191 research outputs found

    Estimation of algal growth parameters from vertical primary production profiles

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    Phytoplankton maximum growth rate and the saturation light intensity, Is, can be estimated from vertical profiles of primary production by non-linear least-squares estimation. Solution through the normal equations leads to formulae which are relatively simple and easy to implement. The computation of confidence contours is demonstrated, and the results are contrasted to the confidence limits on the parameters individually. These can be quite misleading due to model non-linearity and correlation between parameter estimation.\ud \ud The procedure has been applied to primary production data from Lake Balaton, a shallow lake in Hungary. The growth rate-temperature relation is analysed by separating the parameters into two groups characteristic for “warm” and “cold” water phytoplankton, respectively. A bell-shaped curve is found for “cold” water communities, with an optimum at about 7–9°C, whereas the “warm” water phytoplankton exhibits a strong exponential dependency in the temperature range of interest (up to 25°C). Is also appears to be related to temperature except for the “cold” water group, where Is is essentially constant. However, a roughly linear relation with considerably less scatter is obtained when Is is plotted directly versus day-averaged solar radiation. This apparent fast adaptation is attributed to the extremely short turnover time in Lake Balaton. Maximum growth rates of 10–20 d−1 have been found for temperatures between 20 and 25°C. These results and a critical appraisal of available literature suggest that the common notion of maximum growth rates being in the order of 1–3 d−1 needs revision, at least for lakes with relatively high summer temperatures

    Nitrogen uptake and the importance of internal nitrogen loading in Lake Balaton

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    1. The importance of various forms of nitrogen to the nitrogen supply of phytoplankton has been investigated in the mesotrophic eastern and eutrophic western basin of Lake Balaton.<br /> 2. Uptake rates of ammonium, urea, nitrate and carbon were measured simultaneously. The uptake rates were determined using N-15 and C-14 methodologies, and N-2-fixation was measured using the acetylene-reduction method. The light dependence of uptake was described with an exponential saturation equation and used to calculate surface-related (areal) daily uptake. <br /> 3. The contribution of ammonium, urea and nitrate to the daily nitrogen supply of phytoplankton varied between 11 and 80%, 17 and 73% and 1 and 15%, respectively. N- 2-fixation was negligible in the eastern basin and varied between 5 and 30% in the western region of the lake. The annual external nitrogen load was only 10% of that utilized by algae.<br /> 4. The predominant process supplying nitrogen to the phytoplankton in the lake is the rapid recycling of ammonium and urea in the water column, The importance of the internal nutrient loading is emphasized

    Analysis of the Communication Strategy and Suggested Improvement

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou neúplné a nedostatečné marketingové činnosti neziskové organizace Orel jednota Telnice a jejích složek. Obsahuje analýzu stávajícího stavu a z ní vyplývající návrhy řešení. Zahrnuje plán a postupné kroky ke zlepšení stávajícího stavu.This thesis solves the problem of unsatisfactory and incomplete marketing activity of the non-profit organization Orel jednota Telnice and its sections. It contains of present situation analysis and improvement proposal, which follows the analysis. Thesis includes the plan and steps to improve the present situation.

    Structuralism as a supporting principle for synchronous biblical exegesis in relation to the New Testament

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl představit čtenáři literární směr strukturalismus a jeho metodologii aplikovanou na texty Nového zákona. Nastiňuje jednak obecnou charakteristiku, cíl a podstatu strukturalismu, ale snaží se také postihnout historické a filozofické pozadí strukturalismu a také jednotlivé směry, které na strukturalismus reagují nebo navazují: sémiotiku a poststrukturalismus. Pozornost je taktéž věnována některým významným osobnostem z různých společenských věd, které strukturalismus inspiroval popřípadě, které se podílely na jeho vytvoření. Poměrně velkou část této práce tvoří jednotlivé exegeze krátkých textů, kapitoly nebo i celých knihy Nového zákona, na které je aplikována metodika strukturalismu. Po těchto exegezích následuje na konci této práce zhodnocení přínosů a limitů strukturalismu ve vztahu k novozákonním textům.This work proposes to introduce to the reader structuralism as a literary movement and aplly its methodology to New Testament texts. It sketches its common characteristics, goal and essence, but is also trying to grasp the historical and philosophical background of structuralism and other schools reacting on it or in continual relation to it - semiotics and poststructuralism. Attention is also focused on some important figures from different social sciences inspired by structuralism or those who participated on its origin. Great part of this diploma work is devoted to various exegetical examples of short texts, chapters or whole New Testament books and applying on them structuralist methodology. This exegetical part is followed by evaluation of contributive aspects and limitations of structuralism in relation to New Testament texts.HTF - Katedra biblistikyHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    Review and Evaluation of Research on the Eutrophication of Lake Balaton -- A Background Report for Modeling

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    A consistent management of the cultural eutrophication of lakes requires systematic analysis based on the joint and coordinated effort of a variety of disciplines. This notion led the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to the foundation of the Coordinating Council for the Environmental Research on Lake Balaton, as an answer to the growing concern about the slow deterioration of the water quality of the lake, one of the primary touristic resorts of Hungary. The same idea made IIASA's Resources and Environment Area adopt the problem of eutrophication of waterbodies as one of its study objects. Mutual contacts awoke mutual interest in each others work, and in April 1978 IIASA and the Coordinating Council signed an Agreement to establish cooperative links aimed at the further development of ecological models and their practical application in the case of Lake Balaton. For IIASA the existing data and research material promised to be an excellent basis for a case study that could help to realize the objectives of the REN Area Task on Models for Environmental Management and Control. For the Hungarian partner, the cooperation gave access to IIASA's international scientific network and the ready availability of IIASA's computer facilities was also highly appreciated. From the outset of the collaboration, a principal concern of the partners was the collection of the relevant data. In performing this activity it appeared that a broadening of the spectrum of research covered by the Hungarian partner was desirable. A solution was found in the formation of a subcommittee of the Hungarian Bureau of Systems Analysis for the Environmental Research of the Balaton in January 1979. Apart from the representation of the Computer and Automation Institute (MTA SZTAKI) and the Biological Research Institute (MTA BKI) of the first initiator, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), the official involvement of the National Water Authority (OVH) and its Research Institute for Water Resources Development (VITUKI) could be welcomed. Now, a rapid disclosure of the vital data followed soon after, thus enabling the setup of the IIASA computer data base, appended to this report in a graphical form. The realization of this data base, though not complete yet, is one of the first concrete achievements of the collaborative project. The publication of this background report can perhaps be seen as the second major achievement of the cooperation. An overview and appraisal of relevant research and data material on Lake Balaton as presented in this report is of paramount importance for a comprehensive modeling effort, and it can only be said that it has been lacking for too long a time. The authors are aware of the fact that there may be different interpretations than their own, and they are, therefore, open to criticism that could improve the picture of the problem of the eutrophication of the Balaton. The authors wish to express the hope that this report will be a stimulus for further ecological modeling research, in the interest of the international community, but even more so, in the interest of the actual protection of the "Hungarian Sea" itself

    Strategy Concept of Firm RICADO

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    Práce se zabývá budoucím rozvojem truhlářské firmy RICADO. Obsahuje analýzu stávajícího stavu a z ní vyplývající návrhy řešení. Zahrnuje varianty jednotlivých strategií, kterými se firma může ubírat pro dosáhnutí určitého stupně rozvoje.This thesis solves the future growth of the joinery RICADO. It contains of present situation analysis and improvement proposal, which follows the analysis. It includes various options of strategies, which the company can follow to achieve a certain level of growth.


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    On a representative sample of subjects - basketball players of the basketball club «Zdravlje» from Leskovac playing on different positions as guard, forward and center - a video recording of the free throws technique was made with the aim to define the differences in kinematic and goniometric parameters related to the success in free throw realization. By means of 2D kinematic analysis 120 attempts of free throws were encompassed and they were categorized as successful, successful with overthrow, successful with underthrow and unsuccessful. The results were statistically processed by: means of the multivariate variant analysis. It was obtained the following: researched kinematic and gonimetric parameters differ statistically in a significant manner depending on the success of the free throw technique in basketball

    Map Data Creation for the modification of the local road in Staré Město

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    Účelem této bakalářské práce je seznámení se zaměřením podkladu pro projekt úpravy místní komunikace ve Starém Městě. Práce obsahuje popis zaměřované lokality a postupy použité při měření, při výpočtech a při tvorbě dokumentace. Výsledkem je účelová mapa dosavadního stavu.The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to get acquainted with the focus of the document for the project of local road modification in Staré Město. The thesis contains a description of the targeted locality and the procedures used in the measurement, calculations and creation of documentation. The result is a purpose map of the current state.544 - Katedra geodézie a důlního měřictvívýborn

    Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Tanárok Közlönye 03 (1941) 03

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    A Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Tanárok Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja és szakfolyóirata 3. (42.) évfolyam, 3. szám, Budapest, 1941. Előzménye: a "Siketnémák és Vakok Oktatásügye a Siketnémák és Vakok Tanárai Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja" című folyóirat, valamint beolvadt a "Magyar Gyógypedagógia a Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Társaság folyóirata"

    Magyar Gyógypedagógia 02 (1910) 03

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    A Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Társaság folyóirata 2. évfolyam, 3. szám, Budapest, 1910. Havi folyóirat a fogyatékosok (siketnémák, vakok, szellemileg gyengék, beszédhibások, idegesek, epileptikusok és nyomorékok) ügyeinek tárgyalására. 1939-től beolvadt a Magyar gyógypedagógiai tanárok közlönyébe