54 research outputs found


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    An integrated workflow including analysis of seismic, core, well log and biostratigraphic data was developed and conducted to both construct a reliable geologic model and characterize a Pliocene gas reservoir which overlies the Cantarell field in the Campeche Sound, southern Gulf of Mexico.In 2003, the offshore exploratory Utan #1 well was drilled to investigate the gas potential of the Pliocene sequence. The well provided successful results from facies characterized by thin mixed siliciclastic-carbonate beds contained within a faulted rollover anticline.Campeche Sound is the most prolific Mexican oil producing province where the best fields are Mesozoic-Paleocene carbonates in structural traps. Therefore, little exploration has been focused on the overlying late Tertiary and more siliciclastic section, representing a gap in the knowledge of this part of the basin where new expectations arise for non-associated gas entrapments in a traditionally oil-producing province.Based upon development of a sequence stratigraphic framework, a new play analysis is developed where the reservoirs are identified as retrogradational shoreface parasequences sitting atop third-order sequence boundaries. Basic and advanced seismic attributes contribute to the stratigraphic interpretation and gas detection. Seismic inversion for reflectivity allowed better identification of key stratigraphic surfaces. Modeled Type-I AVO and a dimmed spectral decomposition response following structural contours provide reliability to gas discrimination and reservoir delineation. The seismic attributes will require additional support to be valuable as reservoir quality predictors.Because biogenic methane and thin sheet reservoirs define the rock-fluid system, development may be uneconomic. However, the trapped gas could be reinjected at deeper depths to improve recovery efficiency of oil in the Cantarell field.The knowledge gained from this research is an important contribution to the petroleum geology of Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico basin. It confirms the petroleum system for this Pliocene play, proposes a new play concept and provides the basis for further research in the study area.Future work is recommended to extend the regional geological mapping using the integrated methodology and play analysis developed from this dissertation. New well and seismic data focused on Neogene levels should also be obtained to improve the knowledge and assure expectations for future exploration and development strategies in these and other subtle stratigraphic gas traps of this traditional oil province

    Strategies for Implementing Internet of Things Devices in Manufacturing Environments

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been exploited as a threat vector for cyberattacks in manufacturing environments. Manufacturing industry leaders are concerned with cyberattacks because of the associated costs of damages and lost production for their organizations. Grounded in the general systems theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies electrical controls engineers use to implement secure IoT devices in manufacturing environments. The study participants were eight electrical controls engineers working in three separate manufacturing facilities located in the Midwest region of the United States. The data were collected by semistructured interviews and 15 organizational documents. Data were analyzed using methodological triangulation to identify codes and themes. Four themes emerged: (a) a collaborative work environment, (b) employ existing cybersecurity practices, (c) adequate resources must exist to maintain security, and (d) learning and education. One recommendation for controls engineers is to embrace life-long learning, as technology is ever-changing. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve manufacturing efficiencies and profits, thereby enhancing community support by manufacturing companies and increased wages and benefits for their employees

    Caracterización Socio Productiva y Ambiental en las comunidades de Las Delicias, San Antonio, Municipio El Tuma - La Dalia, II semestre 2015

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    La presente investigación consiste en la caracterización socio productiva y ambiental de las comunidades Las Delicias, San Antonio, Municipio El Tuma-La Dalia, con el propósito de identificar la situación actual que viven los productores en el ámbito social (acceso a servicios básicos, educación, salud, viviendas, etc.), Productivo (Rubros, rendimientos, afectaciones por plagas y enfermedades y/o fenómenos climáticos), ambiental (disponibilidad y manejo de los recursos naturales en la comunidad, manejo de desechos sólidos, cambio climático, contaminación, conservación de suelos y aguas.). En base a los resultados obtenidos se pretende que este trabajo permita la gestión de iniciativas que ayuden a los productores de estas comunidades. El estudio realizado proporcionó resultados importantes los: Los productores encuestado tienen acceso a la educación a nivel de primaria, no cuentan con puestos de salud en la comunidad, solamente el 54 % de los encuestados cuentan con servicio de agua potable y el 92 % con energía eléctrica, en el aspecto productivo los rubros mas explotados son café y granos básicos siendo la principal fuente de ingreso de las familias, tienen un área de terreno para cultivos de 1 a 15 manzanas, los rendimientos son bajos en el caso del café a afectaciones por roya y los granos básicos por afectaciones de plagas, sequía o exceso de lluvias. En el aspecto ambiental manifestaron que las fuentes de agua han disminuido su caudal y están contaminadas, los suelos son menos fértiles, afectaciones por fenómenos climáticos, sequía y exceso de lluvias. Tres palabras clave 1) Trazabilidad 2) Fenómenos climáticos 3) Producció


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    La estructura del trabajo se da de la siguiente manera: en el primer capítulo se presenta la metodología del trabajo y el software utilizado, los pasos llevados a cabo para conseguir los datos y el tratamiento de los mismos. Se pretende dejar claro que la IO tiene cabida en cualquier problema empresarial siempre y cuando se cuente con la receta ideal: un correcto modelaje. En el capítulo siguiente, se presenta la totalidad de herramientas matemáticas ligadas a la disciplina de la IO utilizadas en el presente trabajo, continuando con definiciones básicas con el fin de establecer un contexto claro y breve. A lo largo del avance de este capítulo se ofrecerá el resumen de estructuras de modelos que serán utilizados, dichos resúmenes contendrán ejemplos generales y sin mayor complejidad para el seguimiento cercano del tema. Después, en el tercer capítulo se procederá con el planteamiento del modelo matemático del nivel de producción de Pan Roll S.A. de C.V. detallando la construcción de matrices, vectores y otros elementos ligados al planteamiento. Enseguida se mostrará la solución computacional arrojada por la herramienta Solver de Excel (se hablará de ella en el primer capítulo), tanto de cada variable de decisión, como del resultado principal: la utilidad óptima. Además, la validación de los 8 resultados es indispensable, por lo que seguido del resultado se logrará verificar que las restricciones acoten de forma correcta todas las alternativas, en ellas incluida el resultado óptimo. En el último capítulo, se hará la interpretación que despliega dicho resultado, no solamente de lo superficialmente mostrado, sino también de la información indirecta que señalan las restricciones. Además, las conclusiones estarán precedidas por escenarios planteados de manera general y recomendaciones para el seguimiento de las decisiones al mismo resultado: el logro de maximizar la utilidad por producción

    Solución tecnológica que permita mejorar la experiencia y accesibilidad del cliente en el sistema financiero basada en el OpenBanking

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    El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo proponer una solución tecnológica que permita mejorar la experiencia y accesibilidad del cliente al momento de realizar la solicitud de un préstamo en una entidad financiera. A través de un Portal Web y/o Aplicación Móvil el cliente solicitará un préstamo donde podrá visualizar, comparar alternativas de créditos en línea que las entidades financieras nos otorguen y elegir la oferta que mejor le convenga. Estas integraciones que se tendrá con las entidades financieras se lograrán cumpliendo normativas y regulaciones internacionales como el PSD2 y estándares como el Open Banking las cuales promueven la innovación, competencia y favorece la adaptación de los servicios bancarios a las nuevas tecnologías. Dependiendo del monto que solicite el cliente, la Fintech podrá financiar el préstamo solicitado. En caso de que el monto supere lo permitido por la Fintech, la solicitud de préstamo se deriva a las diferentes entidades financieras suscritas en el Portal Web. Generando mecanismos de competencia, mejorando la oferta hacia el cliente y promoviendo la inclusión financiera tanto a personas bancarizadas, como no bancarizadas. El otorgamiento de crédito a un cliente debe pasar por un proceso de pre-evaluación, dicho proceso emplea un modelo predictivo de riesgos basados en datos no paramétricos, que permita evaluar el nivel de riesgo, su promesa de pago y el compromiso del cliente para con el préstamo.The objective of this project is to propose a technological solution to improve the experience and accessibility of the client when applying for a loan in a financial institution. Through a Web Portal and/or Mobile Application, the client who wants to request a loan will be able to view, compare online credit alternatives that financial entities grant us and choose the offer that best suits him or her. The integrations that we will have with financial entities will be achieved by complying with international regulations and regulations such as PSD2 and international standards such as Open Banking, which promote innovation and competition, and it also favor the adaptation of banking services to new technologies. Depending on the loan amount requested by the client, the Fintech would finance the request, but if the amount exceeds what is allowed by the Fintech, the loan request is derived to the different financial entities subscribed to the Web Portal, generating competition mechanisms, improving the offer to the client, and promoting financial inclusion for both banked and unbanked people. The granting of credit to a client must go through a pre-evaluation process. This process uses a predictive risk model based on non-parametric data, which allows the evaluation of the client’s level of risk, the payment promise and the client's commitment to the loan.Tesi

    Advances in Pharmacological Activities and Chemical Composition of Propolis Produced in Americas

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    Propolis is a resinous material produced by bees from the selective collection of plant exudates that are subsequently mixed with beeswax and salivary bee secretions. Propolis has been used in folk medicine, and certainly, several studies have validated its biological properties. The chemical composition and pharmacological activities of propolis collected through North (including Central America and Caribbean) and South America have been studied in the last years, and several papers have reported differences and similarities among the analysed geographical samples. Propolis has been classified according to its aspect and plant source; however, the ecological diversity present along the Americas provides a plethora of botanical resins. Herein, we summarize and discuss most of the studies performed at present on this profitable product for apiculture, attempting to compare the bioactivity, phytochemical diversity and botanical sources of honeybee propolis produced in Americas

    Evidence of localized, incipient melting during field-assisted sintering of oxide dispersion strengthened, nanocrystalline metals

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    Oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) nanostructured FeNiZr alloys were produced via high energy mechanical alloying and subsequently consolidated via the field assisted sintering technique (FAST). Processing parameters of temperature, pressure, and dwell time were altered in an effort to achieve full densification and optimize the mechanical performance. Indications of incipient melting were observed via optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at processing temperatures as low as 700 °C. This temperature is less than half of the homologous temperature of the FeNiZr alloy or any of its constituents. This suggests substantially higher temperatures are achieved locally within the powder compact as a result of Joule heating during consolidation. Additional evaluation with X-ray diffraction was performed to identify the implications of this incipient melting on mechanical properties. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract