104 research outputs found

    Proyecto de repoblación forestal productora de chopo de 9,25 ha en el término municipal de Tordesillas (Valladolid)

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    Se ha realizado una repoblación forestal en el municipio de Tordesillas en la provincia de Valladolid. Su objetivo es obtener madera de chopo para desenrrollo.Grado en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natura

    La colaboración del administrado con la Administración

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    Proyecto de plantación de 8,35 ha de viñedo en regadío en la localidad de Nava del Rey (Valladolid)

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    Resumen no disponibleGrado en Ingeniería Agrícola y del Medio Rura

    Panorama actual de la reforma administrativa

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    COVID in Pediatric Age: an opinion paper.

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    The incidence of COVID in pediatrics was underestimated during the first months of the pandemic due to the oligosymptomatic nature of the infection in many children and the scarcity of diagnostic tests applied to this population. It is now accepted that children are infected and transmit the disease in the same way as adults. On the contrary, children have less severe and less lethal COVID, probably due to a lower maturity of the child’s immune system, a lower number of ACE2 receptors and the lower presence of comorbidities in this population group. The development of a multisystemic inflammatory syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 infection in children, despite its rarity, is a very serious condition that frequently requires intensive care. Other less severe post-COVID manifestations have been described in children but are not yet well defined. COVID has had and continues to have a significant psychological impact on the children themselves, on their caregivers and on the exacerbation of pre-existing psychiatric conditions. We apply adult therapeutic principles to children but with very low levels of evidence. Information on the tolerability of the available medications in this population group is still scarce. The mortality of COVID in children is very low and generally affects children with significant comorbidities. There are, at present, three vaccines licensed for pediatric use which are compatible with all other vaccines applicable to children. In these circumstances, there has been much speculation about the indication for vaccination in the pediatric age group, but given its good tolerance, there are clinical and ethical reasons that, in our opinion, justify it.post-print189 K

    El papel del varón en la conciliación: aspectos educativos

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    El Seminario Permanente sobre conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar del Instituto de Ciencias para la Familia ha sido creado como espacio interdisciplinar de reflexión e intercambio de ideas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la conciliación. Esta publicación recoge las sesiones dedicadas a las familias con dos sueldos y tres trabajos