cleared and x-rayed leaves representing 354 families and 4,076 of fossil leaves from 48 families. The images maintain original resolution, have user-friendly filenames, and are vetted using APG and modern paleobotanical standards. The cleared and x-rayed leaves include the Jack A. Wolfe and Leo J. Hickey contributions to the National Cleared Leaf Collection and a collection of high-resolution scanned x-ray negatives, housed in the Division of Paleobotany, Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C.; and the Daniel I. Axelrod Cleared Leaf Collection, housed at the University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley. The fossil images include a sampling of Late Cretaceous to Eocene paleobotanical sites from the Western Hemisphere held at numerous institutions, especially from Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument (late Eocene, Colorado), as well as several other localities from the Late Cretaceous to Eocene of the Western USA and the early Paleogene of Colombia and southern Argentina. The dataset facilitates new research and education opportunities in paleobotany, comparative leaf architecture, systematics, and machine learning.Fil: Wilf, Peter. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Wing, Scott L.. National Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Meyer, Herbert W.. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Rose, Jacob A.. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Saha, Rohit. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Serre, Thomas. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Cúneo, Néstor Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio; ArgentinaFil: Donovan, Michael P.. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Erwin, Diane M.. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Gandolfo, María A.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: González Akre, Erika. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Herrera, Fabiany. National Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Hu, Shusheng. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados UnidosFil: Iglesias, Ari. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Johnson, Kirk R.. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Karim, Talia S.. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Zou, Xiaoyu. State University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unido

    Paleocene wind-dispersed fruits and seeds from Colombia and their implications for early Neotropical rainforests

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    Extant Neotropical rainforests are well known for their remarkable diversity of fruit and seed types. Biotic agents disperse most of these disseminules, whereas wind dispersal is less common. Although wind-dispersed fruits and seeds are greatly overshadowed in closed rainforests, many important families in the Neotropics (e.g., Bignoniaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Orchidaceae, Sapindaceae) show numerous morphological adaptations for anemochory (i.e. wings, accessory hairs). Most of these living groups have high to moderate levels of plant diversity in the upper levels of the canopy. Little is known about the fossil record of wind-dispersed fruits and seeds in the Neotropics. Six new species of disseminules with varied adaptations for wind dispersal are documented here. These fossils, representing extinct genera of Ulmaceae, Malvaceae, and some uncertain families, indicate that wind-dispersed fruit and seed syndromes were already common in the Neotropics by the Paleocene, coinciding with the early development of multistratal rainforests. Although the major families known to include most of the wind-dispersed disseminules in extant rainforests are still missing from the Paleogene fossil record of South and Central America, the new fossils imply that anemochory was a relatively important product and/or mechanism of plant evolution and diversification in early Neotropical rainforests

    Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers

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    Previously unrecognized anatomical features of the cone scales of the enigmatic Early Cretaceous conifer Krassilovia mongolica include the presence of transversely oriented paracytic stomata, which is unusual for all other extinct and extant conifers. Identical stomata arepresent on co-occurring broad, linear, multiveined leaves assigned to Podozamites harrisii, providing evidence that K. mongolica and P. harrisii are the seed cones and leaves of the same extinct plant. Phylogenetic analyses of the relationships of the reconstructed Krassilovia plant place it in an informal clade that we name the Krassilovia Clade, which also includes Swedenborgia cryptomerioides–Podozamites schenkii, and Cycadocarpidium erdmanni–Podozamites schenkii. All three of these plants have linear leaves that are relatively broad compared to most living conifers, and that are also multiveined with transversely oriented paracytic stomata. We propose that these may be general features of the Krassilovia Clade. Paracytic stomata, and other features of this new group, recall features of extant and fossil Gnetales, raising questions about the phylogenetic homogeneity of the conifer clade similar to those raised by phylogenetic analyses of molecular data.Funding for this work was provided by National Science Foundation grants DEB-1748286 to P.S.H., P.R.C. and F.H., and 1348456 to P.R.C. and P.S.H., the Oak Spring Garden Foundation to F.H., and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21405010 and 24405015) from the Japan Society.</p

    A permineralized Early Cretaceous lycopsid from China and the evolution of crown clubmosses

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    Lycopodiaceae are one of three surviving families of lycopsids, a lineage of vascular plants with a fossil history dating to at least the Early Devonian or perhaps the Late Silurian (c. 415 Ma). Many fossils have been linked to crown Lycopodiaceae, but the lack of well-preserved material has hindered definitive recognition of this group in the paleobotanical record. New, exceptionally well-preserved permineralized lycopsid fossils from the Early Cretaceous (125.6 ± 1.0 Ma) of Inner Mongolia, China, were examined in detail using acetate peel and micro-computed tomography techniques. The anatomy of extant Lycopodiaceae was analyzed for comparison using fluorescence microscopy. Phylogenetic relationships of the new fossil to extant Lycopodiaceae were evaluated using parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses. Lycopodicaulis oellgaardii gen. et sp. nov. provides the earliest unequivocal and best-documented evidence of crown Lycopodiaceae and Lycopodioideae, based on anatomically-preserved fossil material. Recognition of Lycopodicaulis in Asia during the Early Cretaceous indicates the presence of crown Lycopodiaceae at this time, and striking similarities of stem anatomy with extant species provide a framework for the understanding of the interaction of branching and vascular anatomy in crown-group lycopsids

    X-ray micro-computed tomography (Micro-CT) of pyrite-permineralized fruits and seeds from the London clay formation (Ypresian) conserved in silicone oil:A critical evaluation

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    Pyrite-permineralized fruits and seeds from the London Clay Formation (Ypresian, England) in the NHMUK are stored in silicone oil to retard decay processes. X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) has revealed internal morphology for multiple holotypes (including severely cracked and encrusted specimens) scanned in the protective fluid. Silicone oil alone has a similar X-ray attenuation to parts of the specimens, causing minor uncertainty for digitally rendered surfaces, but key systematic characters are readily visualised. Further work is needed to optimise visualization of fine-scale cellular detail. Labelling and segmentation to visualise important structures is achievable with these micro-CT datasets. However, manual labelling of individual slices is required and defining boundaries between features can be difficult due to differential pyritization and silicone oil permeation. Digital sections through specimens can be made in any orientation and digital locule casts can be produced for studies in virtual taphonomy. These achievements have been accomplished with minimal risk to specimens, which remained in silicone oil and were studied within the museum. The datasets provide a potentially permanent record of at-risk specimens, can be made widely available to researchers unable to visit the collections and to other interested parties, and they enable monitoring for future conservation.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Una serpiente boin gigante de un Paleoceno Neotropical revela temperaturas ecuatoriales más altas en el pasado

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    The largest extant snakes live in the tropics of South America and southeast Asia1,2,3 where high temperatures facilitate the evolution of large body sizes among air-breathing animals whose body temperatures are dependant on ambient environmental temperatures (poikilothermy)4,5. Very little is known about ancient tropical terrestrial ecosystems, limiting our understanding of the evolution of giant snakes and their relationship to climate in the past. Here we describe a boid snake from the oldest known neotropical rainforest fauna from the Cerrejón Formation (58–60 Myr ago) in northeastern Colombia. We estimate a body length of 13?m and a mass of 1,135?kg, making it the largest known snake6,7,8,9. The maximum size of poikilothermic animals at a given temperature is limited by metabolic rate4, and a snake of this size would require a minimum mean annual temperature of 30–34?°C to survive. This estimate is consistent with hypotheses of hot Palaeocene neotropics with high concentrations of atmospheric CO2 based on climate models10. Comparison of palaeotemperature estimates from the equator to those from South American mid-latitudes indicates a relatively steep temperature gradient during the early Palaeogene greenhouse, similar to that of today. Depositional environments and faunal composition of the Cerrejón Formation indicate an anaconda-like ecology for the giant snake, and an earliest Cenozoic origin of neotropical vertebrate faunas

    X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) of pyrite-permineralized fruits and seeds from the London Clay Formation (Ypresian) conserved in silicone oil: a critical evaluation1

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    Pyrite-permineralized fruits and seeds from the London Clay Formation (Ypresian, England) in the NHMUK are stored in silicone oil to retard decay processes. X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) has revealed internal morphology for multiple holotypes (including severely cracked and encrusted specimens) scanned in the protective fluid. Silicone oil alone has a similar X-ray attenuation to parts of the specimens, causing minor uncertainty for digitally rendered surfaces, but key systematic characters are readily visualised. Further work is needed to optimise visualization of fine-scale cellular detail. Labelling and segmentation to visualise important structures is achievable with these micro-CT datasets. However, manual labelling of individual slices is required and defining boundaries between features can be difficult due to differential pyritization and silicone oil permeation. Digital sections through specimens can be made in any orientation and digital locule casts can be produced for studies in virtual taphonomy. These achievements have been accomplished with minimal risk to specimens, which remained in silicone oil and were studied within the museum. The datasets provide a potentially permanent record of at-risk specimens, can be made widely available to researchers unable to visit the collections and to other interested parties, and they enable monitoring for future conservation

    Leaves of <i>Podozamites</i> and <i>Pseudotorellia</i> from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia: stomatal patterns and implications for relationships

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    <p>Strap-shaped, parallel-veined leaves of <i>Podozamites</i> and <i>Pseudotorellia</i> are among the most common fossils in Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous floras from the Northern Hemisphere. <i>Podozamites</i> is considered to be the leaf of a voltzian conifer, but its cuticle is poorly known, whereas <i>Pseudotorellia</i>, with a thick cuticle and haplocheilic stomata, is commonly considered to be the leaf of a ginkgoalean. Here we describe the leaf morphology, cuticle and stomata of <i>Podozamites</i> and <i>Pseudotorellia</i> based on excellently preserved material from the Early Cretaceous of central Mongolia. <i>Podozamites harrisii</i> sp. nov. has transversely oriented, paracytic (probably syndetocheilic) stomata that are regularly arranged in longitudinal files. <i>Pseudotorellia resinosa</i> sp. nov. and <i>Pseudotorellia palustris</i> sp. nov. have scattered, longitudinally oriented stomata in which the two guard cells are sunken and surrounded by 2–5 specialized lateral subsidiary cells and 1–3 unspecialized polar cells. Association evidence and similarities in cuticular structure suggest that <i>Podozamites harrisii</i> was produced by the same plant as the seed cone <i>Krassilovia</i>. The distinctive stomatal pattern of <i>Podozamites harrisii</i> and <i>Krassilovia</i> is also seen in some species of <i>Swedenborgia</i> and <i>Cycadocarpidium</i>, suggesting these plants may all belong to the same natural group. <i>Cycadocarpidium</i>, <i>Krassilovia</i> and <i>Swedenborgia</i> have previously been treated as conifers, but their transversely oriented, paracytic stomata hint instead at a possible relationship with Bennettitales and Gnetales.</p

    Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests

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    The end-Cretaceous event was catastrophic for terrestrial communities worldwide, yet its long-lasting effect on tropical forests remains largely unknown. We quantified plant extinction and ecological change in tropical forests resulting from the end-Cretaceous event using fossil pollen (>50,000 occurrences) and leaves (>6000 specimens) from localities in Colombia. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) rainforests were characterized by an open canopy and diverse plant-insect interactions. Plant diversity declined by 45% at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary and did not recover for ~6 million years. Paleocene forests resembled modern Neotropical rainforests, with a closed canopy and multistratal structure dominated by angiosperms. The end-Cretaceous event triggered a long interval of low plant diversity in the Neotropics and the evolutionary assembly of today's most diverse terrestrial ecosystem.Fil: Carvalho, Mónica R.. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Jaramillo, Carlos. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: de la Parra, Felipe. Instituto Colombiano del Petroleo; ColombiaFil: Caballero Rodríguez, Dayenari. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Herrera, Fabiany. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Wing, Scott. National Museum of Natural History; Estados Unidos. National Museum of Natural History. Department of Paleobiology; Estados UnidosFil: Turner, Benjamin L.. University of Florida; Estados UnidosFil: D'Apolito, Carlos. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; BrasilFil: Romero Báez, Millerlandy. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Narvaez, Paula Liliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Camila. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; PanamáFil: Gutierrez, Mauricio. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Labandeira, Conrad. National Museum of Natural History. Department of Paleobiology; Estados UnidosFil: Bayona, German. Corporación Geológica Ares; ColombiaFil: Rueda, Milton. Paleoflora Ltda.; ColombiaFil: Paez Reyes, Manuel. University Of Houston; Estados UnidosFil: Cárdenas, Dairon. Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas; ColombiaFil: Duque, Álvaro. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellin; ColombiaFil: Crowley, James L.. Boise State University; Estados UnidosFil: Santos, Carlos. Bp Exploration Operating Company Limited; Reino UnidoFil: Silvestro, Daniele. University Of Fribourg; Suiz