28 research outputs found
Community forest ha played an important role in supplying the needs of rural timber in JavaIsland, Indonesia since a long time ago. This forest produces % of the community's wood demand for the island. West Bogor is a potential area of community forest development in Bogor Regency. The development of community forest enterprises is also followed by the development of various stakeholders on the management of this forest with various forms of behavior and their respective interests. The objectives of the research are analysing involved stakeholders and their roles and also analysing the behavior of involved stakeholders with their interest and power. The method used in this research is based on institutional approach that using Situation-Structure-Behavior-Performance approach. Research result shows there are 17 stakeholders who are related to the development of community forest in West Bogor area. The behavior analysis suggests that most of the farmers who own community forest (outside the farmers group) agreed (Perception) and will realize actions/ agreed (Action) on the development of community forest in the farmer groups. Stakeholder key players include owner farmers, tenant farmers (land owned by external villages), local traders and rental industry. Whereas context setters are local government. Behavioral analysis also shows that the Rimba Lestari farmer group in Leuwiliang District is preferred by the surrounding community outside this group compared to the Barokah farmer group-Rumpin sub-district. From the research results, it is expected to become the policy recommendation for the government towards the development of community forest enterprises in Bogor regency
Analisis Stakeholders Pengembangan Usaha Perhutanan Sosial (Kasus: LMDH Sasaka Patengan KPH Bandung Selatan)
Program Perhutanan Sosial (lahir dari nawacita Presiden RI periode tahun 2015 2015-2019 untuk memberikan akses pengelolaan hutan kepada masyarakat seluas 12,7 juta hektar. Dua arahan Presiden 30 September 2020 untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi melalui PS, yaitu: akses PS dan pengembangan usaha PS. Kajian ini bersifat eksploratif dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh dan kepentingan serta peran stakeholders dalam pengembangan usaha PS. Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah analisis stakholders pengaruh, kepentingan, dan peran yang dikembangkan oleh Reed dan Tim tahun 2009. Hasil kajian menunjukkan stakholders yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usaha PS 8 pelaku; Key Player penentu keberlanjutan pengembangan usaha PS, yaitu: KLHK, KPH Bandung Selatan, dan Kemenko Marves; Contect Setter penentu keberhasilan, yaitu: Dinas Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Dinas Kabupaten Bandung; dan Subject mendukung keberhasilan, yaitu: Swasta/ Pengusaha, NGO/LSM, Perguruan Tinggi, dan Kementerian terkait. Kajian ini juga menghasilkan peran masing masing-masing stakeholders dalam pengembangan usaha PS
Inovasi dalam Mengoptimalkan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Hutan untuk Mendukung SDGs 2030
Upaya pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan perlu dilakukan sebagai salah satu bentuk dukungan yang dapat merealisasikan beberapa tujuan dalam SDGs yakni dapat memelihara keseimbangan tiga dimensi pembangunan berkelanjutan yang mencakup lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Lemahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan menjadi kendala dalam optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang tersedia. Sehingga tujuan pemerintah yang mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 59 Tahun 2015 tentang pelaksanaan Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dalam pasal 2 ayat 2 belum terpenuhi. Hasil kajian ini adalah merekomendasikan beberapa inovasi diantaranya, memaksimalkan pemanfaatan lahan gambut. Konsep budidaya yang dapat dilakukan pada lahan gambut yaitu sistem Agroforestry. Inovasi selanjutnya berlatar belakang dari banyaknya hutan mangrove yang tidak dimanfaatkan dengan lestari berdasarkan fungsinya. inovasi digital yang menyediakan berbagai fitur layanan informasi maupun dialog sangat diperlukan. Sehingga permasalahan masyarakat yang kurang pengetahuan dalam pengelolaan hutan dan kurang relasi dalam mendistribusikan produknya
Dinamika Kelompok Tani dan Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten
Keberhasilan pembangunan hutan rakyat (HR) yang telah dilakukan selama ini tidak terlepas dengan adanya kelompok tani. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) menganalisis organisasi dan aturan main kelompok tani,dan 2) menganalisis hubungan antara perkembangan kelompok tani dan perkembangan HR. Untuk menganalisis organisasi dan aturan main dalam kelompok tani, dilakukan menggunakan metode historical case studies of organization, sedangkan untuk menganalisis hubungan perkembangan Kelompok Tani Suka Maju dengan perkembangan HR di Desa Sindang Karya, digunakan metode Etnografis Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa struktur organisasi kelompok tani yang dibentuk sejak berdiri atau hasil Perubahan merupakan struktur organisasi sederhana sehingga memudahkan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Norma kelompok merupakan hasil dari musyawarah yang disepakati, dipahami dan dipatuhi oleh seluruh anggota, meskipun tidak dituangkan secara tertulis. Peran dan tanggung jawab pengurus dan anggota juga belum dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis namun disampaikan pada saat musyawarah kelompok dan berjalan cukup baik. Kelompok tani yang beranggotakan 15 orang dibentuk pada tahun 2002 mengalami Perubahan pada tahun 2011 dan terus berkembang hingga tahun 2014. Perkembangan kelompok ditandai dengan makin berkembangnya jenis USAha, aset kelompok, dan luas lahan HR yang dikelola kelompok tani
Institutional Role in Gunung Walat Educational Forest Policy: Discourse and Historical Approaches
Institutional science with various approaches have been used in analysing forest policy at international level and in Indonesia. This research used institutional science with discourse and historical approach for the policy of Forest Territory with Special Purpose (Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus, KHDTK). This research study the KHDTK case of Gunung Walat Educational Forest (Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat, HPGW). The goal of this research is to understand discourse/narration of policy and describe the policy space for HPGW and KHDTK. Institutional analysis in this research used discourse and historical approach. Discourse analysis used IDS model supported with Wittmer-Birner model and Eden-Ackermann diagram. On the other hand, historical approach used the historical relationship. The research outcome showed that the process of creating HPGW policy is not linear, but being affected by policy discourse/narration in the process of creating HPGW policy. Faculty of Forestry IPB has been successfully managing HPGW because of the success to build policy discourse/narration which is supported by the knowledge of HPGW managers, cooperation network, and interest and power. Meanwhile, external party perceived and believed the importance of HPGW management for forestry education. The success key of HPGW policy is in structuring the institution that control the behavior of HPGW managers, so the managers obtained trust from third parties to create interest alliances which can boost HPGW management performance. HPGW policy can be used to fulfill KHDTK policy space according to Article 8, Forestry Law Number 41 Year 1999
UKURAN DASAR KELESTARIAN PRODUKSI PADA HUTAN RAKYAT DI KABUPATEN BARRU The Standard of Sustainable Production on Private Forest Management in Barru
Sustainable private forest management is an opportunition sustainable forest development in Indonesia. However, sustainable production of private forest management has not been known, because characteristics of private forest are different with state forest. This research aims to determine a relevant criteria and indicator of sustainable production on private forest management, case of Barru District. This research used descriptive explorative approach and quantitative-qualitative analysis. Criteria and indicator of sustainable production on Indonesia Community Based Forest Management was used as a reference to examine suitability of the standard on private forest management practice. The standards of sustainable production on sustainable private forest management consists of three criteria, namely: (1) sustainability of resources, the indicators were clearly land rights/status and boundaries, land cover change, intensity of planting, maintenance, and harvesting, (2) sustainability of yield, the indicator is infrastructure of forest management, and (3) sustainability of enterprise, the indicators were,market certainty, market accessibility, market information system, and contribution to social and economic improvement for local communities.Keywords: criteria, indicator, private forest, sustainable production
Institutional Role in Gunung Walat Educational Forest Policy: Discourse and Historical Approaches
Institutional science with various approaches have been used in analysing forest policy at international level and in Indonesia. This research used institutional science with discourse and historical approach for the policy of Forest Territory with Special Purpose (Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus, KHDTK). This research study the KHDTK case of Gunung Walat Educational Forest (Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat, HPGW). The goal of this research is to understand discourse/narration of policy and describe the policy space for HPGW and KHDTK. Institutional analysis in this research used discourse and historical approach. Discourse analysis used IDS model supported with Wittmer-Birner model and Eden-Ackermann diagram. On the other hand, historical approach used the historical relationship. The research outcome showed that the process of creating HPGW policy is not linear, but being affected by policy discourse/narration in the process of creating HPGW policy. Faculty of Forestry IPB has been successfully managing HPGW because of the success to build policy discourse/narration which is supported by the knowledge of HPGW managers, cooperation network, and interest and power. Meanwhile, external party perceived and believed the importance of HPGW management for forestry education. The success key of HPGW policy is in structuring the institution that control the behavior of HPGW managers, so the managers obtained trust from third parties to create interest alliances which can boost HPGW management performance. HPGW policy can be used to fulfill KHDTK policy space according to Article 8, Forestry Law Number 41 Year 1999
Hutan rakyat mempunyai peran penting terhadap petani hutan rakyat di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Perubahan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah berpengaruh terhadap sektor kehutanan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh perubahan peraturan perundangan tersebut terhadap pengurusan hutan rakyat. Pengumpulan data dan informasi dilaksanakan di KLHK, Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Jawa Barat, CDK Wilayah IV Kabupaten Cianjur, serta Dinas Pertanian, Perkebunan, Pangan, dan Hortikultura Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi dan analisis perbandingan. Analisis isi terhadap perundangan yang berhubungan dengan hutan rakyat, tupoksi instansi terkait, dan tupoksi CDK Wilayah IV Kabupaten Cianjur dengan Dinas Pertanian, Perkebunan, Pangan, dan Hortikultura Kabupaten Cianjur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada peraturan perundangan dan tupoksi yang secara jelas menyatakan tentang hutan rakyat. Berdasarkan analisis perbandingan jumlah kegiatan dan anggaran hutan rakyat sangat sedikit dibandingkan dengan kegiatan dan anggaran untuk hutan Negara. Pemerintah lebih memperhatikan hutan negara dibanding hutan rakyat
Desain Kelembagaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat untuk Mewujudkan Kelestarian Hutan dan Kelestarian Usaha dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Pedesaan
People forests in Java, have been around since 1950s, and it has been sustaining naturally following the market without any intervention. Nowadays, it keeps developing, with the increase in market demand and wood processing industry. People forest system consists of four sub-systems, those are: production, processing, marketing, and institutional sub-systems, which are simultaneously and dynamically interrelated in a system. The institutional sub-system requires collaborative arrangement that involves many parties. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify knowledge, actors/networks, and interest/dynamic of people forest, 2) to analyze policy space of people forest management, and 3) to make a design of a people forest institution. The results showed that 1) The knowledge in people forest business came from families, neighbors, and government programs, 2) Actors of people forest agribusiness consisted of primary and secondary actors, 3) Cooperative relationship among actors of people forest business was mainly in the interest of gaining profit for each party,and 4) Institutional designs aimed at solving problems in policy space of people forest management
Desain Kelembagaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat untuk Mewujudkan Kelestarian Hutan dan Kelestarian Usaha dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Pedesaan
People forests in Java, have been around since 1950s, and it has been sustaining naturally following the market without any intervention. Nowadays, it keeps developing, with the increase in market demand and wood processing industry. People forest system consists of four sub-systems, those are: production, processing, marketing, and institutional sub-systems, which are simultaneously and dynamically interrelated in a system. The institutional sub-system requires collaborative arrangement that involves many parties. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify knowledge, actors/networks, and interest/dynamic of people forest, 2) to analyze policy space of people forest management, and 3) to make a design of a people forest institution. The results showed that 1) The knowledge in people forest business came from families, neighbors, and government programs, 2) Actors of people forest agribusiness consisted of primary and secondary actors, 3) Cooperative relationship among actors of people forest business was mainly in the interest of gaining profit for each party,and 4) Institutional designs aimed at solving problems in policy space of people forest management