877 research outputs found

    Aspectos del deseo en la obra de Carlos Fuentes

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    Toll-Like Receptors and Natural Killer Cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells represent a heterogeneous subpopulation of lymphocytes of the innate immune system with a powerful antitumor activity, a function given by a complex collection of receptors. They act synergistically to recognize, regulate, or amplify the response according to the microenvironment, thus highlighting Toll-like receptors (TLRs), a type of receptors that allows sensing evolutionarily molecules conserved of pathogens known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and/or damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Those TLRs are essential to start the immune response. There is little information about the different subpopulations that form NK cells as well as their expression profile of innate immune response receptors in hematological cancers

    Simulador Financiero Módulo de Contabilidad

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    Se desarrolló un simulador financiero básico para los alumnos de la carrera de contabilidad y carreras afines del C.U UAEM Ecatepec, con la finalidad de proporcionar a los alumnos una herramienta que les permita comparar y verificar resultados acerca de los estados financieros básicos que ellos mismos realicen. Para desarrollar el simulador fue necesario conocer en qué consiste la contabilidad y sus conceptos, por esta razón se presenta una descripción teórica e ilustrativa de los conceptos básicos de contabilidad, estados financieros básicos y las razones financieras, para desarrollar la planificación y la programación del simulador financiero módulo contabilidad. Para el desarrollo de este sistema se utilizó la metodología sistémica para el análisis de las necesidades del cliente y la metodología extrema para llevar a cabo el desarrollo del simulador y su posterior implementación. El software fue revisado por expertos y usuarios de contabilidad, los cuales indicaron sus opiniones respecto al sistema e indicaron que éste es funcional para los alumnos de contabilidad básica.PROMEP/103.5/13/653

    Modernidad periférica y metropolitana

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    Cet essai pose que la modernité présente deux facettes interdépendantes : la facette métropolitaine, correspondant à l’idée traditionnelle de modernité, et la facette périphérique, comprenant les processus historiques structurés par le colonialisme qui débute à la fin du XIV e siècle et débouche sur la construction d’un monde divisé en métropoles et périphéries. L’article pose que des phénomènes de ce processus, comme l’esclavage et la servitude implantés en Amérique, sont aussi modernes que le capitalisme européen naissant de l’époque, mais d’une modernité qui répond à des objectifs différents de ceux visés dans les métropoles.El ensayo afirma que la modernidad contiene dos facetas interdependientes : la metropolitana, correspondiente a la idea tradicional de modernidad, y la periférica, que comprende los procesos históricos articulados por el colonialismo iniciado a fines del siglo XV, el cual construye un mundo dividido en metrópolis y periferias. Se afirma que fenómenos de estos procesos, como la esclavitud y la servidumbre implantados en América, son tan modernos como el naciente capitalismo coetáneo europeo, pero de una modernidad que responde a objetivos diferentes de los buscados en las metrópolis.This essay posits that modernity has two interdependent sides: the metropolitan side, which corresponds to the traditional idea of modernity, and the peripheral side, made up by the historical processes structured by colonialism which started in the late XVth century and led to the creation of a world divided into metropoles and peripheries. We explain that phenomena within this process, such as slavery and servitude in America, are just as modern as the then rising European capitalism of the time, but that their modernity targets different goals than in the metropolis

    Evaluación de la incidencia del control interno en las contingencias contables y tributarias para su reestructuración organizacional de la Empresa B&S S.A.C 2017

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    En el mundo de las empresas los métodos y procedimientos para una adecuada gestión en las organizaciones son fundamentales para cumplir con las metas y objetivos trazados por cada una de ellas; tomando este punto se puede decir que una entidad que no lleva el control de sus actividades y no está debidamente organizada, desconoce su posición tanto económica como financiera por lo que da como resultado el incumplimiento las metas y objetivos planteados por los gerentes. B&S S.A.C es una empresa familiar que labora empíricamente, desconociendo cualquier tipo control organizacional. Debido a ello se evaluó los problemas existentes del control interno de dicha organización, demostrando así que todas las áreas con las que cuenta la mencionada entidad son totalmente deficientes, siendo estas: área de compras, ventas, almacén y tesorería; mediante esta evaluación de control se observó que se incidía en contingencias tanto contables como tributarias, se indagaron estas contingencias y se cuantificaron las posibles multas que recibiría la organización, dando a entender a los gerentes el riesgo que ocasiona trabajar de ese modo. Para ello se realizó los Estados Financieros respecto al periodo 2017 cumpliendo con todas sus obligaciones, por lo cual se comparó con la Información Financiera del 2016 que la entidad presentó, brindando la información correcta a los gerentes, indicándoles la forma inadecuada en la que se estaba laborando. Además se diseñó la reestructuración organizacional, elaborando un organigrama, el manual de políticas y procedimientos, finalmente el manual de organización y funciones que estipule la adecuada gestión que debería de seguir B&S S.A.C

    Tent-roosting may have driven the evolution of yellow skin coloration in Stenodermatinae bats

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    The recent discovery of the first mammal that deposits significant amounts of carotenoid pigments in the skin (the Honduran white bat Ectophylla alba) has highlighted the presence of conspicuous yellow coloration in the bare skin of some bats. This is patent in the subfamily Stenodermatinae, where many species build tents with plant leaves for communal roosting at daytime. On the basis that tents offer rich light conditions by partly allowing sunlight to pass through the leaves and this makes that yellow coloration probably provides camouflage benefits to tent-roosting bats, that gregariousness facilitates visual communication, and that all Stenodermatinae bats possess retinal L-cones that allow the perception of long-wavelength light and have a frugivorous diet from which carotenoids are obtained, we hypothesized that tent-roosting may have driven the evolution of yellow skin coloration in this group of bats. We tested this prediction in 71 species within Stenodermatinae. Reconstructions of ancestral states showed that the common ancestor was most likely not colorful and did not roost in tents, but both traits early appeared in the first phylogenetic ramification. Phylogenetically controlled analyses showed that, as predicted, yellow skin coloration and tent-roosting coevolved after their appearance. This is the first explanation for the evolution of body coloration in nocturnal mammals. As the light environment of nocturnal forests is dominated by yellow-green wavelengths that coincide with the spectral sensitivity of some bats, nocturnal light conditions may have acted jointly with diurnal light conditions in tents to favor the evolution of yellow skin coloration in these animals

    Rediscovery, ecology, and identification of rare free-tailed bats (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Costa Rica

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    Five new specimens ofthe poorly known Sanborn's bonneted bat, Eumops hansae (Chiroptera: Molossidae), are reported for Costa Rica's central and northern Pacific lowlands based on a subadult male collected in 1990 and four adult females collected in 2003. We also report the second known specimen of Eumops underwoodi from Costa Rica and additional specimens of Cynomops mexicanus, Eumops glaucinus, Molossus molossus, and Molossus pretiosus. Most of the females captured in August and April were either lactating or pregnant, suggesting that parturition in these molossids occurs in the late dry season and the early to middle rainy season, periods when insects are especially abundant in this dry forest. Characters used previously to distinguish between the similar-sized E. hansae and E. nanus are evaluated, and external and cranial measurements for the specimens of E. hansae are provided. The best single character for distinguishing the two species is size and shape of the upper incisors. In E. hansae, the upper incisors are thin and recurved, whereas they are thick, straight, and slightIy procumbent in E. nanus. The six sympatric species of free-tailed bat found in the gallery forest along the Rio Enmedio vary in size, jaw thickness, and wing shape suggesting coexistence through resource partitioning in this molossid bat assemblage

    Fracture toughness determination of ABS polymers using the J-method

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    Abstract The suitability of J–R curve fitting methods proposed by ASTM E 813-81 and E 813-87 metal standards in fitting ABS J–R curves is discussed. Tests were carried out at room temperature on one commercial grade ABS resin in three-point bending. Specimens were precracked with a razor blade and tests were performed over a X20 range of crosshead rate in the quasistatic regime. Specimens of different geometric relationships (B/W, a/W, smooth specimens of different thickness, and side-grooved specimens) were assayed. The two ASTM fitting procedures were also checked against data reported by other authors for other ABS type resins. Model appropriateness was checked by statistical analysis. Results appeared to be geometrically independent for deeply notched specimens. No significant variation in the J–R curve was found for changes in the displacement rate. Both J–R curve fittings appeared to be adequate. The ASTM E 813-87 procedure led to less conservative critical initiation J IC values
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