3,408 research outputs found


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    Effects of Opaque, Weighted Bottles on Maternal Sensitivity and Infant Intake

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    Caregivers\u27 abilities to assess how much is in the bottle may lead to encouragement of infant bottle emptying and overfeeding. The present study assessed whether use of opaque, weighted bottles (as compared with conventional, clear bottles) improves feeding outcomes. Mothers with infants \u3c32 weeks of age (n = 76) were assessed on two separate days. Mothers fed their infants from an opaque, weighted bottle on 1 day and a clear bottle on the other; conditions were counterbalanced. Blinded raters certified in the Nursing Child Assessment Feeding Scale scored all videos to determine maternal sensitivity. Infant intake was assessed by weighing the bottle before and after each feeding, and feeding outcomes included infant intake (mL), intake per kilogram body weight (mL/kg), meal duration (min), and feed rate (mL/ min). Mothers exhibited significantly greater sensitivity (p = 0.041), fed their infants fewer millilitres per kilogram body weight (p = 0.049), and fed their infants at a significantly slower rate (p = 0.009) when using opaque compared with clear bottles. Infant clarity of cues was a significant moderator of effects of bottle type on intake per kilogram body weight (p = 0.028): Infants who exhibited greater clarity of cues were fed less during the opaque versus clear conditions whereas infants who exhibited poorer clarity of cues were fed similar amounts during both conditions. Effects of bottle type were not moderated by bottle contents (expressed breast milk vs. formula). In sum, promotion of opaque, weighted bottles for infant feeding may be a pragmatic approach to improve the quality and outcome of bottle‐feeding interactions

    Youth Development Approaches in Adolescent Family Life Demonstration Projects

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    Youth development (YD) strategies in conjunction with appropriate age-graded sexuality and family life education programs/curricula may have an important role to play in formulating convincing answers to these questions. Youth development approaches help youth enhance their assets rather than concentrating on their difficulties. They focus on where youth are going, helping them develop a belief in a viable future and in their ability to take actions that will bring that future about. The commitment to a future that would be disrupted by a pregnancy during adolescence is about the only thing that Zabin and her colleagues (1986) found to differentiate among Baltimore adolescents using teen clinics who did and did not get pregnant. Teens without a strong reason to avoid pregnancy got pregnant at the same rate as those who wanted to get pregnant; the only teens who were successful at avoiding pregnancy were those who had a future goal that a pregnancy would disrupt. Thus, incorporating youth development principles along with some specific techniques into the work of the Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs' (OAPP) abstinence-oriented programs would seem to be an important program enhancement with potentially valuable impacts

    Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) requires using energy to carry out computations during the model training process. The generation of this energy comes with an environmental cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on quantity used and the energy source. Existing research on the environmental impacts of ML has been limited to analyses covering a small number of models and does not adequately represent the diversity of ML models and tasks. In the current study, we present a survey of the carbon emissions of 95 ML models across time and different tasks in natural language processing and computer vision. We analyze them in terms of the energy sources used, the amount of CO2 emissions produced, how these emissions evolve across time and how they relate to model performance. We conclude with a discussion regarding the carbon footprint of our field and propose the creation of a centralized repository for reporting and tracking these emissions

    Politics and Red Tape

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    Panel Chair: Scott Cheney Papers Presented: The Outcome of the Forgotten by Alexandra Quinn Domingue The Echo Chamber by John Frick Abstract: Political polarization seems to be rising in America and indeed across the world, and there does not seem to be a clear explanation of the reason behind it. Some attribute it to international events such as 9/11, while others blame the millennial generation; yet what if it is something else entirely? What if our ever increasing dependence on social media for news can have adverse effects on the political climate? The “echo chamber” in this case refers to the idea that social media users will often delete or unfollow other users who have different opinions; this leads to those users then only getting responses agreeing with their political views, with no one left to challenge them. This effect might then lead those same users to vote differently, or become more radical in their views, as they will be increasingly susceptible to groupthink. Not only were these ideas discussed in the paper, taking into account modern political context, but two polls were conducted, with a combined 1,845 respondents. Through the collection of this data, the “echo chamber” idea can be put into context. Keywords: Politics, Polling, Elections, Social Media, Media Why do Americans consider Mexican Immigrants a Problem? By Christian Alonso Hernandez Immigration: Criminal or Constructive by Caroline Dillar

    Characterization study of a thermal oil-based carbon black solar nanofluid

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    Carbon nanoparticles are very useful in solar thermal applications, since they absorb much of the solar spectrum, are cheap and have excellent optical properties. Carbon nanoparticlesthermal oil-based nanofluid was prepared using two-step method with diphenyl sulfone as surfactant to achieve that nanoparticles remain suspended even at high temperatures. The size particle distribution was studied using two Dynamic Light Scattering systems at room and high temperature and also evaluated before and after exposing the nanofluid to a thermal treatment so that conditions closer to those in real applications were replicated. Moreover, the morphological changes due to the thermal treatment were observed with Transmission Electron Microscopy. Finally, the optical properties as the ballistic transmittance, absorption coefficient and scattering albedo of the base fluid as well as of the nanofluid were measured using a spectrophotometer with and without integrating sphere. The results of this study contribute to the knowledge about these solar nanofluids that are promising alternatives to the conventional solar collectors

    Updates of the in-gel digestion method for protein analysis by mass spectrometry

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    The in‐gel digestion of proteins for analysis by liquid chromatograph mass spectrometry has been used since the early 1990s. Although several improvements have contributed to increasing the quality of the data obtained, many recent publications still use sub‐optimal approaches. We present updates of the in‐gel digestion protocol. We show that alternative reducing, alkylating agent reactions and tryptic digestion buffers increase peptide and protein identification and reduce incubation times. Our results indicate that a simultaneous and short, high temperature reduction and alkylation reaction using Tris(2‐carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP) and chloroacetamide (CAA) with a subsequent gel wash improve protein identification and sequence coverage, diminish peptide side reactions. Additionally, use of 4‐(2‐Hydroxyethyl)piperazine‐1‐ethanesulfonic acid buffer (HEPES) allows a significant reduction in the digestion time improving trypsin performance and increasing the peptide recovery. The updates of the in‐gel digestion protocol described here are efficient and offer flexibility to be incorporated in any proteomic laboratory

    Los recursos educativos digitales y su relación con el desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo a distancia en estudiantes de 1er grado de primaria de un colegio de gestión estatal de Lima Metropolitana durante el año escolar 2020

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    La presente investigación guarda relevancia en la educación a distancia, en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria originada por el Covid-19 y responde a la pregunta ¿cómo se relacionan los recursos educativos digitales con el desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo a distancia en estudiantes de 1er grado de primaria? mediante objetivos que buscan identificar la relación antes mencionada. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo – no aplicativo, de nivel descriptivo, se utilizan las técnicas de observación no participativa y entrevista semiestructurada, con sus respectivos instrumentos check list y guía de preguntas, respectivamente. Las conclusiones dan cuenta que, los recursos educativos digitales se relacionan con el desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo en una modalidad a distancia siempre y cuando la docente, en la selección y/o elaboración de recursos educativos transmisivos, activos e interactivos, considere los seis elementos claves del aprendizaje autónomo: conocimientos previos, motivación, habilidades cognoscitivas, habilidades metacognitivas, habilidades socioemocionales y hábitos de estudio. Finalmente, la investigación demuestra que las videoconferencias son uno de los recursos educativos digitales que favorecen el aprendizaje autónomo al considerar durante su proceso sincrónico los seis elementos mencionados. Esta investigación aporta con conocimientos para que los docentes realicen acciones de mediación favorables al desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo en una modalidad a distancia mediante el diseño o elección de recursos educativos digitalesThis research is relevant in distance education, in the context of the health emergency caused by Covid-19 and answers the question, how are digital educational resources related to the development of autonomous distance learning in 1st grade students? from elementary school? through objectives that seek to identify the aforementioned relationship. The research approach is qualitative - non-applicative, descriptive level, and non-participatory observation and semi-structured interview techniques were used, with their respective checklist and question guide instruments, respectively. The conclusions show that digital educational resources are related to the development of autonomous learning in a distance mode as long as the teacher, in the selection and / or elaboration of transmissive, active and interactive educational resources, considers the six key elements of autonomous learning: previous knowledge, motivation, cognitive abilities, metacognitive abilities, socio-emotional abilities and study habits. Finally, the research shows that videoconferences are one of the digital educational resources that favor autonomous learning by considering the six elements mentioned during their synchronous process. This research provides knowledge for teachers to carry out mediation actions favorable to the development of autonomous learning in a distance modality through the design or choice of digital educational resources

    El apoyo familiar en el rendimiento académico en niños de nivel primaria

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    El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene gran importancia porque da a conocer una realidad constante en los colegios en cuanto al apoyo familiar en el rendimiento académico. Por ende, este responde a la pregunta investigación ¿cómo se da el apoyo familiar en el rendimiento académico del niño de nivel primaria? En respuesta a ello, el objetivo general planteado es analizar el apoyo familiar en el rendimiento académico del niño de nivel primaria y los objetivos específicos son explicar las condiciones del apoyo familiar en la educación del niño y describir cómo la familia se involucra en el rendimiento académico del niño. Entre sus principales contenidos se encuentra, por un lado, el apoyo familiar en la educación del niño del nivel primaria dentro de la escuela, y por el otro, la familia en el rendimiento académico del niño de nivel primaria. Para ello, se realizó el método revisión bibliográfica. En esta investigación se logra demostrar que el apoyo familiar y el rendimiento académico tienen una relación directamente proporcional, en donde el primero debe formar en base a una educación integral desde casa y mantener una relación cercana familia-escuela, para optimizar al segundo. Este estudio se realizó para entender la condición de los niños que presentan bajo rendimiento, no por motivos intrínsecos, sino debido al apoyo familiar