2,022 research outputs found

    Grid Global Behavior Prediction

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    Complexity has always been one of the most important issues in distributed computing. From the first clusters to grid and now cloud computing, dealing correctly and efficiently with system complexity is the key to taking technology a step further. In this sense, global behavior modeling is an innovative methodology aimed at understanding the grid behavior. The main objective of this methodology is to synthesize the grid's vast, heterogeneous nature into a simple but powerful behavior model, represented in the form of a single, abstract entity, with a global state. Global behavior modeling has proved to be very useful in effectively managing grid complexity but, in many cases, deeper knowledge is needed. It generates a descriptive model that could be greatly improved if extended not only to explain behavior, but also to predict it. In this paper we present a prediction methodology whose objective is to define the techniques needed to create global behavior prediction models for grid systems. This global behavior prediction can benefit grid management, specially in areas such as fault tolerance or job scheduling. The paper presents experimental results obtained in real scenarios in order to validate this approach

    Modelo lineal de la rigidez a tracción del hormigón para elementos de hormigón estructural

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    Nowadays, linear expressions for the tension stiffening of concrete are widely used in structural analysis software packages. Nevertheless, more complex expressions of tension stiffening available in the literature have been used successfully in the past. The use of linear approximations is justified since the influence of the tension stiffening effect on the deformation of a structure is small but not negligible. Therefore, linear approximations are simpler and can be accurate enough. However, the linear approximation, in its present form, does not provide good results in terms of deformations of reinforced concrete beam-column elements. This paper proposes a linear expression of tension stiffening supported by the experimental formulation used to predict the flexural behavior of concrete beams. A detailed example is presented.Expresiones lineales de la rigidez a tracción del hormigón están siendo ampliamente utilizadas en paquetes de software de análisis estructural. Sin embargo, en el pasado se han utilizado con éxito expresiones más elaboradas de la rigidez a tracción del hormigón. El uso de aproximaciones lineales está justificado ya que la influencia del efecto de rigidez a tracción del hormigón en la deformación de las estructuras de hormigón es pequeña pero no despreciable. En este sentido, las aproximaciones lineales son más simples y pueden ser lo suficientemente precisas. Sin embargo, esta aproximación lineal, en su forma actual, no proporciona buenos resultados en términos de deformaciones a nivel de elementos estructurales. Esta publicación propone una expresión lineal de la rigidez a tracción apoyada por la formulación experimental utilizada para predecir el comportamiento a flexión de vigas de hormigón. Se presenta un ejemplo detallado

    Acción colectiva en microcuencas y transformaciones sociopolíticas en el Curso Alto del Río Lerma, México. Siglos XX y XXI

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    La situación de calidad y cantidad de los recursos hídricos a escala local no es menos deplorable que a escala regional o nacional. Sin embargo, la diferente concepción sociocultural en estos espacios geográficos nos lleva a centrar la atención en la acción colectiva presente en las microcuencas, en ellas convergen diversidad de formas de vida alimentadas por fuentes de agua natural superficial; dicho espacio en las últimas décadas se ha estimado como generador de agua, pero, a pesar de esta característica los proyectos hídricos en México no han considerado su importancia para mantener estables ecológica y socialmente sus paisajes naturales y rurales.Se Identifica y analiza desde las teorías de acción colectiva y geografía cultural las transformaciones sociopolíticas de espacios rurales en el río más contaminado de México, el Tolotlán o Lerma. Enfatizamos en la toma de decisiones de actores políticos de las tres órdenes de gobierno y sociedad organizada para explicar procesos antropogénicos en las microcuencas del Curso Alto del Río Lerma; empleando fuentes documentales, trabajo de archivo, trabajo de campo, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y entrevistas se da cuenta de las modificaciones de los afluentes, relacionados a la acción colectiva comunitaria; creemos que ésta promueve un uso racional, social y productivo del agua que se ve afectado por su falta de incorporación en el nivel de cuenca y ausencia de planeación en el nivel de microcuencaEste proyecto fue realizado con el apoyo del Programa de Mejoramiento al Profesorado, con clave de registro 103.5/13/653

    Las haciendas del Valle de Toluca y su contexto político-social siglo XIX

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    En este sentido, este trabajo pretende mostrar que dicho proceso legislativo respecto a la ciudadanía, aunque estaba impulsado para lograr la unidad nacional de todos los mexicanos, terminó por mantener la desigualdad social, empeorando las condiciones de vida de los peones y otros grupos sociales de México en el siglo XIX. Para efectuar este análisis, se utilizó el método histórico analítico, se recurrió a la revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema. Se revisaron y analizaron los expedientes del Archivo Histórico del Estado de México (AHEM), del Archivo Histórico Municipal de Toluca (AHMT), Archivo General de Notarías del Estado de México (AGNEM), Archivo Histórico del Agua (AHA), Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) y el acervo del Fondo Reservado de la Biblioteca Pública del Estado de México.En el siglo XIX se gestó un movimiento liberal en México motivado por la marcada desigualdad social, económica y política heredada del periodo virreinal. Por lo que a lo largo de este siglo en el país fue gestándose un gran movimiento intelectual de liberalismo político que pugnaba contra los gobiernos autoritarios y pretendía la construcción de una nueva concepción de Estado. Los pensadores liberales decimonónicos buscaban un cambio radical en la población mexicana, en general, y en la étnica, en particular, en el que la libertad, la justicia y la igualdad ante la ley se hicieran presentes para todos. Aunque no fue un proceso sencillo por la vida convulsiva que vivió México: luchas interminables entre liberales y conservadores, intervenciones extranjeras y la arraigada cultura de las jerarquías y dependencia social, entre otros aspectos que para unos iban en contra y para otros a favor. De cualquier modo, los congresistas, una vez lograda la independencia y partiendo del principio de la unidad nacional, pretendían la integración sociocultural de las mayorías, fundamentalmente de los indígenas y, por ende, de los peones quienes habían sufrido la dominación, explotación y exclusión por siglos. De tal suerte que se gestó una normatividad constitucional en este siglo XIX que pretendía encaminarse a esos objetivos de inclusión: la Constitución Política de 1824, Las Siete Leyes Constitucionales de 1836, las Leyes Orgánicas de 1843, la Constitución de 1857 y las Constituciones Políticas de los Estados de la República Mexicana

    The Almirall Project: a portal of 19 th century culture and thinking

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    The Ateneu Barcelonès is a civil, private cultural association that has been a part of Spanish society and culture since 1860, having been founded with the aim of promoting dialogue and disseminating knowledge about the country's artistic, historical and intellectual heritage. Since 2005, been taking part in various digitisation projects, including several digital projects. The Almirall Project aims to be a portal that explains, contextualises and inter-relates 19th-century works, thinkers, artists and schools of thought at Barcelona's Ateneu Library, providing access to digital copies lodged at other portals

    Fragility Curves for Historical Structures with Degradation Factors Obtained from 3D Photogrammetry

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    The influence of the effects of the degradation of materials on the seismic fragility of Cultural Heritage buildings in Granada (Spain) is investigated. The degradation of the material, which mainly happens at the lower levels of the façades, is obtained by using 3D photogrammetry data. Fragility curves for three cultural heritage constructions in Granada are calculated by using FE nonlinear dynamic analyses for both non-deteriorated and deteriorated geometries. The Finite Elements (FE) models, based on the macro-modelling technique, are subjected to ground motions for the city of Granada, which were selected by considering Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) methodology with their probability of occurrence. The response of each model is analyzed for different seismic Intensity Measure (IM) levels, which, in this study, correspond to average pseudoacceleration. The procedure is applied to three monuments in Granada that were built with two different constructions materials: calcarenite and rammed earth. The damage mechanisms considered are roof displacement or maximum compressive principal stress, depending on each case. The results show that the restoration works that have been carried out has prevented structural failures in the rammed earth construction studied, and that, during future seismic events, special attention must be paid to the level of compressive strengh reached in the Santa Pudia calcarenite used at the San Jerónimo monastery.European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020)Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades) as part of the Research Projects 821054RTI2018-101841-B-C21 RTI2018-101841-B-C2

    A Simple Method for Calculating the Shear Deformation of Reinforced Concrete Elements in the Elastic and Plastic Domains

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    This paper proposes a simple method for calculating the shear deformation and the shear capacity of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements containing shear reinforcement. This new approach considers that, for large deformations, concrete elements follow compatibility conditions based on displacements of the composite material subjected to shearing forces. The result is a beam, inspired by the Timoshenko-Ehrenfest beam theory, which considers a new hypothesis regarding shearing deformation, informed by the behavior of the shear reinforcement. The new method is compared with previous approaches, allowing us to assess the technological advances of the new proposal. The new method is easy to implement and provides information about the shearing deformation (in the elastic and plastic domains) and the shearing capacity of concrete beamcolumn elements. A detailed example is developed, in which all the components of the shear deformation are evaluated, and the simplification of the new method is analyzed in comparison with other more comprehensive methods in the elastic domainUniversidad de Granada/ CBU

    Genetska raznolikost kolumbijskog kreolskog magaraca u odjelu Sucre

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of the Colombian Creole donkey in the Department of Sucre using Random Amplified Microsatellites (RAM) molecular markers. In 100 individuals from the five subregions of the department, DNA was extracted and five RAM primers were amplified by PCR. In all, 291 bands were found, on average 11.96±1.45 per primer, the highest value in CCA (18±2.23) and the lowest in TG and GT (8.8±0.44). CA was the most polymorphic primer (88.09±10.91%) with the highest heterozygosity value (He) (0.376±0.021), while the lowest was GT (0.341±0.076 and 0.101±0.040, respectively). Intrapopulation analysis showed an average of 66.50±1.72 bands, of which 89.86±24.04% were polymorphic. The highest number of bands (63±3.84) was found in the Gulf of Morrosquillo (GO) subpopulation, and the lowest in Mojana (MO) (48±2.88); however, the highest value of polymorphic loci (81.16%) and He (0.335±0.022) were found in the Montes de María (MM) subpopulation, making it the most diverse. The average genetic diversity for the entire population was 0.351±0.021 bands. The population structure analysis showed a 10% variation between subpopulations, with an FST value of 0.17±0.01 (P<0.05). Genetic distances between subpopulations showed that MO and GO were the most distant. The RAM markers are effective in assessing the genetic diversity of the Creole donkey, which has high values of genetic diversity, particularly the MM subpopulation. The genetic revealed structure could be the result of natural geographical barriers between the subregions.Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti genetsku raznolikost kolumbijskog kreolskog magaraca iz odjela Sucre koristeći molekularne markere tipa RAM-a (engl. Random Amplified Microsatellites). U 100 jedinki iz pet podregija odjela izlučeno je DNK, a pomoću PCR-a amplificirano je pet primera RAM-a. Pronađene su 291 trake, prosječno 11,96±1,45 po primeru, najveća vrijednost u CCA (18±2,23), a najniža u TG i GT (8,8±0,44). Najviši polimorfni primer (88,09±10,91 %) i s najvišim He (engl. heterozygosity value (0,376±0,021) bio je CA, dok je najniži bio GT (0,341±0,076 i 0,101±0,040). Intrapopulacijska analiza pokazala je prosječno 66,50±1,72 pojasa, od kojih je 89,86±24,04 % bilo polimorfno. Subpopulacija Gulf of Morrosquillo (GO) imala je najveći broj opsega (63±3,84), a najmanju je pronašla u Mojana (MO) (48±2,88), međutim, najveću vrijednost polimorfnih lokusa (81,16 %) i He (0,335±0,022) pronašli su u subpopulaciji Montes de María (MM), koja je najraznolikija. Ustvrđena prosječna genetska raznolikost iznosila je 0,351±0,021 za cijelu populaciju. Analiza populacijske strukture pokazala je 10 % odstupanja između subpopulacija, s vrijednosti FST-a od 0,17±0,01 (P<0,05). Genetske udaljenosti između subpopulacija pokazale su da su MO i GO najdalje. RAM markeri učinkoviti su za procjenu genetske raznolikosti kreolskog magaraca, ova kreolska pasmina ima visoke vrijednosti genetske raznolikosti, MM subpopulacija je najraznolikija, pronađena genetska struktura može biti rezultat prirodnih geografskih barijera između podregija

    DE with Random Vector based Mutatiton for High Dimensional Problems

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    Metaheuristic techniques are the current standard for solving optimization problems. Differential Evolution (DE) is one of the most used because all operations are on real floating point numbers and does not require extra coding. However, the performance shown by DE could decay when applied in problems of high dimensionality. In this paper we present RLSDE, a modified version of DE, based on a random vector as a scaling factor for the differential mutation and the application of a local search operator. These modifications constitute an algorithm capable of solving 100D problems using few computational resources. RLSDE is compared against the results obtained with the classic version of DE and ELSDE (Enchanced Local Search Differential Evolution), showing the performance of the proposal.XX Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic