81 research outputs found

    La situación residencial de la población inmigrante en Andalucía

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    En este artículo se describe la situación residencial en Andalucía de los inmigrantes procedentes de países menos desarrollados. Basándonos en datos de una reciente encuesta representativa, llevamos a cabo un examen pormenorizado de las situaciones de ausencia de vivienda digna en esta población, haciendo especial hincapié en establecer definiciones claras e indicadores transparentes. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una situación residencial gravemente deficiente de una proporción importante de los inmigrantes asentados en zonas de agricultura intensiva, sobre todo en la provincia de Almería. Sin embargo, a diferencia de otros estudios, concluimos que aproximadamente cuatro de cada cinco inmigrantes asentados en Andalucía disponen de una vivienda digna.Peer Reviewe

    Toward Ecosystem-Based Assessment and Management of Small-Scale and Multi-Gear Fisheries: Insights From the Tropical Eastern Pacific

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    Small-scale fisheries (SSF) remain a largely under-assessed and overlooked sector by governments and researchers, despite contributing approximately 50% to global fish landings and providing food and income for millions of people. The multi-species, multi-gear and data-poor nature of SSF makes implementation of traditional single-species management approaches – like catch-quotas or size limits – particularly challenging and insufficient. A more holistic approach is thus required, which demands assessment of ecological impacts. Here we carried out an estimation of selected ecological indicators of the impact of fisheries (mean length, maximum body size, mean trophic level, trophic and spatial guilds, threatened species and landed by-catch) based on the nominal catch of different gears in three representative SSF along the Colombian Pacific using landings data collected in multiple years (2011–2017). Results showed that taxonomic, size-based, functional and conservation features of the nominal catch vary greatly with geographical location and gear type used. Overall, handlines and longlines tend to select larger sizes and higher trophic levels than nets, but they also catch a higher proportion of intrinsically vulnerable species and species of conservation concern. This challenges the idea that more selective gears have overall lower ecological impacts. In contrast, nets target a wider size range – although focusing on small or medium sized fish – and include a higher diversity of trophic and spatial guilds, which could arguably be considered a more “balanced harvest” type of fishing that retains ecosystem structure and functionality. Bottom trawls, though, exhibited a relatively high percentage of landed by-catch, an undesirable feature for any fisheries in terms of sustainability. We propose that the assessment of a suite of ecological indicators, like those implemented here, should be included as part of periodic evaluations of multi-gear and multi-species SSF in tropical coastal areas, as a practical step toward ecosystem-based fisheries management

    Análisis de rendimiento de migración de datos a MongoDB

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    Las bases de datos relacionales son sistemas conocidos y robustos que han sido usados desde su primera aparición en los años 70 para el almacenamiento y recuperación de datos. No obstante, en los últimos años han comenzado a ganar popularidad las bases de datos NoSQL, nacidas por las necesidades de la web moderna de bases de datos más flexibles. En este contexto, este trabajo plantea el análisis a una base de datos NoSQL en particular: MongoDB, una de las más reconocidas y utilizadas actualmente. El interés principal de este trabajo se centra en su rendimiento para almacenar distintas cantidades de datos. Este análisis se llevará a cabo por medio de una serie de experimentos dedicados a obtener un muestreo de tiempos para poder así establecer conclusiones. Con ese objetivo se propone utilizar MongoDB combinado con las herramientas Mongoose y Express, los cuales en conjunto forman una de las posibles arquitecturas de software “completas” alrededor de MongoDB. Se espera así identificar relaciones entre cada elemento que conforma la plataforma propuesta en cuanto a su impacto general en cuanto a rendimiento de las operaciones sobre la base de datos y discriminar dónde se encuentran los principales cuellos de botella si los hubiera.Asesor profesional: Franco Agustín Terruzzi.Facultad de Informátic

    Aportaciones a la evaluación de los procesos metodológicos empleados en el diagnóstico social

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    Tomando como punto de partida para la realización de este breve ensayo el capítulo: “ Teoría y epistemología en la construcción de diagnósticos sociales ” del libro “ El Diagnóstico Social ” de Mercedes Escalada et al., podemos afirmar que se plantea como urgente la implementación de procedimientos de evaluación rigurosa aplicables a la labor diagnóstica desarrollada por el científico social

    Integrating biological, ecological and socio-economic indicators to assess data-limited, tropical, small-scale fisheries : the case of the Colombian Pacific

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    In tropical countries Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) contribute more than half of the total fisheries catch and provide food security, nutrition, employment and multiplier effects to local coastal economies. The multi-species and multi-gear nature of SSF demands a holistic approach for their assessment and management. Using the Colombian Pacific coast as a case study area of tropical, data-limited SSF, this thesis presents a comprehensive assessment that includes: a) the stock condition of main target species, b) the potential impacts of SSF to the biological communities and ecosystems, and (c) the socio-economic drivers of the gear choices made by small-scale fishers. A set of practical recommendations to transition towards more holistic assessments and management of tropical SSF is drawn from the results of the thesis, taking into account the regional and global contexts

    Infinitely many radial solutions for a p-Laplacian problem with indefinite weight

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    We prove the existence of infinitely many sign changing radial solutions for a p-Laplacian Dirichlet problem in a ball. Our problem involves a weight function that is positive at the center of the unit ball and negative in its boundary. Standard initial value problems-phase plane analysis arguments do not apply here because solutions to the corresponding initial value problem may blow up near the boundary due to the fact that our weight function is negative at the boundary. We overcome this difficulty by connecting the solutions to a singular initial value problem with those of a regular initial value problem that vanishes at the boundary

    Sobre la unicidad de soluciones que cambian de signo para un problema Semipositone en anillos

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    En este artículo establecemos la unicidad de soluciones radiales para un problema de Dirichlet, de tipo Semipositone, en un anillo, con un número prescrito (grande) de regiones nodales. Las principales herramientas usadas en este trabajo son el método del disparo y la transformación de Prüfer. Para citar este artículo: H. Aduén, S. Herrón, On the uniqueness of sign-changing solutions to a semipositone problem in annuli, Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 34 (2016), No. 2, 207-224

    Educación, más allá del porqué y el para qué

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    We are in the century of knowledge. Every day we face the stark reality of everyday plagued not only labor but also personal and academic demands. Furthermore, nations are turning nut epistemological commitment to a constant, which want their actors and institutions related to scientific and technological production promote new and better opportunities for discussion around different knowledge. In the context of today's knowledge society, following the words of Gómez Buendía (1998), the current paradigm of education is undergoing major transformations in both its form and its internal structure. Then there are two questions that have been raised even from the time of the Sophists, Socrates then through (Roa, 1999), Kant (Burgos, 2007) and more recently by Habermas (Roa, 1993) acquire shades now somewhat different: why and what it educate? However, before attempting to provide answers to these questions or rebuild that have exposed the aforementioned thinkers, our interest from the philosophy of education, educational psychology and other sciences of education should focus on responding to another question: ¿how educate?Editora