399 research outputs found

    A catalogue of the type specimens of the family Buprestidae (Insecta: Coleóptera) housed at the "Museo of La Plata", Argentina

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    de Buprestidae (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea) depositado en el Museo de La Plata (MLP). Entre ellos hay 45 sintipos de especies de J. Obenberger y sintipos, holotipos o paratipos de especies descriptas por C. Berg, A. Cobos y Ch. Kerremans, como así también lectotipos y paralectotipos basados en sintipos de especies de Obenberger. Además, se compiló una lista de 37 especies cuyos especímenes estaban etiquetados como tipos (metatipos u homotipos), pero que en realidad son ejemplares comparados con los tipos por los autores de las especies (e.g. C. Burmeister, J. Obenberger, Ch. Kerremans). También se brinda información sobre tipos perdidos (estaban en el MLP pero actualmente no están) y sobre ejemplares etiquetados como tipos de especies probablemente nunca descriptas. La mayoría de las especies aquí tratadas fueron coleccionadas en Argentina por el especialista M. Viana, pero hay también especies procedentes de Brasil, Uruguay y Perú. Para cada una de ellas se brinda información sobre nombre original y válido, bibliografía de referencia, categoría de tipos, sexo de los especímenes (si está indicado) y número de código asignado a ellos en la colección entomológica del MLP.We provide information on the type specimens of Neotropical species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea) deposited at the Museo de La Plata (MLP). Among them, there are syntypes of 45 species of J. Obenberger, and syntypes, holotypes or paratypes of species described by C. Berg, A. Cobos and Ch. Kerremans, plus lectotypes and paralectotypes designated based on syntypes of Obenberger’ species. Besides, we compiled a list of 37 species which specimens are labeled as types (metatypes or homotypes), but in fact these specimens were compared with the types by the authors of the species (e.g. C. Burmeister, J. Obenberger, Ch. Kerremans). Moreover, we provide information on missing types (formerly at the MLP but not in the collection at present) and specimens labeled as types of species never described. Most species herein treated were collected in Argentina by the specialist M. Viana, but there are also species from Brazil, Uruguay and Perú. For each species, we bring information on original and valid names, bibliographic references, category of types, sex of the specimens (if it is indicated) and code numbers assigned to them in the MLP entomological collection

    The Marion Milner method: Psychoanalysis, autobiography, creativity

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    This book traces the development of British psychoanalyst Marion Milner’s (1900–98) autobiographical acts throughout her lifetime, proposing that Milner is a thinker to whom we can turn to explore the therapeutic potentialities of autobiographical and creative self-expression. Milner’s experimentation with aesthetic, self-expressive techniques are a means to therapeutic ends, forming what Emilia Halton-Hernandez calls her "autobiographical cure." This book considers whether Milner’s work champions this site for therapeutic work over that of the relationship between patient and analyst in the psychoanalytic setting. This book brings to light a theory and practice which is latent and sometimes hidden, but which is central to understanding what drives Milner’s autobiographical work. It is by doing this work of elucidation and organisation that Halton-Hernandez finds Milner to be a thinker with a unique take on psychoanalysis, object relations theory, creativity, and autobiography, working at the interstices of each

    Marion Milner’s “pliable medium” and the role of the patient’s creativity in the analytic encounter

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    This article explores British psychoanalyst Marion Milner's (1900–1998) understanding of how creative play and drawing for her child and adult patients is integral to transformation in the analytic encounter. Milner explicitly proposes the act of picture-making as providing a reparative experience of an attuned, reciprocal relationship with another. Her term the ‘pliable medium’ first coined in her book On Not Being Able to Paint (1950) is explored as a concept reflective of Milner's enduring commitment to art-making as an explicitly therapeutic activity. In this way, we come to see how Milner's clinical technique depends as much on facilitating the patient's creativity in the analytic situation as it does in considering what the patient-analyst relationship can do for the patient's psychic growth

    Application of classification technique of data mining for employee management system

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    This paper presents the application of classification technique of data mining used for the Employee Management System (EMS). This paper discusses the classification techniques of data mining and based on the data, the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is reformed for classifying large data into different categories such as Disability, Employee Performance, etc. This paper discusses, WEKA data mining toolkit classifier model to predict employee’s performance based on the employee’s age, date of joining and number of years of experience. This study helps to predict the employee’s work-cycle and helps the management to find the employee’s performance those who are disabled and enabled. The paper addresses the system to get the details of those employees who need special attention and guide the management to make policies to improve employees’ performance. We demonstrate the application in a real-life situation. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Measuring the financial performance of MSMEs through artificial neural network

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    Given the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Colombia, both in terms of the number of enterprises and the generation of employment, it is important to know their nature, as well as the main determinantsoftheirfinancialperformance.Inthissense,thispaperaimsto provide relevant information for the formulation of strategies, programs and public policies that promote practices within companies and thus improve the performance of this segment of organizations

    Empirical Evidence Of Verdoorns Law In Mexican Manufacturing

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    In this document we use the model called Verdoorns Law that has been widely favored with the empirical evidence as being able to explain the persistence of divergences in growth rates, which establishes a positive relation between product growth and productivity. The goal is to estimate the Verdoorns coefficients for the 32 states in Mexico for the period of 1985-2004 through the use of the Ordinary Least Square method (OLS) and the pool data technique for an added analysis at subsector levels of the manufacturing industry. The purpose of this paper is to explain regional divergences in Mexico by identifying those factors that influence economic growth and that would allow the proposal of regional policies that can help reduce the observed differences, and by contributing to the development of the country as a whole. Consistent results were found with Verdoorns Law by detecting increasing returns in the manufacturing industry, both by regions and by subsectors. The states that show lower Verdoons coefficients (higher returns to scale) are definitely the ones that have grown the most

    Chemical characterisation of historic mortars to evaluate decay and construction phases

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    The chemical characterization of ancient mortars allowed the researchers to answer relevant questions about production technologies, raw materials supply, construction phases and state of decay. In this work one hundred and sixteen samples were collected from different structures during two archaeological excavations carried out in Sagunto’s city centre (Valencia, Spain). The studied area has been interested by several continuous phases of occupation since the Iberian Epoch (5th century BC) to the present times [1,2]. The samples were analysed employing X-ray fluorescence and Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine major and trace elements. The obtained data was statistically processed with Sagunto’s Castle mortar results [3], allowing us to identify the construction phases of most of the wall structures, confirming the particular effectiveness of Rare Earth Elements analysis to distinguish mortars from different periods. In conclusion, according to this data, the state of conservation of the different mortars has been evaluated. [1] Ripollés, Opulentissima Saguntum (2004) 165. [2] Monserrat, Arse 41 (2007) 231. [3] Gallello et al., Microchem. J. 132 (2017) 251

    A distal to proximal gradient of human choroid plexus development, with antagonistic expression of Glut1 and AQP1 in mature cells vs. calbindin and PCNA in proliferative cells

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    The choroid plexuses (ChP) are highly vascularized tissues suspended from each of the cerebral ventricles. Their main function is to secret CSF that fills the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces, forming a crucial system for the development and maintenance of the CNS. However, despite the essential role of the ChP–CSF system to regulate the CNS in a global manner, it still remains one of the most understudied areas in neurobiology. Here we define by immunohistochemistry the expression of different proteins involved in the maturation and functionality of the ChP from the late embryological period to maturity. We found an opposite gradient of expression between AQP1 and Glut1 that define functional maturation in the ChP periphery, and PCNA and calbindin, present in the ChP roof zone with proliferative activity. We conclude that the maturation of the ChP matures from distal to proximal, starting in the areas nearest to the cortex, expressing in the distal, mature areas AQP1 and Glut1 (related to ChP functionality to support cortex development), and in the proximal immature areas (ChP root) calbindin and PCNA related to progenitor activity and proliferation

    Chronological classification of ancient mortars employing spectroscopy and spectrometry techniques : Sagunto (Valencia, Spain) case

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    Forty-two mortar samples, from two archaeological excavations located in Sagunto (Valencian Community, Spain), were analysed by both portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pED-XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine major and minor elements, and traces including rare earth elements (REE). Collected data were crossed with those previously obtained from Sagunto Castle mortars and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate the construction phases of the unearthed buildings. REE permitted to ascribe most of the masonries to the Roman Imperial period. Moreover, a statistical model was built by employing partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) in order to classify the mortars from Roman Imperial period and from Islamic period, due to the problematic overlapping between these two phases. Results confirmed the effectiveness of the developed indirect chronology method, based on REE data, to discriminate among historic mortars from different construction periods on a wide scale including different Sagunto archaeological sites