380 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Dalam perspektif ekonomi islam, ada satu titik awal yang benar-benar harus kita perhatikan, yaitu ekonomi dalam islam itu sesungguhnya bermuara kepada akidah Islam, yang bersumber dari syariatnya. Dan hal ini baru dari satu sisi, sedangkan dari sisi lain adalah Al-Qur‟an al-karim dan As-sunnah Nabawiyah yang berbahasa Arab. Olek karna itu, berbagai terminology dan substansi ekonomi yang sudah ada, haruslah dibentuk dan disesuaikan terlebih dahulu dalam kerangka islami, atau dengan kata lain, harus digunakan kata dan kalimat dalam bingkai lughawi.Supaya dapat disadari pentingnya titik permasalahan ini. Karena dengan gambling , tegas dan jelas mampu memberi pengertian yang benar tentang istilah kebutuhan, keinginan, dan kelangkaan dalam upaya memecahkan problematika ekonomi Isla


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena kurangnya hasil belajar yang didapat oleh mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran. Belajar Pembelajaran merupakan mata kuliah yang di dalamnya berisi tentang bagaimana menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang baik berdasarkan teori pembelajaran yang ada. Dengan adanya mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran, maka calon peserrta didik yakni mahasiswa akan dapat menerapkan teori yang telah diperoleh untuk menciptakan  pembelajaran yang bermakna.  Dari permasalahan diatas, maka peneliti ingin mengetahui 1). Peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran Ricosre, 2). Mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap model pembelajaran Ricosre pada mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran. Dengan rendahnya hasil belajar yang ada, maka peneliti menggunakan model pembelajaran Ricosre dalam mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pre eksperimen One Short Case Study, yakni penelitian yang bersifat semi Action research. Sedangkan obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 13 mahasiswa angkatan 2017 semester gasal (semester 3) pada mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini 1). Tes untuk memperoleh data hasil belajar, 2). Angket untuk mengetahui respon atau tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran yang menggunakan model Ricosre. Hasil perolehan nilai mahasiswa secara individu adalah minimal B setelah penerapan model Ricosre dan dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa yang  memperoleh nilai A = 15%, AB = 23%, B = 39%, BC = 15% dan C = 8%, dimana prosentase klasikalnya sebesar 77%. Sedangkan untuk analisa tentang respon atau tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap model pembelajaran Ricosre dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dari hasil jawaban mahasiswa terhadap aspek yang ditanyakan, dan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa > 83% mahasiswa merasa senang dan memberikan respon yang positif.&nbsp

    Infringements of Competition Rules: An Analysis of Unethical and Illegal Behaviours of Entrepreneurs in Poland

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    Purpose: Certainly, competitiveness and competition are attribut-ed to human nature. But it is no longer certain that this also applies to ethical behaviour and responsibility, although responsible businesses are also those which respect the law. For this reason, many countries established institutions and laws protecting equal opportunities of entrepreneurs on the market. The purpose of this article is to analyse cases of non-compliance with the rules of fair competition, and then to determine characteristics of the analysed cases in terms of a sphere of activity of an entrepreneur, and the nature of violation. In particular, there will be examined agreements restricting competition and abuse of entrepreneur’s dominant position. Finally, trends in changes will be identified.Design/methodology/approach: A critical analysis of literature, an analysis of legal acts, and an analysis of violations of law reports were used. Empirical data about violations were taken from reports of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protec-tion, which aim is to protect competition in Poland. Cases from 2012 and 2015 were taken for analysis (54 in total).Findings: All the cases from 2012 and 2015 were analysed. Regarding non-competition agreements, only companies were accused (no public institutions). Within three years, the nature of violation changed from imposition of prices to fixing behaviours of companies in tenders. In case of abuse of entrepreneur’s dominant position, the main group of accused organisations were self -governments (communes). Again, within three years the nature of violation changed from imposition of unfavourable contracts to burden of unfair fees. Because of the large number of factors influencing behaviour of entrepre-neurs on the market it is impossible to determine rationales of the change, so for that reason only their nature is described.Research and practical limitations/implications: Information about violations of law was taken from reports of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, and due to the large material range, cases from years 2012 and 2015 were selected for analysis. For more accurate results, a broader scope of research should be included, so this work can be a base for further research.Originality/value: The article discusses spheres of business and types of actions that are not in line with fair competition practices.Paper type: theoretical with case analysis.Purpose: Certainly, competitiveness and competition are attribut-ed to human nature. But it is no longer certain that this also applies to ethical behaviour and responsibility, although responsible businesses are also those which respect the law. For this reason, many countries established institutions and laws protecting equal opportunities of entrepreneurs on the market. The purpose of this article is to analyse cases of non-compliance with the rules of fair competition, and then to determine characteristics of the analysed cases in terms of a sphere of activity of an entrepreneur, and the nature of violation. In particular, there will be examined agreements restricting competition and abuse of entrepreneur’s dominant position. Finally, trends in changes will be identified.Design/methodology/approach: A critical analysis of literature, an analysis of legal acts, and an analysis of violations of law reports were used. Empirical data about violations were taken from reports of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protec-tion, which aim is to protect competition in Poland. Cases from 2012 and 2015 were taken for analysis (54 in total).Findings: All the cases from 2012 and 2015 were analysed. Regarding non-competition agreements, only companies were accused (no public institutions). Within three years, the nature of violation changed from imposition of prices to fixing behaviours of companies in tenders. In case of abuse of entrepreneur’s dominant position, the main group of accused organisations were self -governments (communes). Again, within three years the nature of violation changed from imposition of unfavourable contracts to burden of unfair fees. Because of the large number of factors influencing behaviour of entrepre-neurs on the market it is impossible to determine rationales of the change, so for that reason only their nature is described.Research and practical limitations/implications: Information about violations of law was taken from reports of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, and due to the large material range, cases from years 2012 and 2015 were selected for analysis. For more accurate results, a broader scope of research should be included, so this work can be a base for further research.Originality/value: The article discusses spheres of business and types of actions that are not in line with fair competition practices.Paper type: theoretical with case analysis

    Nomen omen: Recent trends in company names

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    Theoretical background: It is a well-known fact that a name should be original and distinguish a business from the competition. It should also meet several other criteria, such as being easy to pronounce and remember, and being connected with the specifics of the company’s operations. Company names, as with any other names, are important because people react to a word the same way they react to the object this name denotes. Therefore, the length of a company name and the words it contains are important. Moreover, in the marketing nomenclature what carries the most significance is not the word itself but the so-called connotation, i.e. the direct reference to the object of the word and the entire set of features connected with it. When creating their own company names, entrepreneurs often use this aspect to better communicate with their target audience. This is enforced by both the growing competition and the expectations of consumers. In recent years, considerable innovativeness can be observed on the part of entrepreneurs who depart from traditional terms and decide on unusual names.Purpose of the article: The following article presents trends in Polish company names from the perspective of marketing efficiency on the one hand, and linguistic innovation on the other. The purpose of the article is to determine the kind of linguistic changes and their assessment from the viewpoint of communication effectiveness.Research methods: The empirical section includes the analysis of 247 names of companies that provide hairdressing services, while the theoretical section concerns the issues of creating a brand and the lexical side of it. In particular, the considerations concern the linguistic norms and marketing principles behind creating company names.Main findings: The findings indicate that the names ceased to be original but from a marketing perspective they became more effective. The names became more efficient in terms of marketing communication, for example, the words "studio" and "academy" (studio or akademia in Polish) carry a lot of content and connote expertise, knowledge and elite. Of course, the name and surname of an owner (which were popular in the past for hairdressing companies' names) does not include such information. Of further interest is that foreign sounding words have also disappeared almost completely; in particular, the number of words from English has decreased. Therefore, by using words with a more universal meaning and domestication in the Polish language, a company evokes positive reactions and associations, which are very important in the first contact between a customer and a company

    The usefulness of big data in creating innovations. The example of Google Trends

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    A huge amount of data is collected by search engines. According to estimates, the Google search engine, which is dominant on the market, receives billions of search requests daily. Of particular note is that a large part of the collected data is available through the Google Trends service. As a consequence, various types of data can be used by enterprises for their development but they often do not take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to prove the suitability of the big data concept for creating and implementing product innovations, using the example of Google Trends. Discovering human needs and searching for answers to them is not only the domain of entrepreneurs, therefore this study may have a fairly broad practical applications. By adopting general assumptions, i.e. ones that do not refer to specific products or industries, the author has shown that the presented path may be recreated by both entrepreneurs and creators of political programs, as well as leaders of non-governmental organizations who need to implement innovations. The results revealed the selection of specific ways of entering queries in Google Trends and certain periods of analysis which are the most useful for creating innovations. Descriptive statistics (such as median) clearly show that the results typed in Google Trends are better when taken from a user perspective and can be used to create innovations. Despite substantial differences, the results do not allow for the conclusion that these differences were statistically significant. Thus, preliminary data supports the hypothesis, but more research is needed


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi rendahnya hasil belajar mahasiswa dan kemampuan berfikir kritis mahasiswa yang rendah dalam mata kuliah parasitologi. Mata kuliah parasitologi memiliki banyak kelemahan yaitu mata kuliah yang sarat akan hafalan, sehingga kemungkinan akan timbul rasa bosandan tidak aktifnya mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap hasil belajar dan kemampuan berfikir kritis mahasiswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi semester VI tahun akademik 2016/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan analysis data kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak dua kelas yaitu satu kelas Eksperimen yakni Angkatan 2014 A dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learningdan kelas control yakni Angkatan 2014 B dengan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Data pada penelitian ini didapatkan melalui beberapa cara pengumpulan data, yaitu penyebaran tes hasil belajar biologi yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t dengan independen sample test, serta observasi mahasiswa pada saat pembelajaran untuk mengetahui kemampuan berfikir kritis. didasarkan pada perhitungan t-tabel, Namun rata –rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen memperoleh 83,00 dan kelas kontrol 76,20 maka skor hasil belajar kelas kontrol lebih rendah daripada kelas eksperimen. berdasarkan data pengamatan kemampuan berfikir kritis kelas eksperimen dalam kategori kritis dan sangat kritis. Namun, pengamatan kemampuan berfikir kritis ini hanya digunakan pada kelas eksperimen karena pada kelas kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran ceramah dengan sintaks yang berbeda. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan metode konvensional (ceramah) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pendidikan biologi pada mata kuliah parasitologi

    The Voivodeship’s Program of Malopolska Heritage and Cultural Landscape Protection

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    The main goal in the field of landscape management includes the protection and improvement of landscapes’ condition and departing from their degradation. This goal is included in the European Landscape Convention. Its aim is to care for continent’s landscapes through the processes such as identification, evaluation, protection, management, and planning. The Convention is to apply to all landscapes, not only to the landscapes of a unique value such as national parks or to the landscapes that are on the List of World Heritage UNESCO. The article includes the analysis of the Voivodeship’s Program of Malopolska Heritage and Cultural Landscape Protection from the point of view of the Convention. Due to the fact that Poland has ratified this Convention, certain responsibilities follow. On voivodeship’s level, the Voivodeship’s Program should be recognized as a device to carry out the policy in the field of landscape in accordance with Article 1 of the Convention

    Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Implementasinya pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi implementasi pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan di jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama, di MTs Miftahul Ulum Beru, Lamongan. Kondisi pandemi covid-19 berdampak pada pola pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan guru selama masa pandemi Covid-19 yakni pembelajaran daring dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kesehatan dan keselamatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang terfokus pada implementasi proses pembelajaran berbasis online dan preferensi media yang lebih disukai peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daring. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa lebih menyukai pembelajaran secara tatap muka (face to face) daripada system daring. Namun demikian, selama pembelajaran daring, 63.2 % siswa cenderung lebih menyukai penggunaan whats’app sebagai tool dalam pembelajaran karena mudah dalam penggunaan dan berbiaya murah. Akan tetapi, selama pembelajaran online, terdapat beberapa kendala yang dialami oleh murid, guru dan orang tua dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar online yaitu sinyal yang kurang mendukung dan penambahan biaya kuota internet. Terlebih lagi, ketika pembelajaran lebih banyak bersifat penugasan, ketuntasan belajar siswa kurang menjadi perhatian sehingga berdampak pada capaian belajar sisw

    Nine-months-old infants do not need to know what the agent prefers in order to reason about its goals: on the role of preference and persistence in infants’ goal-attribution

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    Human infants readily interpret others’ actions as goal-directed and their understanding of previous goals shapes their expectations about an agent’s future goal-directed behavior in a changed situation. According to a recent proposal (Luo & Baillargeon, 2005), infants’ goal-attributions are not sufficient to support such expectations if the situational change involves broadening the set of choice-options available to the agent, and the agent’s preferences among this broadened set are not known. The present study falsifies this claim by showing that 9-month-olds expect the agent to continue acting towards the previous goal even if additional choice-options become available for which there is no preference-related evidence. We conclude that infants do not need to know about the agent’s preferences in order to form expectations about its goal-directed actions. Implications for the role of action persistency and action selectivity are discussed
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