7,512 research outputs found

    Trends and cycles: How important are long- and short-run restictions? The case of Mexico

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    The document presents a test for the existence of binding long- and short-run (common trend-common cycle) restrictions in the dynamics of a set of Mexican macroeconomic variables. These restrictions are imposed in a VAR to decompose the series into their permanent and transitory components. The analysis shows that the magnitude of transitory (nominal) shocks is underestimated when such restrictions are not considered. In addition, we find that the timing and duration of recession and expansion periods are more accurately estimated when the trend-cycle decomposition is conducted with the imposition of cointegrating (long-run) and common feature (short-run) restrictions.

    An interview with Dr. Jasone Cenoz on multilingual education and translanguaging

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    Dr. Jasone Cenoz is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Research Methods at the University of the Basque Country. Her research interests include multilingual education, the acquisition of English as a third language, language learning in school contexts and minority languages. The interview published in this issue was conducted in the autumn of 2015 as part of the meetings held with regard to the author's doctoral thesis and research interests during a brief stay in Donostia (Spain)

    Turismo comunitario en comunidades indígenas del Estado de Michoacán, México

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    El turismo comunitario se basa en la idea de una participación activa de la propia comunidad, es aquél que fomenta el desarrollo de la actividad turística en pequeñas localidades no urbanas (sean rurales, litorales, serranas o insulares), que posean atractivos capaces de generar el desplazamiento de turistas o excursionistas hacia ese destino. Para Gascón & Cañada (2006) es un turismo de pequeño formato, establecido en zonas rurales y en el que la población local, a través de sus estructuras organizativas, ejerce un papel significativo en su control y gestión.Fil: Hernández Castillo, Oswualdo Javier; México

    Derecho a la verdad: Análisis del papel de la comisión para el esclarecimiento de la verdad, la convivencia y la no repetición como elemento trasformador de tejidos sociales en el posconflicto colombiano

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónLa paz implica analizar los instrumentos que está usando el Estado para perpetuar el fin del conflicto, garantizar la reparación integral a las víctimas y la no repetición, allí radica la importancia de analizar los elemento transformador de los tejidos sociales en el postconflicto, se pretende analizar los avances legales, jurisprudenciales y sociales que procura implementar el Estado colombiano, para reparar a las víctimas y determinar si realmente las medidas tomadas logran cumplir los pilares fundamentales de reparación integral.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. JUSTICIA TRANSICIONAL EN EL MARCO DEL ACUERDO DE PAZ ENTRE EL ESTADO DE COLOMBIA Y LAS FARC 2. ESTÁNDARES DE VERDAD 2.1 LA APLICACIÓN DEL DERECHO A LA VERDAD EN EL MARCO DE LA JUSTICIA TRANSICIONAL 3. COMISIÓN DE ESCLARECIMIENTO DE LA VERDAD, LA CONVIVENCIA Y LA NO REPETICIÓN 4. DECRETO 588 DE 2017 5. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    Quantum Transport in Graphene Atomic-sized Contacts

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    This project will tackle the theoretical and computational study of quantum transport in graphene atomic-sized contacts. In this study, we will consider different scenarios, sizes, and shapes of the graphene electrodes and how they are connected

    Influence of the Compaction Pressure and Sintering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Titanium for Biomedical Applications

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    In the present work, the use of porous titanium is proposed as a solution to the difference in stiffness between the implant and bone tissue, avoiding the bone resorption. Conventional powder metallurgical technique is an industrially established route for fabrication of this type of material. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of compaction pressure and sintering temperature on the porosity (volumetric fraction, size, and morphology) and the quality of the sintering necks. A very good agreement between the predicted values obtained using a simple 2D finite element model, the experimental uniaxial compression behavior, and the analytical model proposed by Nielsen, has been found for both the Young’s modulus and the yield strength. The porous samples obtained by the loose sintering technique and using temperatures between 1000 °C −1100 °C (about 40% of total porosity) are recommended for achieving a suitable biomechanical behavior for cortical bone partial replacement.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the State General Administration of Spain grant MAT2015-71284-

    Els miralls no afecten de manera crònica variables psicològiques en dones que duen a terme un programa d’entrenament contra resistència o activitats passives

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    El propòsit de l’estudi va ser examinar l’efecte crònic de la presència de miralls en l’entorn en què es du a terme exercici contra resistència o activitats passives, sobre variables psicològiques d’ansietat fisicosocial (AFS), consciència corporal objectivada (inspecció corporal, IPC; vergonya corporal, VC; i creences de control de l’aparença, CCA); i sobre algunes variables de la imatge corporal, com la satisfacció amb les parts del cos (SPC), la silueta actual, la silueta desitjada, i la satisfacció corporal (SC). Van participar-hi 52 dones (edat mitjana 22,6 ± 8,21 anys), les quals van ser assignades aleatòriament a quatre grups experimentals: a) 25 min d’exercicis contra resistència al 70 % d’1 Repetició Màxima (1RM) amb mirall, b) 25 min d’exercicis contra resistència al 70 % d’1RM sense mirall, c) 25 min d’activitats passives amb mirall i d) 25 min d’activitats passives sense mirall. Les participants van fer una sessió setmanal de tractament, durant sis setmanes. No es van trobar interaccions dobles o triples significatives. Les proves d’ANOVA van revelar efectes principals del mesurament sobre la inspecció corporal (p = 0,04), sobre la silueta desitjada (p = 0,001) i sobre la SC (p

    Non-convex image reconstruction via Expectation Propagation

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    Tomographic image reconstruction can be mapped to a problem of finding solutions to a large system of linear equations which maximize a function that includes \textit{a priori} knowledge regarding features of typical images such as smoothness or sharpness. This maximization can be performed with standard local optimization tools when the function is concave, but it is generally intractable for realistic priors, which are non-concave. We introduce a new method to reconstruct images obtained from Radon projections by using Expectation Propagation, which allows us to reframe the problem from an Bayesian inference perspective. We show, by means of extensive simulations, that, compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for this task, Expectation Propagation paired with very simple but non log-concave priors, is often able to reconstruct images up to a smaller error while using a lower amount of information per pixel. We provide estimates for the critical rate of information per pixel above which recovery is error-free by means of simulations on ensembles of phantom and real images.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure