419 research outputs found

    Morphologic expression of the right coronary artery in horses. Comparative description with humans, pigs and other animal species

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    The objective of this research was to characterise morphologically the right coronary artery and its branches in the horse. The right coronary arteries of 120 horse hearts were perfused with semi-synthetic resin (85% Palatal GP40L; 15% styrene) and mineral red dye. The morphological and biometric characteristics of the right coronary artery and its branches (digital calibrator) were assessed. The diameter of the right coronary artery was 6.72 ± 2.58 mm. The interventricular subsinusal branch ended at theapex in 94 specimens (78.4%). The right circumflex branch originated at the site of intersection of the subsinnusal interventricularsulcus and the atrioventricular septum, extended along the coronary sulcus with a convoluted trajectory, ended at the obtuse edge ofthe heart or even at the anterior aspect of the left ventricle in 62 hearts (52.5%), and at the middle segment of the left ventricle in 42 cases (35.6%), whereas in 14 samples (11.9%) it ended at the adjacent surface of the left ventricle. The right conus branch was found in 98 specimens (81.6%) and in 2 of them (1.7%) it emerged directly from the right aortic sinus (third coronary artery). The hearts exhibited right coronary dominance in 118 specimens (98.3%) and in 2 specimens (1.7%) the coronary dominance was balanced. No myocardial bridges were observed. The high incidence of right coronary dominance observed in this study is consistent with previous studies. Due to its similarity with the human heart, we may ratify the equine model for procedural and hemodynamic applications

    La ficción en la televisión generalista norteamericana y la representación de (nuevas) masculinidades

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    The text offers a tour through different representations of male characters in American generalist television that are beyond the classical representation of the male characters that were depicted as traditionally strong characters, courageous and machos. Considering how American television fiction has a maximum expan­sion –not only in the US but, also for its strong presence in all Western television, in Spain– we could see the impact that these representations can make in the public in order to build new identitarian points of referen­ce of the masculine, masculinity and virility.En el texto se hace un recorrido por diferentes representaciones de personajes masculinos en la televi­sión generalista norteamericana que se escapan a la representación clásica de los personajes masculi­nos que tradicionalmente eran representados como personajes fuertes, valerosos y machos. Teniendo en cuenta cómo la ficción televisiva norteamericana cuenta con una máxima expansión –no solamente en Estados Unidos sino también, por su gran presencia en todas las televisiones occidentales, en España– podríamos ver la repercusión que dichas representaciones pueden tener en los públicos en orden a cons­truir nuevos imaginarios y nuevas referencias identitarias de lo masculino, la masculinidad y la virilidad

    Los edificios de paneles más altos de España

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    RESUMEN Este artículo describe el proceso constructivo de un conjunto de 484 viviendas realizadas con paneles prefabricados portantes de hormigón. Dicho conjunto edi¿catorio, de 20 plantas de altura, se compone de diversos bloques que integran además, locales comerciales, o¿cinas, trasteros, 4 plantas de garaje e instalaciones comunes. El principal interés de este edi¿cio consiste en haber alcanzado veinte plantas sobre rasante y 4 más de sótano con el sistema constructivo de paneles prefabricados de hormigón INDAGSA; el cual dispone de un Documento de Idoneidad Técnica emitido por el IETcc, con el número DIT 452. Las obras de INDAGSA son conocidas por ser precisas, ordenadas y limpias; debido a estas características, se pudieron establecer visitas no sólo para doctorandos de la ETSAM, sino para estudiantes de la Cátedra de sistemas industrializados y prefabricados. A través de la descripción del sistema constructivo, podremos mostrar una perspectiva global de las posibilidades de los sistemas de paneles prefabricados de hormigón y las capacidades evolutivas de éstos

    La ficción en la televisión generalista norteamericana y la representación de (nuevas) masculinidades

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    The text offers a tour through different representations of male characters in American generalist television that are beyond the classical representation of the male characters that were depicted as traditionally strong characters, courageous and machos. Considering how American television fiction has a maximum expan­sion –not only in the US but, also for its strong presence in all Western television, in Spain– we could see the impact that these representations can make in the public in order to build new identitarian points of referen­ce of the masculine, masculinity and virility.En el texto se hace un recorrido por diferentes representaciones de personajes masculinos en la televi­sión generalista norteamericana que se escapan a la representación clásica de los personajes masculi­nos que tradicionalmente eran representados como personajes fuertes, valerosos y machos. Teniendo en cuenta cómo la ficción televisiva norteamericana cuenta con una máxima expansión –no solamente en Estados Unidos sino también, por su gran presencia en todas las televisiones occidentales, en España– podríamos ver la repercusión que dichas representaciones pueden tener en los públicos en orden a cons­truir nuevos imaginarios y nuevas referencias identitarias de lo masculino, la masculinidad y la virilidad

    Artificial neural network algorithm for online glucose prediction from continuous glucose monitoring.

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    Background and Aims: Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices could be useful for real-time management of diabetes therapy. In particular, CGM information could be used in real time to predict future glucose levels in order to prevent hypo-/hyperglycemic events. This article proposes a new online method for predicting future glucose concentration levels from CGM data. Methods: The predictor is implemented with an artificial neural network model (NNM). The inputs of the NNM are the values provided by the CGM sensor during the preceding 20 min, while the output is the prediction of glucose concentration at the chosen prediction horizon (PH) time. The method performance is assessed using datasets from two different CGM systems (nine subjects using the Medtronic [Northridge, CA] Guardian® and six subjects using the Abbott [Abbott Park, IL] Navigator®). Three different PHs are used: 15, 30, and 45 min. The NNM accuracy has been estimated by using the root mean square error (RMSE) and prediction delay. Results: The RMSE is around 10, 18, and 27 mg/dL for 15, 30, and 45 min of PH, respectively. The prediction delay is around 4, 9, and 14 min for upward trends and 5, 15, and 26 min for downward trends, respectively. A comparison with a previously published technique, based on an autoregressive model (ARM), has been performed. The comparison shows that the proposed NNM is more accurate than the ARM, with no significant deterioration in the prediction delay

    Morphological characterization of the left coronary artery in horses. Comparative analysis with humans, pigs, and other animal species

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    Objective: To determine the anatomy expression of the left coronary artery and its branches in the horse.  Methods: The left coronary artery of 120 hearts of horse were perfused with semi-synthetic resin (85% Palatal GP40L with 15% styrene) and mineral red dye. A digital calibrator (Mitutoyo®) was used to measure the external diameter of the left coronary artery and its branches. The samples were assessed for the existence of myocardial bridges. The findings obtained were compared with those from humans, donkeys, pigs, elephants, and camels.  Results: The left coronary artery had a diameter of 6.76 ± 2.1 mm. It bifurcated into the paraconal interventricular branch and the left circumflex branch in 113 specimens (94.2%). The proximal diameter of the paraconal interventricular branch was 5.62 ± 1.97 mm, and it ended at the apex in most cases (65.8%). The left circumflex branch was short and ended as a left marginal branch in 55 samples (45.8%); its proximal diameter was 4.05 ± 1.49 mm. The sinoatrial node branch originated from the left circumflex branch in 100% of the cases. The left marginal branch was found in 92 specimens (76.7%), and ended primarily at the upper third of the obtuse margin of the heart. Discussion: The sinus node branch emerging in all cases from the left circumflex branch differs from what has been observed in other species. Due to its similarity with the human heart, we may ratify the equine model for both procedural and hemodynamic applications

    Morphological characterization of the coronary sinus and its tributaries in short hair sheep. Comparative analysis with the veins in humans and pigs

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    To characterize morphologically the coronary sinus and its tributaries in short hair sheep, this descriptive cross-sectional study evaluated the coronary sinus and its tributaries in 62 hearts of short hair sheep. A semi-synthetic resin (Palatal GP40L 85%; styrene 15%) impregnated with mineral color blue was perfused through the coronary sinus. We evaluated the morphological characteristics and with a digital calibrator the biometrics of the coronary sinus and its tributaries. The length of the coronary sinus (± standard deviation) was 24.85 ± 4.94 mm. Proximal and distal calibers were 7.55 ± 1.54 mm, respectively. It was cylindrical in shape in 44 specimens (71%). The great cardiac vein originated at the apex in 44 hearts (71%), with the caliber of this vessel at the level of the paraconal interventricular sulcus being 2.55 ± 0.62 mm. The arteriovenous trigone was present in 50 specimens (80.6%) and presented a closed configuration at its lower and upper segments in 39 specimens (78%). The left marginal vein was present in 56 hearts (90.3%) and originated at the cardiac apex in 33 specimens (53.2%). The proximal and distal calibers of the middle cardiac vein were 1.74 ± 0.52 mm and 2.17 mm ± 0.71 mm respectively, and originated at the apex in 91.9% of the specimens. Due to the similitude of the features of the coronary sinus in short hair sheep with those of the human being, it is possible to propose this animal model for procedural and hemodynamic applied activities